《Rain Revert (Reboot Con.)》Volume 3 Chapter 88


V3 Chapter 88

“Noir, this is for you,”

After having his meal, Rain then set aside a large chunk for Noir since the giant black serpent was also eyeing the barbecued meat that was sizzling in the fire with a drooling mouth. He then set up some steel sticks on each opposite side of the campfire and started roasting a large deer.

“Wait for a bit, okay,”

Noir affectionately rubbed her head against him, making him chuckle in delight. Sadly, since Cyan didn’t share taste buds like them, she was not interested, and only cared about the monster carcasses that Rain had given to her, dissolving them inside her body with relish. Though she has memories of consuming well-cooked food as a human being, when she tried it, she was disappointed. She doesn’t taste anything…and everything is, well, just the same. Because of that, her interest in them disappeared completely.

To her, raw meat and flesh are much better since they contained a large amount of mana and life energy, unlike processed meals.

“It’s really good! I can’t believe I could have this in the middle of the jungle!”

“Yes, I know. I think I will never get tired of this!”

“It’s so light, but every time I chew it bursts with flavor!”

“This flavoring is good too~”

Roel and the others had already reached a point where they could not stop eating. Their eyes were slightly red. They were emotionally moved by the delicious taste as well. Eating the roast meat made by Rain for the first time was simply an indescribable shock to them. It was the kind of taste that could enter the depths of their hearts. For people who had been eating nothing but dried rations for almost an entire week now, this is truly a miracle!

Jonathan and the others were full of praise, and Rain couldn’t help but laugh hearing what they are saying. They look like children on a field trip. Though the place around them was supposed to be very dangerous, it doesn’t seem like it at all. The atmosphere around them was not tense but pleasantly lively.

Rain watched as they continued to eat with no signs of stopping and the corners of his mouth widened into a smile. He continued to make more skewers, even buying some more spices from the [Shop] to make more flavors. And with [Inventory] magic, they don’t question where the spices came from at all.

There’s no better praise for a chef than people loving eating what he had made. This is also a kind of satisfaction. Then he took the last skewer as well and leisurely began tasting. As he ate, he was also attempting to look for flaws existing within the roast meat. The others might be full of praise about it, but to him, it’s still lacking. Uncle Glen’s barbecue is much, much better than this.


As the wind blew, the aroma of the roast meat gradually spread into the surroundings. The smell of the roast meat was especially conspicuous within the Desolate Cave. Many magical beasts were subconsciously attracted to their location by the fragrance.

Above a craggy boulder, a tiger-like magic beast with dark blue eyes glowing in the dark was baring its teeth and drooling from its mouth, while staring in the direction of their camp. Meanwhile, there were also a few other powerful auras belonging to magic beasts swiftly approaching them.

The smell of the roast meat was not only a temptation toward humans, it was an aroma that was hard to resist for magic beasts as well.


Rain knows that they were surrounded already by many monsters and magical beasts. Jonathan and the others should have also sensed it as well. However, the monsters are just staying at a safe distance, seemly watching them in silence, not doing anything. Though, unlike him who was completely unconcerned, Jonathan and the others are still alert.

But then suddenly, the Winged Evil Serpent raised her head and look towards the monster’s direction, and narrowed her dilated eyes. It seems like some monsters could not wait anymore and wanted some action. Hmph! Did they really think she would allow it?!

Noir let out a snarling hiss, and immediately an invisible aura swept over the area, and the magic beasts that were thinking of rushing forward immediately shook and trembled. And without hesitation, most of the monsters hurriedly turned around and run. If it was before, Noir would surely chase after these small fries. But right now, she can’t do that. She’s happily enjoying her own barbecue. Those small fries would not be able to satisfy her hunger, as much as this fragrant meat does.

Jonathan and the others felt the Winged Evil Serpent’s demonic aura, but knowing what it did, they didn’t say anything and returned their attention back to their extravagant dinner.

After eating their dinner, the group decided on a rotation lookout- though, for some reason, Jonathan and the others agreed to leave Rain out of the rotation, which of course, the latter couldn’t accept. After all, it would be unfair to the others.

