Chapter 4. Promise.
As the Rebuilding and History faction began to excavate items for rebuilding and preserving, The Study faction began their research. They first wanted to find out why they evolved. Of the ones with some remnants of memory recalled something about a war. With this minuscule but potent information, they decided to see if they could find any traces of that war.
While excavating, some mammals started to operate heavy machinery as if they have before. When asked they simply responded by saying they knew how it worked. With this info, they realised there were other things they knew how to use. This gave the study faction another thing to investigate; where did this knowledge come from? They kept that query in their minds as they searched for traces of a war. Nothing much was found, a few tank shell fragments, broken down or destroyed military choppers, and some tattered uniforms on the remains of human soldiers.
While they were searching they found something odd. Earlier they noticed the rifts in the ground and broken structures as if the earth was moved, but now it definitely seemed like it did move, because they noticed certain terrains being mixed and matched, like a jigsaw puzzle. Once discovered the Faction of Study used their communication devices to contact other mammals to see if they saw the same. Few groups did and a few didn't. This prompted an idea. They found cameras, and mammals that knew how to fly planes. They had them fly up high in the sky with a camera attached to the bottom, and go across the land.
Once they came back, they took the cameras and found something. The maps they had did not match what was recorded, the locations and shapes of the countries different and where some countries were there were only fragments of it left. The Faction of Study gathered the videos and pictures of the world and formed a new map, sharing it to the others. They found five new countries and thirteen fragments of the old countries. As to what they would call these new lands, it wasn't determined till years later, when the new societies and civilizations were nearly rebuilt.
"Artisikat, huh?" Mitch said while he sat at the table. Jackson and him were in the cafeteria of the Sky Limits agency, having come back from the training room. They had made an order and were currently waiting at the table for it to be cooked and ready.
"It was something my dad came up with." Jackson replied.
"Well it's a pretty good name."
"You don't have to lie just cause my dad came up with it."
"No no, seriously, I like it. It fits ya." Mitch smiled.
"Thanks." Jackson smiled back. "Uncle Ferris says my Meta ID should come in tomorrow. Me completing the evaluation as quickly as I did helped with how soon it'll be coming."
"Bet they'll classify you as all-rounder because of your powers. They find out what your side abilities are?"
"Not yet, they're using a reader on a blood sample and I should know by tomorrow."
"I see."
"Though I think I have enhanced strength."
"Why ya say that?"
"My blows during the evaluation felt like they had more of an impact and not because of my machines."
"Well then maybe you do have enhanced strength." Mitch took a sip of the Retsi he got earlier. "Man I can't wait to be your navigator."
"Neither can I, I just hope you won't blab and say something you shouldn't."
"I would never!" Mitch feigned offence.
"Yes you would." Jackson chuckled.
"Speaking of which, did Ferris tell you why he wants to keep your abilities confidential?"
Jackson shook his head. "He's gonna tell me before I leave. I'm swinging by his office once we finish eating."
As if on cue, they heard their name called. Mitch got up and walked to the cow lady at the counter who handed him a tray with their food. He walked back to their table and handed Jackson his plate. Jackson ordered a fried chicken sandwich with fries while Mitch ordered a meatball sub with a side of chips. They dug in.
"So," Mitch swallowed his first bite, "I've been wondering. Your glasses, when you create them do you create the programming to?"
Jackson salted his fries before answering. "Well when I scan a machine that has a program in it, or some sort of software, I don't gain its software so I just get the machine." He took a few large fries and bit into it, chewing and licking the ketchup of his lips before swallowing. "Now if I see its programming it gets added to the blueprints as an add on."
"Yeah. My dad figured that out when he made a schematic for my visors. When I created them it didn't work and when he was reviewing the program I felt it get added cause I was watching him."
"So can you mix and match programs?"
"I...don't know. Never really tried...at least I don't think so."
"Still got some memories locked up, huh?"
"Yea. Maybe Uncle Gary can help unlock some memories."
Mitch choked on his sub, forcefully swallowing it and coughing. "He's- kaug- he's not coming home tonight is he!?"
