《Conqueror Online: Soul Summoner》CHAPTER 7 : CONQUERING VICIOUS MOUNTAIN
It was 4 days past after entering the game. Chaos, fater getting the class change, was about to leave the inner cave. He noticed something flashing now and then when he move pass the dais where the Blood & Soul crystal was placed earlier, coming from the back of the cave. Curious, he went pass the dais towards the back of the cave. After jumping from the raised platform where the dais is, landing at the back, he was startled at seeing countless bones and skull of various creatures, including human ones. Mixed together with the bones, where parcels, different kind of coins including copper, silver and gold, bags and even part of wagons.
Chaos: Most likely, the wolves had dragged this here, as for the wagons, that boss must be the one that pulled this all the way here. Wonder why they're hoarding this loot. I know they will leave this bones but loots? What are they? Treasure hoarding dragons? I thought only those creature would collect treasures.. well this is a game so the legends must be different.
Chaos started cleaning the coins first and even the bones and skull scattered all over, he cleaned them through, then he started checking the parcels and bags at what he will be able to use. Not all things were destroyed. He was able to find various items from the parcels such as spices, few gems and herbs. Most of the bag though are damaged and also the ones within them. There is one bag that seems to be undamaged. When Chaos peek inside he found set of armor and clothes. Chaos immediately check them:
Crimson Scarf (Accessory)
Type: Rare
-Made from unknown thread, tough and not easily damaged. Offers resistance to cold and heat.
Effect: 10% of damage dealt goes into health. Stack-able.
Level 30
Str 30
Agi 30
Dex 30
Full Black Noble Suit (Full Body Attire)*
Type: Rare
-Black attire the offers adequate protection. Even though it's made of cloth, it's defense is as good as wearing middle class armor. Very light and easy to move with. Made by a high class tailor.
Defense: 90
Durability: 299/350
Effect: +5 Agility, +5 Dexterity
Level 40
Str 100
Agi 50
Dex 50
Night Greaves (Boots)
Type: Rare
-Black as night. Offer protection on various terrain. Even though it's inlaid with black metals, it's not heavy at all.
Defense: 35
Durability: 236/350
Effect: +5 Agility, +5 Dexterity, -20% terrain penalty
Level 40
Str 100
Agi 50
Dex 50
Chaos immediately equipped the armor, greaves and scarf. With a sigh of relief, he now thinks that he looks descent enough and ready to continue. He again tried checking the other bags but the rest were unuseable. Lastly, Chaos check the boxes that were on the broken wagons. Although, the wagons were severely beaten or in half, the boxes within is intact. Here, he found useful items for his journey. Inside the boxes, Chaos found a camping set, dried meat(jerky), some fruits called renia that looks like an apple and a bunch of books. Chaos was glad to get books as he also likes to read sometimes. He wasnt going to read them now but he started logging in the boxes and all the other useable items into his poket space. Once everything is sorted out, Chaos was ready to depart.
As he was coming back to the entrance of the boss's lair, Chaos felt something that is coming from above. As he looked up, a bit more higher than the dais, he was able to see a small opening where the wind he felt that made him stop came from. Thinking that it's already the 4th day in game and it's 2 more days before the real opening of the server, and also tired of battling wolves and bat, Chaos jumps back to the dais, then using the outcropping on the wall, he skillfully traverse the wall until reaching the opening. Once there, it's actually large enough to fit 2 people in, so Chaos followed the hole to where it was going.
After traversing the small passage from the boss lair, Chaos saw the end of the passage as light is streaming through gaps in the wall. He had found out that the end of the passage is covered by thick vines. Once he'd gotten through, what Chaos saw after had taken his breath away. He was staring at an expanse of forest and he's situated on a higher elevation. He can even see the open fields to the right at the end of the forest and can even see what looks like a settlement or village. Realizing that he is currently on a mountain, he search for a way to get to an even ground. Once he was able to get settled, for the first time, he used the map feature of the game. As he was browsing through, he was able to learn the name of the area he was in.
