Chapter six. Welcoming.
While the study faction used the lab they found to study themselves, the rebuilding faction ran into some problems of their own. Some animals had issues using some of the machinery as it was made for humans. Adjustments were needed. The ones that mainly needed the adjustments, mainly birds, horses, rhinos, and elephants, were the ones who worked on said adjustments while the others worked on rebuilding their world. This created two subfactions in the rebuilding factions. The main one was just the rebuilding faction while the other was named the adjustment faction. They both remained in the same category but they had different objectives that had a correlation with each other. Headphones were remade to be able to fit any species, along with chairs, doors, and certain devices. They started small and went bigger, making the main faction's job easier.
As time went on, leaders were being made and known in each faction, creating an unofficial faction of leaders, leaders that would soon impact the future of their new world. Nobody chose these mammals to be leaders, they were just recognized as such, as if they were born to be leaders. Barely anyone questioned it, whether it be by instinct or acknowledgement, and of those who did question it, they were soon proven that they were wrong too.
A few years had passed before the first Meta-mammals awakened their powers.
Jackson went down the elevator with Mitch and Ferris. They were heading for the training rooms. “Can I at least get a hint as to what I’m going in for?” Jackson asked Ferris. He was still in his suit, asked to stay in it by Ferris.
“No hints.” Ferris smirked.
“I don’t even know dude, and they asked for us both,” Mitch said.
“Hope you didn't do something wrong,” Jackson hoped.
“Me to- wha- Hey, wait a minute, why ya singling me out!?”
“Obvious reasons.”
“You little-!”
The elevator doors opened and they walked out. Mitch and Jackson followed Ferris to one of the training rooms. They went to training room five and the windows of the room were pitch black.
“The windows can change tint?” Jackson asked.
“Yes but you need to have a certain level of authority to do so,” Ferris answered. He pressed the right side button and spoke in it, “I've brought them.”
“We’re gonna get executed,” Mitch commented.
“I don't know what bothers me more, what you said, or that you said it?” Jackson admits. The door opened and they walked in, going down the small elevator. They exited to see a average height tiger male in a black shirt and pants, wearing silver shoulder pads that connected to two steel gauntlets on his hands. He also had knee pads and boots that had connectors that trailed up his body and to the shoulder pads. He had the initials QB on his chest.
“Hello, Quarter Burst,” Ferris greeted.
“Heya, mister Dauch.” Quarter Burst smiled. He turned to Jackson and Mitch and walked up to them. “You must be Artisakat and his Navigator, Mitch.”
“Hiya!” Mitch greeted.
“Hello to you.” Jackson smiled.
“Good job on your mission,” Quarter Burst congratulated.
“Thank you!”
“Now then,” he turned to the door that led to the training room, “lets get this ball burstin! Everyones waiting for ya!” He walked to the door.
“Was that his catchphrase?”
“Yep,” Mitch answered.
They all walked through the door and it was pitch black in the room. Jackson was about to flip a switch on his visors till the lights turned on and a bunch of mammals jumped out from behind the tables strewn around. “Welcome!” They all shouted.
Jackson and Mitch looked at them all with wide surprised eyes. The room had about five long tables, each with a white cloth, and the middle table had a giant cake with purple and black frosting with purple letters that said “Welcome to Sky Limits” with the agency logo on the side. Ferris chuckled. “It's a welcoming party for you two!”
“No way!” Mitch excitedly said. “A welcoming party for us Ja- er, Artisikat!”
“Why don't you boys go get some cake before the others beat you to it?” Ferris suggested.
Jackson and Mitch walked up to the table, getting greeted and congratulated by some of the Metas.
Bella from the launching bay walked up to them while Mitch was getting his first piece. “Hey there, remember me?”
“Bella, right?” Jackson recognized the otter.
“Thats me! Allow me to formally introduce myself.” She took out her hand. “Bella from the pit crew. We mostly manage the mechanical stuff, like tuning up a Meta’s gear, or their vehicles. We also manage the launching bay.”
“Pleasure to meet you!” Jackson took her hand.
“Mhm!” Bella smiled and turned to Mitch. “Pleasure to meet you as well, Mitch!”
“Same here!” Mitch shook her hand.
A short brown rabbit came running up to them. “My turn!” She wore the same kind of overalls as Bella, had a blonde ponytail, and was about the same height as Bella. She had red eyes and wore black glasses. “I'm Jena, and you look like a gadget kind of guy!”
