《Maker》Create part 1
Chapter 1. Create part 1
The world of humans ended 400 years ago. It was a war that went nuclear. It devastated the world and rebuilt it too. All of Humanity died. As if by the world choice, animals were spared. Instead of death they were instead mutated or rather evolved. They were given intelligence, the ability to speak, and new anthropomorphic bodies. The evolved mammals rebuilt the world and society, although things would be different. For it wasn't just them that changed but also the world.
The countries fragmented, some coming together and forming new countries, while the rest just stayed fragmented. There were now five countries and thirteen fragments. The largest country was called New America while the other four were called Axion, New Russia, Geruda, and Dominion. The fragments left over a few became independent while some decided to coexist with one of the countries, not becoming a part of it but not fully independent either. Each fragment had a ruler based of the lineage from the first to discover it, like a king and a kingdom but not so medieval, while the countries had elected government officials, like presidents.
While all this was being made a new discovery was found. Mammals that have evolved further and gained supernatural powers. There was a mammal that could fly, one that could create and manipulate the elements, and one that could read minds. As more of the mammals appeared they were given a name, Meta-Mammals, Metas for short. They all possessed extra strands of DNA called meta DNA, it was how one could be found at birth. While the DNA could be found it sometimes did not awaken till a certain time after birth. It could range between years or mere minutes, different with each mammal. While Metas had a main ability they were also given side abilities, side effects due to their Meta DNA. Those abilities included super or enhanced strength, impenetrable skin, faster processing, and/or enhanced awareness. It was rare for only one side ability to be had. A Meta birth is only 1 in 600 with the chances being higher if two Meta's concieved.
While society was being built up with these Metas, a faction of agencies were made for these supernatural beings to have a place. These agencies that hired them all had different names but their category is known as Meta agencies.
The events that started this new world was known as the great reset. Calendars were reset and the years were restarted as the GR years or GRY.
"Rrrrg." A black furred hand reached out and hit the off button on the alarm. The covers rose up and slid off the body of a male black and light brown furred siamese cat. The black was on the upper part of his forearms, covering his hand paws, and covered from the middle of his thighs, going downward and engulfing his feet. His muzzle was all black fur but the rest of him was light brown except for his hair. His hair was light black and wasn't very long, but was shaggy. He yawned and stretched his slender body, opening up his sky blue eyes.
He got out of his bed and walked to his bathroom. He stood to be about four feet and nine inches. He was wearing a gray pair of boxers and a red t-shirt that said "MAXIMUM POWER!" He looked into the mirror and opened it, grabbing his toothbrush and paste.
He brushed up his fangs and gurgled some mouthwash. Once finished he checked them out in the mirror before starting up the shower. Washing himself for a good several minutes. He got out, dried up, and put on some new clothes, now wearing a pair of khakis and a white shirt that had the picture of Link from Legend of Zelda. It wasn't a human Link but a tan brown canine one. He was holding up his sword proudly with the Triforce shining in the back of his hand.
The cat walked down his white hallways, walking on the wooden floor, stopping at a door. He opened it and placed his dirty clothes and towel in the wash basket. He continued and walked into the dining room only to walk past the table and enter the kitchen. He grabbed a pan and skillet and set them on the stove. He then got into the fridge and got some bacon, eggs, shredded cheese, butter, sausage, and strawberry jelly. He then grabbed a loaf of bread from his pantry along with a bowl and plate from another pantry. He placed two slices of bread in his toaster and started up the stove. He placed bacon and sausage patties in the pan and a slice of butter on the skillet, moving it around so the butter could spread.
He mixed his eggs and put a lid on the pan. He added the eggs to the skillet, spread it around, and let it sit. He grabbed a spatula and checked his bacon and sausage. He noted that it just needed five more minutes. His toast popped out and he set it on the plate. Just then his phone rang. He reached I'm his pocket and saw the Id read as "Mitch" with the picture of a smiling brown doberman with red hair.