"No, he's still in Dominion...I think."
"Oh please don't scare me like that, I don't wanna walk in your house and have him wack me with his staff! That dude’s scary!"
"Who you telling? You forget he trained me for like two years."
"And you still got more training to receive."
"Don't remind me." Jackson sighed.
They continued eating and Mitch thought about something.
"Hey Jackson?" Mitch called to him.
"Yea?" Jackson responded
"If you never got into that accident do you think you would've gone your whole life not remembering your powers or past?"
"I doubt it. Uncle Ferris woulda come to me otherwise."
"Ah. Another question, do you see the program when viewing your schematics?"
Jackson looked around before looking down. A blue ring appeared on his eyes as he looked through his schematics. He brought up his visors and took a look at it. He looked to see if he could see any connections to it. He found one, it looked like a small icon on the corner of the blue print. "The more I do this, the more I feel like my brain's a computer."
"Oh? What's it look like when you look through them?"
"I see panels floating around, on them are the schematics for certain machines that I've scanned. I can select it and it expands. On the bottom left is a square icon that expands when I select it, showing me its coding. I can even see a 3D model of it if I want to." Jackson explained.
"Yea that's like a computer….hm. How many blueprints do you have?"
"Let me see."
Mitch leaned forward and waved his hands in front of Jackson's eyes. When he saw no reaction he smirked and took a few of Jackson's fries.
The blue ring faded and Jackson looked at Mitch. "A few of them are blurred, so not counting those I got about eleven."
"Neat. Be-te-dubs(btw), you can't see anything when looking through your blueprints."
"Oh Yeah? Didn't know." Jackson leaned forward and took some chips off Mitch's plate.
"Payback for my fries."
"So you can see!"
"No, I just know you."
Mitch pouted at Jackson and continued to eat.
The office of Ferris Dauch stood at the middle floor of the building. The reason being because the upper floors were more for flyers, both Meta's, vehicles and birds, and had launching bays around it. His office was big, having a coffee table and large red half circle booth on one side infront of the tv, with two brown sofas on the other side, facing each other with a long short table in the middle. His desk sat in the middle at the back, being seated infront of the windows. His black fine wood desk had a computer with two monitors, an intercom with a pen holder, a cell phone charging stand next to it, and a plaque with his name on it. On his walls were an assortment of paintings and one wall had certificates that prove the agency's officiality.
Jackson walked in. "Uncle Ferris?"
Ferris sat at the brown chairs of his office and waved at Jackson. "Over here." He had a cup of tea in front of him and on the opposite side was a glass of water.
Jackson sat on the other couch, facing Ferris.
"The reason I asked you here...is to explain why we're keeping your powers confidential. Do you know why that's an option?"
"Yea. Some Meta abilities have a complication or can be seen negatively, so it's kept secret till the Meta gains some favorability by the masses. For instance like the Meta bloodhound, who's powers work when he ingests blood that's not his. His abilities were kept secret till he gained the respect of many because of his role in the Hatchin incident, then the info about his powers was revealed, and hardly anyone saw him differently."
Ferris nodded. "Correct."
"Another reason would be because of protection. When a Meta works for an agency and some bad mammals know their ability, or are searching for an ability that said Meta has, but has never seen it. They keep the information secret until said enemy's are no longer a threat."
"That is right. Those two reasons are why Meta mammals can keep their abilities secret. Which do you think you are?"
"Well...it's not like power is very controversial so...reason two?"
"Yes." He leaned back. "Now Jackson… what I explain next…"
"Uncle Ferris?"
Ferris took a deep breath. "What I explain next, the reason why your powers are being kept secret… has a relation to the death of your parents."
Jackson's eyes widened in shock.
"Are you ready to hear this?...if you do you'll be taken back to that day, you'll see the memory of what happened before they passed."
Jackson tightened his hands, gripping his palms. He was afraid. The memory he had of that day could be fake but that just made him fearful instead of hopeful. He was afraid he'd see something more gruesome. Even with that fear, he had to know, he had to face it. He looked at Ferris in the eyes and said, "Tell me."
