《After being reincarnated as the strongest hero I decided to open a tavern and wait until I have to save the world!》Chapter 0: The Time I Died


So, yeah, I died. Was not pretty or painless. I suppose I should get to the point. I recently moved to Japan to continue college, got a job as a bartender, but one really unlucky night I saw something I shouldn't have and naturally, I ran away and then a fucking truck hit me.

After that I thought I was going to see if there was an afterlife, but noooooooo. I arrive in some dark ass room with some ghost looking bitch who then turned out to be a goddess. I swear it was like one of those light novels I've read.

She told me that I was chosen to be a hero or rather the people in this new world needed one because "The World Was Ending" and I just happened to be picked. Bad Luck. And so after a little chatting back and forth I was finally allowed to go to this new world.

But of course something went wrong, naturally. I was not summoned to where I was supposed to be, I was summoned in some random forest near the edge of one of the smallest kingdoms. And then I thought, fuck it, fuck them, I'll do my own thing.

Long story short, I own a tavern at the edge of the main city now and I'm kind of happy here. More happy than I was during my old life. Oh yeah, I'm also this world's strongest hero, for some reason. But hey, at least all is well, right? Right?

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