He hit answer and put it on speaker. "Hey Mitch."
"Ey Jackson," the dog named Mitch responded, "how's it going?"
The cat now known as Jackson was opening his bag of cheese and added it to the eggs In the skillet, the shredded dairy melting on contact. "Making breakfast," He answered, "you're on your way to the Meta agency right?" He grabbed a knife and added jelly to the toast.
"Yea. The sky limits agency. Where when it comes to their expectations, the sky's the limit!"
"Catchy." He turned off the pan stove. "Did you need something?" He used the spatula and started to fold his egg.
"Yeah, actually. I was wondering if you could pick up a pre order of mine. It's a figurine for my mom and it should be there today."
"Sure. Just send me the address." He turned off the stove and opened the lid of the pan. He took the bacon and sausage and placed them on the slice of toast.
"Alright I'll send it over. Thanks dude."
"No prob."
Mitch hung up, and Jackson added his folded egg on top the sausage and bacon, completing his sandwich by placing the other toast on top. His phone vibrated, a notification popped up saying that Mitch sent him an attachment. Sitting down and taking the first bite of his sandwich, he checked the attachment. Looking over the map he saw which bus would take him there and checked the schedules to see when best to leave.
Having set a time to leave, he finished up his breakfast and cleaned up. He checked the time. 'I have enough time to get some practice in.' He thought to himself. He walked to and out the back door, taking the smooth cement tiled path to his destination. A dojo was in the middle of his back outside wall. He walked in. The floor was clean and wooden, the walls were pure white, and there were three training dummies against the wall. It was your standard every-day dojo, but had a shrine in the head space. On the shrine were two photographs of a male and female cat. The male was fully black with blonde hair and blue eyes while the female was light brown with black hair and green eyes. They both had a smile.
Jackson walked in front of the shrine and bowed with his hands together in a prayer. "Mom. Dad. Another day passes." He said before walking to the dummy in the middle. The dummies were wooden stands with two stilts sticking out its middle section from diagonal positions. The top section had a symbol that meant strike and its lower section had nothing special.
Jackson took his stance. He slid his right foot to the side while sticking the left foot out. His left hand went forward, standing in front of his face and above his knee, sideways and open palmed. His other hand was in front of his stomach on the side, Leaning forward while also sideways and open. 'Counterpoint stance.' He thought in his mind. He then struck the arms of the dummy with one hand while the other striked its body. The dummy spun and more stilts came out of it, trying to hit him but he maneuvered his hands to push it away and strike it as he did, using its own force to unbalance it or have it aid in his attacks. Stilts from the bottom came out but he used his knees and legs to do the same as his hands. He did this for a few minutes before stopping the dummy by palm striking the center.
He then changed stances. His right foot was juted forward while he bent his left leg sticking the knee out to the left close to him. He had his right arm raised slightly above and in front of him as the left arm was behind him, hovering at his middle. Both hands formed fists with the index and middle finger of both jutted out. 'Break point.' He thought. He swung his fist at the dummy, hitting it mostly where a person's joints would be, among other spots. As it swung its stilts he either blocked or dodged them instead of maneuvering them. He heard cracks in the wood, the dummy beginning to break to his attacks.
He responded by slamming his foot down, having his feet stand a few inches apart from each other as he bent his knees, putting both arms beside him, his knuckles squeezing as they were placed by his hips, his muscles and body tensing up. 'Smash point!' He yelled I'm his head. He sent a strong right hook to the body of the dummy, breaking it further, chips of it snapping and flying off. "Hah!" He sent his left fist straight to the head, breaking its neck back and smashing its face. He then jumped, spun 180 degrees and drove his left foot into its chest, smashing it to bits as it broke off and slammed against the wall, popping off the head and having it fly across the room.