“Oh boy, careful with this one, you guys.” Bella rolled her eyes.
“Hey!” Jena pouted at Bella.
“Well I do use a lot of machinery.”
Jena’s eyes lit up. “Than can I ask you something!”
“Would you be willing to try out some of my gadgets!? I've made quite a bunch and they’re just dying to be used and field tested!”
“I wouldn’t do it, she makes some crazy gadgets!” A gray cat wearing a red shirt and tan overalls came up from behind. She had short black hair, green eyes, and was as tall as Jackson. She got glared at by Jena.
“Crazy huh? Sounds like Mitch,” Jackson commented.
“Hey!” Mitch said, taking a bite of his cake.
“I'd love to give them a try,” Jackson told Jena.
“Really? Thank you!” Jena said to him.
“Oh man, should I get the waiver?” the gray cat commented.
“Oh hush, Beverly!”
Jackson laughed and went to get himself a piece of cake. “So what's the first gadget you'd like me to try?”
“Oh! How bout something that can help capture criminals?”
“That sounds handy.”
“Wait, hold up,” Mitch cut in. “How come you don't just use the bots?”
“Well, I uh-” Jena tried to find the words.
“She's been banned from interacting with the training bots ever since the robot massacre,” Bella said.
“Robot massacre?” Jackson asked
“Oh boy, that's a story best left for another day.”
“Or no day at all,” Jena pleaded.
“Hah! Not happening!”
While Jackson and Mitch conversed with some of the pit crew, Ferris watched them from afar, imagining what it would be like if his parents were there with him. He smiled at that thought.
“What's that kids power again?” Quarter Bust asked Ferris.
“Stock. He stores objects at a room he’s attached to and is able to call said objects whenever he can. The room isn’t big and he can't transport organic objects,” Ferris answered.
“Ah, neat power.”
A female bear, a foot taller than Ferris, wearing light bright red armor that said “Frosty” on the chest, came up to Ferris. She had long flowing brown hair and was quite slender, also having blue eyes. “Do you know him?”
“Not really...lets just say I know someone associated with him.” Ferris knew to be careful. He didn't want to suspect his employers as the spy but he didn't have much of a choice.
Just then someone came rushing into the room. It was a male jaguar in a shirt and tie with a purple vest. It was the attire all front desk men wore. He saw Ferris and came running up to the eagle. “Um sir!” he said to him.
The jaguar leaned in and whispered something not wanting to disturb the others.
Ferris' expression turned from surprise to annoyance in a split second. He sighed and walked up to Jackson. “Artisakat?”
“Hm?” Jackson turned to see Ferris’s annoyed face. “Something wrong?” Ferris leaned in and whispered something. His facial expression went straight to bothered. “Mitch, I'll be right back.”
“Something up?” Mitch asked, concerned.
Jackson whispered into his ear, “Oh have fun.”
Mitch said with a small look of fear. “I’m staying here.”
“Everything ok?” Bella asked.
“Everything is fine, I just gotta go get my assistant real quick. I'd hate to bother him while he's working but this is a priority,” Jackson told them.
“I'm really sorry about this,” Jackson told Ferris as they rode the elevators. He was now in his civilian clothes, wearing his work badge.
“It's not your fault. Trust me, I know how he can be.” They entered the front desk and walked towards the lobby. A female cheetah, wearing front desk attire ran up to them, panicking.
“Mr, Ferris this is bad! He's already taken down three of our Metas and has one of our best ones pinned!” She told him.
“It's ok, we’ll handle this matter,” Ferris assured. They made it to the lobby where they found two wolves and a gorilla laid on the ground unconscious and in their gear. Near the middle of the room was an elephant with his arms tied, laying on his front, cringing in pain due to something piercing him between the shoulder blades. On Top of him was a feline holding a blue mechanical Bo staff, pushing it on the elephant's back. The feline was Gary.
“There you are!” Gary pointed at Ferris and Jackson. “I'm gonna kick your asses!”
Ferris sighed. “Gary, was this really necessary?”
“It wouldn't have to be if for one, the clerks just let me in, and for two, these idiots didn't pick a fight!”
“Uncle Gary, what are you doing here?” Jackson asked.
“Your new phone came in. I decided to be a good uncle and let you know but look where it got me!”
