《History's Strongest Disciple Fanfiction》08 Fenrir
Today I almost lost an eye, while Sparring with Shigure, but I can tell that my Mind's eye and Seikuken, had a qualitive advancements in the past two days after I started these spars. I can't say I have learnt much, but at least it beats basic training.
Also that bastard Niijima is too good at hiding, every time I'm about to find him and ask about Kisara he disappears, I'm sure he does it on purpose, but once the month ends, I'll go ask her for a date again, this time I'm going to do it slow and steady.
Today Mustach Guy Akisame and Shirahama Kid went to get some herbs or something, My two masters decided that It wasn't wise to train today and gave me a day off. Thus I went to that road where the Kittens used to be, two of the five kittens were gone, but the three remaining were still as cute, I left them some food and left.
After a while Kisara appeared, she was surprised that someone had alredy fed the kittens, but she didn't mind as much, until she saw a letter next to the box, the kittens were trying their best to claw it into shreds, but their little claws were weaker than paper, even more surprising it was adressed to her.
"I heard you were part of this deliquent group called Ragnarok, if you tell me to join, I'll join, but personaly I think you should leave the group, they're not very good at what they do, their leaders are sloppy and their minions weak, Yashin"
Kisara shomped her leg in fury and went to write a reply, full of fury.
The next day I skipped out on Club in order to go see her, if she was where I saw her every time, but she was nowhere to be seen, I then went to see if she had gotten my message and was pleasantly surprised.
"Dummy, Idiot, I'm one of the leaders in Ragnarok and even if you came to me I wouldn't allow you to join, if you think you're that strong go fight with Odin, he'll wait for you in three days at X location at X time"
I wrote a reply and left happily after feeding the kittens, these kittens are really my lucky charm. I rushed to Ryozanpaku to do training, today Apachai roared as the fight went on for at least an hour, I was beaten to near death, but I wanted more, I wanted to become stronger. A pity I'm not a Sayan, growing stronger after being beaten to near death but I can already feel it, I'm this close in mastering the Seikuken.
Kisara passed to see that the box with the kittens had a new letter inside.
"I love the way you cuss, tell Odin to wash his neck, when I defeat him, I await a reward, a date would be nice, I miss your beautiful eyes, can't sleep without dreaming about you, Yashin"
Kisara took the letter and left, she didn't imagine that Yashin whom she suspected was also Kensei's disciple would think so lowly of Odin. After all Odin had been Ogata's disciple for much longer than him and because the duel was just a hoax, she hadn't told Odin anything about it, so she had to make something up on the spot.
Ryuto Aka Odin was sitting in his chair, reading reports when Kisara gave him a call.
-Odin A guy called Yashin wants to duel you at X place at X plot, he think's he's strong
-Have you tested him?
-Not, but he is your fellow disciple, so I thought you knew him
-I had heard that master Ogata had taken in another disciple, but the disciple was excommuned due to being a failure, if you're talking about him, I'll play with him, you said X place X plot, can we change it, I have a test that day and can't skip class
-I'll ask him
-Wait, are you able to communicate with him?
-Sort of
-Then tell him that if he loses he will have to Join us
-It'll be done...Bang
Kisara slammed the phone on the table, this situation made her feel as if Yashin was right, were her superior was an Idiot?
The next day Yashin once more skipped club to go and see the kitten box, the letter inside was different than his own, thus he knew that she had sent him an answer, but the hungry kittens had ruffled up the envelop. I read the letter which was fortunately mostly in one piece.
"You fearless bastard, Odin wants to change the time and place of your meeting, at first he thought you would chicken out just by hearing his name, but now he wants to fight you seriously meet us tomorrow at X time in front of X school"
After bying another envelop I wrote my answer.
Kisara punched her desk really hard in class as the letter I had left her yesterday lay on said desk.
"My precious Kitten, I'll be anywhere you want me to be, don't forget to come as well, I've really missed you, forever yours Yashin"
I at the time simply skipped class, it was important to be ready for battle, I wore my black turtleneck and jeans, made myself as presentable as I could and put my knives and shurikens in their appropriate places. Shigure would be proud of me as I sure made lots of progress. A pity that the scars from the wounds she gave me needed some time to heal.
Kisara did her best to arrive on time for the event, it was early, but everyone was there, all 8 fists were there, Odin, Berserker, Freya, Loki, Siegfried, Hermit, Thor and Kisara were all there, waiting for the challenger.
Kisara didn't even remember how he looked, it felt weird, but she could only partially remember his voice.
From afar and right on time, a young man with long black hair wearing a black turtleneck and jeans was approaching their location.
As he came closer, she could only gasp in shock and terror, it was as if a wild animal was walking closer and closer to them, there was a suffocating aura around him, something that should only exist in fantasy novels, something that only masters should have.
