《History's Strongest Disciple Fanfiction》01 Shirahama Kid
Martial arts, in ancient times martial arts were the cut of a sword or the thrust of the spear, today, they are but combat sports with rules and restrictions. Maiming or injuring your opponent will disqualify you, unless of course he's suicidal or something and jumps into your fist by himself.
There are many martial arts now in the world and I'm what people call a martial arts fan, Movies of Bruce Lee and Kung fu, wrestling, boxing and MMA. Even Kendo and Sumo are interesting to watch, everything has a charm to itself, seeing the people compete so seriously, of course all that is not martial, it's simply competition, there is no great danger as they know what to do and what not to do, not like in real life.
Once more had to change schools, because of bullies, it wasn't exactly that I was bullied, it was because I was bullied and fought back, both the bullies and me having to explain why we were all beaten up.
Both having to suffer the punishment for our actions, at first it was a simple say sorry to each other and give hands. Next it was a one day suspension, then it became two, as for the reason, it was because I beat them up the first time, the second time they brought friends only to beaten up again.
Truth be told if I held my punches I would just be told off or something, but that would also cause me to get beaten up by them, as they say the fist has no eyes.
My name is Yashin and this is a story of how I got my ass kicked by a girl.
Unlike some people I love to be punctual, I wake up early, go to school and wait until the bell rings. Since I'm new and all I had to report to the principal, so that he would tell me which class I would be in.
It was funny now that I think about it, because I had no idea where the principal's office was.
The School was really big and I felt lost, thus I decided to ask a weird girl if she knew, why I called her weird, it's because she acted as if I was going to eat her or something, completely lost for words. Later it turned out that she just didn't know, we were lucky that a teacher was passing by, when I asked him he told me to follow and she followed behind.
"So you are also our new students?"
The teacher asked rather enthusiasticaly, mostly because both of us were well dressed and ready for school, although we didn't have books yet, but all in due time I guess.
"By your grades I can tell that you are both good students and will fit well with the others"
He said as he led us to a classroom instead of the principal's office.
"You're both in class 1-E and I'm your homeroom teacher #$%#@"
I didn't catch the name, but no big deal, after all I will be seeing the man regularly, at some point I'll probably remember it.
After we entered the classroom, someone begun a monologue outside the door, something about who's in greater pain or something, well probably some idiot, so I just ignored it.
Moments later however I was shocked because the teacher threw the board eraser at the guy, the seemingly kind teacher seemed really angry with the tardy guy, probably it isn't the first time he's late.
The teacher told him to stand outside of the classroom as punishment, well he wasn't so late, but whatever, the teachers make the rules, he's probably a repeat offender anyways.
The guy however was insuferable, his eyes were glued at the poor girl, he's probably a pervert or something, although to his defense her three sizes are quite good, although I personaly like them firm.
"Her name is Fuurinji Miu and this is Soryu Yashin"
Moments later he threw a bucket at the "Shirahama" boy, at least that' what he called him. I don't know why the teacher had a bucket of water under his desk, but I'm not one to judge, well at least it was more interesting than my previous school.
The rest of the classes were rather mundane, the Shirahama boy was just sitting there minding his business and nobody even approached me. Although the Miu girl was really popular, well I don't really care either way.
After the classes the homeroom teacher took us to the principle, whom informed us of the school rules and minor details. Next our homeroom teacher asked us which club we will join, since all students unless they had some special circumstances had to join one.
I was shocked to see how many clubs our new school had, my prior school only had some sport clubs and they mostly sucked. People would just gather to socialize and chat, nobody playing, even the supervising teachers were lazy, only coming once in a while to see if we were causing trouble or not.
This place was like paradise, of course I would have to see the clubs before selecting one, while Miu had already selected her club, it was rhythmic gymnasics, well it was rather surprising to tell the least, I didn't expect the shy looking girl to be into that kind of sport.
I went to see the karate club, but I lost interest imediately, mostly because that shirahama boy was there, but also because he was visibly getting bullied by the others and used as a punching bag.
One of the guys even asked me who I was, but I just ignored them and walked away, I don't want to get involved with idiots, after all I have a golden rule, never strike first.
If you strike first you can't say it was self defense, can you?
The second thing that ruined my paradise was the elf or rather goblin that approached me asking to be friends or something. I ignored him, but he kept yapping and yapping about how strong other people were and some plans and whatnot.
