《DarkLight》Chapter 11


Leila expanded her senses, allowing herself to get familiar with the arena while keeping her eyes on the door opposite her.

Glad to know that you've recovered Mo. A ghost of a smile touched her lips as the door swung open, a tall man walking through to the cheers of the crowd. The announcer screamed something and the crowd roared its approval. Leila fell into herself, and Achlys looked out at the world.

The man's crouched, his psi rising. An Enhancer, high class three at best. Achlys looked at the crowd. This is pathetic. The man charged, Achlys moved, ignoring the impact of his fist against her body, she swatted him away like a fly. The man hit the wall and bounced off, rolling to his feet, only for Achlys to appear in front of him without any warning and swat him again. The man flew away, and stayed down this time, only rising after the judge called Achlys's victory.

Achlys felt herself receding as she walked out of the arena, head high as the crowd booed her opponent. That was annoying, fighting without killing your opponent is just senseless violence. Either finish or don't start at all.

Leila saw Raina walking towards her as she regained full control of her body. He wasn't the enemy, She told the condensed essence of Darkness within her. I know, Achlys replied, but I am not Light, to burn all our enemies away. I am darkness, and I offer a final peace to all, even a boy who will meet an unfortunate punishment for giving up in a fight that he had no hope of winning.

“Good work,” Raina said coolly, braking Leila out of her internal conversation. “ Don't get cocky, we've got bigger fights ahead of us.”

Leila raised an eyebrow, questioning.


"You have a place in the Achilles Tournament," Raina said, her voice hard. "Don't let me down, girl."

Leila nodded, her face stone. As they walked down the hall towards the exit, Leila took the moment to appreciate her brothers training Raina. There was barely a trace of the FBI rookie that had shown up in Tamara's office only a few months ago. That Raina had been emotional, naive and hadn't the faintest clue as to how far out of her depth she was planning on going.

Still doesn't, but hey, who cares about her anyway? You've never let that stop you. Leila winced internally at the reminder, not letting the pain that thought caused her show.

The two women approached Raina's car when Leila noticed three men walking towards them. Raina's left hand twitched towards the two on the left side. Good training Jim. Leila moved, Enhancing immediately, her power spiking as she threw a fist at her first target. He twisted, absorbing some of the punches' force even as his partners' hand glowed, firing an energy blast. Leila dropped to the ground, black power running down her right arm, adhering to the concrete as she launched herself at the ranged fighter.

The first man slammed an Enhanced elbow into her back before she made it past her. Leila hit the ground hard cracking the concrete. And at least a few ribs. His hand was on her neck before she had a chance to rise and he slammed her face on the concrete a few more times to make sure she was disoriented before he held her up for his Kinetic partner to deliver the final attack.

Then he got blasted from behind, sending both of Him and Leila airborne. Leila twisted grabbed and threw the man at his partner. The remaining man dodged his partners' body as Leila landed a few feet in front of Raina, wincing as her back sent shards of pain through her. God, I miss teaming with Fives.


"Achlys," Raina commanded.

Leila didn't react, walking towards the remaining man, her power covering her arm. The man shot blasts at her. Easy shots. The black hand moved by instinct, catching and Devouring the blasts. Huh, some sort of Psychic aspect. Jim would love taking that apart.

“Wait!” The man shouted.

Leila didn't, grabbing the man by the throat and squeezing, careful not to crush the windpipe.

Leila looked over her shoulder at Raina.

“Put him down, and hold them while I deal with the car.” The woman ordered.

She obeyed, dropping her captive as the other woman started their car.

“You can't leave without someone with you.” He chocked out, rubbing his throat.

Raina looked at him.

“Rules. You can't be away from an official before the tournament. Security risk.”

Raina looked at Leila. A ghost of a smile touched Leilas' lips as she grabbed the talkative man, picked him up and put him in the passenger seat. Raina took the wheel, starting the car. "Try anything and I'll rip your hands off."

Leila stood in the lot with two unconscious men. She looked at the first man that Raina had beaten, impressed by her efficiency in making sure that he wouldn't be getting up any time soon. It doesn't matter how good of an Enhancer you are, shattered kneecaps and wrists will keep you out of commission if you don't have another way to move yourself. Jim had done good work.

Now it's my turn.

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