《Art of Betrayal》Chapter 14.
- Varia -
“How are you feeling? Any different now that we are further from the Graves?” Brom was soft spoken, but in the chasm his voice seemed to carry. The cave outside of the scant glow of the torch was pitch black and looked the same. But the darkness was a welcome oppressiveness to Varia. It wasn’t like the caves they had so often been in before, where the cold stung his skin and the maliciousness choked him. It was cool and damp, void of all natural light, but there was nothing like Dor’Goth lurking in its depths.
Broms question made him twitch his brow in thought. The further they got from the trees, the deeper into the cave they traveled, the less of a hold the Graves had on him. He noticed a change hours ago when they neared the edge of the trees. He felt in control again, at least over some aspect of himself. There was still that wild churning of uncertainty dwelling in his consciousness. Uncertainty of his future, of his own control over himself, of his strength compared to Dor’Goth. Of Maddox and the purpose he decided for him. A ball of anger welled inside of his throat briefly, but Brom’s genuine concern chased it away.
Varia looked to his wrist, to the small ribbon Maddox tied around it. For a moment, it seemed like it glowed against the darkness, but Varia turned his gaze to his torch instead. “Nothing noticeable.” He replied, even as the shadows around them pulsed in disagreement. “The further we go, the more control I have over myself.”
But a sudden pulse of shadow stopped him in his tracks. He caught Brom’s arm, stopping him as well. The corridor ahead of the stretched on into an abyss, but they were not alone. Varia did not hear the movement, he felt it. He didn’t speak, eyes focused straight ahead. His grip on Broms arm grew painfully tight, but he did not notice. The shadows around them curled upwards, wrapping around Varia like protective arms seeking to shield him. They wrapped around Brom as well, but where they touched his skin it burned him. He did not pay any mind to the sound of pain Brom made, nor how he tried to pull his arm away.
The shadows continued to spread, tendrils wrapping about the flames, hissing as power met fire, before they solidified, tightened, and snuffed the flames. Varia let his torch drop, welcoming the dark as it consumed them. He released Broms arm and slid forward.
“I can feel you out there.” Varia whispered, the shadows shifting under his feet with every step. His arm extended, fingertips gently brushing along the pulsing and shifting darkness that consumed the stone walls. Somewhere in the back of his mind he realized that this was a new extension of his abilities and powers. He could hear the quick beats of little elven hearts. He could feel the tremble in their bones as he drew closer.
If he wanted, he could end this now. The creatures were soft flesh and blood, easily torn and spilled. The wood elves wanted their justice, Varia could deliver it to them in as many pieces as he liked and they could do nothing to him. But he didn’t want to do that. He wanted them to flee. He wanted to chase them. He wanted to feel their panic reverberating through the shadows. He wanted to feel the tear of skin and crunch of bones under his hands. He wanted to coat himself in their blood, wear it proudly and declare himself ruler there. How dare they live in the dark, the dark was his.
His hand stalled on the wall, his feet ceasing their movements. His hand flexed, and a heavy breath left him at the sudden burn. He turned his gaze down towards his wrist, though he could not see. The ribbon was burning him, his arm twitching in pain as he came back to himself. He turned suddenly, remembering he left Brom in the dark, reaching to take his hand and pull him to his side.
“Tell them to come out. Tell them why we’re here, and that we do not come seeking violence.” Varia whispered, all danger leaving. The shadows settled as much as they would, still churning and shifting against the cave wall and floor. He felt Brom flinch in his grip, and he hissed to him. “Are you sure? It’s hard to say when you start like that.” Brom tore away from him, striking his flint once, then twice, and relighted his torch.
“We have come on behalf of the wood elves just west of here. We come seeking answers for the Elder cut down before its time. We only seek answers, nothing more. We have come as truth-seekers, not justice bringers.” Brom said in clipped, rusty elvish. Unlike the elvish spoken by the wood elves, which sounded more like whispers in the leaves, dark elf elvish had sharper sounds more akin to the sounds used in echo location.
There was a sound and an elf with pale skin and features growing bat-like came to the edge of the light. The elves were slightly hunched, wide red eyes squinted against the light of the torch. Their ears were long and pointed, much longer than any of the other elven species. They were hideous, small, pointed and jagged teeth framed lipless mouths. They didn't need to see down here in the darkness, but their sense of smell and their hearing likely was what kept them alive for so long. Many creatures lurked in the darkness underground, even in Er Rai, and the dark elves of these caves managed to survive this long. He would do well not to underestimate them, though his confidence in his own abilities had heightened the moment they entered the caves.
Varia's brow twitched at the sight, his nose scrunching as if he expected an odor, but none came. They were cave dwellers, it shouldn't have surprised him that they weren't as attractive as wood elves. Varia could see two more pairs of eyes reflecting his torch a bit further back, but he felt more moments ago. “The woodlings care for little truth outside their own. But we may tell ours to you, for a price. You have brought a shadow walker. We have need of his power.”
