《(Dropped) The Story Previously Known as: NeoRealm - Staring back into the Future》Chapter 4 - Classy
Gah, college snuck up on me. Next week might see me disappearing for a bit. Thought I still had a week left but nope. Sunday I move into the dorm. *rawr*
Hmm, if we are going to look at the classes I guess a bit of grounding in how the system works might be in order. From what this book says there are only 6 base classes. While it does seem like a small number it looks like once you hit level 10 of a base class it goes through a variation and this is where things really spread out. Though looking at this book it appears that any time you get a new class your level goes back to 1. Luckily you don’t lose any stats you get though it seems that the level 0 points are probably going to be the only time I get to have so many points that can be allocated anywhere. Most classes after the base ones seem to only give 1 or 2 points a level if that. I guess this is to prevent too crazy a stat inflation. Anyway lets start looking at the Gunner class since that old fool back at the scout base mentioned it.
Class NameGunnerPoint Growth+2 Agi, +1 MF, +2 FreeBasic SkillsNameRankRanged Weapon ProficiencyBeginner 5AimBeginner 5HideBeginner 2Steady HandBeginner 2
The skills seem more interesting then I was actually expecting. Of course they follow the Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Master ranks with 10 levels each. It seems though that some of the generic ones actually don’t quite follow that. For instance the Ranged Weapon Proficiency once it would level up to Basic instead of doing that the skill will be removed and you will receive more specific skills. If you only threw knives then you would just get Knive Throwing Basic 1. On the other hand if you use a variety of weapons then you get skills for them all but at some level of Beginner in relation to how many and how much you spread your practice out. Also any of the skills which are basically all about system assist if you are capable of doing it yourself not only will you level up the skill faster but you get bonuses for not using the system assist. Aim is a good example as you get bonus damage if you’re actually able to aim yourself instead of letting the system do it for you. It also seems that even something like Aim can evolve into a variant depending on how you use it. If for Aim you basically only use it for long range or stealth shots it can evolve into Snipe. It seems that whenever a skill evolves you get a better bonus even if it back slides (the Aim to Snipe has the Snipe set to the rank before your current) but it covers less. Ranged Weapon Proficiency will basically give you a bonus to anything as long as you use it for a ranged attack including doing things like throwing a chair. Keeping that in mind it seems you can stop a skill from evolving so at least you can choose if you want it or not. Anyway next class to look at is Soldier.
Class NameSoldierPoint Growth+2 Agi, +2 Str, +2 VitBasic SkillsNameRankMelee Weapon ProficiencyBeginner 5Heavy BlowBeginner 5BlockBeginner 2DodgeBeginner 2
Soldier is an interesting class as its the only Base class that gives 6 points a level. Of course the downside is that you don’t get to choose where they go. Also if I had any desire to be a Martial Artist this is the one I would want to go with. If I focused on perfecting one weapon type then it would let me specialize with it and call me a Martial Artist. Sadly this isn’t what I want. When the book told me about the Martial Artist class I was interested but my view of a Martial Artist is one who can use anything they need to. With the class you don’t even get to choose what happens with your melee skill evolution as it instantly evolves it into a very specific one. Sure you get many bonuses but you would almost be worse at anything that isn’t exactly your weapon. If you used a straight bladed double edged long sword then even if you just try to use a slightly curved one or a sword with only a single edge you lose all the benefits. The class though is a good example of how no matter where you start you can do almost anything. If your weapon of choice is a dagger the bonus will actually count when you throw it. If you then continue to throw it and level up Martial Artist till evolves again you can choose a class from the Gunner’s class tree. But enough about that, onto the Pilot.
Class NamePilotPoint Growth+3 Agi, +2 FreeBasic SkillsNameRankDrive VehicleBeginner 5Vehicle WeaponsBeginner 4Vehicle RepairBeginner 4Light Weapon ProficiencyBeginner 1
This is the class I would want to start with if I wanted to drive around ships that can blow up small planets. Of course that is so far down it’s tree I don’t think any player has yet to reach it. Some even suspect that the specific class to do so is a hidden one that the big navies keep under wraps. This is also the class you want if you’re into mechs. Of course that one is most certainly a hidden class though at this point can you really call it hidden if anyone who wants to find it can? Next up is actually the other Base class with easy access to piloting mechs, the Mechanic.