Next I wished to see what the boxing club was like, but they didn't have training today, the same with the Judo club. Although if everything fails, I'll go to the track and field team.
As I was walking some bastard, threw me off balance and slammed my head into the pavement. This was crazy painful, I looked at the culprit and the first candidate was the Shirahama kid, but the one apologizing was Miu.
Normaly I wouldn't even think before fighting back, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, thus I decided to test whether it was really her or not.
One punch KO, She blew me away, planting me into a wall as if this was some sort of anime.
I hit the floor moments later and in blind rage charged at her. Probably to people that don't know about martial arts those fancy acrobatics where a person jumps over one's head look amazing, but to martial artists, they are dogshit, why jumping over one's head to evade, it makes no sense at all, it gives you no advantage at all as well.
She just jumped over my head and evaded the grapple, it was rather funny now that I think about it, because I ended bumping into the Shirahama kid.
I tried to turn around, but he grabbed my shirt for some reason, saying something that men shouldn't fight with women bullshit.
-You know something Shirahama kid, you're a pathetic sexist, both men and women are equal, there are as many weak guys as women out there, not everyone is strong and not all women are weak
-But...But...I'm Kenichi
-Miu, we will have another go some other time, I don't want to spoil this innocent's child's naive thinking
Miu was lost in thought and begun crying, many people gathered around and begun badmouthing me, truth was I didn't really care what they thought, I never did, maybe that's also the reason why I was never popular.
Nethertheless I think that this school year will be interesting. I was heading to our new home when I met "her" for the first time, short red hair, a green cap, a short red t-shirt and terribly sexily ripped jeans.
I felt as if I was in love, my eyes couldn't take off from this strange girl, she was coming closer and closer. I was a bit anxious and lost, I didn't know whether to ask for her name or something, should I be proactive or...
Before I could decide however, a kick landed between my legs, it was painful, but I felt as if this was a chance to get closer to her.
She called me a creep and a pervert and that I should just die as she begun to stomp me, as if to kill me. I knew at that moment that I was in love, the more she trashed me the more sure I was about it.
She was about to leave, but to her surprise I stood up as if all the beating I had just taken was for nothing, this was the power of love and a really stupid decision on my part.
"Could I know your name?"
I asked, before she went on to beat me some more, but this time it wasn't as one sided, although I ultimately lost, but not without having a taste of the goods. It wasn't because I'm a pervert, it just happened, well alright, it was partly intentional, I just couldn't help myself from going after the weak points, it's essential in martial arts after all.
She threw three quick kicks, it wasn't to a point where one couldn't see them and although catching one wasn't easy, I still caught that completely naked leg, that had almost crushed my balls some time ago, the feel was really smooth and silky, so tender that I was paralyzed, before getting a kick in my face. She was about to leave, but I stood up once more breathing haggardly.
"I wish to know your name"
This time, she actualy spoke to me in an angelic voice, saying the most naive cuss I have ever heard "Fuck you!" while giving me the middle finger.
I woke up much later, my clothes were dirty and ripped at places, my face had bruises all over and my wallet was on the floor in front of me, devoid of all my pocket money which I had painstakingly collected over three years.
I however felt more alive than ever, I didn't care for the money, I didn't care about being beaten, I only had her image in my mind and her last words.
"Next time you see me hide, because If I see you in my territory again I'll destroy you"
"I really want to know why you didn't fight back?"
Suddenly a voice came out of the dark, a person wearing a white cloak as if he came out of assassin creed or something appeared.
I looked at him with curiosity at first, but after seeing how roughened up he clothes were I could tell that he was probably a beggar or something.
-I've got no money
-That doesn't make sense, the girl whom beat you up looked real happy with the contents of your wallet
-Listen man, I don't know who you are, but don't say things that might be taken badly by other people, that girl is an angel and One day I'll marry her
The man went out laughing as if he had now heard the most funny joke in history. I begun to bark insults at him, but it only made him laugh harder, insulting me back, calling me a weakling and other pathetic insults that only those without a brain throw around. At some point I stopped caring, at least I had a home to go back to, the poor beggar had most likely lost his mind or something.
"Wait! "
The beggar's voice sounded menacing for a second, since I had turned round, I couldn't see the look at his face, but I could feel chills down my spine as if the temprature suddenly dropped.
"Did you just Pity, Me!"
At hearing his words I snapped...