Varia's eyes narrowed as the elf spoke of him, and using his powers. Maddox had warned him of his, the Dark elves were power hungry and sought out dark magic. There had been a concern that they would try and steal Varia away for Dor’Goth, and Dor’Goth combined with his own powers was an even more dangerous situation. However, Varia wasn't particularly confident the dark elves would be able to take him on even if they tried. He could easily destroy them, especially down here in the dark. He had a control over himself that he hadn't felt before. He could feel the cave system, could feel how far it stretched. He could feel the elves as well, could sense their fear and apprehension as well as their excitement. They couldn't take him, even if they wanted to.
"And what sort of need do you have for me?" Varia asked, shoving his murderous thoughts and intent to the back of his mind. He was here for a reason, and one that was not meant to end in blood shed, no matter how he wanted it to. He had to return, and he had to return in good graces. If Maddox believed the wood elves would be able to seal Dor’Goth, he couldn't screw it up by attacking the stunted creatures before him.
There was a pause, before Varia turned his head to Brom, his eyebrows furrowed. He hadn't realized it until just then… but the elf had spoken to Brom in elvish. Varia did not know elvish, none of it. It was a complicated language, and by the time Arcturus thought to teach him words of other species, he was already hardened by war, and too busy to sit down and learn. He shouldn't have understood the elf, and even then as he tried to recall the words, he couldn't. He spoke several languages, many forms of Arcturian, and Er Rian, as well as several forms of Nihalian. But elvish… never. He looked to Brom, as if he had expected Brom to translate for him, though his eyes spoke his sudden concern.
He was gaining some of Dor’Goths knowledge on top of the boost in his own power. He felt in control of his own mind at the moment, though the tug of the dark was there. He had to stay in control, he couldn't let the darkness take over his mind and actions. He had a mission, and he intended to complete it, and return to Maddox. The two elves that stood back from them whispered to each other, drawing Varia's attention. He couldn't understand them now. That ability had been lost all of a sudden.
"Keep your eyes on me. He's affecting me a bit." Varia whispered in Arcturian, his voice low. He didn't need to elaborate any more, Brom would know. Brom was the one who mentioned it first. Unfortunately, he wasn't certain Brom would be able to stop him if he had an episode, not here. Not now.
The elves stopped whispering, the volume too low for even Brom to catch. “Come, we will show you. Our people are beset with the shadow illness. The shadow-walker will understand. Come.” Brom translated to Varia in Arcturian.
The elves led them to a large chamber carved into a dome shape and littered with perfect holes. It was like a honeycomb and hive. The space was dotted with larger holes such as they one they exited from, denoting tunnels. There were hundreds, if not thousands of dark elves just waiting to pounce. Demon or no, if this erupted in violence, it would be difficult to make it out in one piece A large opening in the center threw moonlight everywhere, refracted by polished gem mirrors. Varia wondered why that would be so when the Elves were keen on darkness, but the answer soon became clear. Unlike their escorts there were several elves that showed themselves with features more akin to the wood elves. Their ears and eyes were bigger, their skin the same greyish hue, but they could clearly see the newcomers. Brom extinguished his torch and pulled a cloth around his nose and mouth. There was sickness here, he could smell it. The majority of the ill didn’t seem to be in this space, but some here too were infected. His eyes darted around, trying to find evidence of what he knew existed, but there was nothing save the smell. A good looking dark elf was striding towards them with an air of importance and Varia immediately disliked the man.
He stood upright, red eyes bright against the dim light of the moon. Silver hair brushed down his shoulders, resting against his back. He was barely dressed, much to Varia's displeasure. The man approached them, a hand raising up in a sort of greeting, before placing it across his chest, giving the two a slight bow. "Greetings, shadow-walker." He spoke, his dark elvish definitely more highborn than the guttural and rough language the others had spoke. Varia eyed the man who now stood before him, his eyebrow twitching in annoyance, before he glanced to Brom. Whatever had taken over him, allowing him to understand the dark elves had left him, and he was in the dark once again. The elf glanced between the pair, his eyes crinkling in amusement, before he straightened himself, easily dwarfing Varia. "My name is Ailmar, son of Alire. We have been waiting for you, Demon." He said in Arcturian, his hand opening to Varia, an invitation of sorts.
Varia scowled, his eyes flickering down to the hand offered to him, before ignoring it, looking around the cavern briefly once more. The chattering from the other elves in there had quieted the moment this… Ailmar spoke, leaving them in a silence as Varia pondered his words. He wasn't certain who Ailmar was speaking to, if he was referring to the Demon of Arcturus, or if he was attempting to speak directly to Dor’Goth. His eyes finally found their way back to the scantily clad elven lord, or whatever he was. "Well I've arrived, though you could have gotten my attention in a less hostile way. What is it you creatures want from us?"
Ailmar watched Varia, his lips pulled back in a smile that was both kind and unnerving at once. "Us? Is it us already, Varia, Demon of Arcturus, Commander of the Arcturian military? Has your demon made himself at home finally? Taken you over as his host?" Varia's gaze grew less bright as the man spoke, his expression dropping into one of annoyance rather than his usually scowled expression. "Perhaps you would like to find out, Ailmar, son of Alire? I was called Demon long before Dor’Goth joined me. You would do well to remember that. What is Shadow-sickness, and why do you need me to help?"