Chaos: Okay, I'm here and this area here is called "Viscious Mountain"? The heck, isn't the cave vicious enough, even outside, the name says it all. Well I hope there is something here that is useful that I can find before I go down and head to that village... wait what's that?
As he looked up above, he notice that he is close to the part where the mountain meets the cloud. Excited on the experience of being able to climb a mountain that even reach the cloud, instead of descending the mountain, Chaos started climbing up.
The way up the mountain isn't peaceful. He encountered monsters that lives in the mountain area. First monster he encountered was a sort of mountain goat looking ram. Once he got closer, it immediately tried to run him through. As soon as Chaos entered battle, he learned that it's a Viscious Ram Guardian. The level is 35. Although it's leveled than the wolves, it's much easier to handle since it only have one attack pattern. Chaos was able to defeat it in 3 minutes by stabbing it in the neck repeatedly. Going up with a faster face, Chaos encountered more of the viscious ram but he was able to take care of them even if they number 2-3.
Upon ascending for an hour, Chaos notice that he did not encounter a ram for several minutes now. Then suddenly, he heard a screeching sound coming from above. Without notice and due to the clouds became closer, a bird like creature swoop down and swipe him. Chaos were not able to dodge completely and received damage.
"Critial Hit! You receive 210 damage"
Chaos: Guh! That was quick, I did not expect a monster diving in from above. Hearing the screech, it is already above me. Damn! And it's faster than the bat and flew away quickly, how to deal with you..."
As Chaos was contemplating about what to do, his instinct warn him of another attack from behind. He quickly lowered his body almost to the ground and did a sudden counter attack to whatever tried to attack him from behind. He landed a hit at the creature that attacked him, and this cause the creature to plummet down beside him. Shin quickly lunge at the creature that fell down. Shin also found out that the ones that's attacking him was harpies. Half woman half bird, their heads is that of a hag with shriveled skin and dark eyes, their arms are compose of wings and their feet were large claws. This time, they are at level 50 and called Viscious Harpy. The harpy that fell tried to quickly flee but Chaos quickly lunge and slashed the harpy in it's wings completely severing the left side. He followed with a quick punch at the back of the harpy 4-5 times. The harpy tried to claw him but he was able to dodge. While dodging, another harpy swipe down on him. Depending on his instict like before, he was only graze on his back and avoided critical hit, and like the first harpy, he quickly slash the fleeing harpy and manage to fell the 2nd one as well. Having the two creature in the ground, he was able to finish them off by slashing their neck and severing their heads. After killing the two harpies, Chaos once again got a notification popup.
"You have leveled up!"
"Agility +2, Dexterity +2, Flexibility +1"
"You have gained as skill: Enemy Detection"
"You have obtained soul card Viscious Harpy: Common"
"You have obtained essence card Viscious Harpy: Common"
Chaos quickly opened his pocket space and closed down the entrance. Contemplating on how hard he worked just to fell his previous opponents, if there were more of them, all he can do is run if he's attack on all sides. Even with enemy detection skill, or his instinct, non stop attack must be avoided.
As he was trying to think of a way to move forward, he suddenly remembered about his skills. He recently gained a class but he haven't use it at all.
Chaos: Ah crap! I totally forgot about my class and skill. I wonder if it would be any help. Guess I gotta try it out.
Chaos first tried attack summoning. Since this will be the first time he will use magic, at first he does not have any idea of what to do. He tried shouting the name of the skill, nothing happened. He tried concentrating, nothing happened. Finally, he remembered the time when he use the "seven vorpal cutting" when he was fighting the wolves. He successfully performed the skill but the system did not recognize it as his own so it did not register in his skill list. But the feeling he got at that time, his spirit points decreased as well when he checked his stats. Chaos repeated the same method, adding imagination of what he think about summoning an attack, after several minutes, a notification appeared on the screen.
"You do not have a creature registered as an attacker, please register an attack creature first"
Chaos: Huh? How do I register a creature then? This is so complicated, why did this became my class anyway? Hmmm...
Chaos pulled up the advance information sceen for the class he had just received.