Class NameMechanicPoint Growth+2 MF, +2 Agi, +1 FreeBasic SkillsNameRankRepairBeginner 5CraftBeginner 3Tool ProficiencyBeginner 2ScroungeBeginner 1
My personal opinion is that the Mechanic is actually the better class to go for mechs with as you make your own. This means that unlike the Pilot you won’t end up acquiring the ability to drive a mech yet not be able to get one. Also the Mechanic is the first class with a harvesting ability. Of course anyone can harvest things from the world. The skills for it though not only highlighted the resources but provides a system assist for harvesting the material and as mentioned if you don’t need the assist you get better material from it as a benefit. Anyway not one of the really interesting base classes, the Droid Master.
Class NameDroid MasterPoint Growth+2 Lead, +1 FreeBasic SkillsNameRankCommand DroidBeginner 5Repair DroidBeginner 5Craft DroidBeginner 1ScroungeBeginner 1
This is the only class which increases an advanced stat. Of course the downside is you only get 3 stat points a level. That aside we once again see the Scrounge skill. I didn’t really describe what it actually did as it sounds a little vague. What you get highlighted is parts which can help you with whatever you are currently repairing. It won’t help you find the parts to make a new thing at all but if you’re fixing something up it is quite the amazing skill. Another important note about this class is that it doesn’t have a single combat skill to start with. This might seem bad but what isn’t mentioned is that when you learn the class you are provided with the parts to make your first droid so you aren’t completely defenseless. The final base class though is the oddest. Now let me present the Civilian.
Class NameCivilianPoint Growth+4 FreeBasic SkillsNameRankChosen on class selectiondepends
First thing to note is that while you only get 4 stat points they are all free for you to choose. If it wasn’t for the skills this would probably be the best. Of course for a class called Civilian you don’t get the best of them. This is the class you choose if you want to be a crafter or a harvester. An example of this would be if you want to be an blacksmith. You would go to one and the skills you would get are metalsmithing, hammer proficiency, and heat resistance. Far as I can tell this class was the developers being lazy and not wanting too many base classes. There are some rumors going around that the better your teacher is the more skills you can get right off the bat. for instance if instead of just going to the local blacksmith you went to the planet's best blacksmith you could end up with things like sharpening, repair, or even starting with the actual skill blacksmithing instead of metalsmithing (the difference is a blacksmith handles hard metals like iron while a silversmith deals with soft metals like gold).
Of course you might notice that most of the classes seem quite low tech barring the Droid Master. Half of the problem is that I am currently on a planet with a tech level of 6. If it wasn’t for the starbase the best transportation they would have is a plane that uses rotors. I actually think some of the base classes actually have other skills if you’re on a higher tech planet. The other side of it is more a matter of being to low a level. While yes if you stay on a backwater planet like this you won’t get a more tech oriented class anywhere else with even half decent access to the net and you can end up riding around in a powered mech which has lasers and such.
Though now that I have a good understanding it all I have to actually choose one of the classes. While Gunner would be fun on this planet as it is I would be neutered. There isn’t even an inventory system so I can’t hide my guns when in town. Of course throwing knives are an option but you can’t ever really carry enough. I probably will hold out on ranged combat. Pilot also isn’t my cup of tea. I would rather just ride places instead of drive so that is out. Civilian is also out as I don’t plan to main a crafter and to be honest even if I wanted to I would want to be doing something like computers or some such. Droid Master is out because I want off the planet as soon as possible and having a droid would make it cost more. Of course even if I just ditched my droid I would need enough money on the next planet to build a new one. The Soldier class as I said sounded interesting and would probably be the quickest at earning money. Sadly I just don’t get a nice feel from it. Of course at this point I realize I have painted myself into a corner.