Jackson took a deep breath and untensed his body. He grabbed the dummy's severed parts and tossed them into a trash bin outside. He then pressed a button to get a roombas out to clean up the chips. He went back to his house and grabbed his shoes, putting them on before leaving his house.
He sent a text to Mitch. -Omw.-
Mitch responded. -You break another dummy?-
-Howd you know?-
-Its you lol-
-Whats that mean?-
-Oh you know 😂-
-Oh shut up 😤😤. Geting on the bus now-
Jackson got onto the bus, paid his fare and sat down. He saw one of the TVs had a commercial for an agency.
"If you're that Meta, then you're what we need!" A blue bird said pointing his finger at the viewer. When birds evolved they grew an extra set of talons for hands while their wings stayed on their back.
"Another agency looking for specific Metas, Huh?" A passenger on the bus said.
"Isn't that the Meta named Hightail?" The other passenger asked the previous.
"Oh yea, it is. The one with the catchphrase, 'Why don't you hightail it outta here?', that guy? Yea that's him."
"Is he public or does he keep his identity a secret?"
"He's public. His real name is- Oh hey here's our stop."
The passengers left the bus and continued their conversation. Jackson looked to his phone, double checking where to stop. 'Thought hightail was secret.' He thought to himself.
When a Meta joins an agency they can choose to keep their identity a secret while donning costumes or gear to hide their faces, or have their life be public, Meta and regular. Either way they have a codename.
Jackson looked around the bus. The only people left, besides the tiger driver, were a father mouse and his young daughter who looked to be a mix of mouse and cat, with cat being more dominant as the only mouse trait she had was in her teeth and some in the feet.
A news alert caught everyone's attention.
"The Meta villain known as Jet Roller is rampaging on the streets in downtown Lexin." The news lady, who was a mixed Jaguar with a tad bit of Shiba inu, spoke on the broadcast. The screen changed to a white rabbit running down the street at great speed. She was wearing red armor on her arms, legs, and chest, but not her back. Her back was completely black due to her ability. "A Meta from the Nix agency has responded and is already chasing her." A portrait picture of a sheep with yellow in his fur and a red mask was shown. His codename was shown under it as "Sun Flare".
'That street looks familiar.' Jackson thought as he watched the broadcast.
Jet Roller looked back and flipped off Sun Flare, who was flying after her with yellow flames coming out his feet. He was gaining on her before she activated her ability. She rolled forward and the fur on her back grew and rolled over her body, engulfing her. The hair hardened and she began to wheel forward at faster speeds. Sun Flare threw balls of yellow fire at her but she dodged them.
"What?" The driver of the bus said. "You're breaking up, this stupid thing needs a tune up!" He smacked his walkie talkie that was connected to the radio. A scrambled voice was yelling at him but he couldn't make it out. "Wait, what's coming at me?"
Jackson heard a crash and looked towards the window behind him. He saw Sun Flare heading this way. 'Wait if he's coming this way then-' he looked down and confirmed his suspicion. A rolling ball of black was coming at the bus.
The driver noticed this too. "Oh shit!" He floored it to try and get out the way, the tires screeching on the pavement but he was too late. The bus didn't move in time and Jet Roller made a sharp turn, impacting the side of the bus hitting it onto the rail with enough force for it to slowly tip over and plunge into the river below.
Sun Flare got on his coms quickly. "Nix agency! This is Sun Flare, Jet just rammed a bus into the river, requesting a rescue!" Sun Flare kept his pursuit, looking back. 'Sorry, my powers don't work in water, I wouldn't be able to help.' He thought as he went after the Meta.
Jackson opened his eyes. He saw the bus he was on was quickly filling with water and had a huge inward dent on the opposite side, with water pouring out the cracks
"Daddy! Daddy!" He heard the little girl scream. He looked over and saw that her father was unconsciously holding her. He shielded her from the impact. He looked forward and saw the driver also knocked out in his seat.
