《Pact Chronicle: A Magician's Story》Chapter 6


“You want me to entrust this mission to me…?”

“That’s right.” An elderly voice said.

“I want you to make sure that she doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. In case anything does go wrong, I want you to take over.”

“Are you sure about this? This is quite the favor you are asking of me…”

“I’m certain. I know this might be asking a lot from you, but if it does end up as a failure, the possibility would be a worst case scenario.”

“…Understood. I won’t disappoint you.”

“I’m certain you won’t. But if you are to undertake this mission, understand that you will no longer be under my guidance. This will be our last encounter.”

“What? Why?”

“This is to avoid any suspicion of mutiny that lies within our group. Rumors are already spreading, but soon the true will be exposed if we aren’t careful. This is the best course of action to take at this point.”


“Of course, considering that Silias and I are both old friends, I’m sure he’ll allow it.”

“Master, you can’t be serious!”

“I understand that this is a hard decision to make. But because of the risks at hand here, we have no time to consider for another option.”

“…Have you already ordered for a transfer?”

“…I have.”

“And you’re sure about this?”

“I am almost certain.”

“But why me…? Wouldn’t there be better candidates out there?”

“You’ve been part of this group longer than most people, and I can already tell that you have the experience to make a quick judgment in a situation like this. The task that I am entrusting you with is a great burden. But if this fails… the end of everything will be almost inevitable.”

“…Alright. I will do everything in my power to prevent this, Master.”

“Thank you… I know you are making a large sacrifice upon your reputation here.”

“No, it’s fine. This had to happen sooner or later…”

Edrian, Kazuma, and Alice all looked up at the tall stone golem that stood seventy feet up in the air.

“So this is Gigantes, huh? Never thought I would actually see it in person.” Edrian smirked.

The moment he said that name, Alice’s eyes shot at Edrian.

(How does he…) Alice thought.

“Doesn’t look like you can beat this alone with two people, so I guess I made the right choice after all. Alright…”

Edrian put his hand on Kazuma’s shoulder.

“Alright, here’s the plan. Galus over there is the one controlling Gigantes front of us, right? Obviously, if you take out Galus—”

“Gigantes will become inactive.” Kazuma answered.

“Exactly, but there’s a catch. Something that massive would take a lot of mana in order to sustain its form. There should be a charm or pendant that he’s using on him.”

“And if we can destroy that, Galus will be defenseless.” Alice added.

“Right. That’s where the counterattack will begin. While the little lady and I provide you a distraction on colossus there, you’ll have to take on Galus alone.”

Kazuma pointed at himself.

“Huh? What? Me? Alone? By myself?!” He asked as he glanced around frantically.

“Yes, you. Come on, have some faith in yourself. I know you can beat him. Trust me, your transformation can last.”


“Just find something that glowing and take it.” Edrian said as he patted Kazuma’s back.

“H-Hold on a minute! That’s—”

The gigantic stone golem attacked with his large stone fists from above, but Alice had quickly counteracted and put up a large barrier before the attack could land a hit.


“Yikes! You see? You’d better get going before something worse is going to happen—” Edrian said.

“Go… Kazuma… we can handle this…” Alice huffed while trying to keep up the barrier from collapsing.

Kazuma nodded.


Alice with all her might, pushed back the attacked, which caused Gigantes to stumble. The moment the barrier had disappeared, Kazuma sprinted through the large gap under Gigantes.

“Good luck out there!” Edrian cheered as he saw Kazuma run off.

“…Just who are you?” Alice asked.

“Hm? Just a person helping you out.”

“Are you really?” Alice said as she squinted at Edrian.

“Look, you can have as many suspicions as you want, but believe me or not, I’m just here to help. That is all. It’s really all up to you how you think of me.” Edrian shrugged.

Edrian jumped up on Gigantes, and as Alice watched him leave to proceed with the plan, she shook her head.

(I’m probably just imagining things.) She thought to herself.

Kazuma had made his way past Gigantes and now finally confronts Galus.

“Galus! Your fight is with me now!” He shouted.

Galus turned around and saw Kazuma readying his katana.

(This time…) Kazuma thought.