Ferris closed his hands together. "...You were seven years old when your powers awakened. Your first creation was those visors, which you created after seeing your dad make the blueprints and program on his computer. This was a while before I decided to create the Sky limits agency. It surprised Adison and Tania and they spent a few weeks trying to understand it. You were able to make three machines at that point." He smiled. "You should've seen how excited Adison got."
"I remember. I got that memory back last night when you showed me a picture that my dad took when I first used my powers. I remember him calling you and just yelling at you about it on the phone with a wide smile."
"Haha! My ears were hurting during that call!" They shared a short laugh, and he took a sip of his tea before continuing. "Your dad worked harder in making blueprints, mainly for you. Some of them he didn't want to show till you got older. Your mom mainly taught you about Meta mammals or rather answering your questions about them."
"I remembered that too. Mom had to seal my mouth so she could answer one question." He chuckled.
"Hmhm, sounds like Tania...this happened while I was getting the resources and means to make this agency. Tania and Addison agreed to keep your abilities a secret, something you also asked for because you wanted to be a surprise to the world, because they were afraid of other agency's pressuring you to join them when you came of age. When I made the agency your dad registered here. You'd visit him while he was here along with your mother, and made sure not to show your powers unless alone with them or someone we trusted….however," he slowly frowned, "one day a male mammal approached Adison. He talked to him about you and gave him a horrible proposition. I don't know what it was since I wasn't there but he told me it was something….inhumane. He also told me that the one he talked to said he'd regret declining him. That day before the accident."
"....What happened that day?" Jackson asked.
Ferris looked at him solemnly and reached into his pocket. "That," he pulled out his hand and slid it face down towards Jackson, "is something only you know." He removed his hand. What he placed down was a silver necklace with a round pendant that had the symbol of chains on its edge, clock hands on its center, and a swirling light enveloping them in the background.
Jackson looked at it and felt pain crash into his head. "AAAGH!" He yelled, holding onto his head. A memory seal was broken and began to play in his mind.
Jackson was in the backseat of the car. It was late at night and they were heading home.
"Jackson?" His mother called.
"Yeah mom?" His young self responded.
"Close your eyes."
"Ok." He did so and heard the sound of a box opening. He hears something drag out, it sounded like metal.
"Ok. Open them."
He opened them and saw a silver pendant with the symbols of chains surrounding clock hands, both being enveloped in swirling light, attached to a necklace chain. "Wow! What's that?"
"It's a gift from your mother and me." His father said. "The chains represent your moms ability, the clock is mine, and that swirling light is your ability."
"Awesome! Can I put it on!?" Jackson excitedly asked.
"Of course." His mom handed him the necklace.
He wasted no time putting it on. He rubbed it with his thumb and looked at it. "This is gonna represent the times we work together when I get older right?"
His dad chuckled. "You got it kiddo."
"I can't wait! We're gonna be an awesome team!"
"I know we wi-" He was cut off when something crashed in front of them. "Whoa!" He swerved the car out of the way the momentum nearly tipped them till he thrusted his palm on the dashboard on his left, making it fall down on its wheels.
"Jackson!" His mother called
"I'm ok!" He told her, holding onto his seat belt. "What was that!?" He looked out the window towards the crash. His eyes widdened.
At the crash site was a male goat with his left arm melted to a large frame of a mechanical arm, a left red wing and a green right wing, long legs that were a messy mix of machine and flesh, and a whip attached to his other arm. He looked at Jacksons direction with a psychopathic smile and yellow glaring eyes, making the young cat shiver in fear.
"Damnit, its him!" His father yelled, geting out of the car.
"Jackson, stay here!" His mother commanded, holding her son's cheeks. "We won't be long. Ok?" She said assuredly, getting out to join her husband.
Jackson watched as his parents approached the goat. "I told you you’d regret rejecting me!" The goat yelled.
"You should learn to take no for an answer!" Jacksons father yelled before dashing at the man. One of his watches glowed and he swung a right fist at him.
The goat blocked with his metal arm but was still pushed back.
His mother held out his arms. "Seal! Defense!" Chains darted out and surrounded the goat before a lock was placed.