"Old man, I know you're homeless and probably have to beg for food, but beating up a person in order to get into a jail cell for the night is simply stupid, you can just go punch a police officer, it's much faster"
"Wait, what?"
The beggar seemed confused for some reason.
-See I'm sorry that you have to live in that alleyway, but I've got no money to give you for food, lets do it this way, follow me to my parents' house, when I tell them your situation they will probably let you eat dinner with us
-Are you serious? You think I'm some sort of homeless beggar? what gave you that impression?
I didn't even have to answer as I pointed at his bandaged feet, he was wearing no shoes at all.
-I think you're misunderstanding something, I'm a professional martial artist, I can kill a man with my fist
-And where do you live?
-An abandoned werehouse, look, that's not the point
-What do you eat?
-I hunt for food, but listen
-How much do you earn?
-The world is not all about money, the Powerful rule and the weak obey
-So you live in an abandoned werehouse, hunt for food in the trash and don't earn a single coin, that sir is what we call a homeless person
-I'm a professional martial artist!
-More like a martial artist as a hobby, since it earns you no money it's not a profession, if you join the army then you're a professional soldier, if you join a dojo and do tournaments then you're a professional martial artist, if you kill people then you're a professional Assassin, so what are you again
-Look boy, I don't care what you think, if I want something I just take it, that girl for example if I lusted for her I would just beat her up and take her
-So you're a professional gangster, don't look like one to me though, you don't even have any gold on you, must be a really weak one, like those beggars that work as informants in those martial arts novels
-Kid you're really trying my patience
-Shut up man, you're the one that's trying my patience, just because the girl I liked beat me up, doesn't mean that you have the right to insult me and then her, real martial arts were created to cripple and kill your enemy, all of you professional martial artists are wimps that use rules to twist the meaning of martial into civil sports, if you want to go talk about professional martial artists, go to a sports club, I just came from school and their karate club was a bunch of bullies that just used a weakling as a punching bag to feel strong, that's martial arts today!
The man froze for a second and then begun to laugh, but I'm seriously late for home and my parents might get worried.
-Hey homeless martial arts person, if you still want to eat you should follow me home, I'll explain to my parents some crap about thugs beating me up or something, you tell that you saved me and get a free meal
I don't know why but the beggar was laughing even further, but still followed me home. I was sure all that laughing mustn't been too good on an empty belly.
When we reached home I was betrayed.
-Sorry to intrude my lady, my name's Isshinsai Ogata, I'm a traditional martial artist, when I was passing I was saw your son getting mugged by a girl around his age, so I followed him home to ask you if you would like me to teach your son how to defend himself. It's free of charge and all he has to do is become my disciple, you see in traditional martial arts the master selects his disciple, not they the master
-I don't know, he's already a bit unruly and in his previous school he was the strongest, causing him tons of trouble, will it help him control himself and not fighting?
-Absolutely, because I will be teaching him real martial arts, I assure you he won't dare to harm another person(out of fear of killing him)
-That's wonderful, but it can't be free and we want to see if your facilities are safe enough for our child
-No need, I can give him home lessons, I can even help him with his homework, so that he won't stay behind in his grades(although he will get bags under his eyes from depravation of sleep)
Suddenly the dad desided to intrude into the conversation.
-I don't know, I saw an old dojo opening nearby, maybe it would be better to leave it to professionals, how was it called Ryuzanpa-something
-You mean "Ryozanpaku"?
-Right, see even the man has heard, it was also very big, meaning that it has lots of people practicing inside
-I advice against it, everyone that has come out of that dojo comes back with bruises and their grades go to hell, I myself studied at "Ryozanpaku", they will teach you the best martial arts there are, it's the best place to learn combat sports, but not real martial arts, we at Yami believe that martial arts can be a bane to society and violence brings only violence, thus we teach our disciples how to not starts fights at the first place, believe me your son has talent and the spirit of a real martial artist
(as well as the mouth of a politician, I'm sure that in a few months you won't even hear the word fight from his mouth)
-But boys are boys, they will always fight
-He lost to a girl, his age, shorter than himself, he even asked me to lie to you that he was mugged by thugs in order to escape the shame
-It's reasonable, as a man, he wouldn't want to injure a girl
-That's exactly why I'm here, martial arts aren't all about injuring your oponent, you can disable a person without causing bodily harm, you can evade, parry and defend, thus you won't get hurt
-Do you hear that son? Sounds like Master Ogata has you covered, but was she pretty at least?