“So… you had magic all this time?” Galus asked.


“Don’t play dumb. You may have escaped last time out of sheer luck, but only because you used one of my golems as a distraction.”

“I really don’t know what you’re talking about…”

“Hmph. We’ll see about that.”

The ground rumbled and Kazuma quickly dodged to the side to avoid the stone spire that had popped up from the ground. There was a sudden pause and more spires arose from the ground. Kazuma avoided every single one of them, and he jumped in the air. From above, he attempted to do a flying side kick, but Galus easily evaded the attack by moving over one side. Kazuma landed after he executed the attack, and he immediately swung his katana at Galus. With ease, Galus continued to dodge each slash. But as soon Kazuma’s katana had grazed the side of Galus’s hood, he immediately backed away.

“Not bad… for a human. It looks like I underestimated you. Or are you still trying to hold back?”

“I already told you…” Kazuma breathed heavily as he readied his sword.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Still playing the fool? Or is it about time you reveal your true power?”

Kazuma gritted his teeth as he gripped the handle of his katana tightly.

(Now’s not the time for that!) He thought.

He glanced behind him briefly at Gigantes before looking back at Galus.

(I have to stop Gigantes somehow…)

“But I suppose it’s about time that I begin to get serious as well…” Galus said as he gripped his hand into a fist.

He charged at Kazuma, but just before his attack could reach him, Kazuma had dodged the attack, rolling over towards one side. But thinking that he had evaded him, Galus had appeared suddenly in front of Kazuma and grabbed him by the neck. He raised him in the air and he looked into Kazuma who was struggling to break free from Galus’s grasp.

“…Did Edrian put you up with this?” Galus sighed.

“W-Who now?” Kazuma said weakly.

“Don’t play dumb. Why else would you be here facing against me?”

“It’s for Alice.”

“The girl?” Galus chuckled. “It looks like I had you all wrong, boy. You really are a fool.”

While Galus was talking, Kazuma looked around him to see if he could find anything that could help him stop Gigantes. Then, at the corner of his eye he saw it.


“Edrian is using you, don’t you see? Once he gets what he wants he no longer needs you. Of course, I’m sure a human like you can’t see when someone is using you…”

Galus threw Kazuma, causing him to fall on the ground. Before Kazuma could get back up, he saw Galus held his hand over him.

“Hmph. But in the end, you’re just a simple human after all.”

His hand began to glow as Kazuma laid there.

“You’re finished.”

There was a sudden rumbling and both Galus and Kazuma looked around them. Smoke had emerged from behind them, and Galus backed away.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Edrian said as he leaned against Gigantes’s leg behind Alice.

“You…” Galus scowled.

“Looks like you lose, Galus.” Edrian said.

“Not for long.”

Galus waved his hand, but Gigantes wasn’t moving.

“But how? I should—”

He glanced at his wrists and realized that he was missing something. He looked back down at Kazuma who was holding a silver bracelet.

“Human…!” Galus gritted his teeth.

While Kazuma was on the ground, he had suddenly kicked Galus in the stomach, causing him to be knocked backwards. Kazuma then jumped back on his feet and handed the bracelet to Edrian.

“I guess it’s about time we finished this…” Edrian suggested as he crushed the bracelet into pieces.

“Yeah.” Kazuma replied as he put his sword on his shoulder.

As he readied his sword one last time, the blade of Kazuma’s katana began to charge up a blue light. Galus stumbled as he tried to get back up, but at the same time, Kazuma flung two slashes at him. He then finishes him off as he charged past Galus with a one more slash across.

For a moment there was a pause as two of them stood completely still. Kazuma then lowered his sword while Galus then falls flat to the ground. A minute afterwards, he knelt on the ground with one knee and his katana to keep him still.

Kazuma tried to catch his breath as he slowly got back up. He calmly put his sword back into its sheath on his back and turned around. At the same time, his clothes had reverted to his normal school uniform.

“Kazuma!” Alice shouted as she flung her arms around him.


“You did it!”

Kazuma chuckled.

“Y-Yeah, I guess I did.”

In the distance, the two of them looked at Edrian who was loudly clapping to Kazuma’s effort of heroism.

