Chapter 9. Deals
There were Meta Heroes, Meta Villains, and Meta Workers. However not every Meta Hero was the same. Some mammals had abilities that were not suitable for battle, more so rescue, while somes worked better with a companion. It wasn't just the Abilities that were a factor but also one's skills that needed to be considered. Thus a classification system needed to be made.
There were support types, ones who worked better with aiding another Meta. Assault types, Metas best used for fighting situations. Rescue types, one that has three categories, land, air, and underwater. Loners whose destructive power and nature makes them best suited to work alone or with a specific support or partner. These types were uncommon at best. Bounty Hunters, those who mainly hunt down elusive targets for capture, or if needed, elimination. Finally there were the All-rounders, those whose skills and abilities would fit in more than one category. All-rounders would have letters on their Meta ID’s to show what categories. Those who didn't have them meant they fit all of them.
Meta ID’s were incorporated as a form of registry and proof of authority. It was also a means to show what agency they belonged to. Not every agency was the same, some had specialties in certain fields, while others had extensive knowledge of their region. One thing was certain about some of the agencies. They had a sense of competition, a sense of wanting to be the best, or better than another. Sometimes it was a good motivation, sometimes it was in a sense of rivalry with another, both whose founders were friends, but sometimes it was competition fueled by ego. It was a good thing there were rules and regulations made for creating agencies, or else there would've likely been a full scale agency war, and this new world didn't need a war like that especially during its beginning.
Jackson sat across from Dynafist and the vehicle they were in started moving.
“Alright. What would you like to know first?” Dynafist asked Jackson.
“First off, I’d like to know why you attacked Wells Robotics? I know you were just a distraction but what for?” Jackson questioned.
“Figure out that part eh? Well...honestly I don't know why we were needed for it. We were just asked to attack that place and make as much noise as possible.”
“And the bots?”
“That's where it gets interesting. They gave us the bots and even asked us to go for a specific item, but even so they specified for us to be rowdy. They told us to use those bots however we liked, we got free reign on them...except….”
“Hm? Except for what?”
“Hehe, you notice any bots that acted differently?”
“What if I told you that those were controlled remotely.”
“Remotely...that would explain things. Mitch did find some signals.”
“Must've been them. They also said they'd be watching in on us, helping us but only to give themselves more time.”
“More time for what?”
“That's the thing. They didn't tell us. Just gave instructions and told us the main thing we’d be doing, being a distraction.”
“Hm. Alright, who hired you and how?”
“For all I know, there are three mammals involved. Two came up to us, a bird and a lynx, both covered up really well, wearing some type of hood, but I could tell one was a lynx because her tail was hanging out while I knew the other was a bird because I saw his wings. They were black so maybe he's a crow but his feather type betrayed that knowledge. Could be a mix.”
“That’s only two mammals. What makes you think there's a third?”
“Because when I told them I wasn't interested, they had me talk to their boss and she...persuaded me.”
“How so?”
“....Lets just say...she made me see something….an answer to a question I didn't even know I had….and an answer to one I did...even if I ended up going to Max Prison.”
“So was she a Meta?”
“Yep. One with some...illusion like power.”
“What do you mean?”
“She said something and then I saw something related to that something.”
“What’d you see?”
“...A friend.”
“A friend?”
“Yeah...but that's all you're getting from me...the rest you're gonna have to sleuth out,” Dynafist smirked.
“Alright….why'd they need to persuade you? What'd they offer you at first?”
“Money. Could use it in the black market, but I have no need for anything there.”
“Is that what they used for Jet?”
“Hm...next question. Was the name Anet or Webster ever mentioned?”
“At least not directly.”
“You see...I'm part cheetah so these ears of mine pick up a few things. Not perfectly mind you but I did hear something about Webster. Think they said him being captured slowed them down.”
‘So those robot parts I found were connected to this.’ Jackson thought. “What about Anet?”
Dynafist shook his head. “Sorry, they were walking and talking and I aint no stalker.”
“Did you hear anything else before they got too far?”
“Something about crabs.”
“Yeah, maybe they were hungry, I heard the words “claw” and “type” alot.”
“Claw and type...Alright, noted.”
“Gotta say...you thwartin their plan musta got them mad...that is...if you thwarted this plan.”
“Excuse me?”
“I know crafty mammals, and I could tell by one look at them that they were that type. Who’s to say you fully stopped them or that the whole thing right up to the end wasn't all a distraction?”