“You know you could’ve just waited, or maybe call me? You have my number,” Ferris told him.
Gary growled and his aura became intense. “Why do you think I'm here? I tried calling you and you didn't answer, so I had to take a Uver here, and when I got in, I kindly told the front desk lady that I was gonna kick not only your ass but my nephews as well. That's when these punks,” Gary shoved his staff down further on the elephants back, making him groan, “tried to pick a fight with me.”
“You must've called the wrong number, I didn't get any calls.”
“I didn't get it wrong!”
“You must have. My phone didn't ring one b-” Ferris reached into his pocket and froze. He looked into his other pocket and then his jacket pocket. Shuffling for a good while before double checking all pockets.
“Uncle Ferris?” Jackson questioned.
“...My phone isn't on me….I must've left in my office.”
Gary’s aura turned fiery. “Oh did you now. Meaning I wasted money to request a ride, used up my precious time, time I could've used making some chai tea and painting, or even watching my shows, and had me deal with these headaches of mammals, all because of your forgetfulness.”
Ferris scooted behind Jackson. “Now now, it was an honest mistake!”
“Why you hiding behind me!?” Jackson asked.
“But you had the audacity to assume it was my fault.” Gary’s calm voice carried the feeling of intense sadistic violence that sent a shiver down everyone there, even the unconscious mammals were sweating.
“U-um, well you, you see I um-” Ferris couldn't find any words to sooth his monstrous anger.
“Y-you know uncle Gary, Artisakat is having his welcome party at the training room, why not come join as a way of apology?” Jackson said, wanting to calm the demon.
“Oh?” Gary seemed interested.
“Yeah, there's lots of cake!”
“Hm?” He mulled over for a bit and then his aura seemed to disappear, however Jackson still felt something off. “Alright.” He hopped down, walking to the two. “Let's go then.” His staff became short and he placed it behind his hip.
Jackson and Ferris took a deep breath. “Good work, Jackson,” Ferris told the cat.
“You still used me as a shield, don't think I didnt notice,” Jackson said.
“Uh hey, can someone untie me?” the elephant asked. The cheetah from earlier came up to him and started to attempt to cut the rope.
Ferris, Gary, and Jackson all walked down the hallway leading to the elevators.
“So, how'd the first mission go?” Gary asked.
“Went great! Got my first villain!” Jackson told him, still feeling a bit uneasy.
“There were some unexpected factors, but Jackson did very well,” Ferris added.
“Ah, that's good,” Gary said as they all boarded the elevator. “How long till we get to the floor?”
“I'm going to stop by my office first to get my phone, so about five minutes.”
“Speaking off, you said you had my phone Uncle Gary?” Jackson brought up.
“Mhm.” Gary nodded.
“Sweet, can I get it?”
“Not yet, I don't want it getting broken again.”
“What do you mean by that?” Ferris asked.
Gary reached for his staff and extended it and, as soon as it did, his raging aura from before came back in a split second. “You didn't think my wrath would go away that easy do you!?” The off feeling Jackson felt was the fact that Gary simply compressed his intent, it never left like they assumed. Gary turned to them.
Jackson and Ferris backed into the corner, shaking in their shoes, feeling as though they were looking at death.
The elevator door opened and the bird and siamese cat fell over on the floor outside of it, beaten to a pulp. Gary walked out, whistling to himself as he headed to the office room.
“Hey...uncle...Ferris?” Jackson managed to groan out.
“...yes?” Ferris painfully responded.
“...I forgive you...for..using me as a shield.”
Gary walked into the room followed by a limping Artisakat and Ferris. Mitch jumped when he saw them.
“Are you ok, mister Ferris!?” the bear in red armor asked.
“I’m fine,” Ferris told them.
“Artisakat, what happened!?” Quarter Bust asked.
“Long story,” Jackson told him.
“I kicked their asses, that's what happened,” Gary said, getting a slice of cake.
The jaguar receptionist looked at Gary and stumbled back. “Ah! It's that Meta from before!”
“He's not a Meta,” Mitch said.
“What!? Impossible! He took down Rave, Shatter Master, and Armour with ease and even had Sound-wave pinned to the ground! He has to be a Meta!” Everyone gasped and looked at the cat with surprise.
“It's true, he's not a Meta. Be glad he’s not, crazy feline like him having Meta abilities would be too much.”