There was weird unexplainable fear, as if her mind was telling her to run away, that this man was too dangerous.
Loki was looking at him with Interest, while Berserker's fist was shaking, there was desire for battle in him, Hermit, looked uninterested, as if he had seen similar people before.
-I didn't expect that you could become a master in such a short amount of time
-Are you Odin? the one I must defeat in order to go on a date with Kisara?
I didn't even wait for his answer as I saw the Goddess herself, as pretty as I remembered her, she stood there, seemingly lost in her sea of consiousness, I rushed towards her and got kicked in the face as she tried her best to distance herself from me like an angry cat jumping around from fright, showing her claws.
The others were dumbstruck, as nobody but Kisara knew the context of this duel, after all she was the one that set it up.
-I don't know what you have planned Kisara, but I will not lose to anyone, You should really think of a better way to betray us!
-Wait, I'm not betraying...
Kisara's voice sounded distressed, but suddenly everyone froze in their place.
-What did you say four eyes?
-I said that I won't lose to anyone, even if you are a master
-You know something I thought it was strange how the place of the duel you proposed was changed and even the conditions, but we had a deal with Kisara, If I lost to you I would join Ragnarok, if you lose, she will go on a date with me, so weapons or no weapons?
-What do you mean?
-Are you an idiot, I'm asking if you use weapons or not, I don't want you whining afterwards that I only beat you because I used weapons
-You sound sure you can defeat me
-Kisara could you hold these for me
I gave her my knives and shurikens, which I first bundled, didn't want her to get cut by mistake, those things are quite sharp. The others looked at me rather dreadfully, not knowing what this was all about.
I walked towards the one calling himself odin, he had short blue hair and wore glasses, his suit looked expensive and he wore white gloves for some reason.
He was already on guard, I attacked swiftly, he looked at me as if he was bitten in the ass, I was holding his glasses in my hand.
-You should take those off while fighting or buy some sport glasses
-You talk too much!
The guy punched I think, his attack was so slow that I simply slapped it away, it was nothing like Master Hopachai's or Shigure's attacks, while sparring with them every mistake could be lethal and although they held back, their attacks would skill easily kill any regular person.
"Odin" seemed as if he had lost his soul or something, Of course I didn't know this was his super move called Gangnir, that was supposed to never miss, if he had told me maybe I would have evaded it or something, but right now all I knew was that the guy was just standing there, looking into the void as if contemplating his life or something.
-Look do you surrender already so that I can have my date
-I lost?
-Are you slow or something, of course you lost, the only reason you are standing is because I can't control my strength too well, you should also go have your arm looked, it might have broken or something
-What is it now
-Will you join us?
-If Kisara wants me to join you
Everyone's eyes were on Kisara, out of them Odin was the strongest, but even odin wasn't able to take on this guy, they had high expecations or their future plans if he joined them.
"You win! I'll go on a date with you, but don't expect that I have become your girlfriend or anything, It's only because I lost the bet!"
Everyone fell to the ground like in the anime, when someone says something real stupid, at the moment Kisara's mind was so focused on the date that she had completely disregarded everything else, she hadn't even heard what was going on.
But Odin had a crooked smile on his face as Kisara and Yashin left for their first real Date.
It was awkward, only now that they awkwardly sat in the cafe one across another did she notice the multiple scabs on his face, seemingly made by a blade.
-Are you curious about these wounds, you see I thought that in order to be your boyfriend I had to be strong, so after Master Ogata left me I went to a dojo where Master Hopachai and Shigure begun training me in the arts of Muay Thai and Ninjutsu
-Right, what's next will you begin walking on water?
-Not yet, but I can walk on walls, it's hard, but totaly worth it if you want to scare someone or escape
-Are you serious?
-Here come I can show you
She was rather surpised as she saw him walking on a vertical wall as if it was the ground under them.
"Give me your hand"
She did it without thinking but he dragged her up and held her in a princess carry as he begun to walk up the wall, she was scared shitless as they went higher and higher on the 8 storeys high building.
-Are you shitting me, what sort of technique was that?
-It's really hard to do, but the view from here should be better
She looked around to see the sunset in the distance, it wasn't anything too beautiful, but still it was something.
"You know I thought I could resist it, but sorry"
The kiss under the sunset was followed by a swift slap, it wasn't even a good kiss, but she felt furious about it even happening.
-Take me down, I'm leaving
-As you command
He took her in his arms and jumped, she screamed all the way down, around a few seconds, and even as he hit the ground she was still hugging him, like a cat, unwilling to fall from a tree.
"We're down already, sorry for scaring you"
I looked at her but she was unconcious, her hands still gripping at my shirt and legs frozen in a rather weird position.
