《Art of Betrayal》Chapter 5.
– Varia –
Varia did not wander too far. Though no matter where he went, he knew eyes were on him. He saw something in Maddox’s eyes, a deep longing, something foreign to him, yet also so familiar. Varia looked a particular way, and he was well aware of it. He was attractive, and coupled with his status of celebrity warrior, he was all too aware of how lust gazed at him.
He was the object of affection for many people in the past, though he rarely allowed himself to be won over. He picked who he chose to bed, and no matter who he chose, he always maintained an aggressive control over whomever he took. Maybe that's what happened just then. Varia was always in control, no matter who was topping who, but with Maddox it would be a struggle he would certainly enjoy. The sudden realization that he was, once more, imagining his former enemy locked in a bloody and passionate embrace with himself jarred him. He snapped out of his thoughts, casting a glare around himself, as if he assumed someone would be near and would know what he was thinking of. He was disturbed by his own thoughts of Maddox. He had never felt a desire quite like what he had felt just then. With a brooding scowl, he turned around to start heading back towards the group, disgusted with himself.
He had walked so quickly, he hadn't realized how far he had ventured from his group. He could still see them, Brom tinkering off in the distance with some artifact, Sabre trying to catch fish from the small river, and Maddox, nearly fully clothed, sitting in the pool of water. Even from a distance, Varia could feel the captains gaze on him, and for a moment, their eyes met once more, thankfully far enough away that the strange and sudden lust couldn't be seen in each other’s gaze.
Varia took a step back towards the other, a sudden wash of power spread through his body. It was familiar still, yet chilled him to his very bone. There it was again. He had felt it at the fork in the caves. Something stirring in the deep, something malicious, something evil. He had instinctively turned away from whatever it could have been, though anything living so deep in the ground could very well be his kin.
Varia turned his head around, gazing around the cavern, attempting to locate whatever kept calling to him from the darkness. There was nothing to be seen yet again, but the presence was much stronger than it had been at the cross roads. The air around Varia had grown thick, heavy, practically dripping with malicious intent. Varias breath was suddenly visible, as if the temperature in the cavern had plummeted, but it hadn't. The power swirling unseen through the air was immense, causing reaction all around it. Whatever had been watching them was drawing near.
A breeze wafted into the cavern, something that should have been unlikely, but as it did, dark whispers in an ancient language arrived with it. It was an old language, an awful language, the speech that had been long forgotten at the dawn of mankind. It was demonic, evil, and though Varia couldn't understand the words, the feeling that came with it bore no good will.
Varia turned as the whispers began, though once he had, they changed. The darkness was screaming at him. It was as if his mind had left his body, and had begun assaulting him physically rather than mentally. His expression didn’t give away his fear, it didn’t give away the way he recognized the darkness suddenly surrounding him. His gaze was stern as usual, his scowl darkening as he listened. He had noticed the shadows around him bubbling, as if he were standing on a black, boiling swamp, but they weren’t his. He was not commanding them to surround him so. His own shadows swirled near his feet, dripping upwards like smoke, wrapping around his legs and waist, almost defensively.
We don’t have a day. We have to leave now.
Varia constantly ignored the screaming of his own mind, so as he turned to the others, he seemed unaffected to the untrained, but it was clear to those who knew him that he was shaken. Without a word, he left the swirling shadows that had begun to surround him, moving quickly back towards the others.
"Get up. We are leaving now." He called, his voice unusually calm despite the hellish surroundings that had grasped the cavern. Though as he neared the others, the screams in his mind reached a new pitch, screeching into his ears, louder than the others would hear.
Caught off guard by the sudden animosity, Varias hands clamped over his ears, stumbling, before he was down. Now on his knees, he reeled over, pressing his forehead into the ground, his teeth grit. It was a normal sight for Brom, when Varias own mind began its assault, but he had been good lately. He thought he was doing better, and though he knew it wasn't him, he reverted to the small, scared child he would always become during his own episodes. A choked gasp left him, and as if fueled by the sudden display, the cavern around them shook violently.
The next thing he knew, he was being lifted by someone. “Oh no, pint size! You better keep your shit together!” Maddox’s voice growled as he lifted Varia onto his shoulder like a sack of flower.
The others had already begun rushing into a tunnel marked by the circle, signifying that it lead to the outside. A feral growl left Varia as he was hoisted up onto Maddox’s shoulder. The screams were still shrieking in his mind, but as he lifted his head to protest, his words caught in his throat. They were moving, but behind them, the cavern had become black, and a swirling void seemed to follow them.