"There is a Demon here. Not unlike the monster dwelling inside of you. He is much weaker, though us elves are more susceptible to dark magic and possession. He has spread his influence through my people, spreading his madness like a fire. While he is weak, he is still a demon. We cannot defeat him, but you can. Shadow-Walker, we need you, not the Demon inside of you." Ailmar’s voice was laced with amusement at Varias attitude, and it only pissed Varia off more.
Varia watched Ailmar as he spoke at first, before his head turned, gazing around the cavern once again. He had felt a darkness here, one that he hadn't felt before. So that was shadow sickness. It was a madness that took over when a demon was near. In Arcturus they called it something else, and it wasn't regarded as a sickness, not at first. It would eventually destroy it's host, but until then, the madness made them extremely dangerous and violent. Something Arcturus craved. They often would cast men into the dark caves there, leave them for days or even weeks, before they would drag the screaming animals from it, setting them upon their enemies as if they were wild dogs. Varia himself had sent men of his own to the caves of the Miarovo Mountains. Varia looked to Brom for a long moment, before he looked back to the elven man standing before him. “Take us to them.”
As they came upon those quarantined, Varia was thankful that he was not a humanitarian. Hanging out of caves and cages made of bone, strewn about in various states of affliction were elves of every age. Some walked around with unfocused eyes, muttering to themselves. Others were attacking themselves against the floors and walls, while still others were raging against their confines. A few wandered off into the darkness, which seemed deeper and dark down one tunnel. That must be where the demon was. Was it eating the ones that walked down that way? Or was it just feeding on their madness? Varia tried not to look too closely, but it was hard to look away.
He knew what sort of danger they were in just being here, especially with Dor’Goth dwelling in his gut. But the fact that these elves had been kept alive was something to consider. The elves clearly cared more for their people than Arcturus did, and the madness was frightening to them. Several hunched elves stood near the cages, their eyes focused elsewhere, though they couldn't see. Their faces were twisted in concern and fear, their ears and noses turned towards the others as they clawed and screeched, trying to escape. If the madness frightened them, Varia could use that if they absolutely needed to. “So for what reason did you cut down the Elder tree?” Brom asked, facing Ailmar again.
Ailmar turned to face the two as they arrived, his back to the people, unwilling to watch them descend further. "The Elder trees hold a magic, a light magic. We thought it would help us ease their suffering. We were wrong, it only served to fuel the madness." Varia looked around the man, down towards the others. He could sense something down there with the elves. It was dark, only dim light filtering in from the rooms above, illuminating the gray skin and red eyes. And the blood. There was a lot of blood. Smeared against the walls and ground, staining the skin of the elves, reddening the white of their hair. Varia had seen the madness plenty of times, he had often been there when the men Arcturus would intentionally infect were thrown to the villages and towns that the council deemed unnecessary. But Arcturus had never allowed more than a few to become infected at one time. They were aggressive, violent, and extremely unpredictable. It was dangerous to have any, let alone this many alive at once.
"You knew the Elder tree wouldn't help. You did it to draw our attention, and you've gotten it. You cannot save these people. Death is their only mercy. Let me down there, and I will cleanse this place for you." Ailmar was clearly taken back by Varia's words. He shouldn't have been, Varia was the Demon of Arcturus after all. Perhaps he thought the man would find a kinship with these elves, perhaps see something of himself within them.
Ailmar was almost hesitant to allow the men below, and though his face spoke of his hesitation, his body moved aside, revealing the gate to enter the crater. Varia moved past, glancing briefly at Brom again. He could sense the demon below, he could almost see it. The shadows twitched unnaturally, reacting to Varias presence, twisting around their hosts and crawling up the walls. Varia had dealt with darkness like this before, and though he wasn't particularly confident in his ability to restrain himself, his feet moved on their own, carrying him down the stone stairs, descending towards the mad elves. Brom was with him, he knew that, but Ailmar stayed behind, pushing the gate closed behind them.
The closer he drew to the middle, the darker the area became. The guards shifted back, before retreating into their respective holes in the walls, vanishing. Varia's hand moved to his sword, gripping it tightly despite his calm demeanor. The cloth on his wrist had begun to glow softly, alerting anyone who would notice of the dark presence nearby and within Varia.
The screeching and chattering from the mad elves was deafening, loudly echoing through the chasm. But as Varia stepped from the final step, a silence took them sharply. All the elves turned to them, eyes focused on the pair that had entered. The dark elves were blind, at least mostly, yet their eyes were focused on Varia and Brom, following them as they moved closer.
Varia felt a sudden fear grip him, a fear of losing himself to Dor’Goth. He could feel the Demon within him shifting, pushing to the surface, desperate now to escape. But his thoughts on his own affliction were torn as a voice sounded from the dark.
"Uzg Bûrgulu-ob! Thrakatulûk, Sokanoth burzum-ishi krimpatul!" Varia flinched at the raspy voice from the darkness, not because of what it clearly was, but because of the words it spoke to him. He hadn't understood Dor’Goth when the demon spoke the same language as this creature, but he understood now.
