《History's Strongest Disciple Fanfiction》03 Blooming Flowers
I woke up in the morning, once more by the familiar sound of my alarm clock. This time I was simply happy to be alive, if you ask why I didn't think yesterday was a dream or nightmare, well the bloody sheets of my bed and the ache in all my muscles made it evident that it was no dream.
I had no time to rest however, I had to go to school, first I had to take a bath, during breakfast, my mother and father looked shocked, when I asked what was up, my mother told me to look into a mirror.
When I looked I couldn't believe the person inside was me, it was as if in one night the scammer had done plastic surgery on me or something, my mother also wanted to ask Master Ogata if it was possible to have a lift.
I had no time however to worry about all this, I had to go to school, I packed my bag and rushed to school only to end up having to stand outside with Shirahama Kid and Violent Miu. He even mocked me that I should study more instead of caring about outside appearances, thinking that I was late in order to look better, it was the greatest embarassment yet.
I tried to stay as far away from the lovie dovey couple, but in reality I'm so jealous. Today however will be different, today I'm going to score, I'm planning on buying flowers and chocolates and apologize it will be the beginning to a wonderful relationship.
Wait, what did the Shirahama kid say, Violent Miu wears fake glasses, well that's unexpected, she said something about looking like a normal student, but I know the hidden truth, she's probably doing so because people don't hit people with glasses and think they're weak.
If you ask why it's so, well it's simple, because glasses are expensive. If you break them it's not as easy as buying new ones, as if bying a new t-shirt or something. Glasses are made especialy for the person with a doctor's prescription and are most effective for said person.
Thus people with glasses have an unsaid advantage, people avoid hitting their face on purpose, at least most people, bullies included, because breaking someone's glasses is no different than stealing money from him and while it's impossible to prove the second, the first is quite easy to assume and since the sum will be considerable their parents will be called.
After class the teacher asked me if I had decided on my club activity, but I wasn't sure yet, I told him that by tomorrow I will be in a club. It was a promise that I would come to regret in the future.
In a hurry I went to a store to get flowers and chocolates, I took a regular box, since my mother said that a heart box will make her feel awkward again.
I went to the place where I met her every time and as expected she was there, when she saw me, with flowers in hand it, I felt like seeing a wild cat hissing at me. I did my best to try and keep my laughter inside.
Before she had the chance to kick me I already had a text ready.
-I'm sorry for inconviencing you last time, I really wish to know more about you
-Is this an apology?
-Yes, I'm really sorry, the first time I saw you I fell in love and I know that I acted like an idiot
-Next time bring me money if you want to say sorry and I don't know...I'm off
I think it was a good change of pace, it's working...but
"I almost forgot!"
She said as she returned and begun to kick me, as if pending up her frustration, and puting the flowers on my upbeat body, as if it was my funeral.
-Next time don't bring flowers, I don't eat flower
-Can you at least tell me your name before going?
-Not in the mood, now die!
It was the first time that I wasn't knocked unconcious, she just got tired of me and left while eating the chocolates, she seemed rather happy and satisfied with herself after pillaging my wallet for all the change remaining from the flowers and chocolates. Making me feel unsure whether is was a good or a bad choice not to have spent too much on flowers.
Her smile as she left however was dreamy, I hope to see her again, but our relationship seems to be mostly based on the size of my wallet.
When I returned home all bruised, while holding the flowers, my mom was sitting at the table with "Master" Ogata, him flattering her appearance, making me wanna puke.
"What happened to you, did you do something stupid again and got beaten?"
When I explained how things went, my mother seemed really angry.
-Son this girl is no good, she's probably going to ditch you the moment your pockets are empty, we're not rich and unless you get into a good university and find a good job, you can forget about her, If you make it into a good university, then you can have hundreds like her at your feet
I was shocked, like a little boy I wanted to screem that I want her, I don't want hundreds. No sound however came out, until it was "Master" Ogata's turn to speak his mind.
-You're not right, my lady, some people live less happy lives than others, but in this world the strong can have anything they like, money, women, cars, just say it, If your son follows me after school to Yami, money for him will be nothing
-Is it some famous firm?
-Its even better it's a Multinational behemoth, that has a branch in every country of the world
-Sounds amazing
-Didn't I say so, it's like a traditional martial artist association, where as long as you're strong you can have anything you like
-Is it dangerous?
-Walking in the steets is more dangerous than joining our organization, the streets are no longer safe to walk, people driving while drunk, yakuza members trying to bully common people, once he joins Yami, he will have the chance to travel all over the world, meet people, live the life that any parent would like for his child and of course provide for his parents as well
-Then I have to thank you Master Ogata in advance, I've already registered Yashin for the rhythmic gymnastic club as you have instructed, here are you clothes Yashin and tomorrow you start
I wanted to die, why did that scammer had to do this to me, as if it wasn't enough to dislocate all my bones he even wanted to destroy me socialy.