'Gotta swim out of here. Who knows how long till a Meta that can save us gets here, the nearest rescue agency is pretty far off and the closest agency here only has a few Meta's who can do under water rescues and I don't know how many are available, even so it'll take a good while to get us and this bus is filling fast.' Jackson quickly thought to himself as he observed his predicament. The father mouse's head was starting to become submerged in water while the daughter floated up, having lost grip of her dad.
'Alright gotta get up and- what the!?' He tried to get up but his leg was stuck in a coil of broken chairs. 'No no no!' He tried to wiggle free but to no avail. The water rose to his neck, he took a breath and held it as he drove in, trying to pull his leg free. He rose his head up only getting his face out and took another breath, going back to his attempt. 'C'mon!....Cmon!"
The father was fully submerged and so was his daughter. The driver was quickly engulfed in it. The blood from both their wounds trailed up with the water.
Jackson continued to struggle and was losing air. He looked up, seeing that any chance to breath again wasn't there. He doubled his efforts but he was losing strength. 'Damnit! I gotta get out! I... gotta get...out…' he was losing consciousness as the air in his lungs ran out.
"Jackson." He heard a voice call.
"Yeah dad?" Another, younger, voice called out.
"Come here for a sec."
'What is this?' Jackson thought. 'I know that voice.' Jackson's vision was then clouded by the image of a black cat man sitting at his desk, looking down at him. 'Dad?'
"Whatcha working on?" The young voice asked.
'That's me talking.'
"Something special for you. wanna see?" His father asked.
"Definitely!" The younger Jackson excitedly answered.
'I remember this. My dad was working on a jet board to give me when I got older. It looked really cool….is this being shown to me cause I'm gonna die?'
In the memory, Jackson's father took out a piece of paper and showed it to him.
'Wait, what?'
On the paper were schematics for a spandex suit with shock absorbers, jet boots, armored steel gauntlets, and a visor.
"Wow!" Young Jackson awed at the blue prints.
"Each device is a separate blueprint so it's interchangeable with your other machines. It's your suit" His father explained.
'My other machines? What is he talking about?' Jackson thought as the memory played.
"The measurements are off. It's too big for me." Young Jackson voiced
"You'll grow into it but I think you can at least try it out now. Let's see if you can make those kinds of adjustments."
"Ok. I'll try."
'What am I talking about...I feel like I know but….this memory isn't right….yet...it feels...right…'
"Focus…" young Jackson said.
"Visualize the schematics."
'Visualize…schematics.' A spinning blue ring faintly appeared on his eyes before disappearing. Jackson saw a faint image of what looks to be blueprints.
'Now….' The image became clearer and solid.
'Cre-….-ate!' A solid bluish white ring appeared around his pupil and a white light formed and took shape around his body. In a split second it took form and dissipated, what was left was what the light took form off. He was now covered in a blue and black spandex suit with a device on it's back between the shoulders. His legs were covered in metal boots and his arms had steel mech gauntlets that only covered the top of his arms and knuckles. Over his eyes were a purple visor that displayed a retical where he looked.
Jackson punched downward, splitting the metal that held his leg apart. He leaned forward and jets flared out the ends of his boots. He flew forward, grabbing the girl, the father, and the driver in one swift motion, kicking the front window open and rising his way up. He passed by a wolf who was swimming down, catching a glimpse of Jackson whizzed past him, startling him.
Jackson broke through the surface of the water, holding the passengers and driver. He looked around and flew to the nearest shore. He made a hard but stable landing and laid them down on the ground.
The girl started coughing and so did the other two, though they stayed unconscious. He got them out in time. The girl looked up, her vision coming back, and saw Jackson all suited up. "Who are…"
Before she could finish, Jackson already flew up onto the sky and flew off in the distance. An ambulance truck drove up along with the police one and approached them.
"You alright?" A bird from the police asked.
The girl looked at him and nodded.
"Hun?" The weak voice of her father came out.
