《I Just Want to Live a Peaceful Life!》Please Help Me! I'm Scared!


"Uguwah! Uhruh! Uhruh!"

I could fucking hear them trampling the trees behind me as I made a run for it.

"Oh my fucking God! This is fucking- Eeeh!"

A loud crash splintered the tree just ahead of me, sending wooden splinters and bits towards me.


"Fuck off! I don't want to die!"

I dove to my right as one of the Orcs sent his club crashing down on the spot where I was just standing. I wanted to piss my pants right now but I had to roll to my side just to avoid another clubbing.

"Ugruah! Waguhaa! Wahrag!"

Their deep, beastial voices echoed across the forest as I stumbled to my feet.

"Tch! Eat this, you fucking-"

I threw a stone I picked up from the ground at one of the Orcs.

It only pissed them off more and they were soon charging at me.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"


I'm fucking crying right now as I swatted away the branches in front of me. Sure, I could respawn if I die but I don't want to experience getting vored by some ugly, green, brutes.

Another swing behind me sent a large spike flying near me. I managed to dodge it, but it tore up my right leg pretty badly that it sent me curling up in pain on the ground.

"Gah! Shit! My leg!"

"Urh! Uruah! Uruah!"

The ground shook as they ran towards me, their deep and gutteral roars and howls filling the air as they approached. I couldn't believe that I am slowly crawling away as a bunch of large, green monsters steadily closed the distance between us.

I couldn't even move my tight leg due to the pain and the amount of blood I'm losing yet here I am grasping at the grass and rocks in a futile attempt to get away.

"Urrrrr... Karuah if'n Giyah!"

I could hear the orcs talking as they surrounded me.

These fuckers are watching me crawl on the ground like some insect.

"Eat... Eat this! Motherfuckers!"

With the last of my strength, I grabbed a piece of the tree that blew past me and threw it at the Orc to my right.

"Urk! U-Uyua! U... U..."

The Orc suddenly started grasping at his throat before collapsing. The Orcs and I just looked at the unmoving body, blood pooling beneath it.

That... that was pretty fucking surprising.

"Urkiya! Urkiya uhy kanliuh!"


Holy shit, they're lifting me by my left leg! I could feel my blood rushing to my head as I looked at the three Orcs as they huddled around me.

At this point, I'm too weak to even put up a fight. I just watched as one of the Orcs pulled out a large knife before approaching me.


"Illyria, if you hear me... I'm gonna want an explanation for this later."

"Dugur kha' Urkiya!"

I don't know what they're saying, and I don't really care anymore. I already died once, what's wrong with dying another time?

"I hope it will be quick."

As the Orc raised his arm and aim, I braced myself for my inevitable death.

The Orcs around me suddenly started shouting loudly. I don't know why since my eyes are closed but the one holding me started flailing me around. At one point, my shoulder was smashed against a tree and that made me open my eyes to see just what the hell are they doing to me.

But the moment I did, I immediately fell flat on my face and I heard a soft thud beside me as well followed by wet sensation of droplets.

"Fireball! Fireball! Fireball!"

A voice rang out from behind me as I rolled to my side in pain. I came face to face with the chopped off limb of the Orc holding me and I immediately crawled away towards a tree.

"Jin! Take out the one at the back! Olivia, cast buffs on me!"

I looked around for the source of the voice, only to be charged at by one of the Orcs.


I cussed out as I flung myself to the ground, just barely avoiding the charge of the Orc. The tree I was resting against was immediately wrecked as the Orc's muscular body made contact with it.

The pain in my l eg made it hard, but I fucking did my best to stand up and run for my life. I kept putting pressure on the deep gash on my thigh as I limped away, but a moment later I heard the Orcs groans and growls as it looked around for me.

"Lightning Bolt!"

THe hairs on my head started going up, like the time I played around with a tesla coil. A moment later, bright light flashed beside me and blue electricity shot forwards towards the Orc behind me.


The sound of flesh crackling made me turn around to see the Orc spasm on the ground as black smoke rised from his body.

"Holy fucking shit..."

With an audible thud, the Orc fell backwards and jerked around one last time before it stopped breathing.

"Zel! The Orc over- Huh?"

I turned around to run away from this place, only to bump into someone soft. I immediately took a step back and raised my arms in a defensive stance.

"B-Back off! I'm not afraid to... hit..."

I was at a loss for words when I found myself standing in front of a beauty.

She blinked at me with her yellow and green eyes. Her long, red hair reached just below her waist.


