《Dual Rebirth (BL)》Chapter 4


The three of them walk for a few minutes before they stop in the part of the forest where the trees are a bit taller

"We are here" Kence said smilingly but inside him he was laughing like crazy

"Hmph let me see you crying in fear!" Kence was excited to see Sven make a fool of himself. If that happened he would surely laugh his ass off!

Sven as usual ignored him and scanned their surrounding while the guard's eyes never left Sven. If he saw a danger coming he would immediately move to protect his Young Master

Sven didn't find any kind of wild animal and turned his body to look at Kence

"Don't worry, this area has a lot of wild animals let's search for so--" before Kence finished what he was saying he saw Sven's hand use his sword and thrust it towards him

Kence's eyes widened in shock, he can't believe that Sven would actually attack him. Even the guard's jaw drop, although the Young Master is arrogant and cold but he never showed much of a violent tendency. How can he suddenly attack someone

Kence closed his eyes and deeply regretted what he had done, if only he just went home after they saved him. If only he didn't try pranking Sven, too bad there is no medicine for regret

A few moments passed and his death stil didn't come. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Sven's face while his sword was pointing at something above his head

Kence turned his head upward and saw a snake that was pierced by the sword. Fear enveloped his body as the snake was too close to his face causing him to fall in the ground while trembling

Sven was looking at him with disdain and Kence's face blushed. What he want is for Sven to wet his pants when he saw that his prey was actually a snake and not some wild rabbits

Most kids heck even Kence was afraid of snakes and he thought Sven would be the same and the kid would tremble in fear when he saw a snake. Unfortunately, his plan backfired and the one that the snake attack was him

If Sven didn't kill the snake then he was sure the snake would have already bitten him, this made him feel embarrass. This was already the second time that the kid save him, he was a fool for trying to pull a prank to Sven

Kence slowly back away from the snake

"T-thank you" Kence said shyly

The guard chuckled bitterly at Kence, it looks like the kid dislike Sven for always ignoring him and decided to play a prank on him since Sven has a powerful guard that can protect him

Too bad, his plan came back to bite him

Sven didn't say anything and use his sword to dissect the snake's body. His hands were skillful as if he already done it a lot of times in the past

Not even a drop of blood leak out from the snake. When he finished removing the unnecessary parts he put the snake above his mouth and squeeze it causing the blood to fall on his mouth


Kence's eyes and mouth widened in shock. He quickly covered his mouth as he was afraid that he might vomit in disgust. He was a man from the modern age, even if people eat snakes they at least clean and cook it well!

Sven was not even eating the snake, he was just drinking the blood

Even the guard can't understand why his Young Master was drinking the snake's blood. Could it be he was thirsty?

"Y-young Master w-what are you doing?" Does Sven become insane? If that was the case how can he explain this to the patriarch

Sven just continued drinking the snake's blood and when there is no more blood coming out he threw the snake as if it was just a piece of trash

He wiped the blood on his hands and face with a clean scarf that he took from a pouch on his waist

Kence can't really understand this 'young master' and thought that he was crazy

"Let's go home" without bothering to explain his actions Sven started walking to go back in their Clan

Kence and the guard look at each other with helplessness, they can't understand how Sven's brain works

"Uncle, life is really hard for you" Kence throw a pitying look towards the guard as if he was the most misfortunate person in the world

"You kid!!" The guard wanted to say something but thinking of his Young Master's attitude he can't stop himself from agreeing with Kence

He just shook his head and tailed the other kid. Kence was afraid that more snakes will come to attack him so he chase the master and the guard duo intending to exit the forest with their help

When they exited the forest Kence suddenly remembered something and he increased his walking pace to catch up to Sven

"Hey, can I know your name?" As if Sven didn't hear anything he just continue walking while not even giving Kence a glance

Kence gritted his teeth in annoyance "hmph! What a bad attitude!" Of course Kence wouldn't dare say that and only scolded Sven on his mind

"It looks like life is also hard on you" the guard said and patted Kence's shoulder while a gloating expression was hung on his face

It seems like the guard was delighted in seeing other people got a taste of his master's attitude

"Hmph!" Kence ignored him, his mood becoming bad. It looks like today is his unlucky day and the things he do backfired to him

The three of them part ways and Kence went home. He only explained to his mother that he saw a wild boar in the forest that is why he run as fast as he can and abandoned all his things