"Daddy!" She embraced her dad and started crying.
The father patted his daughter weakly while the paramedics and policeman checked them and moved them to the vehicles. The girl thanked, in her mind, whoever she saw earlier.
'What the hell….' Jackson looked over his body at the devices that covered him. 'How...why do I know how these work? Why did that memory feel right but was wrong? When could I….do this!?' His head started to hurt from confusion and questions. He was currently in a parking lot, alone, thankfully. He thought back to that memory and as he played it out in his head the aching worsened. It played out just as he saw it but not how he remembers it.
He closed his eyes and focused again. In his mind, he saw an array of blueprints each a different machine. 'What is all this?' He thought. Shock hit his brain and he yelped in pain. He saw memories, memories he knew, and a few came up to him. Yellow locks appeared on them and broke.
One memory that was of him swinging a stick changed to him swinging a claw like weapon on his hands.
One memory of him playing with a nerf gun changed to him playing with a laser gun, shooting at targets.
One memory of him mixing a bowl of food changed to him punching and breaking solid ground with a gauntlet that had a pile driver attached.
The last memory that approached him was of him talking to his parents. "I'm gonna be one of the best cats ever!" That memory changed to him saying, "I'm gonna be one of the best Meta Mammals ever!"
'Meta mammal…' His suit dissipated in a flash of light. 'Im….a Meta…..' he ran those words in hims mind over and over for the next ten minutes.
Jackson was walking to his home. He was thinking back on his memories, now wondering which ones were real, which were fake, and why. As he walked he thought, 'How long have I been a Meta? Did I somehow forget I was one? Or...did someone make me forget?" He had nothing but questions plaguing his mind. He had looked through the blueprints in his mind, hoping to find something other than familiarity. Sadly all that he saw only gave the feeling of being something he felt he knew. No memories were stired.
He walked up to his door and was roused from his thoughts when he noticed something. The door wasn't closed all the way. Jackson knew he closed and locked his door so he knew something was wrong.
He slowly slid his door open and creeped in. He looked forward and saw a light shine from his dining room door. He gently took steps forward, trying not to make a sound.
Behind him, coming out his closet, a black pointer in a suit swung his hand down on him, only for Jackson to push the hand way and pull him closer into striking palm to the face, a knee to the side of his gut, and his person thrown down on his back to the ground, knocking him out.
From the dining room door a white arctic fox, in the same suit as the pointer, came out to observe the noise, only to see a siamese cat dash at him, drill his knuckles in several parts of his arm and abdomen, and plow his fist into his gut before finishing him with a haymaker to the face.
"Wow. You were right." A voice from the dining room said.
Jackson materialized an energy hand cannon and aimed it at the man at the table.
A bald eagle, who was also in a suit, raised up his hands. "Woe there. Let's all calm down."
"Who are you?" Jackson demanded.
"Easy there Jacky." A five foot eight inch doberman walked out from the kitchen wearing a black shirt and brown slacks. It was Mitch.
"Mitch?" He lowered his gun.
"Heya. Guess you didn't get the figurine?"
"I- no, but- what are you-"
"Forgive me. I asked mister Thorn to take me here." The bald eagle said
"And you are?" He dissipated the gun.
"I am Ferris Dauch."
"Ferris Dauch? Ouch!" A sting hit his head as a memory came out.
It was of the bald eagle walking up to him with a box. "Hello there Jackson! Happy birthday!" He handed young Jackson the box.
"Thanks uncle Ferris!" Young Jackson thanked.
The memory ended and Jackson panted and looked up at the eagle. "....Uncle...Ferris?"