‘Hm...he's got a point….that big explosion at the end coulda just been something to make us think it was a last ditch effort...and that last Fang-Bot...why'd it attack alone when everyone was finishing up? I hate to say it but I think they've already gotten away with what they wanted.’
“Anything else ya wanna ask?”
“...I think I got all I’m gonna get,” Jackson got up, “thanks for the talk.”
“No problem! Seeya later!”
Jackson opened up the backdoor. Since the vehicle was moving, it only went half way so the runway wouldn't scrape on the ground. He activated his jets and flew out, the shutters closing behind him. “Mit- oh,” he reached for his comm only to realise he didn't have it on, “crap.” He took out his M-key and created an earpiece, tapping it on the top of the device, and putting it in his ear. “Mitch, you there?”
There was a few seconds of silence before Mitch answered. “Yeah, I'm here. You get anything?”
“Got some info. The cops and heroes still there at Wells?”
“They're finishing up their sweep. I'm bout to head back to Sky Limits.”
“Ok, I’ll,” Jackson paused to yawn, “I'll meet you there.”
“You sound tired. Here I'll get one of the rest rooms reserved for ya.”
“Guess a quick nap couldn't hurt.”
“Afterwards we can talk about what he told you.”
“Sounds good.”
“Aaand….we got you reserved for room eight.”
“Sweet, I'll see you there, Navi-boy.”
“Quit calling me that!”
Jackson chuckled and disconnected, flying to the agency.
Jackson got onto the sixth floor of the agency. It was like the briefing room floor but the carpet was green, and the doors were white with the words R.R. followed by a number. He went to the direction of the room he was reserved, walking up to one that said “R.R. 8”. He tapped his M-key on the console next to the door, it flashed green and the door unlocked, allowing him to enter.
The Resting Room was white with blue tiles. It had a King sized bed in the far corner, a round table in the middle, a fridge on the wall next to a counter with a coffee machine, microwave, and a drink bar with fountain drinks with cups on the side of it.
Jackson stretched and disengaged his suit, going to the sink beside the fridge to wash off his highlights, before going to the bed and laying down on it, laying his face onto the pillow. He took a deep breath and fell to slumber.
“...salt or...epper?” A male voice said, distorted as Jackson's consciousness began to rouse.
“No...have shrimp and crabs….Thanks,” A distorted female voice said.
“Mmmm,” Jackson groaned, opening his eyes.
“look who’s waking up,” The voice of Mitch said, much clearer to Jacksons ear.
“Huh?” His vision was blurry and focusing on the figure that walked in front of him. “...Mitch?”
“Yo dude!”
Jackson raised up, rubbing his eyes before stretching, popping a few bones. “How long was I asleep?”
“Bout an hour. We just made ramen, want a bowl?”
“Nah, Uncle Gary’s making dinner to- Wait...we?”
“Yep,” Mitch moved to the side to show Anet sitting at the table, blowing on her noodles before slurping on them, getting some shrimp and shredded crap in the strain, “we.”
Anet waved at him, chewing what was in her mouth. “Hi,” She said after swallowing.
“What's she doing here!?”
“Ferris did a QT for her and made a bargain,” Mitch explained.
“A what?”
“A Quick Trial. It's a special privilege that agency founders and CEOs have to bring the trial to the office and have it done by video with an available judge. Downside is, no jury. Ferris used it and made a deal with the judge to keep Anet out of prison.”
“Oh? What was the deal?”
“She helps us with finding the mastermind that was helping Webster. She's got a shackle on her ankle that's connected to my M-Key so if she strays too far, she gets shocked, if she tries to attack, she gets shocked, and if she refuses to help in her duty, she gets shocked. Though that's not gonna happen though.”
“Why ya say that?”
“I trust her.”
“That so? Is it cause she's a weeb like you, ya nerd?”
“Shut up. Anyways, Ferris is out stretching his wings since the past five and air traffic has opened up, so let's use this time for Anet to be introduced!” Mitch turned to Anet.
“Hm?” Anet looked at Mitch curiously, chewing what was in her mouth before registering what he said last, “MM!” she swallowed and got off the chair, approaching Jackson. “My name is Anet Kirkston. I'm an eighteen years old Meta mouse with a wicked cool Kodachi and the power of progression. I may look cute but I’m a deadly….deadly...uh?”
“Deadly force of cute,” Mitch whispered.
“Deadly force of cute!”
“Do the pose!” Whispered Mitch.