Dark Summoner
One of the legendary class found in one of the herald made by the "Creator" who was active in war during the dark era. Souls of creatures defeated by this class are tend to be attacted to the summoner, thus they appear more frequently after getting defeated.
Advance Information:
Class Trait:
-Essence Card drop rate +50%, Soul Card drop rate +50%. Monster with Unique and above specification, 100% drop rate.
-When summoned servants that are within 25 meter radius, servant's stat +20%.
-Dark Summoner gets additional 100 mana for every level that has been gained.
-For every 1 Intelligence and Wisdom stats, it is equal to 10 mana.
-Dark Summoner's Mana recovery speed +50%.
Chaos thinks, it gives a good perk but is more leaning to a magician class. As he pondered on what to do, of the four class specific skill he obtained, one is not a summoning but a binding. Binding to him would be close to the word registration. Chaos tried to activate the skill, again imagining about "binding" a creature. Suddenly, a notification came up on the screen and a list of certain items he acquired previously came up on a window.
"Please select a soul to bind within you.."
Chaos: Huh.. this is all the item cards I obtained. Let's see, what if I choose this.
Chaos selected the essence card "Vampire Bat: Common" on his card list. After wards a notification appeared once again.
"This type is only of essence. Summoning using this type, the creature will only last 1 hour. Would you like to coninue?"
After learning of this, Chaos has a vague idea of how this summon servant skill works. He declined the use of the essence then tried the soul type card next.
"Soul type of a creature. This contains the full life of a creature. Summoning this creature will last until you unsummon it. Summoning it out again will not drain your health, only half of the mana required initially. Creature will grow as much as time it was summoned. Would you like to summon using this soul type?"
Chaos: Hoh! Neat, so it's definitely a servant type. Heheh.. like one of those games Crest was playing. Like taming monster or something... Okay, let's try it.
After confirming the binding. The soul card, Darkwing of Blood: Unique floated in front of him. It's original coppery color started to change to black with red highlights, while the name of the servant is in copper. Then a notification came up.
"Successfully binded a Darkwing of Blood"
"Servant has been added to your roster"
"soul card had been used"
"Would you like to name your servant?"
Chaos: Good. Your name name will be... let see... ah! Alucard.
Next, Chaos tried the "Servant Summoning". As he started the summoning ritual, a red and blue summoning circle appeared on his feet, afterwards when he look around, the red pentagram separated and followed the place he was looking at. It seems that he can designate where the servant will appear. Chaos desided to summon in front of him. As the summoning circle start shining, he can feel his mana and health draining quickly from him.
Chaos: Aack! This is serious stuff. I felt dizzy for a moment. I can really feel my life and mana being sucked out. I can't use this in battle.. maybe.
As the summoning circle gradually dimmed, the same monster he fought for the first time after logging in is in the middle of the red summoning circle. The bat flew and landed in his shoulder, meek like a bird. Chaos opened up the advance information of the bat.
Alucard (Darkwing of Blood)
Level 5
HP: 50 MP: 40
Str: 11 Vit: 10
Agi: 13 Dex: 5
Int: 8 Wis: 3
Tackle: 11-18
Life drain: 5HP/sec (2.5HP/sec)
Bleed (passive): Causes bleed for 1 minute, 5HP/sec.
Sonic wave: causes confusion to all enemies 5 meters around the caster, 20 sec.
Chaos: Cool! Looks cute too eheheh! Okay now, to register this ability.
Chaos pulled up his summoning menu. He was able to register "Life Drain" to the attach summoning. Afterwards, he rested for a bit by meditating in the middle of the room of his pocket dimension. After recovering his health and mana to full. He registered the boss card he obtained, Wolf of Carnage Alpha: Boss, but did not summon it yet since he's only able to summon one servant at a time. He was happy because he now have something like a companion. The bat even reply by "squeeking" whenever he speaks to it. The summon is very unique because it's a type NPC that's able to think but very loyal to him. He was down when he learned about the Dark summoner class because he wanted a warrior class but now, he was satisfied. After making sure that his life and mana is full. He went out to continue his ascent.