I carried her home, mostly because I still didn't know where she lived, I hoped that she would wake up at some point in this small trip home, I even went to feed the kittens to buy some additional time.
My mother felt strange seeing me bringing an unconcious girl home, I introduced Kisara to her and told her that I was going to the Dojo, but my mother scolded me so loudly that even Kisara woke up.
-Where am I?
-At my house
-Abduction, after the kiss, are you going to rape me?
-Wow there, my mother might misunderstand, you fainted when we went down the building remember!
-I remember, you stole a kiss and then grabbed me and jumped off a building
"You did what"
My mother begun to scold me and I had to show Kisara my more pathetic side, I was weak against my mom, like most people in the world. Kisara was rather happy with my misfortune, but I could feel a weird jealousy in her eyes.
-Shouldn't you call your parents so that they know you're fine?
-No, It's fine, they don't really mind me coming home late, sometimes I think they don't even care about me
-Have you had Dinner yet?
"But I have practice at the Dojo"
-You can always go to the dojo another time, by the way Kisara, are jeans like that in fashion or something?
-That, well it's because I like them more this way
-So what do your parents do for a living?
"Mom you'll scare her! either way I'm going to escort her home"
-That's a nice Idea, I hope the two of you can get to know each other better, this rascal doesn't even know your home number
-That's, a bit complicated
"Mom we're leaving"
I took kisara by the hand and in a princess carry, before I was piggybagging her until home. My mother was looking from the window as we left, it was good that she couldn't see Kisara punching my chest, telling me to let her down.
-Haven't you touched enough already?
-Look I know I might come as a bit too agressive, but If I'm not you will just turn around and disappear from my life and I don't want that to happen
-A bit agressive, you couldn't even wait to know me better, what do you know about me, I'll tell you what, Nothing! Ukita has a better chance with me and he's as dumb as a brick!
-Who's Ukita?
-An Idiot I know
-So I have a love Rival, then I have to be even more agressive in the future
-Do that and I will slit your throat!
-Dying by your hands will be my greatest happiness
-Romance aside, lets talk about business, what's Ragnarok?
-Didn't you have some Dojo to go?
-That, why don't we go together, I'm sick and tired of that Shirahama Kid and Miu showing off all of the time
-Shirahama? Do you by any way mean Shirahama Kenichi?
-You know Shirahama Kid?
-Not really, it's just I owe him a debt and I want to pay him back
-Sure, just follow me or do you need a piggiback
-Is it far?
-Around the corner
-Then I'll go another time, I'm not in the mood now to kick his sorry ass
-Do you want me to beat him up for you?
-Hell no! I only want to test how strong he is, my guys will do that for me, probably in a few days or so, but there's a tiny problem you can help me with
-Sure I would do anything for you
-Then Join Ragnarok, the Nicknames are rather stupid, something from norse mythology or something
-Is there a Fenrir?
-Nope, what's that?
-The wolf that will eat the Sun
-It sounds better than mine nickname, Valkyrie
-So you're the maiden riding the skies that brings the souls of the dead to valhalla?
-Your explainations are strange, you know you're strange, I feel like you don't belong in this world, at times you act like a complete idiot, but othertimes you're okay to be around
-Don't you know, all men become idiots and asses when they are in love
She kicked and punched, trying to escape my grasp as this kiss was longer and after some time she stopped resisting, I felt her tongue in my mouth, it was weird, but I hoped this moment could last forever.
After the kiss there was a tear in her eye, She shouted "Asshole", showed me the finger and walked away really angrily. But as she left, there was a smile on her face, which I of course could not see in the darkness, all I saw was her figure disappearing into the darkness.
Today I was in no mood to train, the full moon above made me want to Howl!
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𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗧𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲: Transmigrated as the Stepmother of the Male Protagonist in a Campus Story (TSMPCS)𝗥𝗮𝘄 𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲: 穿成校園文男主的后媽𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿: Lin MianMian𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻⤵︎Jiang Jinjin transmigrated into a book, a campus story and became the stepmother of the second male protagonist, and throughout the text, the description of this stepmother is very little, with a rough estimate of no more than two hundred words.The male protagonist was sixteen years old this year which was the most rebellious period in a person's life.The male lead's father was thirty-nine years old this year, mature and refined, self-sufficient and unfathomable.He was not someone she can handle, so she slipped away.Jiang Jinjin, who was very self-aware, was obsessed with money under the identity of Madam Zhou, but she didn't expect that along with money, she had to manage the father and son at the same time.Jiang Jinjin was stunned. Does father and son have some kind of weird habits. Obviously she only treated them as her tools.📌 Description from NovelUpdates.📌 All Rights Reserved to the Author. 📌 MTL Translation
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