But within the heavy darkness behind them, something began to take shape. Varia stared back into the blackness as Maddox carried him, icy eyes focused now on the crimson glow peering back to him. The screams had finally stopped, but instead, the demonic creature behind them had begun to move forward. The creature shifted a hand out, long, clawed fingers extending towards Varia and Maddox. Varia lifted himself on Maddox’s shoulder, small hands gripping at Maddox’s back tightly, before the creature suddenly made its move.
It surged forward, the shadows around it shrieking as it closed in on the pair. The creature was on them in a second, its massive arm lifting above the two of them, prepared to strike them both down. Varia, luckily, had a full line of sight. Maddox didn’t seem to notice, seeming more focused on escaping the dark. Varias foot pushed out, his boot slamming into the wall of the cavern, before he pushed off with force, sending him and Maddox both tumbling to the ground, and out of the way.
The demon brought its arm down swiftly, solid claws smashing into the ground where they had been only seconds before. Varia hit the ground hard, but he was up in a second. Behind the demon, he could see Sabre and Brom, both men cut off from him and Maddox now, before he looked back towards the creature before him. The creature was massive, long limbed, with horns protruding from the darkness of its head. It didn’t seem to be a solid mass, almost appearing as if it were made entirely of shadows.
The creature peered down at Varia as well, crimson eyes boring into him, but Varias gaze remained defiant as well. Crimson eyes flickered briefly to Maddox, before the demon surged forward once more, claws extended in an attempt to tear Varia in two. Varia quickly stepped to the side, the swing of the monsters barely missing him. But as Varia recovered from his dodge, the creature swung its arm back again, connecting the back of its massive hand with Varias gut, slamming the small commander into the wall near them. Varia groaned, crumpling to the ground for a moment, catching his breath.
But the demon didn’t intend to give him a chance to recover, slashing out wildly with its claws once more. Varia was hardly ever pinned down, and when he was, it never stay that way. His eyes narrowed dangerously as the demon moved forward once more, before the shadows that had been twitching and churning beneath them suddenly sprung from the ground, solidifying, and penetrating straight through the demons arms and torso. If the demons face had features instead of just eyes placed within swirling blackness, it perhaps would have appeared to be surprised at the sudden and vicious attack.
Before the demon had a chance to recover, Varia was on his feet, another wave of spiral shadows ripping into the demons body. The demon roared, an unearthly sound, but Varia had already snatched Maddox’s arm and was moving towards the path Brom and Sabre had secured. Despite how he appeared, he truly had no intention of fighting some ancient demon, despite the obvious amplification of his own abilities. "Hurry the fuck up!" He snapped back to Maddox.
Varia had a vice grip on his arm and was pulling him down the tunnel at breakneck speed. Panic kept Maddox’s legs moving fast enough to keep up, his mouth shut to any snappy comebacks. Varia wanted, no, needed, out of the tunnels, out of the dark.
But sunlight was not to be had even as they broke free of the tunnels and into the open air. It was early dawn, the sky pale but nowhere near light enough to combat the dark that followed them from the deep. The light pierced through the inky, swirling darkness around them, drawing closer with every step.
Varia didn’t need to turn to know the demon had escaped his attack and was closing in on him. He didn’t need to see the fear on Sabres face, or the worry on Broms. The creature of darkness was his kin, and he could feel the massive presence drawing close to him. As soon as they were clear of the confined space Maddox dove for the blade in Brom’s hand which was gladly surrendered to him. Maddox fell to his knees, away from the cavern entrance, and held the blade close.
The shadows outlining the light shot upwards, effectively blocking Varia from the others. He hadn’t been certain the demon could follow them beyond the cave, but there it was, closing in. Varias sprint slowed to a stop, his nose crinkling with what appeared to be a look of disgust, before he turned back to face the darkness. It slithered from the shadows, the demon did.
Now, in the dim light, Varia could see it fully. His initial observation had been true. The demon didn’t appear to be solid, appearing as if it were just a swirling mass of darkness, but beneath the smoke, it bubbled and churned, forming into a humanoid shape.
