《Unholy Seven》Chapter 13: Where Does One Belong?
"Chris, you are not human. Quit pretending that you are, join us.” A voice calls out to me in the night. I bolt right up. Who said that? I think. I look around. The girls are asleep all around me. Rebecca and Aaboli are trying to cling to my torso, but can't since I'm sitting up.
An unknown energy is beckoning to me, so I decide to get up and quietly get dressed. I sneak out of the guest house and off of the property into the abandoned late-night streets. As I walk down the streets, the energy that I'm sensing becomes darker and more uneasy. I begin to feel nauseous as the energy leads me into a park. Once I step onto the grass, a barrier goes up around the park. I instantly go into a defensive stance and raise my aura.
“Pierce the sun with eternal twilight; Shadow Fang.” I recite.
Instantaneously, Shadow Fang appears on my right hip. I pull the sword out of it's scabbard and bring it to the ready. A cloaked figure emerges from the shadows.
“Put your sword away, vampire.” a female voice calls out. “I bring a message from my master, Hezukael.”
I put Shadow Fang away, but keep my aura up in a defensive posture. “What the fuck does that asshole want?”
The shrouded female responds. “Master Hezukael has noticed that you are getting stronger, but that you haven't reached your true potential.”
I rudely cut her off. “And let me guess, he wants to help me unlock it.”
The cloaked female replies, “Yes, should you choose to join us.”
“Fuck that, and fuck you.” I scowl. “I'll never join you. Humanity might be scared of me right now, but I won't let that deter me from protecting them.”
The cloaked female laughs. “You are such a naive boyscout. Are you so blind that you refuse to see the truth before your face? You are not human, yet you pretend that you are. Stop pretending and holding yourself back. You have such potential, yet you allowed yourself to be sealed away. Join us and let your true nature become unleashed.”
I pull Shadow Fang out of the scabbard and lunge at her. “You don't fucking get it do you?” I swing my sword down on her, but she blocks it easily with her hand. A small barrier goes up over it. “I was sealed because I almost killed two girls that I absolutely adore. I will learn to unlock my true power, but on my own terms. Got it, bitch?”
The cloaked female leaps back away from me. “Suit yourself, vampire, but know that one day, you will turn on those that you swore to protect. The ones you love so much will become your adversaries. My master has foreseen this. You are only delaying the inevitable.”
I let out a fierce growl. “Bullshit. I'll never turn my back. All you demons do is lie, and it's because you serve the Prince of Lies.”
The cloaked female lets out a hearty belly laugh. “It's true we serve Him, but even He sprinkles his lies with grains of truth every now and then. Heed this, vampire, since you won't join us, be prepared to die at your next encounter with my master. Farewell.” The cloaked female vanishes and the barrier disappears.
I hear the sound of footsteps approaching from behind me, so I turn around, sword at the ready. I drop my guard and my aura when I see all six girls leap at me and embrace me.
“What happened?” Hanneke asks me.
“We got nervous when we woke up to you being gone.” Shizumi adds.
I look around at the girls. “I'm not too sure myself. I sensed this energy being emitted, so I had to check it out. It led to me to this park, and this cloaked woman tried to tempt me to turn. She even said I'd betray you someday.”
Jesi looked at me perplexed. “I hope you turned that psycho-bitch down.”
Jeni perks up. “You weren't even close to being tempted, were you?”
I turn my gaze to both of the twins. “I'm still standing here talking to you, aren't I?”
Aaboli takes her turn to speak up. “That doesn't mean anything. For all we know, you could be under their influence right now.”
I look at Aaboli confidently. “Okay, do you want to test me? I'm game, test me.”
Jeni and Jesi step forward. “We know the perfect test,” the twins say. “We're going to unseal you,” Jesi says. “If you attack us while unsealed, we know you're being controlled.” Jeni says.
“Fair enough,” I say. “Let's get started.
Jeni and Jesi kiss me passionately on the lips. Our tongues entwine and the power starts to flow within me as the seal unlocks. The shockwave from my transformation emits from my body and my aura instantaneously activates. My long hair flows in the wind and my hazel eyes turn bright yellow. I stand before the girls in all of my vampiric glory and in total control.
I ask inquisitively, “Does this satisfy you? Do I pass your test?”
The girls are satisfied that I'm not a demonic pawn, so I seal my power back off. I start to collapse only to be caught by the group.
We start walking back to the house just as we hear the birds start to chirp to welcome the rising sun. Suddenly, a nagging feeling starts to tug on my chest, so I tell the girls to go on ahead back to the house and that I'll catch up with them later.
“Is everything okay, love?” Rebecca asks me.
“Yeah. I just need some time by myself.” I tell her.