However, he was persuaded by Jonathan who didn’t want him to do it as well. Saying, he was still too young, and he needed more energy compared to them. Though his ability is sufficient enough for them to look as equal, the others still treated him like a child.

Jonathan and his group are more high-leveled, and so even if skip a night or two without sleep, it would not matter to them. A slight rest and meditation are enough for them to maintain their energy and stamina to a safe level. Still, if possible, they also wanted to sleep, thus, the tent was prepared.

Jonathan wanted to give Rain his tent, allowing him to sleep there. One must know, his tent was a spatial item, and has quite a large space inside. Not only it is surrounded by a barrier that could block an attack from an A-rank monster twice, but it also has a soundproof and temperature regulating effect.

Whether the outside is cold or hot, the inside will always remain at a desirable temperature. And of course, it’s free of any bugs or mosquitoes. In the center, there was even a large queen-sized bed. It truly is a luxury magical item that could be sold at a price enough to build a medium-sized castle. Unfortunately, Rain politely refused.

Because of his peculiar constitution, sleeping inside or outside was not a problem for him. Furthermore, Noir, the Winged-Evil Serpent though can shrink its size, Jonathan’s expensive spacial tent would still barely able to accommodate its entire length even with its minimum size. Noir would not leave his side and even wanted him to sleep within its coiled body since she felt it would be much safer for him that way.

Of course, that’s just an excuse. Despite their growing relationship, Rain still feels some reservations about using such a valuable item, which is not his. He didn’t doubt Jonathan’s intention. However, he still has some reserves in trusting them completely. Just that, the more they seem to care about him, the more his doubt grows as well.


Why would they treat him so well?

They just met for the first time. More so, meeting someone in this dangerous place can only be deemed as bad luck. Even if Rain didn’t want to doubt them, he still can’t help it.

Jonathan insisted, but he can only concede reluctantly after Rain’s stubborn refusal. For many reasons, he also knows that Rain didn’t trust them completely. Well, it’s something he can’t be blamed for. But though, this doubt had caused some ill feelings to the others- a little bit disappointed for being suspected by him but nothing serious at all.

Jonathan feels the same way, but still, he tried to accommodate Rain’s requests with much pleasure, which not only confused him but also the others. The master of the Aquarian Noble Family’s strange concern for Rain is truly unusual. To people who know him, this is very unusual behavior.

He might be a good person, but Jonathan was never this caring. Not even to his relative. He always appears an indifferent, distant persona. So, why is he so good to him?

… …

In the silent night, Rain continued to practice while sitting cross-legged. Noir coiling around him, while Cyan was beside him. He gradually entered into the meditation state, his mind and soul are also in a very calm state.

Operating the [Heavenly Dragon Devouring World], the heaven and earth energies around began to converge in his body. His magical energy continued growing constantly, flowing through his veins, and was being refined. He continued this process, completely forgetting about time.

A slight breeze whistled past, as the night became increasingly quiet.

Under his precise control, the magical energy circulated around his body, refining his muscles, and bones. His muscles began to tremble in a rhythm and grow stronger, just like a zithers’ string after being struck. This is the effect caused by [Heavenly Dragon Devouring World], able to train both the magical energy and enhance the strength of the physical body together. Though it’s difficult cultivation to practice, it was classified as one of the strongest just because of this single effect.

Attempting to obtain not only magical energy that can rival that of a Dragon but also the physical body that surpasses all creatures. This is the true essence of the [Heavenly Dragon Devouring World] Cultivation.


Once again Rain attempted to open his meridian after a long time of meditation. However, once again, he failed. The chaotic magic power inside of him is like a storm that would suddenly rage, and his focus would be disturbed greatly, causing the attempt to fail. It might look obedient and docile, but once poke, it would wake up like an ill-natured horse.

“…I failed… again,” he sighs.

However, the only consolation is that his [Body Refining Method] had broken through the second level. Though the [Body Refining Method] didn’t directly encompass the mastery of his cultivation, the higher the level of his [Body Refining Method] skill, the higher his understanding of it as well, and easier he would be able to cultivate it. And so, with this, he was able to elevate his worries from his successive failures. As long as he can understand more of this cultivation, he would surely be able to succeed one day.

