《Unholy Seven》Chapter 15: Back to School
The snow is melting and the first signs of spring are starting to show. We finish packing our gear and make sure that the guest house is completely spotless.
“Ugh, I can't believe we're headed back to PSU.” I say as I stretch my body.
“Yeah, these past few months just flew by.” Jesi says.
We pick up our gear and walk out of the front door. Outside by the front gate, Greg, Maria, Lisa, Helen, and Susan are waiting for us. The women are smiling, but I can see that their eyes are red from crying.
“I can't believe you guys are leaving.” Susan says. “It seems like you just got here.”
“Yeah,” I say, “but soon you'll be glad to be rid of all of us.”
Greg softly punches my arm. “You may be a pain in my ass, but you're still my son. You're the only one capable of taking care of two my most beautiful and precious daughters. And, besides,” he points to Shizumi, Hanneke, Rebecca, and Aaboli, “you have those four to love and protect as well. Girls, do me a favor, no, promise me. Protect and love Chris. Do that, and I will preside over all of your wedding ceremonies.” He turns to Jesi and Jeni and smiles. “Except yours. As your father, I'm expected to give you away.”
The girls crowd around me and hug me. “Of course we will,” they say in unison, “we promise.”
I look down at my watch and notice that it's 8:45. “Girls, we better get a move on if we want to make it back to PSU by 11:00.”
“Right.” the girls say.
We say our goodbyes and walk down to the light-rail station. Once there, we scan our passes and get on board. We get seated and start conversing amongst ourselves.
“I'm excited to get back into the routine of school, but I'm also extremely nervous.” Hanneke says cautiously.
“Oh, how so?” I ask.
“Now that your secret is out, we may be walking into a dangerous situation. There are those who may not want you to come back.” Hanneke explains.
“I agree with Hanneke,” Aaboli says.
“It's entirely possible that we could have just as many allies as we do enemies.” Jeni says.
“Or we could have even less,” Rebecca says.
“Way to be a Debbie-Downer.” Jesi says sarcastically.
“I'm just being pragmatic.” Rebecca replies.
“Girls, girls,” I say, trying to calm the storm, “your input is greatly appreciated. We definitely need to approach with caution. We don't know what we're coming back to. It's entirely possible that this has blown over by now. We've been gone for a few months, so maybe people have forgotten about the whole thing and moved on. Promise me this, when we do get back, no violent altercations. The last thing we need to do on the first day back is start a fight. That doesn't mean if someone starts it, you can't defend yourselves, got it?”
The girls nod in agreement. “MM.”
The light-rail stops at the station across from PSU. We pick up our gear and disembark. We walk onto the campus and look around. Everything seems normal. But upon taking a second glance, there are signs of things that definitely give us the chills.
There are banners on the buildings that say things like, “Humanity First,” and, “Vampires Not Welcome.”
“So much for a warm welcome.” I sarcastically say. “This is what I get for defending their sorry asses?”
A student comes charging at me with his lance from behind me. I drop my gear, instinctively raise my aura, and quick-summon Shadow Fang without the incantation to block him.
“Thought you didn't want to make a scene.” Jesi says snidely.
“Well, you know how I like to make an entrance.” I retort.
“Go back to hell from where you came!” the student shouts at me.
I push the student back. He quickly regains his posture and charges at me again. I deflect his lance and knock it out his hands. My deflection throws him off-balance, and he falls to the ground. I point the tip of Shadow Fang at his head.
“I'm your better.” I tell him. “Not because I'm a vampire, but because I don't let anger cloud my judgment. I focus my anger into my power. Try to remember that.” I release Shadow Fang from it's physical form and kindly offer my hand to help him up.
The student starts to stand up on his own and slaps my hand away. “Fuck you, I don't want or need your help. You humiliate me by beating me, and then you expect me to be your friend? I don't socialize with demons or their whorish concubines! You whores are traitors to humanity, you should all be executed!” The student walks away in disgust.