I glared at him, but he smiled as if he was having the most fun in his life, the scammer was really good at his work, I knew that if I tried to reveal his scam now it would be too difficult and since he's cruel, he might even be part of the Yakuza, maybe Yami is some branch of theirs or some subsidiary.
-Now that you've eaten, off to training, I will leave my son in your competent hands Master Ogata
I was shocked to the core, this heartless mother, selling her son to the Yakuza. I sweated bullets as I couldn't even imagine what further torture he would put me through.
"I've given your mother a special diet, which you will have to go through and since the closest to gymnastics your school has is Rhythmic gymnastics, I can't imagine why they don't have regular gymnastics, but it doesn't matter, here's how it will be I will teach you the warmup and steps, as well as leave a manual with all the steps listed step by step, since your body has healed from yesterday's effects we can go a step further, I will now begin relocating you pressure points, it's a lot more painful that it sounds, I have to move some muscles and lastly even your heart has to be moved, but you're really lucky to have a teacher like me, It will only hurt until tomorrow"
I wanted to scream, but to my shock I kind of expected this to happen, as to what he did, it's better not to know, one thing to say is that he did a surgery without any tools at all, ripping muscles and tissues appart in order to make sure that they were in the right place.
Tears were rolling down my eyes as I saw my skin open with bone and muscles visible to the eye, while ropes were holding me in place.
This was something beyond what martial artist should do, the man was like a mad scientist creating his monster, I felt like dying, but for some reason I felt elated at the same time, the greater the pain, the more I felt alive. Hours passed and it was now midnight, there was a bucket full of what looked like meat and fat.
-Now all this can be given to the dogs, you are now the perfect martial artist, all that we have to do is wait for a week for you body to completely repair itself
-I can't feel my waist
-You don't need to, what you need to do now is abandon the material world and begin the spiritual journey, once the path of Asura begins you can either succeed or fail, you have three fellow disciples, one of them has already failed to reach my expectations, the other two are still following their paths
-Are you serious
-Shut up and listen, this world is more than the eye can see, there are people that can do extra ordinary things, like punch through walls, move at the speed of light and even play with a person's very mind and soul and it all begins with the Mind's Eye!
We stayed up all night, I'm terribly sleepy, but "Master" Ogata has already begun to to teach me more and more of his esoteric knowledge, a lot of bs, if you ask me, but less painful than being ripped to pieces.
The sun is up and only now did I remember that today is Sunday, hopefully there's no school, because if there was everyone would be horrified by my appearance, I'm no different than a mummy right now, covered in bandages and only my eyes visible.
-Mister Ogata you weight loss program is amazing, but shouldn't we ask a leave from school?
-No, I assure you as long as he eats what I've prescribed, by tomorrow he will be as normal as it gets.
I looked at the table that was full of strange materials, most of them uncooked. Most of them roots others green herbs and plants I have never seen before.
-This will be your breakfast this whole week, your mother will be making you lunch as well which you will be taking with you for school and for the whole week you are not allowed to fight, if someone hits you even by mistake you will be heavily injured
-Master Ogata, why not just letting him rest this week then?
-You don't understand, this is part of his training, he's already begun to walking the path, this period in his training is essential, if you don't push a bird out of its nest, it will never learn how to fly and become a cripple, do you want your son to become a cripple?
-God no! Yashin, from now on no fighting and at least for this one week try to avoid that girl you like so much
I didn't even have the chance to say yes as I wanted to puke just by putting one of those herbs in my mouth, it was like eating bitter dirt, not even the ordinary one, it's like someone pissed on the dirt and put in in your mouth.
My mother was however watching me with her googly eyes full of hope, I had to take this mouthfull down.
"Master" Ogata was seemingly enjoying the show, as he probably knew how bad these things tasted.
-Bitter medicine is the best
-But why Garlic?
-Believe me without the Garlic, you won't survive today's training, by the way your mom will be helping us as well
I had a bad feeling about this Sunday training. After the hell that they called breakfast we went outdoors, If you have read about invisible man, that was whom I was right now, My mom was holding a long ruler, her assistance to the training was that she had to hit me with the ruler, anywhere on my body, but the stomach was fine.
-Now close your eyes and remember about what we talked about yesterday, everything begins with the Mind's Eye
-Is this really necessary?
-Please don't disturb him, the main point that we begun all this was so that he could defend himself, if I was the one striking at this essential for him time, I might injure him, but you are his mother, I'm sure that you will not overdo it and he has already been learning from me for three days
-Then Yashin, we begin now!
I saw the ruler moving towards me, it was a rather simple trajectory, but due to my fear of getting hurt I could only dodge. My mom seemed happy that I dodge it and begun to swing the ruler around as if it was a sword or something, It was really tiring, my mom however seemed even more tired than me, it has only been half an hour, but to us it seemed like hours.