Fortunately, they stored extra firewoods and only use them if there was a time when they can't go get get some from the forest

But his 'story' still made his mother afraid and this time his mother won't really let him enter the forest

Kence sigh, he knew that this time he can't change his mother's mind. Too bad that his already exhausted mother will become even more tired for getting firewoods



Sven entered his carriage while the guard sat on the horse's back to go back in their Clan

Sven looked outside, watching the scenery on the way

He was already in this world for a year and he now knew quite a bit in this world. Too bad his father was just Noble from a Dukedom, although they can live their lives without worrying about food still their strength was too weak in front of the true powerhouse

Even their status are only effective in the dukedom, in the Empires or even just one of the Kingdoms they are nothing more than just a grass on the road. That is why their knowledge of this world was still limited and meager

When they arrived at their Clan Manor Sven came out from the carriage and entered his 'home'

All the servants who saw him bowed their heads and greeted him. He ignored all of them and just continued walking

After walking for a while he saw a woman with a bulging stomach wearing an expensive looking dress. When the woman saw Sven she showed a friendly smiled but deep inside her eyes you can see a dislike towards Sven

"Sven, you are back" this woman was one of the few people who has the right to call Sven on his name

Sven just coldly look at the woman without saying anything and make his way towards his room. This made the woman's face to become red in anger while she balled her fist

One of the servants beside her saw this "Please calm down, Madame. This is not good for the baby" the woman took a deep breath to calm herself and look at Sven's back wih malice

"Sooner or later I will make you regret your arrogance!"

This woman was the Aerondale's Patriarch's second wife whom he married after Sven's mother died

The patriarch really love his wife that is why he treat and showered Sven with all the love he can give. He spoiled him in every way as their child was the most precious gift his wife gave him

While his second wife was someone he marry because of loneliness, he misses his wife and he find a woman to marry to at least not feel that lonely

Too bad Sven dislike his stepmother but his father was after all a man with needs specially sexual ones

The Madame look down at her bulging tummy and rub it gently

"I promise I will make you the master of this house" she vowed to herself that he won't let Sven become the Clan head instead it should be the child inside her stomach

Sven entered his room and remove his upper clothing. Even as a kid his body was much better than those kids at his age because he constantly work out

He can't start cultivating without a Bloodline that is why he compensate it by making his body stronger. A stronger body will make a better foundation and will increase the chance of getting a good Bloodline

Sven started doing push ups

After some time beads of sweat formed on his forehead and soon his whole body was covered with sweat

After some time he change to doing another exercise. He does this every 10 minutes without a pause. This made his body extremely tired and ache

The burning sensation on his body was not something a normal kid can handle, fortunately he still retained his former life's enormous willpower and this much of pain was too easy for him to handle

He already experienced a lot of pain more severe than this one and it was like as if he didn't even feel something

When his body can't stand any more and will only get damage if he continued, Sven stop. His breath was irregular and he was gasping for air

Even with his whole body sore and tired he still stood up and went to his room's bathroom

His tub was already filled with water. He took a vial on the bathroom's shelf

The vial contained Blood Red liquid, if not for having a smell of medicinal fragrance one would really think that it was just some blood

Sven poured some of the red liquid on the tub and it immediately change the water's color into red

Sven added an additional red herb on the tub and it started boiling like crazy

With him being a former God even though he didn't specialize in being an alchemy master he still has some knowledge on how to make pills, tonics and potions

He lived for millions of years, even if he was not talented in the field of alchemy he still should know quite a bit of thing right?

Without caring about how hot the water seems to look like it was boiling, Sven removed his remaining clothes and entered the boiling tub

He immediately felt another burning sensation as if someone was cooking him alive. Despite the pain he didn't even let out a single sound and just endured it

If one was not looking at the water then they might think that Sven was just normally taking a bath to clean himself

The medicinal power of the herbs entered the pores on his body and it was as if millions of ants were crawling inside him. It was not painful but it's extremely uncomfortable

This medical bath was actually not that miraculous. It just make one's body a bit stronger but its effect was only good for those who haven't gained a Bloodline yet. It's effect was negligible for those who already has a Bloodline

It's just that making his body stronger will give him a better foundation, he wants to change his destiny of only getting a trash initial Bloodline

For his goal, this little bit of pain was nothing

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