I pick up my gear and we continue walking toward the administration building. We make it inside and take the elevator up to Dean Thompson's office. I knock on the door.
“Come in.” she says.
We enter her office and stand in front of her desk. She motions for us to be seated, so we sit down.
“Hell of a display you put on down there.” she says. “It's your first day back and already getting into fights. You may not have started it, but you damn sure finished it.”
I look Dean Thompson square in the eyes. “I don't know if you've noticed, but I am the subject of discrimination here!”
The dean takes a deep breath, then lets it out. “Unfortunately, I have noticed. The students have a right to their opinion here, and I can't stifle that. But, understand this, I will NOT condone racist actions on this campus. You are still a student enrolled here, and as such, you will receive the same amount of protection as any other student.”
I'm a little embarrassed by the dean's last statement. “Uh, thanks, I guess.”
“You're welcome. Now, go back to your penthouse and get settled back in. You can start going to classes tomorrow.” Dean Thompson tells us.
“Yes, ma'am.” we reply. We stand up, grab our gear, and leave the office.
Back in the familiarity of our penthouse, we begin unpacking our gear. There is suddenly a ring over our comm unit.
“Hello,” I cautiously say.
“Uh, hello? Is this Monsieur Johns and his team's penthouse?” a feminine French voice calls out.
“Depends.” I say a little rudely. “Who is this?”
“Oh, pardon me for not introducing myself.” the voice says, taken aback. “My name is Sofie Lacroix. May my associate and I come in? We wish to discuss a proposal.”
I tense up a little bit, putting myself on guard. “Yeah. I suppose. I'll meet you at the elevator.”
I raise my aura and quick-summon Shadow Fang. This could be a trap, I think to myself, be prepared for anything. I walk to the elevator. As the door opens, I go into a ready stance and point my sword at the elevator.
The door opens, and Sofie and her male associate are shocked to see me poised for battle. “Monsieur Johns, I am not your enemy. I'm here to discuss an alliance.”
I relax my stance and dismiss Shadow Fang, but I'm still suspicious. “Okay, then, why don't we go inside.” I motion for them to go ahead of me, because I certainly don't want them behind me.
We get inside the penthouse and ask them to take a seat. As they sit down, I take a seat myself and ask, “Mind if I call my team in? They'll want to hear this as well.”
“But, of course,” Sofie says, “it's only right to involve your team in this monumental discussion.”
I call the girls in, and they sit down as well. Their suspicious scowls are met with Sofie's kind smile.
“You'll have to excuse us for not trusting you, Miss Lacroix...” I start to say.
Sofie raises her hand. “Uh, uh, uh. Please, call me Sofie.”
I quickly correct myself. “Okay, Sofie. Like I said, you'll have to excuse us if we don't trust you. We didn't exactly receive the warmest of welcomes when we came back.”
“Oh, that altercation with Alexander Chambers? I saw that go down earlier. You handled that rather intelligently. I applaud you on that.” Sofie says.
I look at her suspiciously. “Did you set that up?”
Sofie is taken aback by my question. “Oh heavens, no! I despise racist trolls like him. And before I forget, let me introduce my associate, Adam Maxwell.”
I look over at Adam and he nods his head, then extends his hand. “Nice to meet, you, Chris.”
I return the gesture. “Likewise, Adam. This is my team: Hanneke van Hoebeek, Shizumi Yumihiko, Rebecca Cornwallis, Aaboli, and Jesi and Jeni Davis.”
“A pleasure.” Sofie says. “Do you mind me asking you a personal question before we get down to business?”
“Sure,” I say, “ask away.”
Sofie blushes a little bit. “Is it true that you're dating all of these beautiful girls on your team?”
Without skipping a beat, I say, “Yep, and I plan to marry all of them, too.”
Sofie's eyes grow wide with shock and her jaw drops. “You're....a polygamist?”
Jeni steps in to confirm and smiles widely. “Yeah, and we're quite happy being Chris's lovers!”
Sofie collects herself and relaxes. “Sacre Bleau! I never thought that I'd actually meet a vampire in my lifetime, let alone one who was a polygamist.”
