《Art of Betrayal》Chapter 16.
- Maddox -
If he were honest, Maddox did not expect Varia to be ok with what he said or to take his hand. If he were honest, the Varia he knew and had growing feelings for, would have told him to shove it up his ass, find another way. If he were honest, even given this, as Varia walked past his hand, ice in his eyes, Maddox felt a twinge of hurt. But he let it pass as his hand dropped and Varia was led to one side of the magic ring, and he to another.
Varia was placed within a smaller circle or pressed leaves, flowers and vine, a cape of woven vines was wrapped around his shoulders and he was warned that he was not to leave that circle until one of the Walkers told him to. Two Walkers took up post on either side of him within their own circles, sitting in prayer pose facing Maddox. Maddox walked to his own circle with Cithrel, putting thoughts of Varia and his mistrust aside. There he removed his shirt and Walkers came to him with paint of more crushed flowers, bark and Grave-tree sap. They marked him over every visible surface with elvish and pre-elvish spells of containment and purification. The spells ran down his arms and legs, over his back, stopping just short of the Aesirian tattoo.
Once they were done the Walkers moved back to the edges of the larger circle with the others, all also covered in whorls and runes. A group of Walkers stood across from Maddox, not contained by a circle, completely naked and covered by a more complicated set of spells and whorls. The Walker that had tended to them the first night stood at the head of the five person group, holding a finely crafted sheath, made from the bark of a Grave-tree. Maddox knew it instantly and felt a sadness come over him.
“Do not be saddened by our Sister’s passing. She wished this as her rebirth. You will accept her will and offering.” The woman said.
Maddox looked at the sheath and remembered the woman he had met all those years ago. She had been sister to Viansola, mother of Cithrel. It was right that she would wish to take part in the purification of her son to the fullest extent, even after death. Maddox bowed his head in respect of her wishes, holding Cithrel up with both hands underneath the blanket of flowers.
“I accept her will and offering.” Maddox said softly, raising his head and gripping the sword hilt with both hands. “I am ready.” He told them.
Everything from then on was in a language that not even Maddox knew. He understood the meaning intuitively, but could not have replicated the words the Walkers sung or mimicked the sounds that they made. It filled the Graves with its haunting melody, swirling in the clearing and settling over those in the clearing like a cloak of magic. Maddox felt it cover him and let it move him, breathing it in deeply. His hand rose under the blanket of willows covering Cithrel and slowly began to undo the bindings. He let them drop one by one, and as the last one fell a ripple of power went through the clearing. It was like a flexing, but only a small one, contained by the blanket over the sword. But its keening could be heard, slightly muffled, a tortured wailing of the damned, the tortured.
Maddox set his feet, as if preparing to spear the Walkers across from him through. Two Walkers from the group across came to one side, holding the edge of the woven blanket. They waited for the signal before slowly pulling it free. The effect was immediate. The woman and man were pushed back, the whorls on their skin glowing in reaction to the power that flexed around and at them. They remained where they fell, under the blanket of woven grass, unmoving. Maddox didn’t notice them. His entire focus was on the sword in his hands, the wailing in his ears, and the demon in his blood.
The sword vibrated with intensity, making its own sound in addition to the keening the spirits inside it made. The normally white bone began to lace with gold and black, following the etched groves all the way up the handle. But it did not stop there. The black snaked around Maddox’s arms, moving more slowly but steadily, his eyes shifting to a deep gold. There was an audible shift in the singing from the Walkers as half of them began chanting. The three Walkers across from Maddox also had braced their feet as if to run into Maddox. But it was the sheath that was angled towards the sword point, and which was being rejected by the blade. A growling filled the clearing, coming from Maddox whose countenance began to shift in and out of a demonic overlay, though his stance never changed even as the Walkers moved closer. Only a deeper growl and the aura of the sword became visible, a dark wispy thing that swirled around the blade and Maddox, away from the encroaching sheath.
As the group move closer Maddox’s arms tensed with trying to keep the sword steady, from pushing him back away from the sheath and out of the circle. The growling and keening increased in pitch with every step forward the Walkers took. But through that another sound broke through, though only two heard its call.