I break off from the group and walk in a different direction as they head back toward the house. I don't why, but there is some doubt lingering in my mind. Why would something like what that bitch said to me bother me so damned much? Am I really going to betray the ones I love someday? No, not possible. I've sworn to protect them. I love them too much to ever bring harm to them.
I continue walking down the street when I notice a figure standing by one of the light posts a few feet away. Was he always standing there or did he just appear? I'm not sure, but something told me to approach him anyway. I walk up to him and greet him.
“Good morning, it's a nice day, isn't it?” I say.
“Sure is, Christopher.” He replies.
“Wait a damned second. How do you know my name?”
“Please mind your language, for I was sent by Him.”
This strikes me as odd. “Who is Him? Do you mean......God?”
The man laughs a little. “If that is what you want to call Him. Yes. You have been slaying demons in His name.”
When I realized who I was talking to, I instantly bow my head in shame. “Forgive me, Angel, I had no idea who I was talking to.”
The man lifts my head up by my chin. “It's okay. I used the oldest trick in the book to approach you. It makes conversing with people so much easier this way. And please, call me Geoffery.”
I'm relieved by Geoffery's demeanor, that my heart feels enlightened by his presence. “Thank you, Geoffery. Please tell me, why are you here? What does God want with me? I'm a vampire.”
Geoffery's kind eyes look deep into my soul. “He loves you for what's in your heart, not because of how you came into being. I'm here to reassure you that we are on your side. That you are not alone. When the time comes and you find your true power, the name of your holy sword will be known to you. It is then that you will have the power to defeat Hezukael.”
A twinge of doubt plagues my mind, so I ask him, “Are you sure of this?”
Geoffery, seeing the doubt in my eyes, reassures me. “Of course. Why do you doubt the one who is I am?”
I turn my my back to ponder this. “You make a solid argument. Thank you, Geoffery.” I turn back around to find that he vanished just mysteriously as he appeared.
Simultaneously confused and satisfied, I decide to make my way back home. As I step onto the property, I''m instantly greeted by all of the girls.
Shizumi is the first to embrace and kiss me. “Daijoubuka?” She asks.
I reciprocate her action. “Heki, heki.” I reply.
She breathes a sigh of relief. “Yokata.”
Aaboli kisses me next. “Are you sure you're okay? You've been gone for hours. It's almost noon.
I look down at my watch. “No fucking way. How the hell is this possible? AAAAAHHHHH!” My throat is on fire. I can feel it tightening up from pain. Helen has heard we swear.
Sure enough, Helen walks up behind me and says, “What is the rule in this house regarding swearing?”
I barely get out the word, “Don't.”
She releases me from the spell. “You should know very well to remember that.”
I drop to my hands and knees, gasping for air. As Helen walks out of earshot, I whisper, “Fuck that hurts, every goddamn time.” I clutch my throat, hoping she didn't hear what I just said. When nothing happens, I take a deep breath and stand back up.
Hanneke, Aaboli, Shizumi, and Rebecca are in complete shock, but Jesi and Jeni are practically rolling on the ground laughing. “That's what you get when you get caught swearing, Chris.” they both say.
“Fuck you both,” I barely scratch out. God, my throat still feels like it's on fire!
They bend over and pat their buttocks. “Time and place, loverboy.” they both say.
I grab my genitals. “Right here, right now.”
We all share a laugh at this and walk inside the guest house. We sit down in the living room and begin to talk. Rebecca is the first to ask.
“Where have you been all this time? We thought you had disappeared from under our noses.”
“I'm not so sure myself how I could have lost so much time. I thought I was gone for only a few minutes. Geoffery must have used some kind of time displacement magic.” I say confusedly.
“Who's Geoffery?” Shizumi asks.
“Believe it or not, he's an angel that appeared to me.” I say kind of non-chalantly.
The girls' eyes grow wide with amazement. “An angel? A real, bona-fide angel?” they ask excitedly.
“Yeah. Took me by surprise as well.” I say.
“What did he tell you?” asks Hanneke.
“Not much, really.” I tell her. “He said that once I learn to unseal my power, I can learn my unsealed sword's true name. Then and only then will I be able to defeat Hezukael. The truth of the matter is, now that I know how to unseal my true power, I don't know if I can go through with it.”
“If you know how, then why not just do it?” asks Aaboli.
“Because the sacrifice is too great.” I bow my head in sadness. “I can't bear the weight of such a sacrifice.”
The girls look at me confused. “What sacrifice?” Jesi asks.
Tears start to stream down my face. “Blood. Lots of it. And the sacrifice of loss.”
The girls share a look of shock on their faces, then look around at each other. “Which of us is going to die?” they all mutter.
I angrily slam my fist into my other palm. “None, if I can help it. I will find another way.”