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Survival Sentiment: Duplicate Items
Adam awoke to a strange and magical world plagued by a dark fog. Adam begins this journey to unravel the mysteries of this world while trying to survive against the challenges he faces. But Adam found himself in possession of a miraculous ability, he could duplicate anything he could get his hands on. Adam realized he could have an endless supply of food, water, and even … magical abilities? ----- Author’s note: The story does not have much horror. The main focus for the first dozen or so chapters is mystery (figuring out what is going on in this world and other characters) and power fantasy (improving strength and learning about the power system). ---- https://www.patreon.com/user?u=63354527 any tip would be appreciated. ---- this story will also be on other sites, I have referenced this account in the description in the other sites.
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“One in a billion.” Jack kept repeating the mantra in his head. “One in a billion.” That was the number the Omni-Corps liked to cite whenever someone stepped onto one trans-mat pad and then simply… never stepped off the other. “Safer than a car,” he repeated as he slogged through the snow, his mining overalls doing at least a passable job of keeping out the cold as he brushed aside a tree branch. “Safer than a plane. Or a starship. Safest form of transport in the Star League.” He slammed his fist into a nearby tree, exo-empowered strength shattering it into little more than scattered bark and kindling. “Yeah, well I never heard of a car ride stranding some prick in another dimension!” He roared, his voice echoing through the seemingly endless forest around him. Then he kept marching. He’d seen the fire off in the distance. And given all the snow around, he sincerely doubted it was natural. Which left the unnatural. Which meant people. He hoped. Because even if the trans-mat had screwed up, he doubted it had dumped him too far off the central finite curve. The fact that the air was breathable and that he could recognize the trees around him as oak told him that much. And if the dimension he was in had trees native to Earth, chances are it would have animals too. Of which humans would hopefully be no exception. “Because I’ll be damned if I spend the rest of my days talking to goddamn squirrels.” No, if there were humans on this mudball, he was going to find them. One way or another.
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Hundreds of years after the Heretic wars ended, life has returned to its blissful ignorant state that only peace could bring. Whilst the never-ending war between Man, Beast and Mutant rages on, most are not even aware of a war that happened between men. Its prophecies shattered, their remnants surviving only in obscure bard tales. One is about to grow. On the cracked face of the world, Essence storms and Beast Waves keep the citizenry locked atop the Emperor city of Qaelang. Knowledge of the past is as rare as the metals that flow into the hands of Sacred Artists and at the root of it all are whispers of a malignant force, ancient and terrible. Holding humanity back from achieving greatness, but hiding too are secrets best left untouched. Balance, discipline and order have held Qaelang secure since time immemorial, the powers within claiming to adhere to them. None are more fearful of change than the ones with the most to lose, but change is coming. Blade of Wuxia is a long character-focused epic fantasy with progression and growth. It's about a boy's quest to become powerful enough to save those he cares most for and give them a better life. It's set in a world of hidden pasts and uncovering them will set him on a path that shakes the Empire. As this is a rewrite that took on a wildly different spin, reviews are most welcome and help me do better. What can the reader expect? A Wuxia society set in a High fantasy world. People are only doing what they know and may have mistaken beliefs. A clever resourceful protagonist with human flaws A far-reaching hidden fantasy world, rich in history. Multiple points of view are used to follow the story to its natural conclusions, not every NPC has all the answers, but there is one MC in this book. Progression will take time and sometimes even unknowingly. MC is not trained in the ways and knowledge must be tempered against experimentation. Release Schedule. 2 chapters a week, family and work permitting. Only if I'm happy with the chapter will I release it. That being said I am open to revision should an articulated critical response show merit. This story is not completed yet but I do have a general idea of what the end looks like for both MC's (yes both) Ultimately feedback will be most influential on the progression of release as it's you guys I'm looking to entertain. Expected Changes None really, I'm writing as I go and have a path planned for 6 books Chapter release rate might change if we take off and feedback starts flowing, but for now, it is just about making sure Arcs flow smoothly onto the next. Cover, yes absolutely! If there is enough interest I will open a Patreon account and use the first proceeds to commission an EPIC cover and hopefully a few scary artworks of our brave Cultivators and the foes they face.
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