“That was pretty good for your first time, if I say so myself. I knew I could put my faith on you—”

Alice let go of Kazuma and immediately went into a fighting stance confronting Edrian. Edrian stopped clapping and he put his hands into his pockets.

“Now why the sudden sour face? You did win didn’t you?”

“We want answers.” Alice demanded.


“How did you know that we needed help?”

“Well, that is simple. You two looked like you were struggling, and I just offered help. What else?”

“That seems a bit farfetched if you ask me.”

Edrian turned around as he swatted his hand in the air.

“Believe what you will… Now if you don’t mind—”

He walked over to Galus and picked him up over his shoulder.

“I have some unfinished business to take care of.”

Just before he was about to leave, Kazuma saw Edrian look at him and he heard a voice in his head.

(I’ll explain everything to you once I’m finished.)


Edrian smirked and turned around.

“Wait—” Kazuma called out.

But by the time he called Edrian’s name, he had vanished. Kazuma and Alice could then hear the bustling noises of people and cars around them.

(What did he mean by that…?) Kazuma thought.

“Uh Kazuma…?” Alice tugged Kazuma’s shirt.


He heard a loud honk behind them.

“Get out of the way, kid!” A driver stuck his head out of the car window shouted at them.

“Gah! S-Sorry!”

Kazuma panicked and they both hurried over to the side walk. The two of them exhaled from exhaustion.

“Are we going home yet?” Alice asked. “My body hasn’t used magic in a while so I’m feeling pretty exhausted.”

“Oh, right. Yeah, let’s just go home…”

The two of them went back to Kazuma’s house and immediately, they both flopped on the couch.

“So tired…” Alice groaned.

For a long time, there was nothing but silence.

“…Say Alice.”


“That Edrian guy… do you know him?”

Alice pondered on the question.

“I can’t really say for sure… but it feels like I know him…”

“That’s because you do.” Edrian replied.

Kazuma and Alice turned and was startled by Edrian who leaned against the couch.

“Gah! W-When did you get here?” Kazuma asked.

“Used the front door.”

Kazuma and Alice both sighed with relief, and looked up at Edrian for answers.

“Well… I guess you have a lot of questions right now. Alright, what do you got for me?”

Before either of them could ask Edrian, he raised a finger at them.

“Hold on just a minute there. Before that…”

Edrian walked over to Alice and put his hand on top of her forehead. His hand emitted a glowing aura as Alice slowly closed her eyes. Kazuma quickly got up from his seat.

“Hey, what are you—” Kazuma interrupted.

Edrian replied by raising his hand at Kazuma to prevent him from moving any closer. He removed his hand from Alice and she lowered her head just before collapsing on the couch. Kazuma knelt by Alice’s side and put his hand on her shoulder.

“Alice? Alice!”

He glared at Edrian who walked over to a nearby corner to take something out of his pocket.

“What did you do to her?”

“…Calm down, will you? Just give me a minute.”

Edrian took out a stack of small papers that were binded together by a single strand of rope. He tore out a sheet from the stack and stuffed the rest into his pocket. Edrian then walked over to Alice again and stuck the sheet over her forehead. The small piece of paper then briefly revealed strange handwriting in black ink before the paper peeled off on its own.

“Alright… that’s a good sign at least.”

Edrian then turned to Kazuma.

“‘A good sign’?! Just what did you do?”

“Relax. I just gave her back her memories, that’s all.” He reassured him.

“You… what?”

Edrian scratched his head.

“You heard me.”

“Alice’s… memories?”

“She did tell you that she had amnesia right? I gave them back. All five months’ worth if I remember correctly.”

“So you cured her amnesia?”

“That’s right. Well… I guess you can say that we were the ones that gave her amnesia in the first place.”

Kazuma shook his head.

“Wait… d-did I hear that correctly? You ‘gave’ her amnesia?”

“Intentionally, that is.”


“Well not me specifically, but you know.”

Kazuma rubbed the space between his eyes.

“Hold on. Before anything else, how did you know that we needed help? And that person Galus, what’s your connection with him and Alice?”


Edrian sighed.

“Fine. The truth is, I work for the Organization, just like Galus.”