'Welcome Lord! I am Sokanoth! I have heard of your conquests, and I am here to serve!'
Varia watched the creature as it shifted forms, the shadows swirling around it, solidifying into a humanoid shape. The creature was tall, yet stunted, thin. Its ribs and sternum were visible from the black skin that stretched over it. Lesions covered its body, bright yellow eyes glistening from the long face, a face that resembled a steer, yet twisted and gnarled. Large teeth hung from it's thin lips, its ears clipped and tattered. Its neck was long, a thick mane falling down it's bony shoulders, knees turned the wrong way. This was a Demon, though not one like Dor’Goth. This demon was low ranked, able to influence and possess the dark elves, but unable to do much besides that. The demon moved forward, hooves clacking against the ground as it crouched below Varia, though it made sure to keep its distance.
"My lord. Use my subjects and I as you see fit." It spoke, in the same black speech from before. Varia's fist tightened over his sword, so much so it would have been painful if he could feel in that moment. The cloth on his wrist was now glowing brightly, pulsing against the dark of the room. But he didn't notice, his eyes were focused instead on the disgusting creature knelt before him. The ice in his eyes pierced through the darkness, seeming to glow in the dim light of the cavern. The demons head bowed before him, and Varia felt so powerful. He was offering him demons, an army if he so chose. He could destroy Arcturus, destroy Er Rai, Nihal. He could rule the ashes, sitting upon a throne of corpses. He would no longer be used by others, never again beaten, raped, sold. The world would burn with him leading the charge.
The room had darkened once more, the only light emitting from the band on Varia's wrist, the light pulsing rapidly now, almost desperately. "I do not want the elves. Release them." He spoke in Arcturian still, but his voice was low. It still sounded like him, but there was something off, something different in his tone, something dark. He was aware of his tone, aware that something was wrong, yet unable to prevent it. Sokanoth slid back from Varia, nodding to him as he spoke. "Yes, yes, of course! My lord needs better servants, much better than these filthy elves!" He said, his hands palm up to Varia as he cowered from the man, sliding back on his haunches towards the elves.
As if a switch went off, the mad elves collapsed all at once, some that had climbed the confines of their makeshift prisons slamming into the ground. Varia watched, the shadows around him pulsing with every beat of his human heart. He didn't want them to move. They were weak, filthy.
Would it be mercy to kill them all?
Most certainly.
Once his reign began, the world would be cast into shadows. No matter how deep the elves dug, they wouldn't escape his wrath. No one would. No one was safe, no one would be spared. In that brief moment, down in the darkness of the tunnels, with demons and elves declaring allegiance to him he forgot his friends. He forgot Brom, he forgot Maddox. He forgot what the sun looked like, how freedom felt. He forgot his purpose, his feelings, all he knew was rage.
He heard a shift behind him, and he turned his head, shooting a glance over his shoulder to Brom. He even appeared differently, his usually attractive features marred with darkness and hate. Shadows had begun to blacken the area around his eyes, and his eyes were distant, landing on Brom as if he were a stranger. His eyes lingered for a long moment, taking in the mans position behind him. He was close, and though he didn't appear to be ready to fight, he was tense, rigid. Varia's eyes moved down his body, focusing on his feet. He could feel his pulse, his breath, every small shift of his muscle as the man prepared for the inevitable.
I will not disappoint him.
His eyes didn't shift, neither did his body, but the shadows around Brom suddenly stopped all movement, the lull lasting several long moments, before the suddenly erupted around him, attempting to impale the man.
- Brom -
The first sign that this was not where he wanted to be was when the hush descended over the mad elves as he and Varia reached the cave floor. Brom already thought the elves creepy as shit, but having their undivided attention was immeasurably worse. Granted, even though their attention was likely more on Varia than himself, because he was in the strike zone that didn’t make him feel much better. It wasn’t even as if they were all watching. Most were blind, but their milky eyes were following the pair as intently as if they had the keenest sight. Brom found himself unconsciously willing himself to move quieter, breathe more shallowly and fade into the oppressive silence and darkness. The second sign was the voice that did speak with the third sign being the creature that owned said voice emerging. Brom had only caught a snippet of the conversation before when Varia had been attacked, but he recognized it instantly when this creature spoke it.
While they had been told that the creature dwelling here was a demon Brom realized that until now he had held on to the hope that the elves had been mistaken, had misnamed some other creature of calamity that was much easier to deal with.
No, it’s another fucking demon.
Though this one had more corporeal form than the one in Varia. More than focusing on the Demon and its words, Brom watched the space around it, the dirt under its feet and the air around it. He needed confirmation that it was more solid than the last. And it was, thank heavens. As the creature spoke Brom slowly slid the elves blades from his belt, holding them behind his back.
Perhaps he should have been paying more attention though, for something came over Varia and Brom instantly became more alert. Because he was conditioned to watch for when Varia went into his fits and to be attuned to his shadows for such change, the sudden hostility aimed towards him did not catch him as off-guard as it might have another. He should have noticed it earlier, the pulsation from the charm Maddox had tied to Varia’s wrist an indication that something was amiss. Brom didn’t know how much more juice that thing had, but he hoped it would last long enough for them to get distance from this toxic place. A slight change in temperature always accompanied Varia’s power over shadows. A slight chill around his feet warned him but even then he almost didn’t move away in time to avoid being impaled.