“What'd you say, Mitch?” Gary asked, taking a drink of cola.
“N-nothing!” Mitch quickly said.
“I'm in a good mood now, so i'll let that slide.”
Bella leaned into Jackson. “Is he seriously not a Meta mammal?”
“Nope, not a Meta. Just a crazy good martial artist,” Jackson answered.
Jena walked up to Gary and inspected his staff.
“Hm?” Gary looked back at her. “Can I help you?”
“Oh! I'm sorry, I was just looking at that device of yours,” Jena apologized.
“My T-staff?” He reached back and pulled it out, extending it.
Jena’s eyes lit up. “Oh wow! Can I take a closer look?” Gary nodded and placed it in her hands. She took hold of it and began to study it, marvelling at it.
“Careful where you press,” Gary warned.
“Huh?” She pressed a part of the handle and its end slanted to the side quickly. “Whoa!” She nearly got hit.
“Told ya,” He chuckled.
“Interesting! So it's able to change shape?”
“Yep, it's got a few tricks.”
“Is it customizable?”
“Yeah, though I've never customized it.”
Jena’s eyes lit up more. “Then, if you don't mind, do you think I could tinker with it a bit?”
“You a mechanic, girly?”
“Mhm, I’m Jena! Artisakat is already gonna help me with my gadgets, but between those moments I can customize your staff with all sorts of gimmicks!”
“Oh boy. Jena’s trying to rope another in her craziness,” Beverly joked.
“Hmmm, how bout this? Since I don't work here, and this thing hasn't gotten a tune up in who knows how long, I'll let you tinker around with it, but instead of Artisakat testing your devices, it'll be me,” Gary bargained.
“You wanna do it!?”
“I'm sure Artisakat will be pretty busy, being a rookie and all, so I got more free time.”
Jena looked at Jackson. “Artisakat?”
Jackson shrugged. “I don't mind, plus he has a point,” He told her.
“In that case,” she turned back to Gary, “we have a deal!”
“Alright. I'm Gary Stone.” Gary extended his hand for a shake.
Jena took it. “Jena Ivor! Pleased to be working with you!”
The party went on for a good hour before everyone went back to work. Gary left with Jena to her work garage to get started with customizing his staff. Jackson, Mitch, and Ferris were on their way to the holding block where Anet was. Ferris wanted to question her, or rather have Artisakat do it, since he managed to do that part well in his evaluation.
“You find anything on her?” Jackson asked Mitch.
Mitch shook his head. “Uh-uh. I didn't find anything about her in the Meta records. May have to try and look for something more personal.”
“We only have today to question her, after that she gets sent to a Max Cell,” Ferris mentioned.
"Alright, I'll try my best," Jackson said.
They got off on the floor where the holding blocks were. Each door was steel and was spaced out by about seventy feet. They walked to the fourth door and Ferris used his M-key and tapped it on the pad next to the door to unlock it. They walked into a short hallway that had a glass window on the side. They looked through and saw Anet with her hood down and her arms chained to the table. She had short curly black hair and had a grouchy look on her face. With her hood down it also revealed that she had a pink nose and slightly chubby cheeks.
"Can she see us?" Jackson asked.
"Nope. It's only a one way mirror," Ferris answered.
"Alright….I wonder how such a young mammal got involved in this."
"Maybe she's not as young as we think," Mitch said.
"She's a Meta mammal, so she could be older than she looks. For example, Johnnie Vent, from Johnnie on the case, is actually twenty four years old, but she looks to be eighteen. When asked her secret during one of her interviews she said it was cause of one of her side abilities which helped preserve her natural beauty and make her look younger than she is."
Ferris and Jackson both gave Mitch a look that said "how do you know this?"
Mitch could read the look. "I just happened to see that interview, shut up. Anyways, what's to say she doesn't have that same side ability or something like it."
"I'll see what I can find out...fanboy," Jackson said.
"Good luck du- Hey!"
Jackson walked into the room. As soon as he came in, Anet glared at him. He didn't let that phase him and waved. "Hi." He went and took a seat in front of her. "Your names Anet, right?"
"...." Anet didn't respond.
"Well, I'm Artisakat. I'm the one who took you in, but you already knew that."
"I want to ask you some questions. First, it's about what you were doing there?"
"Were you making a delivery to Webster?"