“Brother! Awake Brother! Do not let them contain us! Come, be free!” A gravelly voice hissed towards Varia, curling around the outside of his circle. Shadowed hands scraped against an invisible barrier, trying to get to Varia, to Dor’Goth. “Shake off this mortal shell, brother. It will be your prison. It will be your doom. Come, let us show these young creatures what is to be feared!” The voice invited, stroking the barrier, looking for weak points.
“He is not interested in your propositions, demon.” Came Maddox’s voice, augmented but firm. “You shall find no camaraderie with him. You shall not have him. He is MINE!” Maddox growled, planting his feet more firmly.
The demon howled, the black spreading further, faster, through Maddox’s body, the whorls of spells flaring and burning away. The demon was pulled away, having to focus its attention on not being trapped, of which it had no choice. It seemed to go painstakingly slow, the re-sheathing. At some point the Walkers had to really push forward, more joining the group to push the sheath forward. Finally, with a final growl and cry of anguish, the tip of the sword entered the sheath.
Then there was only the anguished wailing and a specter of an elf appeared at Maddox’s feet, body riddled with the small rivers of black and gold. He was disheveled, his hair unkempt, body unwashed and clothes torn. His eyes were wide and crazed, his fingers bloody and torn from scratching at his face. It was he that was keening, wailing, crying out for salvation and deliverance. None looked at him, though all knew he was there. Another figure appeared across from him, a woman, a Walker. She was bright and young, though there was an oldness about her as well. She opened her arms to the male, moving so slowly towards him until she finally took him in her arms as the sheathed snapped over the full blade of the sword. She held the male to her breast, rocking him gently until they faded.
The sword was sheathed, but the ritual had not ended. The two Walkers from before rose and brought the woven blanket, throwing it over the sheathed sword and wrapping it round as the thing shook in Maddox’s grasp. Once done they all moved back away from Maddox as he fell to his knees, one hand still gripping the sword as the other fisted the grass. The dark whorls had not receded though they had ceased. His irises were completely golden, flecked with his usual green, his teeth grit in pain and struggle. The Walkers were still chanting and singing, using their hands to draw symbols in the air. The forest around them swayed and shifted, the tree tops seeming to cave inwards towards Maddox, as if eager to see if he would win the struggle.
Behind and above him a creature appeared, like a tree come to life it had bark-like skin and vines for hair, it’s figure slim as a sapling, fingers twig thin and long, sharped to points. Those points hovered over Maddox, ready to strike him down if he could not turn the tide. Maddox felt warm, too warm. In his ears was a roaring like that of flames, a wailing unlike any heard on earth that pulled at his spirits and threatened to drown him. He vomited blood and sick mixed with the purifying foods he had ingested. His body felt heavy and weak, but he could not fall here. He could not succumb.
Cithrel needed him.
Cithrel had his mother, even without Maddox he would be purified. The elves would see to it.
Sabre needed him.
Sabre had his whores and his drink, a world of adventure waiting for him to detach from Maddox and find it.
Brom needed him.
Brom had Varia and wanted little to do with a past he didn’t remember, a family he didn’t consider his own.
Varia needed him.
Varia needed him.
Varia had no one. Varia was adrift, imprisoned as the Demon of Arcturus, to die in combat and never know other than violence and war.
Varia needed him.
Arcturus needed him. They needed to be set free. He had to set them free.
A cold spread over his back, familiar and comforting. Maddox embraced it, let it cover him completely and knew no more. He slumped forward over the sword on his knees, a whispering wrapping around him, chasing the demon influence back through his veins and into the sword, claiming Maddox for its own once more.
A whispering that felt Varia and reached towards him, sliding through the barrier with ease and brushing against his skin with a familiar cold. It wrapped around him briefly before departing again, the tattoo on Maddox’s back fading again to dormancy. The tree guard retracted its talons and disappeared as Walkers moved forward and draped yet another woven blanket over Maddox, carefully rolling him onto his side and back, Cithrel on his chest, still wrapped and sheathed.
The Walkers on either side of Varia rose slowly and one came to him as the others joined the group that surrounded Maddox, hoisting him on a stretcher made of bark and vine.
“Come, but remain quiet until we return you to the village. Watch him. He will be unconscious for a few days but should wake before too long. His spirit will search for you. You should not be too far away.” She said quietly as she led Varia over to Maddox’s side, enclosing them both within the ring of Walkers as they carried Maddox back.