Brom cursed as he landed on his feet, crouched low, the enchanted daggers in either hand, glowing ominously. “Varia! That’s enough of this! This is not why you are here, it’s a trap and you know it!” Brom shouted to his friend, not knowing the other could even hear him. Another brush of cold and Brom dodged again as another sharp tendril came at him, though this time he swung at it, a small hiss indicating connection and that the shadows were not completely Varia’s own.
“I thought you weren’t going to let them use you!” Brom continued, watching Varia but also keeping an eye on the demon behind him. This whole thing was a set up and Brom intended that at least some would die before they returned to the wood elves. “Are you going to let a few sweet words sway you? For what? Another kingdom of death and ice? For that we could have just stayed in Arcturus!” Brom dodged again before rushing forward, feinting away from Varia and slicing the dagger towards the demon. It blocked with shadowed talons, but hiss and recoiled at the enchantment. “Between the current options the one we just left, though an ass is at least more attractive. Varia! Break it’s hold!” Or Brom would have to attempt to break its hold for him. And he was not sure he was capable of such a thing.
Brom detoured from defense against Varia to attacking the demon, who thankfully seemed not to have the control over shadows that Varia did. Of course, that didn’t mean that the demon was weak or easy to hit. Brom had to remain wary of its long fingers and horns as he got in close to slice across its skin. This would be so much easier if Maddox were here or Varia not insane. Brom was beginning to miss the days when all he killed were humans and the odd trained beast.
Brom knew he could not stand against Varia even when Varia was in his right mind. He countered his episodes by providing an outlet, not by force. He could not stand to a Varia lost. His confidence in Varia was waning, and he was not sure Varia could come out of this, not with so many outside forces driving him to madness.
- Varia -
Varia's eyes were closed, a soft breeze brushing against his face gently. Everything was so quiet and peaceful there, he'd never seen this place like this. The cold filled his lungs with each breath, a welcome change from the heat he imagined recently. Eyes opened, and instead of a dark cave full of mad elves and demons, he was back home. He stood in the great fortress of Mal’Dyr, his hands gripping the icy stone that made his walls. Below him was a vast, white world, stretching as far as the eye could see. The sun was just beginning it's climb, barely breaching the tops of the snowy caps that surrounded Varia's hold. Light glistened off the snow, flashing an array of colors. There he stood, for hours it felt, just watching the sun cast it's light across the land, warming the empty halls of Mal’Dyr.
He was safe here, alone. Nothing could get to him, nothing could hurt him anymore. His hold was empty, he knew that. He wasn't sure how he knew, but he did. It was almost lonely. But it was so quiet. He had no worries, no voices whispering nightmares at him, no demons trying to take him. There was nothing wrong with staying for a bit longer. Another breeze blew in from the dark peaks behind him, rushing past him with more force than before. This breeze was icy, biting him down to the bone. Varia broke his gaze with the landscape, his head turning back.
The mountains behind him were dark, ominous. Black clouds swirled overhead, moving closer with every passing moment. The rumble of distant thunder drummed in his ears. Something about them immediately put Varia on edge, immediately caused him to become very aware of where he was. His head turned, taking in the fortress. It was Mal’Dyr, but the stone of his walls had begun to crack under some immense pressure. On the ground below lay hundreds, no, thousands of bodies, too far away to identify, but close enough that the snow and ice didn't hide what they were. It made his stomach twist, wondering just who was down there, how many of those bodies were men he knew.
But Varia just turned around, once again gazing out into the snowy land, his mind calm, despite his world slowly crumbling around him. Another breeze blew past him again, but this time something came with it. His eyebrows twitched in recognition of the voice he heard. His head turned again, the hold this land held on him suddenly quaking. Another voice came from the mountains again, the words frantic and loud, but nothing he could understand yet. But it was familiar. Varia glanced over his shoulder at the scenic view he had been gazing at moments before, before his feet pushed forward, towards the voice. He wasn't sure why it was calling to him so. Why he felt something within him stir when he heard it, why he was moving forward still. But the closer he drew to the mountains, the louder it became.
'I thought you weren't going to let them use you!' Varia stopped at that, his eyes narrowing. He recognized the voice, recognized the anger those words brought, but his mind still struggled to place the familiarity.
His mind was still trapped here, in this place, with no memory of Brom, Maddox or their quest. All it knew was that this was home, nothing more. But that voice persisted. Varia lifted his hand, placing it against the mountain side, listening to the words intently. The words were inspiring plenty of feelings from him, anger, sadness, everything, but he did not know why.
'Varia! Break its hold!' Varia physically flinched at that, a heavy breath leaving him. That was him. That was his name. He was Varia, he was the Demon of Arcturus, and Arcturus had betrayed him, left him for dead. He was not here in Mal’Dyr, he was with Brom, and Maddox. Everything rushed back at once, Dor’Goth, the Graves, the Dark Elves, Maddox…
Varia's eyes shot down to his wrist, eyes wide as he realized the binding wasn't there. His hand lifted, as if he was going to inspect his wrist closer, before his vision blurred, a great flash taking over the world he was in. His eyes closed tightly, bracing for whatever was coming, before it settled. The quiet of the world he had just been in was gone, replaced with the sounds of blades slicing through the air.