Black as the void, it stood at least 9 feet tall, easily dwarfing the already vertically limited commander. Arms appeared almost too long for its body, long fingers, curved and sharp, brushed just above where its knees may have been. From the waist down, it was formless, just swirling blackness, almost appearing as a dark smoke. The arms and torso it formed also shifted ever so often, and pieces of the shadow curled from its shoulder, vanishing in the darkened light. Its face was still featureless, only bright red eyes glowed from the void. What appeared to be large horns shot straight from its forehead, curving inwards, and ending in a severe point, 3 feet tall at least.
It was an imposing demon, peering down at Varia as the small man faced it, but it didn’t attack, not yet. Instead, those eyes shone with what could only be described as curiosity.
The demon slowly cocked its head to the side, and then began to murmur to him. It did not have a mouth, and its voice carried around the clearing, from every point of its shadows. Its voice was rich and guttural, and its tongue was like the boom of thunder as it spoke an ancient and dark language.
"Unglúk bafgronk shai pqusdug klovb búbhosh skac."
It meant nothing to Varia, but the lapse in aggression piqued his interested. He didn’t respond, merely watching the demon before him. It was trying to communicate to him, and though he knew he should attack, he was intrigued.
"Alsoh naztmg durbatulûk Dor’goth."
Ice met fire as Varias gaze locked with the demon, listening intently to its words, but not understanding them. The demon seemed to realize that, a sudden rumble sounding deep within the creature.
"I am Dor’goth. What are you called, little one?" The demon spoke again, this time in a familiar language, in Arcturian.
How this Dor’goth knew the language wasn’t clear, but Varia felt his brow crease regardless. He nearly didn’t respond, understanding hostility well enough to know that the temporary lapse in aggression would not last, but his curiosity seemed to grasp his tongue, forming the words for him.
"Varia." That was all. Varia had never been one for conversation, even with an ancient demon.
“Worm, you possess remarkable strength for someone with your affliction. I have answered your call, and I will relieve you of your burden." Dor’goth voice was calm and deep, yet it brought a sinking feeling of dread onto Varia.
He didn’t need to ask, he knew what the demon meant, besides referring to his height as an 'affliction'. "I am not burdened, demon." He spoke, his own voice calm, his face emotionless, yet his feet shifted against the soft ground ever so slightly, his hands, while at his side, had also began to move, slowly, into a position he would soon need to be in.
"Oh, but you are, Arcturian. Burdened with the darkness. I can feel it in you, consuming you. Your darkness is what woke me from my slumber. It is a gift you should not have, and I will relieve you of it." Varia clicked his tongue in annoyance.
Even ancient demons don’t know when to shut the hell up.
A quick glance to the others was all that the demon needed, as soon as Varia tore his icy gaze from the demons smoldering one, Dor’goth had moved, quickly lashing out with a clawed limb, talons smashing into the ground where Varia had been moments ago. Varia sensed its movements, and kept to the side. Before the demon had a chance to recover, Varia unleashed hell down upon him.
Shadows shrieked around them, swirling around Varias feet in a massive show of power, before lashing out wildly, slamming into trees and cracking stones nearby, tearing through Dor’goths ghastly body once more, swirling and ripping and shredding as it assaulted the ancient beast. Though Dor’goth seemed to feel the pain as his limbs were torn from his body and cast aside by the vicious onslaught of Varia, he turned just as quickly. Shadows, not unlike Varias, shot from around him, like dark legs protruding from his back. Varia was quick though, and small. Much smaller and far more powerful than any human or other gifted being Dor’goth faced in centuries. He appeared to dance through the attack with ease, twisting and turning to avoid being slain by the demons attack.
"Spry little shit." Dor’goth growled, to himself, but an almost smug expression passed through Varias eyes at that.
Affirmation of his abilities, especially from foes, and especially from ancient demons, were always welcomed by him. Varia outmaneuvered the attack, and he quickly turned back towards his new enemy, hands lifting and stretching out before him. Wisps of shadows danced along his arms, and a swirling void behind him seemed to boom with untapped power. The shadows beneath where Dor’goth stood swirled, before shooting upwards, tearing through blackness as if it were flesh, causing the demon to cry out in frustration, not pain, as he was shoved upwards, and then slamming back into the face of the mountain. By now, the rumbling of the cave system had grown exponentially, cracking and crumbling from where they had just been.
The area was too confined for the sudden massive displays of power which pulled at the darkness from inside. As Dor’goth crumbled onto the ground where he had fallen, Varia cast another glance towards the others, and the wall of shadows keeping him separated. It was still there, preventing Brom and Sabre from providing aid, and preventing him from fleeing the dark and seeking solace in the forest.