I raise my hand to focus Sofie's attention. “I don't mean to be rude, but can we get back to the task at hand?”
“Oh, but of course...” Sofie starts to say something else, but catches herself. Nobody seems to notice, but Rebecca sees right through it. When Sofie glances at Rebecca's reaction, she coyly smiles. Rebecca stares back coldly, but feigns a smile in return.
“Monsieur Johns, pardon mois, mon frere Chris, I formally invite you and your team to align yourselves with my team. Adam here is my second-in-command, and I have six other teammates who will gladly offer their help as well.”
“That's great and all,” I say, “but what's the catch? Nothing is gained without giving up something in return.”
“Ah, you are quick to notice.” Sofie says. “So you, too, believe in equivalent exchange. Fortunately, all I require is this.” Sofie pulls out a long, thin dagger from her purse. She then puts the blade to the middle of her lower lip and makes a clean, swift cut to it. Blood trickles from the cut as she purses her lips together, in expectation of a kiss.
I look at her confused. Then, I look at the girls, who are just as shocked as me, except Rebecca. She just nods at me to go ahead.
“Uh, Sofie?” I ask, “Why do you want me to kiss you? You're very pretty and all, but we just met, and you still haven't told me the terms of this alliance yet.”
“The terms are simple. We simply watch each other's backs. We keep no secrets from each other, and when someone is in trouble, we help them out. As for kissing me, that is how my clan seal arrangements. When people of opposite genders form a contract, they slit their bottom lips and kiss. It is an oath sworn in blood that can only be broken by death.”
“Oh, Okay, I get it.” I say. I pick up the dagger and slit the bottom of my lip. I feel the blood trickle down it and I lean forward toward Sofie. The combination of blood and saliva as our tongues entwined was like tasting a sweet nectar in my mouth. I can hear Sofie's heart racing with excitement as we taste each other.
I pull away from Sofie, leaving her breathless. “Mon Dieu,” she says, panting heavily, then quickly collects herself. “The contract is sealed. As of this moment, we live to serve you. We shall take our leave. Tomorrow my team and I will wait outside and we will all walk to class together.”
Sofie, Adam, and I stand up, and I walk them to the door. “What do you mean by 'serve?'” I ask. “I thought allies were equal partners.”
Sofie pulls out a lacy french fan and hides her blushing face behind it. “We are, my master. Think nothing of it. It's just a humble offering of my services to you.” She pulls the fan down long enough to kiss my cheek, then quickly pulls it back up. “Until tomorrow.” She sheepishly says, letting out a soft giggle.
“Until tomorrow,” I say back to her. Sofie exits, and as I close the door and turn around, I'm met with six girls. All of them except Rebecca once again, staring at me angry and jealous.
“What the HELL,” Jeni asks angrily. “do you think you're doing kissing a random bitch like that? We did not give you consent to do that shit!” She punches me square in the gut.
I collapse to my knees, just having the wind knocked out of me. “Fucking hell!” I barely manage to wheeze out. “I was only performing a formality.”
“Bullshit!” Jesi says, just as angrily. “You enjoyed that way too much!”
I smile devilishly, “Okay, maybe a little, but, hell, can you blame me? A pretty petite French girl? And her tits, they were small, but perk.......OW! FUCK ME!”
Jesi punches me square in the face. “Take that, you fucking lech! Girls, you'll back me up on this, right?”
The other girls are suddenly dumbfounded by Jesi's violent action toward me. Aaboli speaks up first.
“I don't think you had to hit him.”
Hanneke angrily disagrees.
“The bastard had it comin'.”
Shizumi is the voice of reason. “He may have been acting like an ecchi, but you didn't have to hit him.”
Jesi looks over at Rebecca, who is suspiciously acting rather calm during all of this.
“Well? Ya gonna back me up or what?”
Rebecca stares at Jesi blankly. “I've got nothing to say. I'm neutral on this.”