“Oh right!” She put her left arm on her hip, winked, stuck out her right arm, flashing a peace sign, tilted her head to the right, and stuck her tongue out to the left. Mitch gave her a thumbs up.
“.....” Jackson glanced at Mitch unamused. “Why must you plague her?”
“It was her idea!” Mitch defended.
“Anyways,” Jackson turned to Anet, “you're eighteen? I thought you were younger.”
“That's cause of the jacket.”
“Mitch, what does the jacket got to do with it?”
“Show him, Anet.”
Anet unzipped her jacket and pulled it out. She wore a red shirt underneath the jacket but what surprised Jackson was the size of her breast. They were close to a size double D.
“I….see your point….you stay ten feet away from her pervert,” Jackson said to Mitch.
“Oh piss off!”
Jackson turned back to her. “So what's this about the power of Progression?”
“It's my Meta ability,” Anet answered, zipping her jacket back up, “it's an altered version of my mother’s ability.”
“Your mom was a Meta?”
“Mhm. Her power was Regression, the ability to slow down progress. My power is Progression, the power to speed it up.”
“How’s that work?”
“Well um…” Anet looked around and grabbed two forks on the table, “Like this.” She dropped both forks but the one on the left fell faster than the one on the right.
“Hm?” Jackson looked on intrigued.
Anet knelt down and flicked both forks, making them spin. The left one spun faster but stopped sooner than the right. “I can only affect movement right now.”
“I see. Seeing as the left one stopped sooner yet spun faster, I’m guessing it's not the same as super speed.”
Anet shook her head. “Mm-mm, It's the progress that speeds up, not its actual movement.”
“As far as we know and have seen, its velocity remains unchanged. She can only speed it up by a few second intervals too,” Mitch explained.
“So that explains all your zipping around when we fought,” Jackson said.
Anet tilted her head. “When did we fight?”
“Uh! I-I mean when you and Artisakat fought! It just felt like I was fighting too because…. of the ….camera in his visor!”
“Idiot,” Mitch softly facepalmed with a whisper.
“Oh. That makes sense,” Anet said.
“Y-Yeah,” Jackson said. ‘Phew! Too close!’ He mentally sighed.
“Speaking of him, can you tell him I'm sorry for attacking him?”
“Oh sure. I'll tell him next time I see him.”
“Thank you. You’re his assistant right?”
“I am.”
“Mitch tells me his power is stock, so I was wondering if you did the maintenance on his machinery?”
“Uh...kinda. Why?”
“Well if you do maintenance on it that means you have access to it, meaning I can see one of his swords, right?” Anet asked with a sparkle in her eyes.
“Heh. Forgot to tell ya, she likes swords,” Mitch chuckled.
“Really? Well I’d have to go to his storage to bring one,” Jackson told her.
“Yeah, he can bring out Artisakat’s signature sword, his trusty dagger, and his own Kodachi!”
“Really!?” Anet asked excitedly.
“Uh, Mitch, can I talk to you for a sec?” Jackson asked, pulling Mitch away from Anet, going to the other side of the room. “What are you doing!?” He said in a low voice so as not to be heard.
“Being your hype man,” Mitch said.
“Ok Mr. Hype Man, how many swords ya think I got?”
“Four, easily.”
“One. I got an electric sword, that's it. My dad never got a chance to make or at least show me any other sword schematics.”
“Oh….then what was that blade Gary was using earlier?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Well earlier today I saw him in the training room wielding two short katanas.”
“You did? His Tech-Bo Staff doesn't have a configuration for that.”
“Well maybe Jena did something? And if she did, she's probably got schematics for you to scan,” Mitch nudged and winked at Jackson.
Jackson sighed, “Where is she?”
“Training room eight is where I last saw them.”
“You better hope she's got a Kodachi,” He went for the exit, “be back soon Anet!” He left.
Jackson walked up to the Training Room where his uncle supposedly was. By the window stood Kanashi and Quarter-burst, watching in, marvelled by what's going on. Jackson approached them.
“Kanashi, Quarter-burst, hello there. Have you seen my uncle Gary?” Jackson asked.
“Just look inside,” Quarter-burst answered.
“Hm?” He looked inside and saw Gary fighting a horde of fang bots with a blindfold on. He was wielding two large barreled hand cannons with an outward slanted grip and shooting the bots with great accuracy. “Huh. When did he get those?”
“It's something Jena made. Honestly I'm more surprised by the fact he's doing this blindfolded,” Kanashi said.
“He's been using different gadgets and weapons for a few hours now, with one break being about fifteen minutes, and he hasn't even broken a sweat,” Quarter-burst marveled.