The path of Cultivation is not easy, just like how it’s not easy in the world of xianxia novels. If it was, many people would have managed to become a powerhouse in an instant. He understands that very well. Right now, what he wanted was to raise the skill higher, along with his Cultivation Method, [Heavenly Dragon Devouring World Mastery].

[Heavenly Dragon Devouring World Mastery Lv2 (1,586/3000)]

Well, raising the [Heavenly Dragon Devouring World Mastery] is much easier to raise than any skill he had since he only needed to eat monsters and absorb their essences. Though it’s not definite that he would obtain a monster’s essence every time he had eaten a monster, with his [Predation], the probability became higher. Now, he was already halfway through the third level, which was unprecedented progress based on the short time he had practiced it.

[Heavenly Dragon Devouring World Mastery] skill is important because, at every level, it enhanced his physical body and magical power. This is a great passive ability that enhanced his physical body beyond which is humanely possible!

Throughout the night Rain continued to meditate. He didn’t sleep at all. With his 2nd level of mastery in Cultivation, he was already able to replace sleep with meditation to some degree. And besides, meditation is better to do in the wild, since, with just a slight disturbance, he can easily wake up.

During the night, Jonathan and the others watched him, though, not daring to disturb him. Since they also did it often, they know the importance of meditation. However, since they have already reached the threshold in their cultivation to the point where they cannot raise their strength anymore, no matter how long they do it, they didn’t cultivate just like he did. Though they meditate sometimes, that is to recover their strength and magical energy faster.

There are still many unknown things in Cultivation. But what Jonathan and the others know is that Cultivation only reached up to Lv2, and some higher cultivation methods, only reached Lv3 and 4. Even Jonathan’s Cultivation is just Lv3, and barely moving up. That is why this technique is only called an Extra-Skill, which only pure martial artists practice. In this world, Cultivation might exist, but only to enhance one’s physical body.

But unbeknownst to them, is that their cultivation method is incomplete. Not to mention, their understanding of the subject is not that deep, and they are having a hard time progressing forward. Rain’s cultivation is completely unique and vastly different from the one they were practicing. Sadly, they didn’t know that. If they did, they would surely be desperate to learn it.

… …

When the first light of dawn came out, the group immediately started preparing. After eating breakfast they then continued on their way. They arrived at the edge of the southeast forest and walked along the river.

The great desolate river can be considered a medium-sized river, so one can see a few small islands in the middle, and it was fairly rapid.

Following Rain, they stayed as far as possible from the shore to avoid the Fishman Tribe that inhabited this area. Fishman Tribe had always been quite a territorial monster. No matter what the race is, as long as they are seen close to the river or inside their territory, they would immediately attack them, killing them if possible. They are aggressive and arrogant, making them very dangerous creatures.

The river looked exceptionally peaceful.

The rushing of water and rustling of leaves mixed making a comfortable sound. However, even with how they were carefully avoiding the area with monsters, their luck couldn’t last that long.

At this moment, Rain who was in the back signaled everyone to stop.

“There’s a group of Fishmen ahead. Around 20 of them.”

“Can’t we take a detour?” Jonathan asked.

Rain nodded his head.

“Yes. Possible. However, it’ll take longer on the other route. And also, there’s a high chance that there would be more of them waiting in those areas as well.”

“…now, that’s a problem.”

“…and besides, if we were to go around them and run into another battle, these Fishmen will definitely become a problem. They would hear the noise would surely flank us from the front and back. That is why I think it’s better to deal with them now so we don’t get caught unprepared. But that’s only my opinion. What do you think?”

“So that’s a Fishman…”

Zia peeked out her head from behind a tree. She saw these curious-looking fish with little arms and legs, a big head, and frog-like eyes. Indeed, the legend about them being handsome and beautiful is not true.

“I’m with Rain. It’s better to reduce the number of enemies beforehand. Or else we would be overwhelmed with numbers if they caught up while we are fighting.” she said.

“I agree with clearing them out as well,” Roel said.

“We are short on people, so we must be careful. We’ll take them out slowly, and proceed.”

“Alright. Let’s go with that. Prepare yourself. And act accordingly to the situation.” Jonathan said, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“…okay!/ Understood!”

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