《My World Beyond the Closed Doors》Chapter 3: Too Hard to Swallow
An hour had already passed since she woke up in an unfamiliar room. Without being able to notice the changes in her physical appearance, Lily lies on the floor further away from the bed, trying to grasp for air while her chest is in pain.
"Haah.. haah.. haah..-"
It hurts. My chest hurts.
When tears started falling from my eyes, I suddenly got light headed and couldn't control myself anymore. I even said something like mama while crying...
Let's forget about that.
Instead, let's try to get up since the pain is subsiding.
I turn my body to the floor slowly, so that my hand could push me up. But I can't seem to summon some strength enough to walk up straight.
I guess I'll have to crawl towards the door at the other side of the room, then maybe, slowly try to get up while I'm at it.
With her stiff body, Lily slowly crawled towards the other side of the dome, still struggling to get up. while she struggled to coordinate her limbs, she thought of many things that may have lead to this situation.
I don't get this; I can't remember what happened after I was able to send off the young master. On top of that, I feel that there is something important that I should remember.
I'm already having a hard time enduring my.. chest pain. I can't calm down with all this ruckus going on. Hmm?
As Lily moved towards the door, she couldn't help but notice her surroundings was filled with gold and antiques. It was a strange sight, because everyone knew these things are supposed to be lost because of that war from a long time ago, to the point that almost everyone forgot about the existence of these rocks and their supposed value.
After that devastating war, the mining of gold and precious stones were stopped, and everyone concentrated on mining metal ores and other useful things to create a safe haven for everyone. Eventually, the masses forgot about the existence of precious stones, because of how dangerous mining was due to the pollution and radiation. The reason why Lily knew of these things was because she was once ordered by Father to read every book inside a huge library located in their headquarters. Of course, the order was just an excuse to keep her from just standing like a statue in the hallway, waiting for orders to come and creeping the hell out of people.
Eventually, she read all the books inside that library, and strangely enough, was able to remember every detail of every book she read, till this day. Father was troubled by this, since the order was meant to keep her cold and dangerous presence from troubling others who pass by the hall way; fortunately, his son's guard died from the last enemy encounter. It was a golden opportunity, so he gave her the empty seat, making her his left hand as well as giving her a busy schedule.
Going back to the current Lily, she noticed that one of these well decorated antiques is a wall mirror, only sitting on the wall that was close to her. The decorations, as well as its clear and beautiful surface catches her eyes and made her turn to look at it.
With in its frame, she saw a little girl with a messy red hair and Cyan eyes, struggling to walk, like her. It surprised Lily, since she thought she was alone, but, like the little girl's expression, the surprise was barely shown through her struggling calm face. Seeing this made her feel something was off. It was a matter of time before she realized it was actually her reflection.
Wait a minute.
That's... me?!
I tried to confirm it by waving back; it waved back..
I tried that chicken dance the young master taught me; it copied it! I then walk to the side where it can't see me, then suddenly stick my head out; it stuck its head out too. I tried jumping. walk. run. moon walk. round off. round on. wheel barrow. copy. paste. spin. pose.. All the ridiculous movements I could think of until I ran out of breathe. Before I knew it, I couldn't sense the chest pain. I'm cured..?
I tried touching the mirror and sensed the cold smooth surface run through my fingers.
... Is this what they call sensation..?
Before, I couldn't appreciate anything, and now, here I am; touching a mirror with my own will. Is this what they call... being human?
Excitement overwhelmed her nerves that was neglected for so long, reviving them, knowing that she could finally feel things, just like in that dream. Amazed and overwhelmed with the new experience, Lily couldn't help but look at her fingertips that touched the mirror's surface and try to engrave the memory; before, it was a luxury she once thought she could never have, and now she suddenly have it. But, like every beautiful and amazing experiences, it was short lived, knowing that her situation was not a comfortable one.
... I have to move; especially now that I look like... this.
This body is definitely someone else's. Looking at it closely, it doesn't resemble me at all.