What's more striking to me is that she was wearing the typical attire of a mage in an RPG setting. You know, robes, long staff, black boots, and a cloak.

"A person? Why is there a person here?"

She asked herself as she slowly eased her stance. She was eyeing me pretty closely, still wary of me as I slowly put my hands down as well.

"A-Are you hurt? You look like you just lost a lot of blood- Ah."

She stopped in her tracks as she shakily pointed towards my thigh.

Ah shit. It's bleeding even more now.

"F-Fuck! Argh!"

I carefully sat down and applied pressure to the wound again. The wound won't stop bleeding now and it's looking pretty bad now.

"W-Water! Here! We need to wash the wound!"

The woman immediately pulled out a flask and ran towards me. Before I could say or even do anything, she knelt beside me and began pouring water over my wound. The soothing and stinging sensation of cool water washed over my thigh while I tried my best to clean the dirt and splinters in the wound.

"O-Our party has a healer! Please, don't move. Olivia! Someone needs help over here!"

She yelled out hurriedly before shifting her focus back on my wound.

"W-What happened to you?"

"I-It's fi- Argh! Shit!"

"Oh my! I'm sorry! Did it hurt?"

She pulled away her hands from me as I winced in pain.

"N-No, I'm alright. Y-Your sleeve, your sleeve got messed up."

She looked at the bloodstains on her sleeve but she barely gave it any thought. Instead, she tucked away a strand of her crimson hair behind her ear as she hovered her hands over my wound.

Now that I'm getting an upclose look at her, I found myself stunned. Her features were alluring, perhaps one could say well-endowed with natural beauty. But she gave off the feeling that she's the quiet and shy type beneath that mature and womanly appeal of hers.

"I-I hope this can ease the pain a little."

My attention was immediately shifted to the cold air blowing on my thigh. The area around her hand felt ice cold.

"A little... Thanks."

It didn't really help that much, but at least the sting doesn't hurt as much anymore.

"Yo! What do you-"

I could see glimpses of white and yellow as it moved through the thick bushes. A few snapping twigs and broken branches later, a girl wearing a dirtied, white robe walked out of the thick underbrush.

Looking at her, she radiated a familiar, holy feeling around her and I immediately thought to myself that I'm looking at a Priest or someone like that.

Her piercing blue eyes scanned around the area while she untangled some leaves and small pieces of wood from her yellow hair.

She somehow looked slovenly and serene despite her dirty garments yet at the same time, she gave off that aloof and airheaded feel around herself as she looked for her companion.

"What did- What in Illyria's name happened here?!"

The girl immediately rushed over to my side with a worried expression.

"Illyria, grant me your blessing to aid others!"

She prayed softly before her hands began to glow a familiar, white light.

Within moments, I could feel the pain ebb away along with the numbing pain around my shoulder.

"There, all done. But you've lost a lot of blood."

Surprisingly, the deep gash on my thigh disappeared without leaving a single trace of it. It doesn't hurt anymore, but damn do I feel tired.

"Thanks... Ugh, mind sharing a bit of water with me?"

"Here. Drink up."

The blonde girl handed me a small flask filled with water. Without hesitation, I immediately drank the whole thing down to the last drop while the pair looked at me with a pitiful expression.

"God, that's good. Pretty fucking good."

"Sir, are you okay now?"

The girl I presume to be a mage asked me with a soft tone.

"Yeah... I'm good. Anyway, just call me Arthur."

I tried getting up to make them not worry, but instead I nearly fell over. If it wasn't for the blonde girl's help, I probably would've hurt my face.

"D-Don't force youself. Sheesh, people like you are troublesome... My name's Olivia, the Archpriest of the party. The girl you met before me is Maria, she's an Archmage."

While she got the introductions out of the way, she wrapped one her arms around my shoulder while she did her best to support me.

"S-Sorry... God, I'm so embarrased."

"Don't be... Everyone could end up like this... You got lucky that we were here... Haah... If we weren't, you'd probably be in a stew right about now..."

Olivia spoke in between breaths while I tried my best to not burden her too much.

"The party should be right up ahead. Let's introduce ourselves properly later when you're feeling better."

Maria spoke in a friendly tone while the three of us slowly walked past the charred corpse of the Orc. She must be trying to cheer me up, but the Orc bodyh beside us and the smell of of smoked Orc just dampened my spirits to be honest.

"I just want to sleep."

I murmured out to myself as I slowly closed my eyes and slip into unconsciousness.

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