I was dumbfounded, are my parents idiots? they think a homeless beggar is a martial arts expert, although I agree that he's a big scammer, he even got my parents to offer to pay him for lessons.
-Since we all agree, then It's best that we begin lessons tonight
-Isn't it too late?
-On the contrary, People only need 4 hours of sleep in order to rest, the great Napoleon whom conquered half of europe, only slept 4 hours, I understand what you think, children need sleep to grow, but medicine has proven otherwise, let me show you my other disciples, this is Ryuto, Sho and Rimi, they grew like champs, they were also bullied or tended to fight a lot, but with my help they have found their own path in life
-The girl looks amazing and the guys look rather fashionable and trendy, but how about their growth
-Don't be afraid, I've been a teacher for more than ten years, if you are not satisfied after the first month, I will leave, truth is I don't even need to be paid, I'm doing this because I see the potential in your son of becoming a great martial artist...
That night was a nightmare, once my so called teacher came to my room, he forced me to stand in horse stance while he begun to browse through my PC, I was most embarassed when he found my martial arts file. Especialy the one about ninjas.
My horse stance failed again and again, but he wouldn't even let me rest, it was good that I didn't have books or homework for tomorrow, because if I had I would be too tired to read or write.
-Stand up, do you think girls like weak guys, I see you like the art of stealth and ambush, listen I'm not trying to insult you, but real men fight head on, once you have mastered that, you can go learn whatever tactics you like.
-I can't go anymore
-Stand up, do you wish me to call your parents and tell them that you have porn on your PC
-But I don't
-Now you have
-Fuck you!
The bastard had changed my screen saver into a pair of bouncing boobies, as a man I felt arroused, as a person I felt angry, at him, at my parents, at myself, my mind however then wondered to the image safekept in my mind, my first and only love.
I did my best to stand up and took the horse stance once more, once this is over, I'll totaly kill this guy.
- In Serial239 Chapters
Epic Of Bee
[♡volume 2: Epic of Bee: Swarm Wars is starting♡]
8 575 - In Serial6 Chapters
Broken Kaleidoscopes
What if someone told you that there were dimensions alongside ours? Innumerable and impossible to even fathom. That no normal man could ever hope to understand, or even find a way to peer across the everdistant parallels that pervade the multiverse? Now, what if that same person told you that there existed a race that lived outside all dimensions? A race so powerful that, instead of being forced to play along with the rules of your own dimension, they could rewrite all aspects of reality with only a thought. Of course, you would laugh at them. I did too. Then I broke reality the next day. Pictures are not mine. Man Silhouette: https://clipground.com/male-silhouette-clipart.html Universe: https://www.gazeta.ru/science/2017/03/28_a_10598741.shtml
8 216 - In Serial57 Chapters
Protected by BTS
Instead of writing "Y/N" I'm giving you a name; however I will be using "you" pronouns. I just dont like typjng "Y/N" lmao it's too tedious.Kyung Mi Sun is a 17 year old genius. Graduating high school at 15, showed just how smart you were. You were also smart with technology and were a great hacker. Besides all of this, you were nothing but a normal civilian. Sure you illegally hacked in order for your benefit but only menial things such as watching unrealeased movies, same day shipping, etc. One day, this all changes and your whole life becomes entangled with the mafia. You're soon put under protecting by a notorious group of mobsters only known as BTS.
8 195 - In Serial28 Chapters
What would happen if shesshomaru and inuyasha'a big sister was to wind up in naruto? Read to find out. I do not own inuyasha or naruto.
8 268 - In Serial22 Chapters
rosekook prompts.
Short drabbles and/one shots about Park Chaeyoung and Jeon Jungkook as themselves coming from real life theories/moments.
8 125 - In Serial19 Chapters
I Am One Of Them Now (Antisepticeye x Reader)
Hi I'm Y/N and I'm just gonna sum it up quickly for you. My life sucks!!! I ran away from home and got kidnapped and now I'm being tortured be a demon! The worst part is I kinda know him... I had a crush on him...A/N hello this is my first fanfic so don't judge to harshly! I don't own Antisepticeye. The summary above is only for like the first 3-4 chapters btw, I ain't spoiling the rest... I've got big plans. Oh and before I forget I'm not adding any lemon, beg all you want I'm not writing lemon sorry. Anyway I hope u enjoy the story!!!! Bye!!!🏅#10 in Antisepticeye x reader tag
8 197