Damn it.
What happened to me after that fall?
This is frustrating.
............ no..WAIT!
Could it be..?
Did someone perform a brain transplant using my brain? If so, it might make sense as to why I can feel things.
Who ever did this must be in a different league in the arts of performing surgery; 'cause I feel a lot comfortable in this body compared to mine. It's like my soul fits just right.
... This looks weird, yet it feels.. right?
I don't understand how one could make sense of this...
Lily, confused with the mixed emotions and outright illogical reasoning that came with it, felt stressed and couldn't help but flop down the floor. For the first time, her calm demeanor finally began to show its cracks. Her seemingly calm but confused face was filled with worry. It was clear that she was not used to the stress that came with the unreasonable emotions; one could say she's at it's mercy. Even so, it did not stop her from remembering the young master, who was determined to bring her emotions out. This gave her a chance to calm herself down.
Heh. I wonder what the young master would do in this situation...
I rose my body, raised my fist, then copied the pose of that girl from an old light novel's page to try and psych myself up.
I'll try to get out of this place and i'll try to ignore any of these.. changes until I get back to the lab to make sense of my situation. ......... my face is turning red.....?
I turned to face my right side, aiming for the door, when suddenly I noticed something at the right corner of my eye. I quickly faced it while keeping my guard up. Before me was a woman...
Lily quickly responded to the situation, preparing a strategy for a way out, depending on the outcome. Despite how emotional she is and how small and young her body is now, she was still the number one assassin of the organization, who went through hell and back, thus one should never underestimate her. She began to emit killing intent, as her calm face quickly shifted from neutral to hostile; her Cyan eyes began to glow like neon lights, which clearly never happened before; but it made her look even more dangerous. It was very clear that she was a toddler that one should not mess with, especially now because she wants to vent her frustration out on something.
Is she the one who did this to me?
Heh. There's no use asking such a stupid question.
"Who are you?"
She asked,
but there was no response.
no response..?
She's not moving...
"Wait a minute..."
Lily slowly walked towards it, keeping a cautious distance. She kept her body low by bending her knees down, making sure that her balance was perfect in the case something unexpected happened. She looked and felt strange due to her new body's short stature, but she did not take it to mind, as what was important was preserving her life. She kept quite a distance, in case it was a trap.
Now that I have a closer look at her, it looks like it's one of those holograms people use for many things.
Based on its frozen state, she knew for sure it was the case. Lily relaxed her stiffened shoulders a bit, knowing she's not facing the enemy. She still kept her guard up though, since the hologram was probably meant for something.
Hmm... Now that I look closely, she's got that red hair and green eyes. She's even wearing a beautiful green dress that I always liked.
Lily was surprised by her thoughts. That's when she knew something was strangely out of place.
that I always liked?
Have I seen it before..?
Now that I think about it, she looks quite familiar...
Strange. I usually remember the people I meet...
I feel like I know this woman is.................... someone.. important? wait.. wait..
Lily started wracking her brain out to try and remember her. She felt the woman was very important to her.
She began to desperately look for the answers that seem to be stuck in the tip of her tongue, forgetting all about her situation.
I... I know her. I definitely know her!
I-I must remember. I must!
As she focused her all, the world around her began to spin -she was pushing herself so much that it was hurting her head. Even though sweat began to fall from her face, Lily pushed herself even more. She knew the answers would definitely come out if she would.
Come on! Please... Please remember!
Alas, nothing would come out; the information she seek refused to reveal itself. Out of frustration with no answers, she subconsciously walks closer towards the hologram, still pushing her memory out.
Not noticing the oddly placed stone on the floor in front of her, she keeps walking straight.
Before she knew it, her feet was on top of something that was obviously dangerous. She stops her thoughts as soon as she realized the danger she was in.
What have I done.
Thinking it was a trap, Lily paused and didn't move for a second; then she noticed the hologram was twisting around. As soon as she saw the hologram, it began to scatter like paint in water. It then began to cover the whole room; moving and changing colors as if it were alive.