The goat thrusted its whip at her, intending to pierce her with it, only for Jackson's father to elbow it, thrust his palm under the whip, twist around and yank it down, yanking the goat to them. He wheeled around and was about to deck it in the face.
The goat slammed his feet into the ground and vaulted over him. He flapped his wings to gain some air.
His mom ran to her husband, jumping towards him. She placed her feet to where he opened his hands, and was vaulted to the goat. The goat flew up to avoid her but she managed to touch his foot. "Seal! Flight!" She yelled as chains and a lock surrounded his wings, removing his ability of flight.
The goat fell to the ground and saw Jackson's father below him, about to strike. He turned to face him and swung his metal arm down.
Jacksons dad managed to block it and push him back.
His mother went to touch him to place another seal but she missed when he backflipped. "Shit!"
"That's one for the jar!" His dad told his wife, dashing to the goat. The goat swung his whip only for Jackson's dad to direct it away with his palm and palm strike him in the gut. The mechanical arm slammed towards him only for his palm to hit its elbow before spinning a 180 and elbowing its face.
Jackson watched in awe at his parents fighting the goat. He felt at ease when he saw them knock him on the ground until he heard the door behind him get ripped off. He looked back and saw one of the training bots reach in and grab his shirt, pulling him out, snapping off the seat belt. He screamed and flailed about trying to release himself.
"Jackson!" He heard his father call him. He looked back and saw his parents look at him with fear before the goat up off the ground and whipped them both in the back with an electrified whip, before punching them to the side, sending them crashing into the wall.
"Mom! Dad!" Jackson called to his parents, tears welling in his eyes.
"Hehehehehe!" The goat laughed, approaching Jackson. "This could've been a lot easier if they just cooperated." He commented.
"Leave my parents alone!" He yelled at him.
"Oh? What if I don't?"
He glared at the goat and created an energy hand cannon, pointing it at the goat's face and firing. The goat wheeled back and Jackson turned to the bot that held him, shooting it in its eye, disabling it and falling to the ground. Before he could stand up he was grabbed by the goats mech arm.
"Good, good! You have some fight in you! You'll make a great soldier!" The goat said, steam emanating from where he was shot.
"Let go," his father jumped up from behind the goat, "of my son!" He slammed both fists on the goats back, making him fall and toss up Jackson. He kicked the goat away before catching his son.
"Dad!" Young him cried in joy. His father fell to his knees and Jacksom got off him. "Dad! You ok!?" He saw blood flow out his head and a big bloody bruise from where he was hit.
"Heh. He hit us good." His father mentioned.
His mother limped to the two. "Are you ok, Jackson?" His mother was hurt badly too.
"I'm ok, but what about you!? You took a heavy hit from the monster!"
They saw the goat get up and face towards them.
Jacksons father picked up a rock. "Tania!" He called to his wife.
She nodded and placed her hands over the rock. "Seal! Air friction!" Her seal was placed.
Jacksons dad pulled his hand back and one of his watches flew. He threw it at a car the goat was near, hitting it in the engine, causing it to explode and sending the goat flying away.
Jacksons mom fell next to her husband. "I should've stayed near Jackson! I should've known he'd try to take him!"
"Tania it's not your fault." His father comforted.
"It's ok mom! We can take this guy down!"
"Yeah! we!" He held out his pendant. "The three of us are gonna be a future team, remember!"
Jackson's parents looked at him surprisingly before looking at each other.
"We have to...dont we?" His mom said heavily.
"...Yes." his father answered.
"Mom? Dad?"
They both looked at him with soft smiles with some sadness in them.
His father pulled him into them, embracing him in a weak hug. Jackson looked up at them, confused and scared. He saw his dad nod at his mom before looking at him. "Jackson….I'm proud of how brave you're being, wishing to fight with us."
Jacksons mom got behind him. "What are you-?" He asked his mom.
"But you're too young." His father continued.
"You have a long life ahead of you, and I know you live it to the best." Tears welled up in his eyes. "I...we know you'll grow into a strong Meta that'll save many mammals."
