《Isekai: A Tale of The Ordinary》Chapter 5 - Promotion (2)


"What about that, Arthur? What's that called?"

"That's called a rainbow."

"Oh, my word… Even in another world, people still call a majestic phenomenon from the refraction and reflection of light a rainbow; a bow that emerges after a rain. What a dumb name."

Ignoring the fact that 'rainbow' is a dumb and too straightforward of a name, it still truly is a marvel to look at such a spectacle, especially if it shines right above a beautiful royal castle. The sparkles on the castle walls caused by the droplets that have been drizzling for the past two hours or so are simply wonderful, yet also mortifying to look at. Both Arthur and I have been staring at that rainbow for the last two hours now. No, we didn’t forget about the pillar of water that was still shooting out water into the sky nonstop; we just needed to take a step back, relax, and enjoy this unforgettable moment.

“I will not forget you, Arthur… You’re like a grandpa that I’ve never had.”

“You too, kid. You’re like a grandson that I’m glad I’ve never had.”

We reminisce about the past month of us goofing around, playing exploding baseball with the mana geodes’, and teasing the head butler by smearing mold on my clothes. He’s got a young heart for someone who looks like Santa Claus’s older brother. Oh, how I’ll miss his belly laugh every time I was being chased by Doux.

The castle guards finally took notice of the water pillar and decided to investigate, only to find a drenched 10 year old and a shirtless old man, laughing and bantering languidly like it’s their last day on earth. Without a second thought, we turn ourselves in as the perpetrator of the magical wonderpiece.

After a month of staying in this place, I’ve grown quite attached to it. So, I can’t believe that the end of my journey would come so soon. I’ll miss all the butlers and maids that I have befriended through a series of manipulations using my cute face, the smell of freshly cut grass every morning, and heck, I’ll even miss Doux along with the head butler who’s given me a hard time for the past month. One other thing that I would miss is the suspiciously modern bathroom we have, probably done by someone who's transported into this world before me. But why should I care? I’ll probably be executed for doing a reckless experiment near castle ground and endangering the emperor.


In front of many eyes, Arthur and I are being judged for our transgression. I want to say this is a royal court, but honestly, it’s more of a gathering of servants and a knight’s general that’s stationed at the castle. With the exception of the emperor who is also here because as everybody knows, being an emperor is easy enough that you can wander around all day and ended up being tangled with a water pillar problem that your servant makes, I’m pretty sure most of the people in this ‘royal court’ are here to know what that water pillar is.


We’ve told everything that happened, albeit a bit skewed, just like we did to the knights from before, due to the fact that I was transported into another world and am currently researching mana geodes’ are needed to be kept a secret. Now, the knight's general, head butler, and the head maid are huddled up in front of us. I’ve seen this quite a lot, but I still can’t quite fathom how they can be so lax in front of their emperor; I’m pretty sure if they do this in any other place, their heads will roll faster than I can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. They’ve finally gotten out of their huddled position and looked at us before the general opened his mouth.

“We’ve decided that it’d be best if you go through the lie detection magic. Because truthfully, I can’t fully accept your testimony of how Arthur coincidentally turns a glowing stone into dust by sitting on it, and somehow that dust shoots out water that pierces the clouds. It just doesn’t make any sort of sense.”

“With all due respect, general. Arthur here is a big- mortifyingly fat old man; I’m quite sure from his weight alone he could make a crater on the ground if we throw him off the castle’s balcony.”

“Listen to the kid, Julian. Though you can ignore his comment about my belly muscle, you know full well that I can crush a head or two from my weight alone.”

“Still… Turning a rock into dust and making it spew out water out of nowhere seems-” said the general while sighing before being interrupted by Josephine, the emperor.

“We don’t need to put them through lie detection magic. Arthur is a trusted knight I’ve known since I was a child, and it’s not like a kid can harm me in any way using that water pillar.” Arthur and I let out a sigh of relief. If they put us through lie detection magic, then me being someone of another world would be known. “But, that doesn’t mean Arthur is exempt from any punishment. He will be sent to a number of missions of my choosing and will not be permitted on the castle grounds until he is done.”

That’s quite a fair punishment. Maybe the fact that the emperor is very just and benevolent that the servants and knights of this empire are much more relaxed. Well, that and coupled with the emperor’s way of ‘surveying’ the people by mingling with them like one of their own, like I’ve seen a bunch of time, are definitely part of the reason why there’s not much pressure when talking to, or just being around the emperor.