Varia's eyes opened, landing on Brom as he lunged for the gnarled and disgusting demon once more. Sokanoth recoiled from the blow, before lashing out with it's talons, attempting to slice the man in two, but Brom was nimble, and he dodged the blow. Varia looked around briefly, before his hands moved to his own body, grabbing at his own wrist. The feel of cloth and blood filled his senses, and the sudden pain jolted him. His eyes lifted as the demon behind him gasped, before lifting further and settling on Ailmar.
Several men lined behind him, talismen and several, smaller enchanted items in their hands. They returned with every intention to capture Varia and Dor’Goth, and though Varia knew that coming into things, he felt his anger stir again. He stepped forward, blood dripping from his wrist to the ground before. The charm did it’s job, the glow and the pain was enough to keep Varia focused now. Dor’Goth’s influence faded completely and rage replaced it.
Ailmar stepped down closer to Varia, his arms stretched out in a greeting. "Welcome, Demon! Please accept the offerings behind you as greetings and thanks. We are here to loyally serve you, lord, in exchange for your assistance in destroying our foes." He spoke, lowering down into a deep bow upon the ledge where he stood.
Varia stared up at him, before his eyes moved along the gate. There were runes carved into it, no doubt done in an effort to keep the Demons locked within. But Varia was no actual Demon. The runes would not stop him, but Ailmar did not know that. Varia's hand lifted, stained with blood, slowly taking the latch to the gate.
Ailmars eyes lifted, following Varia's hand. His eyes widened, and he attempted to gather himself to move away, but he was too slow. Varia slammed the latch up, the gate swinging open, and surged forward to smash his fist into Ailmars face viciously. Ailmar gasped in his surprise, eyes wide. His men saw what was happening, and had quickly deduced that Varia was no longer possessed, the small group fleeing back the way they came.
Ailmar clutched his nose, blood trickling from between his fingers as Varia descended upon him. "Please, please!" he got out in broken Arcturian as Varia grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt, pulling him into the gated area. The moment Dor’Goth's presence had vanished, the weaker demon had retreated to the furthest corner, it’s animal-esque legs pulled up to it's chest, small whimpers leaving it's throat. Brom had landed several blows, and Sokanoth was actively bleeding onto the floor, it's blood inky and thick.
Varia hurled Ailmar onto the ground among the bodies of his people, before stepping over him towards the demon. He gently caught Broms arm, pulling him back. "They will never recover from the madness, will they, Demon?" he asked, addressing the creature. The demon lifted it's head, locking it's eyes with Varia's before it shook it's head. "No, L-Lord. They will never recover. The elf knew that when he trapped me here." Varia was quiet after that, allowing the hoarse words to sink in. Ailmar had intentionally trapped Sokanoth here, and intentionally lured his people down into the depths and tainted them. He wanted Varia to come, he wanted to trap Dor’Goth, and use him against the rest of the world. Varia cast a vicious glare across to Ailmar as the man groveled before the sight of Sokanoth.
"You lured your own people down here? For what purpose?" Varia asked. Ailmars eyes flickered from the demon to Varia. "For you. For you and the demon inside of you. The wood elves want to kill you, the Light elves will want to kill you, but we… we desire you. We want you alive, alive and well. We are not your enemies, Varia. I am not." Ailmar said, holding his hands towards Varia.
Varia watched him as he spoke, before his eyes flickered to Brom. He had been so determined to not allow his anger and homicidal tendencies to surface here, not on such an important trip, but leaving Ailmar alive would be a mistake that would surely haunt him. He could see it in Broms eyes, in his gaze. And then a slight nod of the head. He agreed with him, and that was the only urging Varia needed.
He turned back to Sokanoth, the shadows swirling up and securing Ailmar to the ground as the man tried to stand. "I have a proposition for you, demon. I will allow you to live, and I will release you from this prison. Allow these people to wake. They are lost, I know that, but I will not sully my hands with his blood."
Sokanoths eyes focused on Varia, studying him, considering the mans words, before Sokanoths head pivoted to Ailmar as the man let out a soft cry, pulling desperately against the shadowy restraints that now held him steady. He was knelt between the bodies of the people he had thrown to the demon. Slowly, painfully, the demon lifted his arms, gooey blood falling from his fresh wounds. As his arms raised, the dark elves struck with the madness did as well. They were still quiet, their eyes turned towards the demon, ignoring the others completely. "Remove the runes trapping me here, and I will allow these souls to perish with the man who gave them this affliction." he said to Varia.
Varia glanced to Ailmar, before turning, moving from the quarantined area, Brom following him quietly. Ailmar turned his head, yanking against the shadows. "You cannot leave me here! Release me at once, Demon!" he roared to Varia as the man clicked the gate closed behind him. Varia turned, his hand sliding up to the runes carved on the gate. His eyes were focused on Sokanoths, the two staring at each other, waiting for one of them to keep their word, each one focused as Ailmar shouted.
