《Conqueror Online: Soul Summoner》Chapter 03 - Preparation (Revised)


Chapter III : Preparation

Shin went home after separating with James from the cafe. Shin's home is a large compound serving as a martial art's dojo right next to the orphanage. Even though it's a place known by everyone on the neighborhood, there was not a lot of students enrolling on it. One main reason is the lack of equipment and the location, as it being on the southern side of New York, were majority of the population were almost lawless, gang wars happening here and there, and where outcast and criminals hide to. Anyone outside this area who were interested in learning were afraid of the place and stirs away of it.

Shin headed straight to the kitchen carrying groceries he picked up along the way, and started preparing the food. Shin was the first student of this dojo who was not afraid of living there. Every master who teaches at the dojo were kind and understanding. Although, they are lacking funds, they still live their lives and does not get tired with practice and drills to keep themselves at peak performance. Shin was one of the student that is task to cook for the entire dojo and because the masters does not know how to prepare proper food in the first place. While preparing food, one of the master named Hao, came into the kitchen.

Hand to hand combat, Master Hao: The fragrance of the food you make is always much appreciated Shin.

Shin: Master Hao! (Shin bowed to show respect)

Master Hao: Bah! No need for that when we're not within the dojo. By the way, even though the food smells great, as usual, I smell something else from you.

Shin: Eh? (Shin scratch his chin and feign ignorance) What is it master, do I smell bad that even it even affects the smell of the food?

Master Hao: You know what I mean, tell me what happened. I smell blood in you boy.

Shin: Master is always so sharp. I even made so the food will have extra spices to smell better (sigh).

Shin tells what happened to his master upon saving James and eliminating the attackers one by one. Since Shin was the first student, all the masters dote on him and thought him all they know. Shin has 4 masters in the dojo. Hao is the hand to hand master that teaches several form of weaponless martial arts.

When Shin first came to the dojo, he was 6 then, and does not have memories of his past. Shin then has a lifeless eyes, shows that he suffered until coming to the dojo. He was taken care of the old master and gradually life returned to his eyes. At the same time, learning what the master thought him like a sponge. Shin was a genius fighter. A prodigy that comes ones in a thousand years, according to his masters. He was able to adapt and learn skills thought to him easily. The masters were outcast from their sect and came here for seclusion. They were happy and content leaving a quiet life and even the gangs of the southern Ney York learned to stay away from them. Shin gave them purpose again and the dojo became a lot livelier.

Sometimes, Shin would come home, bringing with him children like himself who was searching for purpose and a home. Even though the orphanage is next to them, the children that Shin brings home were unique themselves but troubled.

Master Hao: You know, Asuna will re-train you from scratch if she learns about this right?

Shin: Gah! Master! Please don't tell her, I'll wash so the scent of blood would come off a bit. You know how Master Asuna goes (Shin felt shivers).


Master Hao: Bahahahah! I understand. Asuna wants you to be able to kill without a single drop of blood in you, you know.

Shin: I understand master, I will redouble my effort from all 4 of you on our training.

Master Hao: Great! Now, about the food, we were waiting and hungry, Asuna is out on errands, trying to get some funds.

Shin: You mean at the convinience store she works in? Master is not suited to work there..

Master Hao: All of us had to work or else we won't eat. We appreciate you and the other students pitching in for us but we don't want to be fed without doing nothing.

Shin: I understand master, but work here on this part is limited and even if we get out of here, no one will accept our service, since our skills were not required by many people and the request from your client were becoming scarce and.... wait!

Master Hao: What the.. what is it?

Shin: (Shin had an idea came to mind for work for his masters) Master, I think I might have some good work for you.

Master Hao: Oh? To get startled like that, must indeed be interesting. Do tell.

Shin: Not yet master, I still need to confirm it, then I'll tell all of you about it.

Master Hao: If you say so.. So is the food done yet? I'm starving, dying even!

Shin: That's too much master, you did have teas and cookies this afternoon right?

????: We only had tea's little one. Your master Asuna ate and hog all the cookies for herself, you know her, when she had a taste of your sweets and cakes, she hogs them all.