Mom asked for a break and the teacher took the ruler, taking her place, this time the ruler was moving even slower, but suddenly it would explode in power, I lost my step and fell on my butt.
I could easily avoid any of mom's strikes, but this bastard's strikes were really different.
After this strike, "Master" Ogata told my mom that she could go and that he would take on from now on, after all she had already seen that her son was in "no danger".
This is how my nightmare begun, I had to predict his movements, move faster and faster and of course make sure that he doesn't touch me.
Because when he did, the pain was unbearable, I felt as if the weak plastic ruler was made of metal or something, but I had to move as another strike was coming my way.
Again and again the strikes landed, but with each strike and with more pain, I became faster and faster, my mind worked at extreme speeds, I felt as if all the blood in my body was beginning to flow the oposite direction, it was painful, but so exhilarating.
I found myself wanted more, I wished for the ruler to strike faster and harder, but at this moment the ruler stopped.
-You're enjoying this a bit too much, I've lost interest and congratulations, you have learnt the Inner Eye and even touched upon my hidden technique on your own, if you continue using it, you will probably die
I begun to sweat bullets as I begun to feel the backlash from the technique I had just used, I puked blood and fell to the ground supporting myself in order not to hit the ground.
I was bleeding from head to toe.
"Now you should eat your lunch"
I could have kissed the bastard as inside the lunch box there was delicious red meat and rice, it was the perfect birthday present, until he gave me a second box and ate the delicious lunch box by himself. Mine contained boiled potatoes, roots and veggies. At least the potatoe were edible, the rest was bitter and tasteless.
-Now that you have learned the Mind's eye, you have to master it, there are two ways to use the Mind's eye, Prediction and Movement, Sei and Dou, Yang and Yin, the prediction allows you to see what the eye cannot perceive, like the movement of the air or the ripples in the water, Movement allows you to evade, to master the Mind's eye, you have to predict and evade, alternating the Yang and Yin
-Wait, isn't Yang Action and Yin Inaction?
-No, Yang is the Heat and Yin is the Void, if you feel the heat, you can escape to the void, if you ask me which of the two is stronger, then I will say non of the two, because it's like having the strongest shield and the strongest spear, both are useless against one another
-You're making no sense, Everyone can tell that the one with the spear is at the advantage, all he has to do is walk around the shield, the other has no weapon, at some point the man with the shield will fall
-How naive, you don't understand the principle, thus resort to sophistry, do you even understand what the shield represents, it represents life and the spear represents death, as long as you strive to live you will never die, only when the will is weak, will the heart give up
-You're making this up, right?
-Whatever, lets get on with your training, just try to predict and then burst with power, alternatively every time you use both, there will be a break and you will feel the same pain as before
I failed again and again, but each time I lasted for longer, as time passed I got used to using this so called Mind's eye, mostly instinctively, but problem is that at times I still fall to my bad habit, due to my weird masochistic tendencies puking blood as a result.
"Enough! you are good enough for now, unless you face some martial artist, like your little girlfriend, you will be fine"
I gulped some saliva as I was exhausted, but his words made me rather angry, she wasn't my girlfriend, yet.
-Next I will explain why you have to go to the Rhythmic gymnastics Club, we will begin with stretching exercises, you will follow my movements to the letter
At the beginning it was your average stretching exercises, but as time went on I was more and more shocked by "Master" Ogata's flexibility, but even more I was impressed by my own ability to follow his movements.
After we finished with stretching came the jumping part, at first it started with some light steps like a ballerina jumping off the ground, it was rather simple, but the height each jump took me upwards was insane, it was as if I had suddenly become a bird. next was overhead jumps and Pirouettes, they looked useless but rather fancy.
"You're not a ballerina put more strength in your feet!"
I wanted to puke blood, we were fucking doing balette moves, what on earth is he saying?
"Now kick!"
I was shocked as it was the first time I was unable to follow his movement, to my surprise, every seemingly silly dancing movement had something going behind it.
"See that's why I told you to use more power in your legs, from the beginning you haven't done even one move to a satisfying degree, it's a pity that our training time is over, now go back and do your homework, also don't forget to study the path of Asura, you're still too far from the right path"
The rest was just boring homework, the guy didn't bother me at all and it will probably be the first time I have a good night's rest, although dinner was disgusting.