His eyes turned back to Dor’goth, he felt his stomach sink. He should have known this would not be as easy as it appeared. The limbs that had been torn from the demon lay around them, pieces of darkness melting into an inky liquid, slithering across the forest floor and reattaching themselves to their host. There was no blood, and as the limbs fused back to the demons body, Dor’goth rose.
"Your effort is futile, human. I am your ancestor, your god. I am the darkness in your mind. You cannot kill the darkness!" Dor’goth roared to Varia, before surging forward at a remarkable speed.
A massive hand reached out to grasp Varia, slamming the commander back against the mountain, high above any place Varia could possibly gain his footing. Varia gasped, held stiff by Dor’goth, struggling to no avail against his deadly grasp. He could feel his torso screaming in pain from the blow he had received earlier, and now this one.
"I intend to unleash hell on this world, and your power will fuel my conquest." Dor’goth hissed as he leant closer to Varia. A forked tongue snaked from the void, trailing against Varias neck and up to his temple, causing the commander to cringe away in disgust.
"You will serve me well, little one." Dor’goth whispered, a chuckle in his voice.
The shadows that made the demons body pulsed, expanding. He was only solid because he willed it so, Varia realized, and the limbs he tore from him were created for his own amusement. The darkness surrounded him, sliding along his flesh, breathed in through his mouth and searing his throat. Varia closed his eyes tightly, gritting his teeth, before a sudden and massive surge of power flowed through him.
The area turned pitch, all light was consumed, before a shriek ripped through the air, all of the darkness suddenly shrinking into one area around Varia. Even the darkness that made the demon began to swirl with his own, mingling together and amplifying. It swirled for a second, before a massive, spiraled, angry, tower of shadow shot upwards, impaling Dor’goth through the solid mass that was his face. It hit him viciously, cracking through the top of his dark head and crashed through the trees above. The demon gurgled, crimson eyes wide as it stared up at the sky, the glow of his eyes growing dimmer, paler red. His arms went limp, dropping Varia to the ground roughly and hissing as they returned to smoke once more.
Varia hit the ground with a grunt, a shooting pain stabbing at his side. He took pause, briefly, before the shadows under Dor’goth began to bubble near his face. He scrambled to his feet, stepping back from the demon and turning quickly, keeping Dor’goth in his sights as he stepped back towards the others.
Dor’goth was frozen for the longest time, before he began to violently spasm. The twitches were massive, rippling through the demons body and causing the tremors in the ground to amplify. Varia stood for a moment, watching as the demon entered into what appeared to be death throes, shadows pulsing and swirling angrily around him, before he moved.
He caught himself when he stumbled, his hand moving to grasp at his waist briefly, before he steadied himself, moving towards the others, certain of the demons death. The wall of shadows had begun to waver, pulsing in and out as their master writhed in pain. An opening appeared, and Varia pushed through, before turning back once more to make sure the demon would stay.
When he turned, crimson eyes, again bright, angry, managed to find their way back to his. Dor’goth reached a partially solid arm out, grasping at the air desperately, before his eyes narrowed. As if in a flash, Dor’goth suddenly lost physical form completely, becoming what appeared to be a tendril of black smoke. As Varia began to turn away, nearly stepping free of Dor’goth, the demons essence slammed into him, wrapping him tightly in his coils. It wasn't something he could hold, but as Varias mouth opened to protest, Dor’goth took his opening, the entirety of the vapor he had become poured into Varias mouth, allowing himself to become fully consumed by the small man. Varia gasped, his hands moving to grasp at his throat as he was brought to his knees by the invasive last stand of the demon.
Varia lurched back to his feet, shoving past his companions, pressing his body into a tree trunk. He doubled over, vomiting violently into the shrubbery. The blackness that was expelling from his body was like sludge. It was tasteless, but that meant little to Varia. Maddox had finally lifted his head, and Varia noted how he watched him closely once more. But Varia retched again, desperate to expel the demon from his body.
He wasn’t sure what this meant, what it could mean, what would happen. He felt Dor’goth inside of him, settling down, before he vanished, as if he had never been there. Varia could have been convinced, but the burn in his throat, the black tar he was vomiting, the pain in his ribs…
He stared down at the sludge as it dripped from his lips, pooling onto the soft grass below him. The darkness on the ground seemed to spread, swallowing him in its abyss, blocking the sun, blocking his companions.
For a moment, he could hear that deep, rumbling laugh echo inside of his mind.
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