Chaos encountered some harpies but with the help of his summon, using it's sonic skill, he was able to defeat the harpies with ease. As he continued climbing up, he started encountering the guardian rams again, but with higher level. As he was being attacked by several of the rams, a different colored ram with larger horns showed up and attacked him as well. It was harder to dispatch because it has extra skill. Whenever it charges, it's horn discharges electricity so in the area around it's horn, causes static damage. After some time, Chaos was able to defeat it having his life and his summon in critical condition. He unsummoned the bat to recover and summoned the Wolf of Carnage Alpha that he named "Red". It was as he remembered but less intimidating, smaller than before but larger than the regular blood wolf. Most likely because it's still at a lower level. He reviewed the wolf's status before heading out.
Red (Wolf of Carnage Alpha: Boss)
Level 10
HP: 690 MP: 40
Str: 28 Vit: 23
Agi: 21 Dex: 11
Int: 12 Wis: 10
Bite: 40 - 63
Claw: 28 - 56
Howl: Paralyze enemes through fear. 5 sec, 5 meters
Devour: Devour blood from enemies. 25% of damage done.
Bleed (passive)
Satisfied with the massive wolf behind him, he headed out once again. The atmosphere begin to become colder as well as the air become thin. Chaos remembered when he was being trained by Master Hao. They went to Mt. Everest and trained there for a month. What he was feeling now was just half of Mt. Everest's atmosphere so it did not bother him much. Chaos continued and encounter guardian rams and harpies within the low visibility area where the mountain meets the cloud, but because of his enemy detection skill and Red, it did not pose a problem to them and since Red was able to devour the monsters after the fight, it's health did not fall to critical.
Afterwars, Chaos broke through the cloud and saw the sun that was still shining in the sky. He was almost to the top, and as he walk the path to the top, he eventually found some herbs and berries that he gathered along the way. He was planning on summoning Alucard again but since the sun is up in the sky, he thought it would be weaken.
As he near the peak of the mountain, he was always expecting a fight, especially at the end of any given path, of course one would expect an encounter. As he was checking his inventory and status, someone suddenly spoke behind him.
???: Are you an adventuer?
Chaos: What the!? Jeez, you surprised me old man... by the way.. who are you?
Old monk, Kusanagi: I am called Kusanagi, and I am the guardian of the temple on top of this mountain.
Chaos: Ookayy.. so what are you doing here and not in your temple, are you picking berries or something..?
Kusanagi: I wish I am young one.. but I was cast out from the temple. Something invaded it few months ago and we tried to fought the creature but to no avail, many of my colleagues died and I'm the only one left..
Chaos: I'm sorry to hear that old man. Do you want me to help?
Kusanagi: I would love to but as I can see, I don't think that you can at your level.
Chaos: What do you mean, is the creature really that strong?
Kusanagi: It is. If you would like, you can take a look but I warn you, do not engage it for you will perish like nothing.
Chaos: Okay, I'll check..
Chaos headed higher and ascended the slopes of the mountain until he reach the peak. At the peak of the mountain, one would not think it's a mountain because it's like an open flat field the side of two footbal stadium. At the other side of the field, one can see a small hill, no a cave. The cave was not deep and Chaos can see that at the end, there was a shrine that the old man Kusanagi was talking about. However, right next to the shrine is a massive creature. It seems to be busy so Chaos approached it carefully. Chaos noticed that it seems to be eating something. As the creature raise it's head, Chaos suddenly was attacked by a heavy pressiur unlike that one that he felt from the wolf. It's a hundred times fiercer and cold sweat run down his back. The creature has many heads and he was able to see it's name and level before hiding himself. Chaos applied all the skills he learned from Master Asuna. The creature is a dragon. It's name is "Yamato no Orochi" and it's level 700. Truly a monster. The old man was right. It's a good thing he hid when he tried checking it. As the dragon continued devouring it's prey, it lost interest at whatever was in the surrounding. Chaos quickly left silently and descend back to where the old man is. Before getting the old man, he got a notification pop up.
"You have been struck by terror, your stamina will drain quickly and speed, dexterity and strengh is halved"
"You have encountered one of the legendary creatures in the continent of Argonia, Fame +50"
"You have gained a skill: Hide Presence"
Chaos's face looked cramped when he reach the old man Kusanagi.