“Only one break? Must have been for some tea,” Jackson noted.
“How does none of this surprise you?”
“Hah, Uncle Gary can do alot worse to those bots, trust me.”
“Oh we believe you alright,” Kanashi nervously laughed.
“We came into this room together and he challenged us to a, ahem, “friendly” sparring match for who stays. We were happy to go to a different room but he insisted on a fight.”
“We were on our asses before we even knew it,” Quarter-burst said.
“Sounds about right. At least he held back,” Jackson said.
“Can I just say, your uncle is very scary,” Kanashi said with a shiver.
“Who you telling? Am I right to assume Jena’s in the locker room?”
“That's right. Need her for something?”
“Something for Artisakat.”
“Oh? Speaking of which, can you tell him to meet me in one of the training rooms? I wanna give him some shooting pointers based on what I saw earlier.”
“Hm,” Jackson gave it some thought. ‘It would benefit me to learn to shoot better.’ He nodded. “I- Uh, he’ll meet you later so i'll give you a contact then.”
“Sounds good.”
Jackson came up to the entrance and entered the locker room of the training room. Jena was at one of the benches surrounded by a multitude of machinery and gadgets, some broken and some looking untouched. She was typing on a laptop so she didn't notice that Jakcson had come in.
“Um, Jena?” Jackson called out, approaching the rabbit.
“Hm?” Jena turned to Jackson with perked ears. “Oh hey! Jackson right? Artisiakats assistant?”
Jackson nodded. “That's me. Can I ask what you're doing?”
“Your uncle is helping me test these out like he said he would. While data is collecting with the weapon he's using now, I'm reviewing the previous data to iron out a few kinks.”
“I see. How’s that going?”
“Well, actually. A few hiccups here and there but overall I'm getting good data.”
“Glad to hear it. My uncle’s not being too overbearing is he?”
“No! Not at all! In fact you have the nicest uncle ever!”
“Your uncle, He’s really nice!”
“Did he whack you in the head?”
Jena giggled. “No, of course not. He just….told me something I needed to hear.”
“What’d he tell you?”
“Well...it was after my third device blew up on him.”
Gary walked into the locker room, holding a destroyed mechanical ball, covered in smog. “Hak!” He coughed. “Hm. That nearly worked.”
Jena ran to him. “I'm so sorry!!”
“What made it explode?”
“I-I don't know,” She took the device, “That's the third failure in a row!” She examined it.
“Well think about it while I'm testing the next one.”
“Next one!? Are you sure? W-What if it explodes!”
“Well then I'll ask what went wrong that time.”
“Gary I…” Jena looked down, losing confidence, “I don't know if we should keep going...if they keep not working, or worse yet blowing up on you, then maybe they sho-”
“You fail a lot, don't ya girl?”
“Huh?....Well...yes quite a bit actually.”
“Gadgets don't work, machinery busting up or causing other problems, the robot massacre, there's a list I see.”
Jena’s ears fell. “Yeah…”
“And yet...you keep making them...even though there's a chance you'll mess up again.”
“...I get it...you think I should quit…”
“You better not.”
“Huh?” Jena looked up at him surprised.
“Failure is just a harsher life lesson. Those who take failure and keep going will find great success. You failed so many times and yet you kept going, meaning you're gonna make something truly amazing, all you gotta do is learn from your mistakes. That, my dear rabbit,” Gary placed a hand on her head, softly petting her, “is why I don't wanna stop till I find your success.”
Jena was touched by his words and felt a tear go down her cheek. “Th-thank you!”
Gary smiled. “Now, what's next?”
“So we've kept at it till then,” Jena said, smiling as she reminisced about that moment.
“Heh,” Jackson smirked, “He's a good motivator, that much I know.”
“Yeah. So did you need something?”
“Oh right! I was wondering if you could show me some of your schematics.”
“My schematics?”
“Yeah, I've always had an interest in robotics so seeing their inner workings or blueprints excites me at times. It's one of the reasons I became Artisakats assistant since he lets me tune up and tinker with the machinery he has stocked.”
“Oh, in that case,” Jena opened up a folder on her laptop, “what would you like to see?”
“Well how bout the ones that, and I mean no offense by this, actually work.”
“Heh, none taken.”
The door leading to the training room opened up and Gary walked in. “Pistols work nice, although they could do better with accuracy. Too big to add to the staff list though.” He took off his fold. “Oh, hey, Jackson.”