The entire situation has me aggravated. My aura involuntarily raises and my eyes turn yellow. My fangs grow and I let out a low growl. “I don't know what to do. I'm not even sure where I belong. I was raised by humans. I'm in love with humans. I've even sworn to protect humans. BUT I'M NOT FUCKING HUMAN!” I let out a loud roar that scares the girls. My aura sends out a massive shockwave that flings them several feet away from me.
Jesi and Jeni begin crawling towards me as the shockwave continues to rage out of control. They reach out their hands only to get repelled back by the force of the shockwave. They stand up and begin to push forward against it. They try reaching out towards me again and this time are able to wrap their arms around me. As they cling onto me as tight as they can, they both kiss me, hoping that this will help release any excess energy from me. My seal unlocks, and the shockwave becomes even more intense. The twins cling to me for dear life, refusing to lessen their grip for even a second.
“Help us hold him down!” they shout out to the other girls. “We have to seal his power!”
Aaboli and Shizumi begin crawling toward Jesi and Jeni. Hanneke and Rebecca grab Aaboli's and Shizumi's waists respectively and crawl behind them. When all four girls make it over to Jesi and Jeni, the combined six of them dogpile on top of me. Jesi and Jeni crawl over my body as they try to inch closer to my face. They finally make it to my face and with both their hands, they hold my head down.
“We're sorry, lover, but we have have to do this for your sake.” the twins say. They both lean into me and give me a long, passionate kiss. I can feel my power wane and the shockwave begins to subside as well. I feel the seal take hold and I yell out in pain from the weight of it. Once the seal finalizes it's lockdown on my power, I relax and my body goes limp.
The girls get up off of me and sit on the floor next to me. I slowly sit up, putting my hand to my head and shaking it.
“What. The fuck. Just happened?” I ask.
“You tell us.” Shizumi says. “You just went berzerk.”
“No shit.” Hanneke chimes in. “You scared the hell out of us.”
I shake my head again. “I'm not sure myself. I just had this rush of self-doubt and fear of losing you guys, then I suddenly lost control. It was like I wasn't myself. It was, like, someone was controlling my emotional state. It was almost as if somebody reached deep within my psyche and wanted me to lose my shit.”
“That's not good.” Rebecca says. “The last thing we need is for someone to compromise our beloved.” She leans over and kisses me on the cheek.
“For sure,” I agree. I start to slowly stand up. The girls grab me and hold onto me to stabilize me. I wobble a little from the dizziness, but manage to quickly stand my ground as the girls prop me up.
“You alright?” Jesi asks.
“Yeah. I'll be fine.” I respond hazily. “Just give me a sec to shake the fog off.”
“Take it slow,” Aaboli says cautiously.
“Yes, mom,” I retort sarcastically.
“Good to see your mouth hasn't suffered any injury.” Jeni says jokingly.
I raise my left hand and give Jeni the middle finger. “Suck my dick.” I say with a smile.
Jeni smiles back and licks her lips. “With pleasure.” she says seductively.
I make my way over to one of the couches and sit down. Jeni sits to my left, and Jesi sits to my right. The other girls sit down on the other couches and chairs as well. The front door slams open and in barges Greg, Maria, Helen, Lisa (Greg's third wife), and Susan (Greg's fourth wife).
“What the hell happened in here?” Greg asks.
Susan speaks up next. “I've never felt such energy explode like that from you before, Chris. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I'm okay, you guys. I just lost control of my powers for a minute. Don't know for sure how, but everything is under control now. I was lucky that Jesi and Jeni were able to seal me. Thanks for asking.”
“Glad you're okay.” Lisa says. “That gave us quite a scare.”
I let out a heavy sigh. “No kidding. You're telling me.”
Greg pats me on the shoulder. “Glad you're okay, son. We'll see our way out. Be careful from now on.”
“Sure thing, pops.” I say as they walk out and shut the door. Still feeling a little woozy, I turn to Jesi.
“Hey, babe, think you could get me a drink?” I ask.
“Sure,” she says as she starts to stand up.
I quickly grab her hand. “Not that kind of drink.”
Jesi gets a slight wide-eyed look on her face, then sits back down, pulls her hair back, and leans her head to the side, exposing her pale neck. I can see both her vein and artery pulsing with the life-giving sustenance that is her blood. My fangs begin to grow and I sink them into her neck. She lets out a small moan of pleasure as my mouth sucks on her neck. I retract my fangs and let the blood flow from her neck into my mouth. I swallow down a few gulps of her sweet, red nectar, but not too much so as not to harm her or make her pass out. Once I have taken what I need to recover, we combine our auras to close her wounds. I lick the remainder of blood from her neck and let out a relieved sigh.
“Thanks, babe,” I say appreciatively. “I feel so much better.”
Jesi turns her head toward me and gives a kiss on the lips. “You're welcome, lover.”