Chaos: You're right old man. I'm not no match for that dragon.
Kusanagi: (sigh) It is important to stop this dragon before it's too late but there's not many people who venture up this mountain.
Chaos: What will happen if the dragon stayed there.
Kusanagi: This is suppose to be a secret. But since you came here after months of waiting and struggling, I'll tell you. The dragon is corrupting the shrine. The shrine is a seal to one of the evil gods that was sealed after the dark era. If the seal weaken, there is a big chance that the evil god will awaken. If that happens, the dark era once again will cover this world.
Chaos: ..... Hell that's definitely grave. Old man, how long do we have left until the seal on this shrine broke? Is it repairable once after the dragon is taken care of?
Kusanagi: Wh-what? You're coming back to that dragon?
Chaos: Of course! The reason for my journey is to become strong and to fight strong opponents. That dragon fits my criteria (grinning maliciously)
Kusanagi: Hahahah! Incredible! And here I thought you became afraid because of how you look after coming back.
Chaos: Nah.. It's actually because I can't even try to fight it because of how weak I am.
Kusanagi: I see.. then there is hope because of you. Very well, if my calculation is correct, then we still have One.. no! half a year before the seal breaks. Can you become stronger by then adventurer?
Chaos: Who do you think I am. I'll conquer this continent and that dragon is just a stepping stone in my way. Don't worry old man, I'm not alone. "We" will come back here if I'm not strong enough myself and subjugate this dragon. I will definitely come back and make that dragon my servant!
Kusanagi: (dumbfounded look) .. Servant? Hahahah! I hear you and I believe you. Then I'll look forward to it. Oh! I almost forgotten, it may help with defeating the dragon if you can find my sword.
Chaos: Eh? That's also here?
Kusanagi: What?
Chaos: Oh nothing, so where can I find this sword and what's it's name?
Kusanagi: It was actually lost a month ago. We had it sent for purification by one of our maiden. It's the sword "Kusanagi" after my name. If you can find it, we can definitely defeat the dragon.
"Quest Start!"
Quest: Find the blade "Kusanagi"
Type: Lore Quest
Info: The blade Kusanagi was lost a month ago and did not came back from purification. Find the maiden that was sent to purify it and return it to the monk, Kusanagi.
Goal: Find the blade within 6 months.
Success: Found the Weapon Kusanagi and gain a new weapon.
Failure: Intimacy with the monk will fall. He will be less helpful on fighting the dragon, the blade falls into someone elses hand or the six months will pass.
Level: C+
Reward: Blade Kusanagi
Requirement: Climb to the peak of Viscious Mountain, impress the monk Kusanagi
It was an automatic quest given to him just like before but he don't plan on refusing them. After saying goodbye to the old monk, Chaos departed and started descending the mountain with renewed vigor. He really wanted to battle this dragon.
Chaos was able to descend the mountain faster than climbing it. The two days left of the 6 day that was given to him by James was over once he neared the base of the mountain.
The rest of the world is now online. Conqueror online is now truly open. User's will be coming in non-stop to make a name for themselves in the world of Endia.
*The attire should look like what Sho and Kai wear in Guilty Gear. Full Black with red highlights.
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Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
☆ Rankings ☆#1 in Bakugou Katsuki (6/16/19)#1 in Midoriya (5/11/19) #1 in Bakugou (3/7/19)#1 in readerinsert (2/11/19)#1 in myheroacademia (2/25/19)She was sarcastic optimistic girlHe was a hotheaded stubborn boyHe put his heart and soul into what he did She didn't care as long as she was doing goodU.A. High was where they met and is where their story began.⚠️ Warning ⚠️ - Might get away from the cannon arcs and story just because I know how boring that can be so yeppers- Potential Manga spoilers- Cussing because what is a Bakugou story without it- Sexual content ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ★ NOT EDITED ★Once im close to or finished I will edit it and fix all my spelling mistakes.Started: 7/10/2018Finished: --/--/- - - -
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