“Hey, uncle Gary,” Jackson waved, “What's this about a staff list?”
“Your Uncle wants to add a few things to his TBS,” Jena answered.
“Tech Bo-Staff. The thing your old man made for me. He'd be pissy if I didnt get some improvements on it, especially with how long it’s been,” Gary explained.
“Yeah...he did like to improve what could be improved...HNG!” Jackson felt a throb in his head. A new memory unlocked.
“Jackson. C'mere real quick,” Jacksons father called from the desk.
Young Jackson walked up to him. “Yeah dad?”
“Take a look at this new program.” He pointed at the screen.
“Hm?” He looked at it and he scanned the program shown. “What's it to?”
“Your visor. I've added a new feature. Try and assign it to it.”
“Ok.” Jackson searched through the schematics he had scanned. “Is it an X Ray?”
“Yeah so uh..try not to use it for any changing rooms...at least not unless I'm around.” Adison chuckled.
“Adison,” Tania leaned in from the nearby hallway with a smile that didn't go with her aura.
“Ah! I'm joking, I'm joking!” Adison turned to Jackson. “Never use it for peeping! Understood!?”
“Y-yeah.” Jackson said with a nervous smile.
The flashback ended and Jackson sighed, smiling.
“You ok?” Jena asked.
“I'm fine...just...remembered something.
Jackson entered the Resting Room carrying two short single curved swords with a cylinder handle, jagged blades, and a simple flat hilt. He spotted Ferris slurping ramen from a bowl. He wore a gray tank top and jeans.
“Hm?” Ferris saw him walk in and waved and smiled while chewing.
“Hey, dude,” Mitch waved, “what's that?”
“Heh. Check it!” He twirled the swords in his hand before connecting both ends. The hilts combined and turned into a staff while the blades extended, one turning to face the other end.
“Wow, cool!” Anet marveled.
“It's also got a feature that shoots out the blade with a wire attached.”
“Show me!”
“Sure. Hold still, uncle Ferris,” Jackson said, pointing the blade at Ferris.
“HM!?” Ferris nearly choked and scurried to find a way away from the blade.
“Aaaaand launch!”
“HRG!!” He raised his bowl and braced for impact. When none came and he heard Jackson laughing, he relaxed himself, swallowed, and sighed. “If I could lay eggs I think I would have.”
“Hahahah, I'm not gonna use it in here, I could break something.”
“Like Ferris’s egg,” Mitch laughed.
“And with that, you get a pay cut,” Ferris said.
“For my egg,” Ferris smirked.
“You don't lay eggs!”
“If he did, it'd be broken, so consider it a warning cut,” Jackson chuckled.
“That's not a thing!”
Anet was watching them and then formed an opinion. “Oh I get it! Mitch is the clown of the group, that's why he's picked on so much!”
Ferris and Jackson busted out laughing with Anet soon following with some giggles at Mitch glaring at them all.
Once they all calmed down, Ferris decided to bring up work. “Alright...Jackson, what did Artisakat learn from Dynafist?”
Jackson explained everything he was told, not leaving out any details.
“So we're dealing with at least three mammals.”
“And there was a relation to your first mission. What are the odds?” Mitch commented.
“I only met one of them. She gave me a list of what to do for her,” Anet explained. “Though she wasn’t a bird or lynx, she was an otter mix.”
“Fourth member maybe?”
“That or the third. Anet how exactly did you get involved?” Jackson asked.
“I went out one day, thinking it's time to stop being cooped up at home so much and then I bumped into her. She offered me a drink and biscuits at a cafe. That's where she told me about Webster.”
“Could you describe what she looked like?”
“She had on a pair of shades and a big hat so I couldn't see much in terms of facial features.”
“I'm getting the cafe security feed sent in tomorrow, so we can review it then,” Mitch said, “Anet was the first to leave so I'm hoping maybe we find something she missed or something that happened while she was gone.”
“Let's just say...she made me see something, some...illusion like power.” Jackson thought about what Dynafist told him. “Hey Anet?”
“Yes?” Anet turned to Jackson.
“When you talked to her...did you see any...illusions?”
“No, not that I noticed.”
“Alright...maybe it was a fourth member.”
“That or she didn't need to use her powers on Anet. We don't know enough yet,” Mitch noted.
“True...but what bothers me the most is that it seems like she chose Anet on a whim.”
“I thought the same thing,” Ferris brought up, “If that was the first time they met, why would she pick her? It feels as though she knew about Anet before meeting her.”
