《You, Me》Chapter 6


Lan Shuixin finally went to pay respect to his father upon his return. He bow and greeted, "Father, I am back." By now, his father probably found out he was gone during the wedding, however, the Emperor did not scold him at all upon seeing him. He looks at Lan Shuixin in surprised. After the incident, he never saw this son of his in the hall ever again, but however, he actually came to greet him after months of bed resting. He was not mad, but still feel regrettably as he cannot do anything to help his son.

The emperor grins happily and said, "Son, you're back! You're willing to come see father now and you walked here!" He exclaims in excitement. It almost brought him to tears. He feel as if his son has regain his past image back. "Did you find anything interesting on your way to visit Earth Realm? Did anyone bully you or make things difficult for you?" He ask worrying about him.

Hearing that his father is full of tender care, Lan Shuixin smile and shook his head replying, "No one is making things difficult for me father, on the contrary, I met a few friends. I was able to stand here today because I met a physician whom have truly great knowledge of medication. He helped me greatly." Upon hearing this, the emperor was quite surprise his son makes such special remark on someone. He nods his head and ask, "Who is that physician? Maybe... perhaps we should invite him over," he came up with an idea, "If he is really that great that can cure you, I'd like to meet him and give him my thanks. Ah Xin, you should invite him over I can reward him anything as long as he can cure you." The emperor thought that if the physician is that powerful, he wanted to invite the physician over to cure his son. On the outside, it is invitation, but truthfully, he wants to keep him captive until Lan Shuixin heals completely.

Lan Shuixin understand the underlying message and said, "Father, I will visit him next month for the next dosage so no worry. I believe he is a man of his word he will not go back on his word. He does not know my identity as well it is best not to tell outsiders that I visited Earth Realm lest it capture the attention of Dark Realm. It is safer to keep it secretive." He does not want to make things difficult for Physician Wan. He cannot return his great kindness with salt.



"My Lord, Lan Shuixin was spotted in Earth Realm!" A guard in black outfit bow down and kneel before Mu Yuhan, "Our subordinate saw him when his boat tipped over revealing his face. And the woman next to him also seem to be Wang Xiaolian." He reported in.

In front of the guard, sat a handsome man in black robe so handsome that with one look, it's hard to look away. He is like a handsome Asura whom rose from the dead coming to claim the lives of people who've wronged him. He had a cold and expressionless face. He raise an eyebrow and repeated the name, "Wang... Xiaolian?" He had on a confusion face and ask, "Why is she with him?" He went back to pick up his book on the table and continue reading, but couldn't concentrate any further, "How can she be with him?" He slam the book down on the table furiously.

The guard nods and continue, "Yes, Lan Shuixin was rescued by Qingyun Sect and an unknown man, they called him Physician Wan. Physician Wan also had his hand on Miss Wang's waist. He caught her intimately when she was going to fall into the water," he added and made it sound so vulgar not knowing this upset Mu Yuhan already, "The assassin failed in their mission eliminating Qingyun's top swordsman Mo Qingfeng with just one move. It was too fast, we do not know what hit him or whom the blow came from," he added in details, "It was so fast, he did not last a couple of second, my lord I find it very suspicious. Mo Qingfeng is so powerful, I am afraid we have to get rid of Qingyun Sect as soon as possible."

Mu Yuhan listen attentively and thinks for a while before replying. He sigh, "Hei Bai, find out who Physician Wan is and where he reside. He dare to put his hands on Wang Xiaolian which really upset me. Send some beasts to Mount Qingyun and make things difficult for Qingyun Sect and if it is possible, order the beasts to eliminate as many Qingyun Sect member as they can," he commanded calmly, "I don't believe under the supervision of Heavenly Realm, they'll let demons cause havoc. It is a great idea to lure Heavenly Realm and maybe Lan Shuixin might just come forward and offer himself to me." He had on an evil grin. He glare at Hei Bai with a cold eyes.


Hei Bai bows respectfully and obey his command. He disperse into the thin air in the dark. Mu Yuhan continue to read his book, but then the name 'Wang Xiaolian' pop back into his head, "Why are you with him?" He ask but nobody answer him. He feels impatient at this moment as if he couldn't breathe. He feels uncomfortable knowing Wang Xiaolian is somehow with Lan Shuixin. He had imagination of Lan Shuixin and Wang Xiaolian together but he quickly shook his head to disperse his thoughts.

For the last 6 months, he have been dedicated himself to learning martial arts and powers. He did not pursue matters of the heart. He completely changed from the him before. All his subordinates still follow him but found him completely changed. He was no longer soft hearted. He does not care about his parents and took a different approach to life, which his subordinates find it better for him to not get involve with romance as this does hinder him from reaching their goal which is to overthrow Earth and Heaven Realm. They wanted to govern all three realms. He thought if he become stronger than her then he can protect her. As for the time being, he did not dare to go look for her because he thinks he is not powerful enough. He improved tremendously if he were to spar with Wang Xiaolian even he does not know if she can beat him. He learned a lot for the past 6 months under the same master that taught Wang Xiaolian. He grins and only mutter, "Xiaolian... wait for me..."


Physician Wan sent a letter by bird carrier to Mo Qingfeng. He suggests them to hold a Battle Competition consists of all 5 sect; Ermei Sect, Kunlun Sect, Monk Sect, Dao Sect, and lastly Qingyun sect. It was for their safety in case the Dark Realm already got a word from the other night already and it is for the safety of Mount Qingyun. If many sects are present, then they can help assist with ridding of the demons if they dare to approach Mount Qingyun to cause problem. Mo Qingfeng handed the letter to his father, Mo Qingfan, sect leader of Qingyun Sect. Mo Qingfan nods as agreeing to the letter asking his son, "Qingfeng, who is this friend of yours? I agree with him. It is better to take precautious measure. Let's listen to him and agree to hold a big competition to allow anyone who is interested to enter the competition. The prize for the winner must be great to catch people's attention," he said thinking. He sat in his chair thinking.

Mo Qingfeng sat a chair lower than his father and nod, "You're right father... so should we open to just the sect or anyone whose interested?" He asks again for clarification, "Shall we ask for a Heavenly Guard for supervision in case things go array? It is safer to also notify the Heaven Realm of this so that way we can get their support and protection." He insisted with his suggestion.

Mo Qingfan looks at his son and laughs delightfully, "My son, you're all grown up now. Now you have a brain of your own I am very proud of you and yes you are right. I will send a message over to the Heaven Realm and this competition shall be open to all regardless they are from a sect or not. The more people come the better it is." Then he had an idea and said, "I'd like to invite your friend here as an honorable guest when the time come and also as a judge of the competition so make sure he come. Regardless, this is his idea, we cannot do him wrong."

Mo Qingfeng nods, "Father, you're right. I will send a letter to Brother Wan as soon as possible. I am sure he will be here as long as I ask." He added, "Father, you were so busy. Brother Wan have visited multiple times but you never had the chance to see him because you were too busy with your work," then he warn, "But father..." He press his lips together and didn't seem like he wants to continue. He take a deep breath and finally said, "Brother Wan may look vulgarish on the outside, but he is a kind-hearted person and he is very knowledgeable... I am afraid when you see him, you may not like him. He is a Physician and yet he likes to wear red and a gold mask..." He stops and waiting for a reply from his father.

Mo Qingfan shook his head, "It is fine. If my son can trust him, why can't I trust him?" He gave him a reassuring expression and smile. Mo Qingfeng had a sigh of relief and can finally be at peace of mind.

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