《You, Me》Chapter 20


The next few days Qingyun Sect face a dilemma. Many disciples were being killed even Mo Qingfan was injured severely and is bedridden by the dragon beast. He have no other to say beside asking Mo Qingfeng to look for Wan Qinxiu to turn him in or else their sect will perish and if his friend is more important or his father and sister. Mo Qingfeng was faced in a dilemma. He does not want to betray his best friend after all he helped him a lot in the past. He also does not want his sect to perish because of him. He does not know what to do. The beast kept hovering over Mt. Qingyun destroying the sect and he was taking his time in torturing the sect.

At that moment, he sent a letter to Wan Qinxiu, to all sects, and to the Heaven Realm. He wrote a letter to tell Wan Qinxiu of the event happening to Qingyun Sect and ask for help while he sent letters to the other sects and realm that Wan Qinxiu will be there so if they want him they will have to get him themselves he will not assist them.

“What if it is a trap?” Lan Shuixin ask Wan QInxiu in a worried tone.

“I am sure Mo Qingfan has no other way I will not be mad at him if it is a setup… I understand,” he said dishearteningly. Deep inside he knew this letter very likely is a set up but he can imagine the troubles of what Qingyun Sect is going through so he is not that mad just disappointed. ‘In this world… I just want a peaceful place to be in… but there are no place for me in all three realms…’ He sigh, ‘Perhaps, I shall disappear in this world…’

Nightfall came and Wan Qinxiu snuck into Qingyun Sect. He headed to Mo Qingfeng’s quarter and saw him drinking all alone by himself at the table. Before he left to Qingyun Sect, he already druggist Lan Shuixin to sleep. He does not want Lan Shuixin to be in trouble if it really is a setup. He walks over to Mo Qingfeng and calls out his name, “Brother Mo, I am here.”

Mo Qingfeng turn around and saw Wan Qinxiu. He grew in a daze and continue drinking wine, “Brother Wan, why did you come knowing it is a setup? Do you blame me?” He said as tears drop down his face, “I am a bad friend. You shouldn’t have treated me so well. I am sorry Brother Wan I have no other choice.” He weeps in pain.

Wan QInxiu looks at him and smiles comforting him, “I understand Brother Mo… I don’t blame you.” Mo Qingfeng stood up and ran out the door, “I’m sorry Brother Wan!” Then he took off running and weeping as he ran off into the distance for how far nobody knows. After he took off, all five sects and headmasters appear readying to take him down. Their expressions are like bloodthirsty waiting to eat him alive.

Wan Qinxiu leaps out the window and found the Heaven Realm’s Great General Wang’s heavenly soldiers in the air reinforcing the sects. They were waiting for his appearance and he finally show up. Wan Qinxiu knew what was coming for him. He was prepared for it. Then he saw the dragon beast from afar and on top of the dragon sat Mu Yuhan waiting to see the show. ‘For me he would go this far? He is crazy.’


“Kill him!” Li Mugui Kunlun’s sect headmaster shouted pointing his finger at Wan Qinxiu. ‘Heh, at last I cannot wait to see you die a horrible death Wan Qinxiu! You embarrassed me long enough!’

In a flash many disciples head over with their weapons attacking Wan Qinxiu, but to his surprise, Lan Shuixin came at the nick of time and casted a spell to block hundreds of their attacks. Great General Wang pointed his weapon at Lan Shuixin, “Prince Lan Shuixin! If you help the outsiders then you are consider an enemy of the Heaven Realm!” He gave him a warning.

Lan Shuixin did not budge, “I will not betray my benefactor and I will protect him at the cost of my life!” He retaliated. Mu Yuhan looks from afar and find it very interesting seeing Lan Shuixin becoming the enemy of both Heaven and Earth Realm. He sure is enjoying the scene. ‘Why is he protecting an unknown man that just happen to saved his life once? How boring…’

Wan Qinxiu grabs onto Lan Shuixin and teleported them away to a distance away from the sects. He helps Lan Shuixin up gently, “Brother Lan…” Grest General Wang takes out his spear and attacks Wan Qinxiu. He notice and took out his sword and cross blade collide with Great General Wang’s spear. This sends the Earth shaking and heavy air forces were unleashed for a few hundred miles away as they collide sword and spear. As expected of Great General Wang. He was not the Heavenly Great General for nothing. His weapon can shake the world in fear and make one submit to him.

Wan Qinxiu uses his internal forces to push Lan Shuixin away for a few meters so he wouldn’t get injure by their cross blades. Lan Shuixin looks at Wan Qinxiu and Great General Wang. He takes out his sword and flew in to fight against the Great General Wang with Wan Qinxiu. All sects just stare looking to see who will win in the end. They dare not interrupt such a heavenly being and powerful being even they do not dare to go against such heavenly being. Mu Yuhan watches the show and smirks, ‘I never knew this is so interesting… If I knew I should have used you from the beginning Xiaolong.’ He thought but sigh, ‘On the other hand… I might as well forget about trying to make Physician Wan submit to me… seems like he would rather die than to submit to me. How pitiful…’

The battle of forces gone on for about 1 day and 1 night with both forces grew exhausted. Lan Shuixin and Wan Qinxiu grew very exhausted after battling Great General Wang for so long. The battle of forces and powers are no laughing matters even Great General Wang have exert tons of powers and forces out that exhausted him to a certain extent. He realized his reinforcement has arrive. He retreat to recuperate. It was the princes that came. The crown prince Lan Moxin grins evilly, “Brother if you willingly go back with us, we will ask father for forgiveness and he will overlook this matter and not punish you.”