There’s something more important though, seeing that I have been freed from the circle of misfortune! The last time I tried to think positively about other people it ended up backfiring; that’s why I’ve been such a negative nancy: to fool that wrinkly old goddess. Take that you pre-historic fart! With this, I can always turn the lady luck on my side as long as I-


“Of course, since sending out Arthur doesn't actually fix the problem at hand,” said emperor Josephine while smirking and looking at me. “How about we give the task to the little fella who's been a butler apprentice for a month. Maybe what we need is a fresh idea from a young mind. And to give him some motivation, I have planned a suitable punishment if he cannot complete it within a week's time.”

“Permission to speak, your majesty.” Said the head butler.

“Permission denied.”

No! No! No! This is not happening! And what the hell is up with the head butler? He’s definitely planning something with that evil smirk stitched on his face. I’m lucky his permission to speak got denied though, who knows what kind of atrocities he would say in a conversation regarding me.

“It is a suggestion about the suitable punishment for Mr. Holt, your majesty.”

“Then, you may speak.”

“I do think burning that beast and all of its belongings would be the best punishment. It would be the best for this empire- and even the world if we work together to cleanse such a filthy beast.”

“Extreme, I like it. I will take that suggestion, head butler. Well done!”

“Thank You very much, your excellency.”

Ah… I have spoken too quickly. Lady luck turned her back on me, went out to a convenience store, bought a sledgehammer, came back to me, and proceeded to beat the excretion out of me with the sledgehammer’s handle. Now, once more, my life is on the line for something I didn’t do. I swear I’ll get back at that devious head butler; I’ll spit on his food and put my c*ck in his drink, that’ll sate my hunger for revenge.

After that, everything was a blur, this and that happened, and apparently, Arthur is departing right away. Which is why I’m sending him off while basking under the setting sun.

“Arrivederci, Arthur. I hope you get swallowed into the depths of hell for leaving me behind after the trouble that you have caused.”

“HAHAHAHA! Don’t be too sour, kid. Come on, this is a good time for you to make some friends your own age. You’ve been spending too much time with me.”

“I don’t need friends; I need you to take responsibility and take care of that oversized sprinkler!”

“Well, no can do. It’s the emperor’s order. I trust you, If anyone can stop that water pillar in this whole empire, it’ll be you.”

“Wha- what the hell! You saying that doesn’t make me happy or anything!”

What the shit was that? Did I just go full-on tsundere mode on Arthur? That was simply revolting, but somehow it comes out so naturally out of my mouth in the spur of the moment. I must never do that again, I do not have any intention of becoming a tsundere character, it would be the most embarrassing and degrading thing to ever happen in my past and current life.

Arthur then laughed it off and rode on his horse after saying goodbye. Damn that old geezer, he’s been nice to me from day one and tomorrow is gonna be the first day of me not talking to him. Arthur, have a horribly long journey, and never come back.

I waited until his back was no longer visible over the horizon. Now, all that is left in front of the castle gate is me and the knight’s general, Julian Foley, who was also sending him off. “Now that Arthur is gone, you’re all mine.” He said with a sickening grin.

“Don’t say that or people will mistake you for a criminal.”

“Hahaha! Arthur did say you were a funny kid.”

“I wasn’t joking though… Don’t brush it off like being a pedophile is acceptable-”

“Anyway, Arthur is right. You need to find a friend that’s not decades older than you. There’s a new maid in training, she’s a year older than you if I recall, but I’m sure you two can be friends just fine.”

“No thanks, I’ve got my butlership study from noon till night, I don’t have time for friends.”

“Alright, alright, I get it. You’re Mr. Holt the busy body~ there’s mold growing in his undie~”

“Tha- What’s that song and who made it? I’ll purge them this instant!”

“Hahaha! Whatever you say Mr. Mold. Her name is Elena, say ‘hi’ if you ever get the chance.”

After listening to that horrendous song, my mood is even sourer than the dead sea. So, I don’t want to think about the water pillar for a while and rest after receiving my butlership training.

After I’m comfortable on the bed inside my room, ready to sleep. I blew off the torch that was lighting up the small yet homey place and closed my eyes. But, like everything else that happened today, things are not going as planned. Because at midnight, when everybody was already tired and soundly asleep, I heard the sounds of footsteps going through the corridor. Sure enough, there’s also a dim light that’s accompanying those eerie midnight footsteps.

At present, there’s only one thing in my mind: I hope this is not a ghost chapter.

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