"Or does it have something to do with the robot parts he had?"
Anet raised an eyebrow but quickly went back to scowling, still not talking.
"Raised an eyebrow there. interesting," Mitch stated.
"Indeed," Ferris agreed. He noticed Mitch looking intensely and quizzically at Anet. "What is it?"
"That jacket...I know where it's from."
"Why did the flash drive you gave Webster say 'next assignment'?" Jackson asked Anet.
Anet squirted her eyes slightly, but still remained silent.
"She's not much of a talker. Jackson may have to try and provoke her next," Ferris mentioned.
"...Let me do it," Mitch requested.
"Huh? You wish to do it?"
"Yeah, just let me grab my laptop, that ok with you?"
"Alright, you got me curious so go ahead."
"Sweet." Mitch went to the window and pressed the speaker button on the panel underneath it. "Artisa. Come back in will ya?" He spoke.
"Hm?" Jackson looked back, confused but he got up anyway and went back into the hallway. "What's up?"
"Mitch wants to try something," Ferris informed.
"Yeah, brb." Mitch left the room.
"Wonder what his plan is?" Jackson asked.
"Wish I knew," Ferris said.
It took a good eight minutes before Mitch returned, holding a laptop. "Sorry for the wait."
"It's fine. What are you doing?" Jackson asked.
"I may have a way of making her talk."
"You'll see." Mitch grinned. He walked into the room. "Sup!" Mitch greeted with a smile. He sat in front of Anet, who just watched him grouchily. "So...that hood's from Shadow Assassin right?"
Anet's ears perked up.
"Hey, he got a reaction!" Jackson said.
"It is, isn't it? That's the one Altrik wore during the second season, the one Lent made for him! To bad it's not changeable like in the show, huh?"
Anet's face softened but she shook her head and softly glared at him.
"I only got the first hood. Honestly I think that one looks cooler with all the holes and stuff, adds character."
Anets ears lowered and she looked less apprehensive to Mitch.
"Though I guess I'm the only one who thinks that. Maybe it's just my nostalgia talking."
"...I like it too," Came the soft voice of Anet.
Jackson and Ferris were both taken by surprise.
"Really?" Mitch asked her.
Anet nodded. "I thought it showed how much he's been through...it was a staple as the start of his story."
"Right!? It was so cool how he'd don that hood and mask when he went on his missions! Don't get me wrong, I like the hood being able to change into actual ninja gear, but without the hood it just doesn't feel the same, know what I mean?"
"I think that's why they're gonna bring it back in the third season."
Anet's eyes lit up. "There's gonna be a third season!?"
"You didn't know!?"
Anet shook her head. "Nuh-uh!"
"They teased it last week with a flyer on their web page! Wanna see?"
Anet nodded rapidly.
Mitch opened his laptop and typed in it. "...Here." He turned it around and showed Anet the screen.
Anet marveled at the page. It showed a squirrel in red ninja gear and clean red hood. It said Shadow Assassin and had the words 'First trailer coming soon.' "No way!"
"I was shocked too! I was dying to know if Dante survived!"
"I hope so! He was my favorite character!"
"She's a weeb...unexpected," Jackson said.
"I feel like Mitch just wanted a chance to geek out," Ferris surmised.
"You too?"
"I'm Mitch by the way," Mitch told her.
"I'm Anet," She answered.
"Nice to meet a fellow shadow assassin fan. Have you seen Black blood?"
"No, I haven't." Anet tilted her head.
"Really? It's such a good show, but it doesn't get enough recognition if you ask me."
"Yeah, maybe you can watch it when you get out of Max."
"Uh, yeah," Mitch dropped his smile, "you're gonna go to Max prison after this."
"What!? Why!?"
"Cause of what happened at the warehouse."
"But I was only trying to protect Webster from that mean nasty cat!"
"Nasty!?" Jackson exclaimed.
"Well, thing is, Webster was a criminal," Mitch explained.
"Only cause he was framed!" Anet said.
"Yes! He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, the true culprit set him up!"
"Anet, he was found actually stealing weapons and trying to flee."
"No, it's true, there's video evidence."
"It's fabricated!" She glared at Mitch. "She told me you'd try and trick me! Try and make me believe someone innocent is someone guilty!"
"She?" Jackson questioned.
"Anet, it's no lie," Mitch told her.