-Varia -
Varia was instructed to stay with Maddox while he recovered. It took so long, Varia was not certain that Maddox would wake in time for his purification. The ritual was shocking to him, he was certain he was watching Maddox die. The demon living within Cithrel, or the demon that was Cithrel, called to him, and he felt a pull deep inside, resonating with the words that were spoken to him.
Varia did not know how to wait for someone to wake. He never needed to before, never felt the need to stay and watch over another person.
His spirit will search for mine… why mine? Of all the people and things Maddox should search for in his unconscious, why me?
He knew Maddox lived, and he knew he would remain so, but the thought of the man never waking crossed him, lingering in his thoughts.
“You cannot leave. You are not finished here. I need you here, to take Arcturus and to free me from the life they forced on me. You are mine, and I do not give you permission to go, not yet.” He whispered, his hand squeezing the others, his head leaning down to rest upon the bed near Maddoxs. He remained there, for nearly two days. Only leaving to bathe and eat, but always staying close.
He was in the halls again. The same ones he had dreamed since he was a boy and which he found himself in from time to time. He knew these halls like the back of his hand, though he had never been to the real version. He knew where it was as surely as he knew the sun rose in the east. But he could not get there, not yet. But the dream was no less vivid than the real, the cool air ruffling his hair as he walked down the long foyer.
Cool, never cold, despite being made of marble and ice. He was never cold here, always just slightly cool of comfortable. It had a lot to do with Her, he knew and didn’t mind it. He knew where She was as well. He always knew where She was even when he was awake, as She always knew where he was. Right now she was in the west tower.
As he thought it his feet landed at the bottom of the stairs and he began to climb up to her. She looked the same as she did when he was a kid. The same pale skin and alien blue eyes, long electric blue hair that always seemed to be floating as if in water or wind. She was tall, taller than he was, though sometimes she was shorter. She was never wearing discernable clothes but her body seemed to flow into some kind of dress, making her body smooth over the expected curves.
Maddox was never sure if she really had a sex or if she changed her body to what she thought made him feel most comfortable. She turned as he entered, her alien eyes assessing him in a way that would seem hostile if he didn’t know what she was feeling.
“I felt another.” Was all she said as he came near. He smiled at her and went to the window, looking out over the sheer drop of ice below them. Her voice was smooth, but electric. It rippled through his body and gave him goosebumps, but he was used to that now.
“Varia. The Warrior.” He replied, leaning over the edge of the window past his point of balance. He wouldn’t fall, he never fell.
“You will bring him.” It wasn’t a question, but he could hardly call it a command.
“He will come, but not because I compel him.” Maddox clarified, leaned back and moving away from the window to stand in front of her. He reached out towards her face and watched as her eyes narrowed to cat slits. She was always wary of being touched by him but she didn’t do anything as he stroked her cheek.
“When he comes he will bring something stronger for you.” Maddox said softly, taking his hand away. “I am sorry it is taking so long.” Maddox apologized.
She rolled her eyes, or what he suspected what her version of it. “Then finish things faster. I have no choice but to wait.”
Maddox opened his mouth and then stopped as he felt his hand warm. He looked at it and closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling. A smile crossed his face and he opened his eyes.
“Will you betray me?” She asked suspiciously, tilting her head in a dangerous way.
“I cannot.” Maddox replied automatically. “Besides, he will not let me die until I free him and I cannot do so without you.” She looked unconvinced but didn’t press him further. Maddox closed his hand around the warmth in his. In the waking world his hand closed around Varia’s softly before going limp again.
Maddox smiled in the dream world again. “Shall we practice?”
Maddox woke the afternoon of Varia’s purification. He began to periodically wake for short periods, desperately searching for Varia if he was not near, before slipping back into unconscious. Maddox woke this time with a weight on his body, and familiar, wild hair tickling his cheeks.
It took a moment for him to orient himself and he nuzzled the top of Varia’s head before his stomach reminded him that he hadn’t eaten in days and needed to be replenished. But he ignored it another moment, fingers threading through Varia’s hair.
“They haven’t been mean to you as I slept I hope.” Maddox whispered, knowing the other was awake. “Have I missed anything?”