Lily couldn't help but feel bewildered by the unexpected phenomenon. Her mouth fell while she gazed at the walls that were slowly changing and twisting.
The room is... changing?!
W-what is this feeling...
It feels like the room itself is shifting; as if it is being remodeled aggressively.
"...Like a storm."
The hologram began to move faster and wilder; but as soon as it was at its peak, it began to settle faster than when it began.
Like sand after a sandstorm, it began to assemble, building up little by little, painting a different picture. What the hologram projected was the same woman, but in a battle armor with a chaotic background.
No. It's more accurate to say the whole room changed; It seemed like the dome shaped room I was in, except there are cracks in the marble floor and a gigantic hole on the ceiling, showing the burning night sky.
I can see flying creatures that can breathe fire flew over us.
I can even hear screams...
and explosions...
How chaotic...
Wait. Was this recorded during a...
Lily realized the situation. It was far too familiar to forget such a chaotic scene. Even though this paints a different picture, her memories of battling her targets and destroying other organizations resurfaced just by watching; her eyes that reflected the red burning sky says it all. The only obvious difference is how Lily feels now, who's just watching the scene as if she was there.
T-this hologram feels way to real.
The noises were so real, that it began to flood her mind; but as someone who has lived in such a world, she could keep herself calm for a few more minutes, despite her heart raising and fear gripping her senses. This is her first time realizing how chaos can affect one's mind; but before her nerves went numb, the woman began to speak.
"Hello. If you see this hologram, that means you stepped on the stone.
It's okay.
It's not one of those traps I placed outside. Feel free to walk out of it."
Phew. I'm saved. I usually don't fall for these things, but that's because I am usually calm, unlike now.
"but if this is your first time encountering this trap, then... my daughter.. Hannah"
In surprise, Lily made a weird sound.
Daughter..? Hannah..?
Then it hit her like a moving truck.
As if a locked gate was opened, Lily started remembering things; memories before she was birthed into that wasteland were suddenly revealed to her.
That's right...
My name is Hannah... Hannah Nadezda Amyth. My mother's name is... Titania "Chaundra" Amyth, and my father is called Garek Braiten "Altan" Amyth.
Amyth is my homeland and... and... it was my birthday...
A tear drop fell as soon as she muttered those words.
She looked at her mother with longing eyes like a three years old that she was. Titania showed a caring face as if she could see her daughter, as if it was a response to their reunion. She patiently smiled as she began to explain to her confused daughter.
"There's a possibility, you might not remember me. It's because I had to force your soul to do something against it's nature. It was for you to survive. Even though it was risky; if I hadn't done it, you would've..."
Before she continued, she gazed down to the floor with a face that didn't want to say the worst thing that would've happened. The little girl realized this was the case, so she quietly tried to remember what had happened -but her memory was not clear enough. Then, Titania looked up and faced her daughter's way again. This time, with a happy smile not fit in a chaotic world they were in.
"A-any way, I have a gift for you.."
The girl's eyes were flooded again with tears. This time, the tears were not of pain, but of happiness. She calmly let it out, knowing it can't be stopped.
Mama... mama's voice...
It's her.
It's definitely her.
She's the one I've been looking for.
But before she could say anything, she noticed something coming from the back, approaching her mother really fast!
"Mama! watch out!"
She ran as fast as she could towards her, but unfortunately she tripped on herself.
Damn these baby legs!
When her mother finally noticed what was approaching her, it was already too late, and the hologram began to distort again.
Lily panicked, forgetting it was a hologram and nothing more than a recorded message; but she didn't care, because she was far too anxious. Her calm face began to distort, feeling worried for her mother's safety. She didn't know what to do nor does she know what was going on; the only thing that she does know is that she has a lot of questions she needs to be answered.
Why am I here? What happened to me? What happened to my home?! Why can't I remember the details?!
Mama? Mama? Papa? Where are you?!