"It is! You and that cat are both lying dirty Metas, just like I was warned!" Aneg yelled.
Mitch got up and placed his left fist sideways on his chest with his index finger sticking out.
"What's he-?" Ferris looked quizzically.
"Darkness does not lie
Neither do I
As a shadow follows me
So does the truth follow me
My words carry conviction
And my sword its infliction
I shall not decept
For I am not foolishly inept," Mitch spoke.
"...That’s..." Anet calmed down.
"The shadow assassins creed." Mitch smiled. "Anet, I'm not lying to you. It's true, Webster was a criminal."
"But...someone so nice couldn't lie to me...could they…" Anet was beside herself, questioning things.
Mitch sat back down. "Want me to show you proof?"
"....." Anet slowly nodded.
Mitch brought up a video and turned the laptop to her. It showed Webster taking down two guards and proceeding to steal some guns and other weapons from inside a vault. Once a Meta caught him trying to flee, they fought and Webster was captured.
"...It's not a lie…" Anet said.
"Anet….who told you it wasn't?"
"...She told me her name was Dani. I was lost when heading home and she not only helped me find my way but also gave me a gift. I saw her again the next day and she took me to a cafe where we talked. She was a really nice mammal...so I thought."
"I'm guessing that's where she told you about Webster?"
"Mhm. She said he was in hiding due to being framed. She wanted to help him so she asked if I was willing to help as well. I agreed, thinking it was to help a good animal and helped take him somewhere and delivered items to him."
"I see."
Tears began to well up in Anet's eyes. "I trusted her...the first moments I ever leave home and I get lied to and help a bad mammal...I should've never gone out."
"...So what are you gonna do to rectify it?"
"Huh?" She looked up at him.
"What are you gonna do to fix this mistake? You have the opportunity to make the right choice. The mistake will never go away, that's part of your past now, but you can own up to said mistake, and make sure your future doesn't gain the same kind. The then has passed, there's only the now. So what will you do."
Anet absorbed his words then wiped away her tears. She looked at Mitch with a new sense of determination. "I'll help anyway I can and tell whatever it is I know!"
Mitch chuckled. "Good answer."
"Nice job Mitch," Jacksin said.
"He has quite a way with words doesn't he?" Ferris noted.
"In a nerdy sense." Jacksons M-Key vibrated and buzzed. "What the-?"
Ferrises M-Key also vibrated and buzzed. "Hm?" He took hold of the object and saw it was flashing red. His expression turned sour and he took out his phone, tapping the M-key on it. The screen lit up and a call was started with a map being displayed that had a red dot on an area.
"I repeat, Jet Roller and Dyna Fist are attacking Wells Robotics! Cleansing Night is on the scene but needs assistance! There are reports of Dino bots on there as well!" The speaker shouted.
"What!?" Jackson said, flabbergasted.
"Its an emergency call! The area being attacked is nearby, that's why we're getting it! It's the afternoon so Cleansing’s powers should still have some effect but still!" Ferris informed
"They said they saw Dino bots! I'm gonna head out there!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah! Besides," Jackson cracked his knuckles, "I owe Jet Roller a thank you for helping me rediscover my powers!"
"You sound like Gary."
"Oh no!" Jacksons face had a look of discomfort.
"Hehe. I'll let Mitch know." He reached for the speaker before Jackson stopped him.
"Wait, Mitch is just now getting information from her, let's leave him be till he's done. I'll go without a Navi."
"Ok, but If you're still out there when Mitch is done, I'm gonna have him connect with you, so have your earpiece in."
"Got it! Heading for the launch bay!" Jackson said, running out.
"Good luck, Artisakat!" He watched as Jackson left but then pondered something. 'Wait….why would those two have Dino bots with them...or rather how? Somethings up...stay safe Jackson.'
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When you go to sleep, you expect to wake up with the same number of legs as you went to bed with. This is not generally seen as a big deal. In fact, many people take this for granted.Apparently, however, this was a luxury that Rita was not going to have access to anymore. Somehow equipped with four times the number of legs she’s used to, she is going to need to learn to learn to walk pretty damned quick if she wants to survive in the post-apocalyptic hellscape outside her apartment that she was almost certain wasn't there yesterday. Right, and stay sane. Which, judging from how pushy her inner voice was becoming, might just be the biggest challenge of all…
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