“No one, but your Nihalian is ever cross with me, and he does not concern me.” Varia mumbled against Maddoxs chest, his voice muffled. “I’ve been with you the past several days. If anything had happened, I would not have been aware.” Varia whispered, a hint of amusement in his voice. “But no, nothing important.”
It was to be expected that Sabre would bully the other. Maddox was sure that Viansola hadn’t helped in that regard and that she and the Walkers had prevented other than Varia from staying too close too long. That it was not Sabre at his side when he woke was evidence of that, as was the fact that Maddox did not recall the other being there any time he had woken. Sabre was likely to give him a good beating for all of this, especially for seeming to nearly die. The things Sabre was likely to beat him over would be increasing as they went forward. Maddox just hoped that a few months’ vacation in some place of debauchery would be enough to help ease the other’s annoyance. Maddox was equally surprised that Brom hadn’t come to spirit Varia away while Maddox was out of commission. He had seen how much Brom disliked the growing relationship between the two warriors. But if Varia had been at his side like this, perhaps Brom hadn’t had much of a say in the matter.
Varia retreated from Maddox’s chest, propping his chin on his hand, and eyeing him. “I knew if I came close like this, you would wake. The Hero of Er Rai, cuddling like a sweet wife.”
Maddox hummed in amusement at Varia’s words, for they implied that Varia was not also enjoying the cuddling. “I think it is more shocking that the Demon of Arcturus likes to be cuddled as a wife.” Maddox pointed out as he kissed the other’s temple, tightening his grasp before the other wiggled away.
While it was true that Maddox had cuddled many others in the past, Sabre chief among them, it was also true that he had not held the same feeling for them as he did for Varia. He could only hope that Varia could see that, knew that, even if Maddox never said in so many words. Maddox also hoped that Varia would remember that when things inevitably began to seem otherwise.
Love him, Sabre had said. As if the other knew anything about it. Maddox had likely loved Varia far longer than even he knew.
Maddox rolled onto his back, rubbing his face as the other spoke. He heard something move and opened his eyes to see the plate of food. His hands were moving before his mind even registered what was there. The sweet juices of the fruit had him moaning embarrassingly. He devoured the food as the other continued speaking, pausing in his chewing of a piece of bark.
“Tonight is my purification.” Varia said, picking through the foods on the tray, choosing a smaller, bite sized fruit. “I’ll have to leave shortly to bathe in some… pure pool. I’m assuming you’ll be joining me, despite our… limitations until after thus ritual.”
Maddox smirked, and nodded, but remained quite as he ate his fill. Once finished, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. A few days unconscious meant that it took a moment for his legs to remember how to hold his weight and move. The blood rushed to his toes and Maddox waivered a moment, using Cithrel to steady himself. He did lean on Varia on the way out of the hut, but by the time they were walking towards the pool, he could carry his own.
Brom and Sabre were already there, finishing their purification when Varia and Maddox approached. Maddox grinned when spotting them, slapping a hand onto Sabres bared shoulder. “Hello friend! How have the last few days living as a monk treated you?” He teased.
Sabre groaned when Maddox approached and spoke to him, feigning annoyance, though the flash in his golden eyes told Maddox he had been concerned for him. “Oh yes, I quite like living like some holy man. Vows of celibacy, no drinking or smoking…. This has been the time of my life.” Sabre turned to face him proper when Maddox began to strip to join them. “Glad you decided to wake at the very last minute. Little psycho is getting purified tonight. We’ll need you there.”
Maddox shot a look to Sabre, noting the charmed and confident way he spoke, but also noting a sound of concern lacing his words. Maddox knew Sabre well, and he that he was worried Varia would not be able to hold his own against Dor’Goth again.
Varia was powerful, one of the most dangerous men alive, even if he was surprisingly passive lately. The calm meant nothing to Sabre. He spoke his concerns to Maddox many times. He could see it, the danger, and the hostility swirling in the icy depths of Varia’s eyes. He had not lashed out, he had not seemed like a threat lately, but Sabre surmised that that was because of where they were. Varia could not use his powers here. He was not confident that Maddox had ‘tamed’ Varia, as he often reminded him.