“How though? Did her family talk about her?”
“She lives with her Aunt but she's not around much due to her work, so she basically lives alone, she also doesn't know Anet’s a Meta.” Mitch said.
“With that we can rule out the Aunt talking to our suspect or saying anything about her powers,” Ferris said.
“Anet also wasn't one to go out much. In fact the day she met our mystery otter was the first time she went out in months.”
“Then how'd she know about Anet?” Jackson questioned.
“It is an enigma.”
“Why don't we discuss this all tomorrow,” Ferris suggested, “It's been a long day and I'm sure we could all use some rest.”
“Sounds great! Anet and I can watch some Shadow Assassin at Jackson’s.”
“Uh, actually Artisakat needs me to stay over to help with some...shooting practice,” Jackson said, remembering Kanashi.
“Oh ok. My place then.”
“Let's all meet up in one of the Briefing rooms early tomorrow at nine,” Ferris scheduled, “I'll have the receptionist tell you which room.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Jackson said. He used his powers to get rid of the weapon he brought in and when he did he was gawked at by Ferris and Mitch. “What?”
“Woah! Where’d those blades go?” Anet asked.
‘Shit!’ Jackson cursed in his mind. “Uhhh...Artisakat must’ve called for it.”
“I thought he could only call for it from his storage?”
“There are...some exceptions.”
“Hmmm ok.”
‘Phew.’ Mitch slapped him in the back of the head. “Ouch!”
“You asked for that,” Ferris sighed.
“Fair enough.”
- In Serial38 Chapters
The Perks of Immortality
This story will no longer be updated. After living decades and dying hundreds of times, Kegan has learned that he has finally passed some test that the cruel spirit had given him. Now, Kegan has the ability to gain “perks” that can make his life much easier. He is looking forward to finally having an easy life with the new perks he has earned. Rules to keep me honest for the perk system: Spoiler: Spoiler 1. The purpose of perks is to help the MC live longer and do new things each life. 2. The perks can be unlocked by getting hurt or killed. 3. The perks can be unlocked by putting in a lot of effort that isn’t easily duplicated in a new life. 4. Perks are generally beneficial enhancements to the MC’s body. 5. Perk costs can be lowered with more impressive achievements to unlock them. 6. Perk costs can be lowered by repeated death or injury from something the perk protects against. 7. Perk costs are increased for quality of life improvements that don’t benefit survival. I want to avoid one of the pitfalls I see for other LitRPG stories where the game elements barely relate to the story, or offer very little information. If people are skipping over and not reading the perks then I'm doing things wrong. So I promise to try and make the perks interesting, sometimes humorous, informative, and relevant to the story.Cover art by http://dertypaws.com/
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Being a book is not a great experience. Can I see? No, I don't have eyes. Can I touch anything? No, I don't have limbs. With any luck, someone will pick me up and read me, at least. Hopefully sooner than later...
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Where It Leads Us
Lauren Sanders has been left to start a 'new' normal life with her aunt and cousin after her family died. Everybody knows almost everything except for two things: Lauren's parents' mysterious death and her schizophrenia.Lauren attempts to hunt and recover the paintings her mom had sold, digging for evidence that could directly answer her questions as to why her sister committed suicide.Meeting Aaren Walters made Lauren an enigma that made him want to discover more of the mysteries concealed within her eyes. Little by little, he begins to unwrap the past that Lauren seems to be caged by. As they both continue to explore the past; the past leads them to the truth of themselves-a truth they either choose to keep or ruin lives.--Her skin was fair and she was brightlike the moonlightthat is fulgent at nighther large, lustrous eyes,hides beneath such lies.she was a mysterythat was meant to be solved,with such a sire historythat everyone was involved.
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A love so divine!
Hitoshi Kurosawa a delinquent unblessed since birth with the face of a villain. After death he gets reborn as....a Demon General. Now in a dungeon, guarding the room leading to tthe final boss, the Demon King, the heroes come. Among them is a high priestess that spikes our MC's love interest, but will his love ever be returned? Watch him and his """"elite"""" entourage as he embarks on a love journey full of mishaps and misunderstandings.....RPG elements after volume II.Inspired by the LN ''Yuusha Party no Kawaii ko ga ita no de, Kokuhaku Shite Mita'' no copy right infringment intended.WARNINGRating is Mature: Vulgar vocabulary, sexual innuendos and explicit sexual scenes. Read at your own discretion, aka only if you are of legal age in your country and have humour! Must have humour!
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