“Lan Moxin, I’ve made my decision to not part with Wan Qinxiu. If he die then both of us shall perish together,” Lan Shuixin said not flinching.


Wan Qinxiu turn to look at Lan Shuixin and ask, “Brother Lan… Why? Why are you willing to help me and stay by my side?”

Lan Shuixin reply, “In this world only you treats me best along with Ah Mi. I will never betray the two of you.” He said passionately with a little sadness realizing that day may be the last for them. His eyes got a little watery as he looks at Wan Qinxiu.

Wan Qinxiu noticed his watery eyes and he smiles sadly, “I won’t let you die Brother Lan even if I were to perish.”

Lan Hongxin, Lan Wuxin, and Lan Yuexin looks at Lan Shuixin and Wan Qinxiu. They pitied the both of them. They have no heart to hurt their own brother. Lan Moxin laughs wildly, “Look at this cut sleeve couple! Isn’t it sad? But do not fret brother, you will not die but he will die! You two will never ever be together even in life or death!” He took out his sword and attacks Lan Shuixin and Wan Qinxiu. His sword was a divine sword that unleashes severe internal forces that not many can withstand his sword. Lan Shuixin sparred with him before so he knew how deadly the blow is. He blocked the blow for Wan Qinxiu, but to his surprised he didn’t feel hurt anywhere. He opens his eyes and turn around and found Wang Xiaomi blocking the blow for the both of them.

“Ah Mi… ah Mi!” Lan Shuixin cried as he realized Xiaomi sacrificed herself to block the blow for the both of them. He yells wildly, “Ah Mi!” His eyes got red looking at Lan Moxin. Great General Wang was devastated as he saw his own daughter being slashed right in front of him especially by a prince and he couldn’t do anything about it. He cried, “My daughter!” He was getting furious. He was so ready to kill the both of them for Xiaomi.

Wan Qinxiu was shock looking at Xiaomi, “Ah Mi…” he calls out to her name passionately, “Why?”

Xiaomi only whispers, “Brother Wan… I cannot find my sister so as long as I can protect you it is like I’ve already protected my sister…” She whispers grasping for air. Wan Qinxiu pushes Lan Shuixin aside and grab onto Xiaomi and cried, “Ah Mi! Wake up!” He cried out loud. Mu Yuhan looks at the sad scene and sigh speaking to Hei Bai, “Is this also part of your plan?” Hei Bai shook furiously, “No Prince! I didn’t know she would interfere!”

Wan Qinxiu embraces Xiaomi in his embrace and he looks at Lan Shuixin. He quickly cast a spell to freeze Lan Shuixin and also created a barrier to protect him from any incoming attacks. He stood up and looks at Mo Qingfeng whom was at a distance and whispers, “Kill me…” Mo Qingfeng looks at him and knew he wanted a quick death. Mo Qingfeng without another word took the initiative to flew over and stab him on the chest giving him a death blow. “Thank you Brother Mo…” Wan Qinxiu said smiling with blood flowing down his mouth. He push the sword and turn to look at Xiaomi, “Ah Mi…” He fell and grab onto Xiaomi and slowly carry her with an injured body. Xiaomi knew the income of the battle. She really wants to see how Wan Qinxiu looks like so for the last time she slowly reach out to Wan Qinxiu’s mask as Wan Qinxiu carries her heading to the cliff. She removes the mask and was surprised, shock, and also happy. With not another word she died with a smile on her face. “I am your sister Xiaolian… Let’s go… I won’t let you go alone…” She said as she felt Xiaomi have left the world behind already. Lan Shuixin froze but can still see what’s going on. He tries to break free but to no avail her magic is too powerful. ‘Ah Mi… Xiaolian…’ He cried in his heart for realizing it too late. In the end he can see, but what is the use when he couldn’t save anyone. He was really sad and heartbroken in that instance moment as he watches Xiaolian carrying Xiaomi to the cliff.

Xiaolian walks to the cliff with Xiaomi in her arms and with one last glance at Great General Wang, “Father… please take care daughter is unfilial and cannot serve you in the older ages you are to become.” She said with tears, “You and mother threw me away thinking I’ve died but I survived… I was brought up in Dark Realm where I was trained to be a killer when I was trained with powers and martial arts but was just another weapons of others. They’ve tortured me days and nights for so many years. I thought I can finally roam free by coming to Earth but I was wrong… Even the Earth Realm seeks my death… This place have no place left for Ah Lian… Ah Lian and Ah Mi is leaving first,” with that she jumps off the cliff to their death together as siblings.

Mu Yuhan watches the scene and before he can grab onto Xiaolian, she already jumped off the cliff to their death. He grew furious and commands, “Search for her! SEARCH FOR HER!!!” He quickly jumps down the cliff after Xiaolian. ‘I finally found you I will not allow you to leave me again! How can I be so stupid to not realize you were him?!’ His heart grew heavy. The dragon flew to the bottom of the cliff and search for the two bodies but there were no bodies found. He weeps out his heart out yelling at the top of his lung like his heart, pain, and life depended on it making the Earth shakes as if the whole universe can hear his cries and pain he’d gone through…

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