Maddox’s gaze lingered on his friend, watching as he settled back into the water and shooed a stray leaf away. Despite the calm of the pool, Sabre’s gaze lifted, sharp and hateful when Varia slipped into the water on the opposite side, near Brom. Maddox too entered the pool, sitting near enough Sabre that he could stop him if he suddenly sprang up to smack Varia around like he so clearly wanted to do.
Maddox had his own theory. Sabre did not like this ‘new’ Varia. He did not like seeing those human emotions in his eyes. It made him less of a monster. He was meant to be a demon. Meant to be a weapon in their battle against Arcturus. Steel was not meant to feel, to love, and Varia did.
"As much as I dislike you, Demon, do not lose. You're enough trouble as it is." Sabre spoke to Varia suddenly, lifting his head to scowl across to him.
Varia rubbed the water into his skin, not lifting his head to look at Sabre. "I will not lose, but not because you insist." Sabre turned his head to Maddox at the shitty tone Varia took with him, eyeing him briefly, before he leant back in the water.
"Arcturus would probably welcome the demon. They wouldn't welcome you. Perhaps he would be better for us." He mused to himself, leaning his head back against the shore.
Varia's hands paused briefly against his arms, his eyes lifting to Sabre for a moment, before they lowered back, resuming his cleansing. Maddox also paused in his cleaning, thought he chose instead to listen to the banter. His eyes shifted to Sabre briefly, but he did not speak. He did not need to fight Varia’s battles for him, even against Sabre.
Maddox understood the hostility Sabre had, at least a bit. Varia had taken his friend from him, and he had no intention of returning him. Varia didn't say a word to Sabre, turning his eyes instead to Brom after his long silence. "If Dor’Goth begins to win, strike me down without hesitation. I will not be a puppet for the demon." He had said similar words to Maddox before, but Maddox was growing increasingly uneasy with the idea of killing Varia.
"It'll be fine, little psycho. No way your vengeful ass would ever allow someone to take any glory for you. We'll be in Arcturus before you know it, without that creepy demon. You're the only creepy demon we need so… can't bring your buddy with us." he said, his voice strained, as if even being slightly cordial with Varia brought him great stress.
Varia lifted his eyes, glancing at Sabre, before he shrugged. "There isn't room for another Demon among us. I'll let him know while he's trying to rip apart my soul and take over my body." Varia replied, splashing a bit of water across his face.
Maddox continued to rub the herbs across his skin, savoring the light tingle the water gaze him. His demon was still close enough to the surface that the water directly affected it, but it felt nice. Especially after sleeping for several days. But he felt Broms eyes on him, and he was angry, staring at him with an unspoken accusation.
“You do intend to get rid of the demon, don’t you Maddox?” Brom finally asked outloud. Maddox looked up to him, a flash of cold hidden behind his normally warm and enigmatic gaze.
“Yes.” He replied simply. Brom narrowed his eyes, not accepting the answer he was given.
“But not here? Not with this ceremony? Viansola seems to think it is a pointless venture and we came here on your word that something could be done.” Brom continued.
Maddox ran a wet hand through his hair, looking at Brom with annoyance. “As I’ve told Varia, purifications are not sure things, especially the longer the demon has been entrenched. The risk to the host grows and with Dor’Goth already showing influence, a clean extraction is unlikely. Zeale wouldn’t mind that, killing two birds with one stone.”
“So what is the point of this? How do we get rid of Dor’Goth?” Brom snapped in return, his voice raising in frustration.
“The purification will weaken Dor’Goth at the very least, give Varia better control over himself and a way to keep the other at bay. There are other ways to extract and destroy the demon afterwards, but as it stands, he wouldn’t live that long if we leave it. Varia understands this. I’ve explained it to him.”
Brom did not like that answer, clearly. He narrowed his eyes at Maddox, and for a moment Maddox thought Brom may lunge at him. But instead, he turned to Varia instead. “Has he truly explained it to you? My brother has a nasty habit of explaining things ‘need to know’ and arbitrarily decides what that is. Has he explained the process here?”
Varia and Sabre both were still, watching the exchange. Varia’s eyes were leveled on Maddox, and they were angry once again. His gaze was filled with familiar distrust and suspicion, before he glanced to Brom.
“He has explained what he felt necessary to prepare me for what is to come. That is all.” Varia did not give either of them a bit of slack. “Regardless, I do not see another option.” He murmured, his voice low.