"Listen to me! Do as I command, Demon! Without us, the demon inside of you will kill you! You need me!" he roared. That got Varia's attention finally. His eyes dropped down to Ailmar, narrowing at the man. "You do not own me, Elf." he said, before the area beneath his hand flashed, the rune he had touched shattering as he pushed the shadows into it.
Sokanoth grinned it's toothy, rotting grin as it was released, nodding it's head up to Varia. "The Demon of Arcturus, a man of his word. You are much more worthy than these elves thought." He spoke, before he flipped his hand towards Ailmar. As he did, the elves that had been infected turned at once, their eyes wide with their madness. There was a stillness for a long moment, Sokanoth giving Varia a mock bow, before vanishing into the ground where he stood. His presence immediately left the area, the darkness that shrouded the cavern lifting slightly, allowing more light to filter in through the ceiling. Small tendrils of shadows wrapped around the latch of the gate, twisting and gnarling the metal until it was completely warped, assuring the mad elves would not be able to escape.
The elves with the sickness circled Ailmar, crouching near him. The man lifted his arm in an attempt to lash out, but the shadows curled around his arms as well, yanking them down to the ground and securing him in place once more. He let out a cry, his body flexing against the restraints, but to no avail. The more he moved, the more the sick elves seemed to take an interest in him. They inched closer to him, small hands reaching out to grab at his skin, softly at first, before their long, curved nails began to dig into his clothing, tearing it from him.
"Please! Please, please, please! Don't leave me here, please don't leave me here!" Ailmar begged back to Varia, though the restraints holding him to the ground did not allow him to turn to look at the man. The claws of the people he had sacrificed scraped at his skin, starting to leave small blood welts with every touch. Varia remained where he stood, watching Ailmar squirm through the bars of the gate, icy eyes glistening in the dim light. It seemed to take forever, but a sudden surge of movement caused the frenzy to begin.
One of the elves had lurched forward without warning, sinking its teeth into the flesh of Ailmars shoulder. Blood spilled out over its mouth, staining Ailmars hair red. The resulting scream had triggered the other elves, and they had soon mobbed him, teeth and claws tearing and gnashing. Pieces of the mans clothes flung about the cavern wildly, blood spraying every which way as the others devoured him. His screams died down shortly after they began, though Varia felt he could have held on for a bit longer.
Varia stood still for another long moment as the elves swarmed their prey, feasting on the flesh of their brother, before a deep sigh left him. He turned, looking to Brom, before he climbed the stairs. His body ached, and he could feel the weight of the enchantments wearing on him finally, a feeling he had grown used too, one that comforted him, one that reminded him when he was in control. The cloth on his wrist was withered now, hanging on by literal threads. It had done what it was meant to, but it was finished. It was now soaked in Varia's blood from where it sliced into the mans skin, attempting to inflict enough pain to distract him from the demon.
He could feel the dark elves retreating, slinking back into their holes, moving far from Varia and Brom. That was refreshing. Despite hardly attacking anything, or expending much power, he was exhausted. He was glad it was over, or at least appeared to be. He wasn't certain he would be able to fight of hoards of dark elves, desperate to avenge Ailmar. His eyes turned to the side, towards the wall as the shadows fluttered.
Sokanoth appeared before them, half inside the wall, only it's arms and head facing them. "You have done me a service, human. I will repay you with information. Days ago, the man brought back something, something that effected me. It held a great power, and it hurt me so. Perhaps it is something you could use, little lord." He spoke, gesturing towards the small chest sitting on a small table near the three of them.
Varia no longer was wary of Sokanoth, and at the words, Varia turned his head towards the box. He could feel something coming from it, something familiar. He stepped forward, placing his hand on the box. He felt his power immediately leave him, flushing from him. They hadn't completely destroyed the Elf they had cut down. There was something left of it, in this box. Something that still lived. He looked to Brom, a sudden ball of hope hitting him. He had been certain the outcome of this trip would not have pleased the wood elves. He had intended to return empty handed, only bringing information of yet another party trying to gain Varia's power for their own gain. He didn't know much of the elves, nor their magic, but perhaps this would bring them some solace. Perhaps it could be replanted, and regrow. He wasn't sure, but something about that discovery soothed his mind.
He looked to Brom, pulling the box closer to himself. "We should return at once, before the dark elves decide to return." He said, before looking to Sokanoth. "Thank you." He said, receiving a nod in return, before Sokanoth vanished back into the darkness. Varia sighed, looking to Brom. "I'm sorry I attacked you." He said as he shifted the box under his arm, beginning to move back the way they came.
“I get why Maddox hates caves.” Brom murmured as they walked back towards the entrance together. Varia snorted, exhausted, but that earned a small flicker of a smile. He did not respond, and soon they reached the small village where Brom secured a bath, food and bandages for Varia’s arm.