Jesi narrows her eyes and glares at Rebecca. “Is there something you're not telling us?”
Rebecca starts to twirl her hair around her index finger and turns her head. “Don't know what you're talking about.”
“Fine, keep your secrets, wench. We'll find out eventually.”
I slowly stand up and start to walk away. “If anybody needs me, I'm going to my room.”
Jesi turns her angry gaze from Rebecca to me. “Fine. But don't think this is over. Not by a long shot.”
I walk into my room and close the door. I walk over to my bed and lie down. Fucking hell, did those punches hurt, I think to myself. I close my eyes and try not to focus on the pain. I suddenly hear a knock on my door.
“If you've come to torment me further, just leave me the fuck alone.” I call out.
“It's me, Rebecca, can I come in?”
I sit up on the bed. “Yeah, sure, come in.”
Rebecca opens my door, enters, then closes and locks it. “There's something important I need to tell you. It's about Sofie. More specifically, her clan.”
I pat the spot next to me on the bed. “Come. Sit down and tell me. What do we need to know? Are we in danger?”
Rebecca sits next to me and shakes her head. “Actually, it's quite the opposite. I don't know if you caught on, but you did hear her say that she would serve you and called you her master, right?”
“Um, yeah?” I say, rather confused.
Rebecca says the next part rather cautiously; “Well, her clan has....quite the........reputation.....for being known as...........vampire...........worshipers.”
My jaw drops to the floor. “You mean, I'm like, a god to her?”
Immediately as I say this, I hear a loud crash at my door. “Alright, girls, come on in. Shit, that's right, the door's locked. Just a sec, be right there.”
I get up to go over to the door and unlock it. I open the door and the other girls fall into my bedroom haphazardly. “Come on, get in here.”
I walk back to my bed and sit down, and the girls all sit down beside me.
“Rebecca, please continue,” I coax her.
Rebecca clears her throat. “As I was saying. Sofie belongs to a clan that worships vampires. They are called the Lune Pourpre, or Crimson Moon clan. And that kiss you shared with her didn't seal just any kind of contract with her. What you formed was a master-servant pact. The blood you two shared in that kiss has now psychically linked you together. You, for all eternity, are her master, and she is your loyal servant. She is now your familiar.”
Rebecca's revelation has us all completely shell-shocked.
I shake my head in confusion. “What am I going to do with a servant? I don't have need for one. I just want her as a friend. Definitely as an ally, because we need all of the allies we can get. But a fucking servant? Rebecca, how do you know so much about all of this? How do you know Sofie?”
Rebecca looks at me, then lowers her head in embarrassment. “She's....a distant cousin. The Lacroix's and Cornwallis's have been cousins for over three centuries. We're part of the same clan.” She looks up at me and waves her hands in frantic embarrassment. “Oh no, don't ever think that I think of you as a god! I don't! My family hasn't practiced that in over a hundred and fifty years! We thought vampires went extinct around then!”
I reach out to put Rebecca's hands down to calm her. “It's okay, don't worry about it. To be honest, I don't think of myself as a god, either. Hell, far from it.”
Jesi reaches over and puts me in a friendly headlock. “Don't give this horny lech a big head. You might give him a superiority complex.”
Jeni reaches over and grabs my crotch. “Besides, we only want one head to get big, and it's this one!”
My emotions feel like they're on an F-1 racetrack. First, the girls are pissed off at me, and now they're being lovey-dovey. What the fuck is going on here? I push the twins off of me.
“Wait just a goddamned minute! First you're pissed at me, now you're being lovey-dovey?”
The other five girls get a half-devilish, half-remorseful look on their faces. “We're sorry,” they all say in unison.
I breathe a heavy sigh. “It's all good. I'm kinda sorry, too. After all, I did kinda make y'all jealous earlier.” I lean around and give each girl a tender lover's kiss. “Now, go on, all of ya, get outta here. I've got some shit to contemplate. Shoo.”
As all of the girls leave and the last one shuts the door, I think, what the fuck have I gotten myself into this time?
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