The tone shot a pang of hurt through Maddox’s chest. Varia was lost, unsure, and put his trust in Maddox to lead him where he needed to be. He was not betraying him, he needed to do this, to free Varia.
“We would be fools to think Dor’Goth should live. If the purification doesn’t work, the binding will hold him off long enough to find another option.” Sabre piped in, his gaze leveled on Brom. “Wood elves are not our only option, and their power is limited. If we bind Dor’Goth rather than destroy him for now, he’ll be weakened enough for our next attempt.”
To say that Maddox was purposely keeping ways to free Varia of Dor’Goth for his own gain, was untrue. When the demon had first inhabited Varia Maddox had every intention of ridding the group of the demon by purification or death. However, it was true that he was no longer doing everything in his power, including killing Varia, to get rid of Dor’Goth. He did have a purpose for the demon, a way to make its presence of use to him rather than a problem and burden.
It was also not entirely true that Maddox was keeping Varia alive only for the demon. The initial plan had been to turn Varia to their side in order to take control of the Legion. That was still largely the plan, though now Maddox had more personal interests in keeping the little man close. However, all of this was not to say that the presence of Dor’Goth did not now provide a significant incentive for Maddox to keep Varia close despite everything else. SHE needed Dor’Goth to heal and jumpstart her own magic. Maddox had intended to use the demon attached to Cithrel, but that one was by now too weak, a paltry snack for a ravenous hunger. Dor’Goth, however, would sate her hunger, would give her the second wind she needed to do what needed to be done. What it meant was that if a chance to destroy Dor’Goth completely arose Maddox was inclined to ignore it, provided that Varia could keep control over the demon. Maddox did need Dor’Goth, but he needed Varia a bit more. He could get another demon to feed Her, but there were not many other ways for him to obtain the Legion and get into Arcturus.
Despite his misgivings Varia trusted him, at least in this, and in ways that Brom would likely never understand or be able to compete with. Sabre would assume Maddox knew what he was doing and keep his mouth shut if he suspected the other didn’t. Maddox wasn’t sure if Sabre suspected that Maddox wanted Melkor, he probably did, but he was trying to convince the others otherwise anyway.
Neither Varia nor Brom seemed to accept Sabre’s explanation, but Varia appeared to be tired. That also gave Maddox pause. Was it him? Was it this plan? Was it the demon, this place? He was not sure, but it was concerning.
A groups of elves came and got Sabre and Brom to prepare them for their parts in the purification, leaving Varia and Maddox alone, thankfully, before the conversation could turn dark. Maddox could see a slight tremble in Varia’s hands and he knew he was fighting off an episode.
Maddox dipped under the water and ran a hand through his wet hair when he resurfaced, coming closer to Varia. He looked down at the other in the water, his head tilting slightly. “I still have reason to keep my promise, despite what my brother thinks. Do not let his words concern you. And in case you are curious as to whether there is truth in them….”
Maddox leaned down till his face was inches from Varia’s, his eyes meeting the other’s briefly as his own before they shifted slightly, the pupils becoming more feline as they closed and Maddox’s lips covered the others.
The kiss was normal at first, but then frost flowed from Maddox over Varia’s tongue, down his throat and through his body. A soft voice whispered to him and wrapped itself around Dor’Goth.
“It is mine. You are mine. You are His. You are ours. Warrior.” The voice whispered before fading along with the cold as Maddox pulled away. “You’ll be fine during the purification. Come on, the others are waiting. Let’s get you dressed and prepared.” Varia needed to be painted as Maddox had been to contain the demon inside him and weaken it during the ceremony.
Varia had allowed the kiss, allowed himself to melt into the other touch once again. It was their new normal it seemed. Whenever Varia began to doubt Maddox in his intentions, Maddox would remind him that his intentions were not entirely war, not any longer. Varia allowed it, because he wanted to, but he knew Maddox didn’t by it. The two of them trusted each other enough, but the many years of actively trying to murder one another were hard to erase. Varias own demons, his own betrayals at the hands of those he trusted above all else had begun to strengthen the wall around Varias heart and mind. He allowed Maddox in, but just a bit. Enough to keep the questions and suspicions at bay.