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Shadowrun: Blake Island School of Magic
It's a high tech, low life. It's the Seattle Metroplex in 2074. It rises like a steel and concrete cancer out of the earth. Poverty is rampant, corruption is everywhere, crime is out of control, corporations basically control everything, the old United States is fractured, magic has come back and now it turns out that humanity has been joined by elves, dwarves, orks and trolls. The old world ended but the rent is still due. Life goes on. You'd be surprised what people can adapt to, especially if they don't have a choice. One of the places where life goes on is just west of Seattle. Surrounded by the waters of the Puget Sound is an island. On that island is the Blake Island School of Magic. A decade ago it was known for producing some of the most talented awakened in the world. That reputation was hijacked by the wealthy corporate elite who now park their teenage children there. And since it's a boarding school, their parents mostly forget about them. Three young people, who are certainly not wealthy or elite, are chosen this year to attend this school of magic in hopes of revitalizing their reputation for talent. One from the ash drifts of the Puyallup Barrens, one from the most densely populated slum hive in the world and one from prison. This is their story. -- This story is set in the Shadowrun universe. If you're not familiar with Shadowrun, it mostly tells the stories of deniable mercenaries called shadowrunners in a cyberpunk dystopia. Instead of telling another story solely about shadowrunners, this story will tell the tale of young people navigating a world that is indifferent to them at best and actively hostile at worst. Shadowrunners will be in the story and we'll see them operate, but they won't be its main focus. This story originally began in 2017 as a passion project and continues to this day on the Somethingawful.com forums. The unedited version is over a million words strong. There are currently seven books in this series and I am currently in the process of editing them. If you read this story then you won't lack for content. -- The Topps Company, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun. The Topps Company, Inc. has granted permission to the Blake Island on Royal Road to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with Blake Island on Royal Road in any official capacity whatsoever.
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Saga of the Jewels VOLUME ONE COMPLETE
Prefer to listen to rather than read Saga of the Jewels? I'm also releasing it as a free audibook serial podcast on iTunes here! Epic YA JRPG-influenced GameLit progression ensemble-cast steampunk romance fantasy! When Ryn’s hometown is destroyed, will he be able to gather together the twelve Primeval Jewels in order to defeat the evil Emperor and save the world of Mid? A fan novelization of an amazing Final Fantasy game that doesn’t actually exist, that currently releases at least one chapter a month. Epic in that this will be very long. “It’s a marathon, not a sprint!” (-Kandaj) YA in that this should be enjoyable to~13-year-olds and upwards. Some gore, some swearing, some sex, but nothing more than PG-13. JRPG-influenced / GameLit in that it uses lots of JRPG tropes, particularly from Final Fantasy. I’ve read a lot of fan Final Fantasy novelisations and you can basically think of this as a fan novelisation of its own Final Fantasy game that doesn’t actually exist as a game... Progression in that the characters level up over time (though not with visible litrpg stat boxes). They grow in ability through training and experience, gain new skills, individually and as a party (think Chrono Trigger) and spend time discussing and stratgeising about how to defeat their opponents. Main protagonist from book three would definitely be able to defeat himself from book one! Ensemble-cast because we've got quite the roster of misfits here. The first volume is all from the main protagonist's POV, but it starts dancing between his and different POVs thereafter. Steampunk in that we’ve also got airships, steam trains, pistols and ambiguous ‘amber bars’ that function a bit like artificial lights… Romance in that there is lots of shipping here, a few love triangles, and you may be kept guessing as to who will actually end up together... Fantasy in that we’re in a vaguely pre-modern setting. We’ve got swords, magic, dragons, dungeons, monsters, all that good stuff. * "This story captures that Final Fantasy quality perfectly. Kiddy but also grim. The characters are great... Severely underrated and needs more favorites/follows. I look forward to seeing how this story will unfold." -Gilgamesh9999 "Starting at the end and jumping backwards is not a writing style seen every day. I'll admit, I was a bit skeptical at first, but you've executed a fairly crazy idea very skillfully so far. Overall, a strong start to what could be a very strong story." -RandomFF.netUser "You definitely have my interest piqued. It'll be interesting to see where the story goes... It definitely has an 'old school Final Fantasy' type feel to it, which I appreciate...Good job! I am glad you are going into more details about the story you laid out in the prologue...of course the big burning question is 'You know they lose in the the first chapter, so how will they end up winning?' That of course, is the story you're writing...so we'll see how it goes! #Following." -KyleQuicksilver (quotes are from reviews on other sites) * If you enjoy it, don’t forget to boost Saga of the Jewels on topwebfiction.com! [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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Izuku's Game
At age 13, he met his idol. All might has always been the light shining into the darkness for Izuku. He thought meeting the man would be forever engraved in his memory as a momentous occasion... And it was. But not for the right reasons. Because Izuku asked his question. And the answer brought him to his knees. "No" At age 13. He gave up. He stopped everything. No martial arts, no gymnastics, no schoolwork. No analysis. He was tired and broken by this system of bigotry and discrimination. So he quit... Put down his notebooks, shut his mouth, and slept with his eyes open. He'd seen the dark side of the world and turned his back. Until it came.
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