"Seal one-" his mother started, her sealing chains forming on her palms. Jackson looked towards her puzzled. "Memory. Condition: remove In relation.
"Mom, what are you doing?" He saw her begin to cry as she continued to name her seals. "Mom!?"
"Seal two. Meta ability. Condition….release when...in danger." She said between sobs
His father tightened his grip around his son.
"What...what are these seals for?" Jacksom said, fearful.
"You...didn't set a condition to that...why didn't you set a condition!?"
"Jackson...I hope you can forgive us for this…" his father murmured to him, his voice shaky with sadness.
"If I had been more careful then…." His mother sobbed with guilt.
"It's not your fault Tania." His father told her.
"What…no...no don't!" Jackson pleaded
"I love you, Jackson." His mother sobbed.
"I love you, son." His dad told him, tears flowing down his cheeks.
His mom placed her hands on her son's head.
"NOOO!" Jackson yelled as he felt the seals be placed. As his consciousness faded he saw them smile at him. He reached out to them his vision going, pleading for them to stop before they faded away.
Jackson removed his hands from his head and slowly lowered them. "...I remember…."
Ferris looked at him with sadness. "Your dad called me before his final moments...he told me that he made a mistake….that he wasn't going to make it...he told me to take care of you...to hold a promise he and Tania asked of me the day before they died."
Jackson shook as he looked down, squeezing his knees. "He...he was always one to plan ahead."
"Yes...he was." Ferris got up and behind Jackson. He placed a hand on both of Jackson's shoulders, trying to consolidate him.
Jackson didn't know what felt worse. The fact that the memory he had of the burning car was real, or the fact that In that memory, he called to no one. "Damn it…" he softly cried. "Damn it!" His tears became heavier and he placed his palms on his yes, soaking them.
Mitch hit two buttons on the vending machine, getting two sodas in a can. He grabbed them, walked to Jackson, who was sitting on a bench, and sat next to him. "Here." He said, handing him a soda.
"Thanks." Jackson told him, who took the can, and opened it to take a small sip.
Mitch opened his can and took a sip of his soda. "...You ok?"
"....Honestly?....I don't know….this whole time I...I thought they died in a car accident….now I find out, or rather...remembered that wasn't the case."
Mitch leaned back and sipped his drink again.
"....Be honest with me...was it my fault?"
Mitch didn't answer.
"If I didn't get grabbed they wouldn't have dropped their guard….if I was stronger I could've fought with them...if-"
"If what?" Mitch interrupted. He leaned forward. "You say "if this" and "if that" but what does it really matter?" He looked to Jackson. "What's done is done."
"But nothing! You can't change the past, you can't undo what's been done. You can only move forward. So you can either blame yourself all day or move forward and make them proud in the afterlife."
".....You're right…"
Silence filled the air between them as they casually drank the fizzy drinks.
"...What anime?" Jackson asked.
"Huh?" Mitch looked at him confused.
"What anime did you get that line from?"
"What makes you think it's from an anime?"
"Cause of how cheesy it was."
"That line was not cheesy! It was a very impactful scene!"
"So it was from an anime."
"Gah- damn it!"
"You ruined the moment!" Mitch pouted.
Jackson started laughing. "Hahaha I'm sorry, gahahaha!"
Mitch slowly went from pout to smile.
Jsckson calmed down and took a breath. "...Hey. on the way home can we make a stop?"
"Sure, pal."
Mitch drove up the path and stopped part way. He put it in park and Jackson and him got out the vehicle. They walked together past several plagues, some with fresh flowers, and made their way to two of them. Jackson walked infront of them and knelt. On the plague read two names.
The left plague read "Adison Stone 386-418" while the right said "Tania Stone 388-418".
Jacksom started to speak. "Mom, dad. I remember things now. Not everything but...somethings...like what happened that day. You asked me to forgive you...well...I don't think I can...not yet...maybe not ever…but," he pointed his index and middle finger at them, the same way he did in his memory when he made this promise, "I promise...I'm gonna be one of the best Meta mammals ever….just watch me." He smiled at them.
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