The Mechanic it is apparently. Luckily you aren’t stuck with the skills you start with. The biggest problem with getting new skills is just that it takes such a long time to get the first level. When you become a Droid Master just making one droid is enough to get the Craft Droid skill. You would have to successfully make 10 working droids at least to get the skill and even then you wouldn’t have the Command Droid skill so they would be somewhat useless to you. Even beyond that the rank barriers are harder to get through if it isn’t a skill that fits your class. A gunner who ends up picking up Pistol Proficiency later on in their career would easily be able to get it past the Beginner rank while a Civilian could end up stuck at the Beginner rank till something else levels up to assist it like getting Aim up there. Well I better go ask the librarian were I can learn to be a mechanic.
“Excuse me, I am a new traveller and would like to become a mechanic. Can you point me in the right direction?”
Librarian ~ “Well I can point you at the mechanic shop but it probably won’t do you much good. Still I guess it won’t hurt you to try. Assuming you came from the Scout Base it should be easy to find your way there. Go back towards the Scout Base and go past it. The next 4 way stop after it turn left and keep going till you see a giant garage. It is practically in the middle of the city so it is going to take a long time to walk there.”
“Okay, thank you for the directions.”
--- A couple hours later ---
Well that should be the place though the police presence doesn’t seem good. Might as well give it a go. I hope I don’t end up dieing even before I get my class.
Police Officer ~ “Halt, state your reason for approaching the Royal Mechanic shop!”
“I am a new traveller and would like to get the Mechanic class”
Police Officer ~ “Once you swear loyalty to xxxAlexanderxxx you may freely enter. Be warned all official Mechanics have been consolidated by the Ruler so any attempt to circumvent this restriction will be dealt with harshly.”
“Ah, I assume you know what it takes to get out of the scout base then”
Police Officer ~ “Yeah, sorry about this kid. Well, good luck with finding another class. Though I wouldn’t try for Droid Master. That was locked down last week. In fact you better be quick or you might get stuck here for a long while as you can’t earn much as a Civilian.”
“Well thank you for the heads up.”
*I hang my head a bit and turn around to leave. Out of the corner of my eye I notice a shadow move in an alley which seemed to be a person. With a quick glance I confirm it and note them pointing at a stop a few blocks down. Heading there I keep my head down and make the turn. Once I have gone down the road to the first allay someone grabs me and pulls me into it.*
Stranger ~ “Shh, If you want to be a mechanist still I might be able to help you. To clear the air I must admit that I have been following you since the library. Dile liked your Oath. He said it showed a good mind which is quite rare for you travellers. My task was to observe you and see what you ended up deciding on and potentially help. You actually chose the one class which I can help you with quite easily. The Twat in charge corralled up all the official mechanics. Figures that if a rebellion can’t repair its equipment they are finished. Luckily there are a few unofficial ones out there. At this point though to learn the class you have one option. Head to the forest outpost and go to the blacksmith there. He used to be one of the better Mechanics before he lost his family to a mugger. Just tell him Dile’s mystery friend pointed you towards him and he might teach you. Anyway I am now going to release you and disappear. You never heard what I said and I don’t exist. Luck to you then Traveller.”
*He lets go of me and I don’t even hear footsteps but I assume he has already left.*
With this at least I can get my class. Still this is going to take 2 thirds of my money so it is a one way trip till I can earn some money. The only safe way to the forest outpost is by a special underground train. Planes are in danger of being taken down by flocks of vicious monster birds. Well better make my way there. Daylight is being burned and I don’t have a place to stay in the city.
Bit of an info dump on how classes and skills work. Some things not mentioned is a more in-depth on what the rank bottlenecks are and the cost to level them. Basically each new rank moves the decimal point on what it takes to level though that is highly simplified and it tends to be more case by case. Also each class has a max level at which it will always evolve into something new. While it isn’t mentioned certain events can let you evolve a class sooner though you can hold off and it will appear as an option for your next class evolution. Because you get quite a few stat points from a base class people with one tend to take the wait option.
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