Just like before, the hologram began to settle down and a new scenery unfolds before her; although this time, it was a nightmare that she could never wake up from.
What she saw before her was her father lying on the floor, full of blood and the same cloaked man from her dreams, with a menacingly black spear in his right hand, piercing her mother's stomach. He raised her up over his head like it was nothing; as if she was a trophy. Seeing this heinous act broke her heart, and almost threw her mind to the void of nothingness. She couldn't understand what was happening. Her mind couldn't process it.
Mother's... dead? No. That's not her. That can't be... Right?
"He... he.. hehe.. buwAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH........."
Suddenly, the cloaked man's eerie laughter echoed, startling her and snapping her out of her thoughts.
"Finally, I have my revenge!!"
This was all for... revenge?!
The little girl was in despair. She did not know how to put all of it together anymore. She could not believe how far this one man would go for an empty revenge. She knew that revenge was never a simple thing; it needs power and influence to accomplish it, which is almost impossible to obtain, thus, revenge of this level, would never lead to this extent if it were that world. Yes, that world is a shit hole, but its people knew that revenge by your own hands could only lead to a bigger disaster. It was a lesson learned the hard way, though it seems that it was too late.
Mama is dead because of... this?!
Why... WHY?!
Hannah is an assassin, so staying quiet no matter what the situation was part of her training; although, in this case, with her emotions intact and seeing her mother in the worst situation, one would be surprised how much she can keep herself from screaming.
"hah... Hah... HAH..."
Her breathing became ragged as she tries to suppress her voice; but the more she looked, the heavier her breathing became and the harder it was to keep herself from screaming and keep herself from looking. It didn't took long for her emotions to overwhelm her, but before she could scream out, she noticed her mother move her index finger a little. The seemingly dead woman slowly raised her head a bit.
The sight of her mother moving with a such a wound was a miracle.
My mother's not dead yet..
"n.. not yet. I'M NOT DONE YET!!"
With a furious voice, the weakened Titania declared the fight was not over yet. Following those words, a white light began to emit from her. It got blindingly stronger and stronger, until the hologram distorted. The scenery changed again, unable to project the intensity of what was just about to unfold. When it finally settled a different picture was projected. This time, It's her tattered mother standing up with deep wounds and a hole in her stomach. She wasn't moving, and her eyes were clearly weakening; it was clear what would happen to her next.
The man is gone, only leaving what seems to be a piece of his cloak in the floor. With all those wounds on her, I won't be surprised if she falls to the ground.
As if it was following the little girl's thoughts, her mother falls into the ground.
She ran towards her and tried to pick her up, but she couldn't. After all, it was just a hologram; but for Hannah, it wasn't just a simple hologram.
She couldn't help but feel frustrated with the situation.
"No. You can't. Mama... mamaa-!"
She struggled, trying to call out to her mother, even though she knew this is just a projection; a recorded message. But as if she could hear her calling, Titania managed to move her hands towards her.
Her eyes became so wet, she almost couldn't see clearly. She tried to hold herself back, but she couldn't stop trembling.
No. Please don't die!
While holding her mouth shut, she hears her fallen mother make weak sounds. She leaned down closely to hear what her mother was trying to say; so closely that you could say she was already lying on the floor next to her.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... my daughter... I'm sorry"
"mamaa~..uu.. sniff"
"listen.. you.. are a... high human.. you'll survive this..."
"mamaa~.. stop it.. uuu~.. please.... no~.."
"Bed..........Gift..................... from summer... to.. spring.."
"sniff... sniff... uuww~"
Even though she's clearly out of strength, Titania still opened her mouth to tell her a few more words.
"my.....Hannah... live.............."
Then the hologram stopped and their corpses vanished. It was the end of it and everything returned to how it was; except Hannah.
My mother is not here anymore..
"Mama? MAMA!!"
She's dead..
I won't be able to see her anymore.
I'm alone...
in the dark again.
I'm sad now.... :criesBo:
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