Upon seeing this intimacy, the other girls immediately get jealous and crowd around me on the couch. “Come on, you gotta be fair with us, too.” they all cry out. “Kiss us.”
“Fine, you guys,” I say heavily, “bring it on in here.” I give each the girls a loving kiss.
Satisfied, the girls get up off of the couch. They all try to pull me up excitedly. “Come on, let's go get some lunch.”
“Okay,” I say hungrily, “where do you want to go?”
“Thai,” Aaboli and Rebecca both say excitedly.
“Mexican,” Jesi and Jeni chirp.
“Oyakodon.” Shizumi and Hanneke scream happily.
“Such tough decisions,” I say indecisively. “Tell y'all what. Why don't we order in, that way, everybody gets what they want. That okay with everyone?”
Everybody is satisfied with my decision, so we make calls to all of the appropriate restaurants to have food delivered. After all of the food arrives, we start chowing down. As we're eating, we begin to brainstorm as how to tackle breaking my seal.
Shizumi is the first to speak. “You said that in order to break it, you need to shed blood and experience the pain of loss, right? So the question is, how much blood is needed and what will it take to make you experience loss? Is it one person's death, or all of us? Or maybe we don't have to die at all, just be mortally wounded?”
I look at Shizumi brokenheartedly. “To be honest, I don't want to lose any of you. I would never in a million years sacrifice any of you just to break my seal. But I have no choice but to break it if I'm to face Hezukael head-on. That son-of-a-bitch is strong as fuck, and at my current level, I can't do a goddamned thing against him.”
Hanneke chimes in, “What about psychological loss? The mere thought of losing someone could be traumatic as well.”
“That's a very valid point,” I say in concurrence. “Sometimes psychological trauma is just as bad if not worse than physical trauma. It's possible Hezukael might have something like that in his wheelhouse as well. In fact, I wouldn't put it past him if he tried play some kind of mind game with us, me specifically.”
We continue eating and discussing strategies on how to break my seal and defeat Hezukael.
After we finish, I stand up“Let's get some training in before it gets too late.”
“Okay,” the girls say half-heartedly.
We walk outside and charge up our auras. We present our weapons to each other and start sparring. The clashing of weapons and roaring of magic spells ring in the air.
Our sparring session lasts well into the evening when Lisa calls out to us. “Dinner time, everybody.”
“Alright, be there in a moment.” we all call back. We put away our weapons and dissipate our auras. We are all breathing heavy and sweat is dripping from our bodies.
“Good workout today, everyone.” I tell the group as we walk into the main house. Greg holds his nose as we enter inside.
“Good lord, kids, you guys stink! What'd you do, roll around in a pigpen?”
“Sorry, dad,” Jeni shamefully says, bowing her head. “We didn't have time to grab a shower when momma Lisa called us in for dinner.”
“Fine, fine. Just be sure to take one afterwards, 'cuz y'all REAK!”
We all get a bit of a chuckle out of this, but agree that we do stink and promise to shower after dinner.
After we finish dinner, we head back to the guest house. Once inside, we strip down and put our dirty clothes into the hamper. We all get into the shower and lather each other down. We wash every inch of each others bodies down and then rinse off. We then step out of the shower and towel dry each other and crawl into bed.
A couple of hours pass and I wake up. A wave of uneasiness passes through me, so I decide to get up. I walk over to the patio door and stare outside. I must have lost track of how long I was standing there, because I suddenly feel a pair of naked breasts press against my back and a pair of arms wrap around my waist. The sensation starts to arouse me.
“Something bothering you, Chris-kun?” Shizumi asks me.
I turn around to face Shizumi, my erection slapping her thigh. She jumps in pleasant surprise and smiles.
“Ara, ara.” she says unabashedly, her cheeks turning beet red.
“Sumimassen.” I apologize. “Yeah, there is something bothering me, but I can't quite put my finger on it.”
“Maybe not your finger, but definitely your ochinchin.” Shizumi jokes.
I chuckle a little at this and pull Shizumi in closer to hold her. I feel myself enter her, and she lets out a small wimper. Remembering her past, I feel ashamed and quickly start to pull away, but Shizumi shakes her head and pulls me in closer.
“Onegai, I want you. If I'm to be your wife, I want you to take me, body, and soul.”
Her words touch my heart, so I begin to move faster. Our hips move in synchronization and I kiss her.
As we both begin to climax, Shizumi lets out a soft moan and her cheeks become flushed. “Daisuki,” she softly moans into my ear and squeezes me tightly.
I squeeze her small frame back and return her declaration. “Aishiteiru.” We then collapse on the floor. Shizumi lands on top of me, and as we pass out in each others arms, I think, this is where I belong. These girls are who I'm meant to be with.
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