He needed to get back to Arcturus, back home. That was why he was here. He wasn’t here for Maddox. He tried to remind himself of that often.
But something else had taken his thoughts from this moment. It wasn’t his usual self-doubt, and doubt in Maddoxs intentions. It was the cold, the voice that accompanied it. His eyes opened, focusing on Maddox as the man went about his business as if nothing had happened. He should have been alarmed. He absolutely should have been alarmed, but the voice was soothing in its own way, and he believed Maddox. He would be fine, somehow he knew that. His hand moved up as Maddox moved from him, grasping at his chest where the cold seeped into him. He didn’t move for a long moment after Maddox spoke to him, staring down towards the water.
He had always heard things others hadn’t. The voices had been with him for so long, they were apart of him now. But they weren’t true voices, not like what he had just heard. They were disembodied whispers, speaking in strange languages, screaming at him. They were his own thoughts, thoughts that were his own, but did not belong to him. They were a poor attempt to heal the wounds on his own mind, though they only served to make matters much worse. But THAT. That was not like the others. He heard her voice, he felt a presence, he felt her enter his body and push back against Dor’Goth influence. Perhaps it was more elven magic… his head turned to Maddox once he realized he was alone in the water.
He had never been overly vocal about what his mind did to itself. In Arcturus, the idea of someone having bouts of psychosis, or whatever this was, was punishable by death. Everything was generally punishable by death in Arcturus, but his superiors had known of Varias affliction. Battle fatigue, that’s what they called it. They had insisted Varia kept it to himself, even so young. He was never treated, only given an outlet for the extreme bouts of anger and violence he would experience. Brom was the closest thing to relief he had been given, aside from Maddox. His eyes shifted around the small area, before he stood from the water, following after Maddox without a single word. He wouldn’t speak on it. It felt physical, real, and foreign. Unlike the other voices. But he wasn’t convinced that it was anything real. And while it was alarming initially, it did not feel malicious, at least not towards him. Though somewhere deep inside of him, he could feel Dor’Goth growing restless.
The walkers were waiting for Varia, small bowls cupped in their frail hands, filled to the brim with red. At Maddoxs coaxing, Varia removed his shirt and pants, and allowed the women to surround him, small hands brushing over a small frame, painting symbols over pale flesh. His eyes followed their movements, his mouth turned down in annoyance. His head leant away from every touch to his neck and face. So much touching, lack of personal space. He could just as easily have painted himself. His annoyance was clear, noted by a few soft spoken words by the Walkers, but he remained still. Nearby, he heard Maddox snort in amusement.
Once the women moved away, he glanced back to Maddox. “Is there pain? Will I have to fight Dor’Goth as you fought Cithrels demon? Will he come out as Cithrels did?” he asked, stepping closer to him.
Maddox took a bowl, kneeling before Varia to continue drawing the whorls down Varia’s legs. He muttered strange words as he worked, before answering Varia’s question.
“Yes, it will hurt. Though what that pain will feel like, I cannot say. For me, it feels like burning. As if my body is of ice and there is heat melting and burning me away. But for you, it may be opposite, it may feel like a thousand needles, it may feel like a thousand other kinds of pain… it all depends on the demon inside of you and what your own nature is.” Maddox said, shifting to move around behind Varia, fingers tracing over his butt and thighs.
“As for a fight, you can expect one. The Demon will resist being confined, it will resist anything that resembles a purification or curtailing of its power. Take the demon into your hearth and resist him, he will fight you. It may not always seems like a fight in your mind. Sometimes they take you away to a familiar place, try to make you complacent and compliant. You must not let his influence win or cease to be aware of yourself and where you are or what is happening.
Maddox rose to his feet and came back around to face Varia, putting down the red paint and picking up a bowl of blue. He drew the symbol on his back on Varia’s forehead, on his chest over his heart, and on his abdomen.
“That was not the demon you saw, but Cithrel. The demon will not emerge from your body as that will make it more vulnerable to the ceremony. You need not worry. I will keep you safe. You will not feel cold as pain. If you feel cold, accept it. These marks will protect you. The cold will protect you. You belong to it much more than you belong to the shadows.” Maddox said softly, stepping close as if to kiss Varia though his lips remained just apart. “Come back to me.” Maddox ordered, eyes meeting the other’s before they were called to begin.