“The Organization?!”

“That’s right. Galus also works for them, but for a different purpose from mine.”

“Why’s that?”

“…I can’t tell you just yet.”

“Then if Galus was here to come and retrieve her, why are you here?”

“My task was to keep her safe until she could find a contractor.”

(Keep her safe…?) Kazuma pondered.

His eyes widened.

“S-So it was you?! Then… that time before…”

Edrian nodded.

“That was me. When you encountered Galus for the first time, you were defenseless. There wasn’t any way for you to escape, so I had to create a distraction for you.”

(If that’s the case, then that time when Alice said someone was following us…)

“Does that also mean you’ve been following us from the moment I found Alice…?”

“I was keeping tabs on you two, yes. I couldn’t interfere, however. It would have compromised my position. And with Alice’s memory gone, she wouldn’t have remembered who I was anyways.”

“S-She knew you?!”

“During her time in the Organization, yes. When we had to temporarily erase her memories, we knew that she wouldn’t remember the time that we spent as companions.”

“Why did you erase her memory in the first place then?”

“…We had no choice.”

“No choice…?”

“The Organization was turning into a state where we were no longer the way we were.”

(No longer…?) Kazuma wondered.

He then remembered what Alice had said to him before: how the Organization used magic to help others instead of conflict.

“You were in a state of conflict.”

“…Yeah. Something like that.”

“And you wanted to send Alice away from it?”

Edrian nodded.

“That place was way too dangerous for a girl like her. She was young and had too much potential to be wrapped up in something like that.”

“I see…”

Kazuma then looked at his hand.

“Then what about my contract with Alice? Can you tell me anything about it? How was I able to form it with her in the first place?”

“Well to put it bluntly, the basis of a contract is like a bond or a link of sort. It requires two people with mana or magical capabilities, and the two of them have to accept the other person in order for the bond to form. When that link is established, only then will the two can become each other’s partner and use each other’s magic.”

“Does this mean I’m able to use magic now?”

“I’m assuming yes since you were able transform at all.”

“Oh yeah, you did mention about my ‘transformation’. Did you mean my clothing from before?”

“Right. Since you were just exposed to magic recently due to the contract, it allowed you to change into your magician form.”

“My ‘magician form’?”

“It’s kind of hard to explain, but basically that the latent mana that you possess has awakened, ergo giving you the form.”


“Sorry. I don’t know if that explained much, but in summary, you are able to change into your magician form because of your contract with Alice. But that was impressive if I do say so myself. A magic swordsman, huh? That’s quite the look.”

“T-Thanks…” Kazuma chuckled awkwardly as he scratched his head.

“Still, you’re pretty lucky to have Alice as your partner. I wonder what your element is.”

“My element?”

“Remember how Galus was using earth-based attacks?”

Kazuma pondered for a moment.

“Now that you mention it…”

“That was because he was an earth magician. You see, each magician is dedicated to one element of their choosing. At most, one can wield two or three elements, depending on the person. Some can even take their dual wielding magic can combine it into one type of magic. But it’s rare for someone to wield in all forms of magic.”

“What’s your element?”

“I’m the same as Galus.”


“Yep. I’m an earth magician.”

(That would explain how he saved us from Galus before…) Kazuma thought.

“Then what about Alice?”

“Well… about her… she’s a… special case.”

“Special? Like how?”

“She’s adept in all forms of magic.”

“Wait… what?!”

“That’s why I said you are lucky to even form a contract with her. Forming a contract with someone that has that kind of power is rare. On top of that, there’s no exception that you’ll be able to get remarkable abilities from it.”

Kazuma sighed.

“I guess… so what’s going to happen now?”

“For now, I’ve already done what I can. You should lay low for the time being. I doubt anyone will be coming for you since I implanted false memories into Galus. So when he reports back to the Organization, he won’t remember what even happened.”

“What about Alice?”

“She’ll be fine. Everything will come back to her the moment she wakes up.”

Edrian walked towards the front door.

“…Wait.” Kazuma called out.

Edrian turned around to see what Kazuma had to say.

“…Thanks, Edrian.”

Edrian smirked as he turned back to walk out the front door.

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