“I sent the call for the wood elves to come and retrieve us. They should be here by morning.” Brom murmured, wrapping bandages around Varia’s wounded arm, mouth full of potatoes and peas. “That demon did not tell us the entire truth. Dark elf hordes are usually several hundred thousand. There were barely a few thousand in that cave. Even if they knew as soon as the demon attacked you, no way their numbers dwindled that quickly. Not with how weak that demon appeared to be. There is more to the story, not the one the wood elves care about, but…. Do not trust that demon again if he appears.” Brom spoke softly, his eyes lifting briefly as Varia flinched.
Varia huffed through his nose, wiggling uncomfortably in his seat. “I did not trust Sokanoth to begin with.” He muttered, reaching across to peel a strip of steak from his plate and shoving it into his mouth. “I trusted his desire to be free. The elder heart was just a bonus.” Brom was right, though. There was something else, something that Varia chose not to see. Something that could complicate matters in the future, though unlikely. The dark elves, while vast in number, could not breach the surface except at night, and even then they were at a disadvantage not being in such a confined space where their clicks could echo throughout.
There was a reason they hadn’t been followed, and as much as Varia would imagine it was out of fear for him, it was more likely they feared the wood elves. The graves surrounded the small village, and considering all they had learned, it seemed the elves were on the brink of their own war. Thrusting themselves into a battle they would not win was stupid, and careless. Despite all of that, and the fact Varia made another enemy, his mind was focused on other things.
This purification. The closer it drew, the more concerned Varia became. “What happens if the ritual doesn’t work? What if instead of Dor’Goth and I both dying, Dor’Goth awakens and takes control. What then?” Varia asked, though he didn’t expect an answer. The wood elves did not crave the power of Dor’Goth like the dark elves did. There would be safeguards in place to prevent Dor’Goth from taking over. Maddox would be there, and if something went wrong he would be able to kill him. At least he hoped. Dor’Goth was powerful, but Varia was not certain just how powerful he was. He was ancient, and typically demons living for thousands of years did so because they were powerful.
They knew that already, but Dor’Goth had somehow pushed Varias mind into another place, into a dream. He was able to take control with very little motivation, and he wasn’t even awake. If the demon woke, Varia was no longer certain he could hold him back. He barely kept him at bay on this day.
“I’m ready to sleep.” Varia spoke, downing the rest of his ale once Brom finished tending to him, grimacing at the taste, before standing. “I’ve barely been able to since this all began.” He said, running a hand against his face. His mind was quiet, save a few, stray whispers. Maddoxs was not there to prevent sleep, and Dor’Goth was sleeping once more. Perhaps tonight he could rest. He stood still for a moment, gazing towards the stairs where his bed awaited him. “When he had taken me, Dor’Goth, it was not the thought of Maddox, or the thought of some mission for the elves that brought me back. It was you. Your influence over me has not waned after all.”
Brom was silent for a long while, his gaze focused on the bandages he held. His gaze was distant, dark, but he finally smiled to Varia. It did not quite reach his eyes. “I just happened to be the one there. You didn’t want to be taken over so you came back. If it were Maddox you probably wouldn’t have slipped away in the first place.” Brom spoke without thinking about it and regretted it soon after. He finished his own drink and stretched, throwing Varia a light smile. “But I’m glad you listened to me for once. Now if only you would take a bath before bed.” Brom said, pushing Varia towards the baths
- Maddox -
Gold rimmed eyes opened and Maddox fixed his gaze on Cithrel, buried point first into the river bed as the waterfall cascaded over it.
“I know. He’s coming back. I told you he would. Don’t get your hopes up. You wont be fed any time soon.” Maddox smirked as the sword resonated, the water around it billowing out and distorting. He blinked and the gold receded, Maddox rising to his feet and stretching.
His body was thoroughly chilled from the shade of the half cave and the spray of the falls. He ducked out of it, pulling Cithrel free from the sand and soil. Viansola was on the shore, hands fold in front of her, waiting. She was still quite lovely, her age not showing on her skin. Though she was nearing a thousand years, she looked no older than a woman in her late forties or early fifties. Her eyes were creased in that forever smile she had as Maddox came closer, but she held up a hand to stop him.
She waded into the water to him and he realized she wanted the roar of the falls to mask their words. “What news?” She asked, though he suspected she knew. “He is returning, I believe with the Elder heart.” Viansola nodded with something like relief.
“What of the Other?” Maddox tilted his head slightly. “Sleeping still. He was felt but…” Maddox shrugged and Viansola pressed a finger to her mouth in thought. “The others will not stand for two of you. Even if you are proof it can be done.” Maddox frowned. “He doesn’t want any more whispers. I’ll make sure he knows the risks and that I am prepared.”
“You cannot protect him from the demon. He must do it himself.” A gentle hand rested on Maddox’s forearm, and he sighed. “It is not the demon he needs to be protected from.”
Viansola smiled once more, leaning up to press a gentle kiss to Maddox’s temple. “No, it is not.”
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Hell Pawn
A man finds himself in unknown place with lost memories of few past days. Although it could be a trouble for others, this guy doesn't give a [censor].Wait! What are you doing? Are you trying to die?As we find the reason MC wants to end his life, he finds the reason why he can't. Being almost immortal shall he live good or bad?And shall he forgive those, who made him live this way?
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