Varia heard his words, understood them, but the closer they drew to the event, the lower the sun dipped in the sky, the more his anxiety grew. But there was something else stirring within him. He felt Dor’Goths darkness pulsing and twisting. Dor’Goth was readying himself as much as Varia was, and he did not know who would be more prepared. But he knew it would be a fight.
- In Serial27 Chapters
Dust: Before and After Book 1
Dust wakes after fragments of a comet hits the Earth to discover the world as he knew it is gone. It isn’t the only thing that has changed, though, so has Dust. He now possesses powers that continue to grow, but also come with a price. A deadly encounter after he leaves his home leads to a new discovery, – other survivors. Dust soon learns that another creature has risen from the ashes, one that is determined to possess the powers that he has. On a journey filled with danger, it will take the skills of not just Dust, but those of his friends, if they are to survive. This time the race is not to the swift, but to the deadliest in a world where a changed human boy and an odd assortment of friends must face their worst nightmares, and accept that life on Earth will never be the same again. Join Dust and his friends as they fight to overcome an evil force determined to create a new species unlike anything the world has ever known. *** If you like the story, please be sure and leave a review! Reviews really help a lot. Not only does a review show other readers that the story is worth reading, it helps the author of the story know if readers are enjoying it, too. Thank you!
8 150 - In Serial43 Chapters
The Labyrinth of Dreams
Currently aiming for releases around the 14th and 28th of each month. How do you deal with waking up every night for almost a year because of a nightmare? I guess it doesn’t matter because I am certain my particular nightmare isn’t a normal one. My Uncle even tried to use magic to guard my dreams and prevent the nightmares, but nothing is working. With my 21st birthday coming up, I honestly hope I can get a good night’s sleep. Yet, I can’t help but wonder why Labyrinthia, goddess of Dreams, insists on tormenting me so. Not only that, but mom and dad have been on edge ever since uncle returned from his latest travels. I hope everything is OK out there. Surely, my recurring nightmare isn’t a bad omen or anything, right?
8 159 - In Serial19 Chapters
hyejin meets a girl who isn't head over heels for her.
8 200 - In Serial14 Chapters
The Core of a Factory
An abandoned steampunk arms factory, in the middle of a conflict torn former state of the Empire it served, gains a soul. This transforms it into a Lord, capable of turning land into power. Beset by enemies on all sides it must figure out how to win the war its creators lost a century ago. This is a progressive Dungeon Core novel (which is to say the core will progress and expand in scale, eventually) across multiple dimensions with different characteristics (e.g. steampunk, magic, mythological). It has rationalist leanings (paragraphs of reasoning) and litrpg leanings (there are stat blocks). The core game mechanical idea is something like "what if different flavors of magic power actually did come from controlling land" and then the story is: "what if there was a flavorless (artifact deck) dungeon core". Chapters will be relatively short (my aim is that in three column format each would fit on a wide screen monitor), the first few chapters - setting up the main character and mechanics - are currently the longest in the entire series. I write chapters in blocks, and then release them one a weekday (M-F; 6 PM GMT, unless RoyalRoad's publish thing screws up) until I run out. There may be a few days of gaps here and there if someone finds an egregious error I have to re-write around or if I am behind. In general though one can read this once a weekend. I may do slight retconns and edits, I'll make sure to put it in an authors note if I do.
8 89 - In Serial12 Chapters
B1nary Bl00d
Hello everybody, BoredNerdBooks here. In this web novel I bring back to life the story Binary blood. For those of you who have read the Original, my story operates with the same basic premise but with a few changes like who the main character is and to how the LitRPG, mission, shop, and classes work.(I made them more powerful) And now to the real synopsis. So a weird day starts when you wake up in an escape pod hurtling towards a planet with no idea how you got there. A terrible day is when you get attacked by weird semi-robotic monsters. And an absolutely AWESOME day ends with you getting superpowers because of it. Many thanks to The Irregular for giving me permission to write this. Also, I do not own the cover image if whoever owns it wants it down contact me and I will replace it.
8 174 - In Serial29 Chapters
Embrace Your Flaws-MinYoongiXReader
Hiding her flaws only made her lose herself...
8 92