Shin: Master Kenshin! (Shin once again bowed out of respect)

Following his master are two of his close friends who also live in the dojo. Fuu and Jin, twins who were adopted by the masters, when Shin found them wondering in the neighborhood chased by gangs when he was 8 years old. The two of them studies under master Asuna, but since the master is out, they were thought instead by master Kenshin with breathing techniques and center of gravity enforcment. The two sighs heavily while taking their place at the table.

Elder twin, Jin: Aniki, I'm starving, master Kenshin had pushed us to death with learning the basics again.

Blade specialist, Master Kenshin: You.. no complaints. When I watch you with Asuna during training, you two are still lacking a lot.

Younger twin, Fuu: We understand master and thank you for teaching us in place of master Asuna. (smiling with a carefree expression)

Master Hao: By the way Kenshin, Shin said he may have a job for us soon.

Master Kenshin: Oh? That would be great then. I hope it's not labor, my back is killing me of this late.

Master Hao: Bah! You're getting old, while me, I'm still young and ready to go. Bahahahah!

Master Kenshin: You.. who are you calling old! Do you want to be fossilized!

His two master always bicker with each other, but this only shows how close they are along with their other two master, master Tang and Master Asuna. Shin began preparing the table and the food and told Fuu to call master Tang and Ryu, the dojo's fourth disciple.

Once everyone gathered, at the same time, master Asuna arrived from work. They then started the meal together.

Ryu: Brother Shin, did you talk about the game with Cray and Crest? I envy them that they will be able to buy the game soon.

The twins nodded at the same time, expressing the same feeling.


Shin: Fufu.. That reminds me, Ryu, gather everyone here at the dojo tomorrow. I have a surprise for all of you.

Jin: Eh? What is it aniki, is it present?

Shin: Better! But it's a secret till tomorrow so be patient.

Jin: Awww man, I won't be able to sleep because of the excitement.

Master Tang: Hmm.. your talking about that game again, is it that interesting?

Fuu: It is master. Think of it like this, if we have that game, even you masters, within the game, you would be able to practice your skills and martial arts against an oponent of different sizes, against monsters and beast alike. How great would that be.

Long haired boy, Ryu: Yeah! I agree, lately, all we're able to fight are those goons who can't even last a minute. It's boring.

Master Hao: Bahahah! Confidence is good and all but always make sure to be vigilant.

Ryu: Of course master, not one of us comes outside without bringing what we've learned from you.

Master Kenshin: Good good.. This game you mentioned is indeed interesting. I would like to try my sword hand against an oponent were I would not have to hold back at all.

The rest of Shin's friends sighed heavily thinking in their hearts that it will just be a dream. Shin just smiled to himself and was also excited to see what expression his companions would make. They are to him as brothers and family.

The next day, Shin received a call from James, asking him if he's available. Shin was surprised because he just met and separated with James just yesterday but here he is, at the front door of their dojo, smiling at him, in his back were several trucks most likely carrying his "reward" for him.

Shin: James? I know you wanted to repay me but, isn't this too much? And I thought the game was just a helmet but why a large numbers of trucks??

James: Hahah! Who said I'll give you those minitiarize ones? It wouldn't give you the chance to display your whole skill within the game if you're using the inferior versions. And also, the game would launch in January 1, it's only 3 days left you know. I saw how you wanted to try it out so I brought this types here so we can explain to you how it works. Besides, I have something to tell you about this unit that I brought, they're kind of unique and custom made so..

Shin: Guhhh.. I feel dizzy just looking at the trucks and imagining what's inside... I understand, and thank you James. Please come in so I can introduce you to my masters. I have a proposition for you as well so let's talk about it inside with a cup of tea.

Shin, along with James came in and asked for the master's permission to bring in the units. Once everything was brought inside, they found a good room within the dojo that can fit all the units. The assistants then, began installing, and preparing the units to be used by Shin and his friends. James was also introduced to the Shin's masters.

Shin: Master, this is James, the person I told you about yesterday.

James: It is nice to make your acquaintance, masters. Thank you for accepting me here in your dojo.

Master Tang: Not a problem, a friend of Shin is always welcome here. We trust Shin's judgement, since he was a child, the people he brings here are all good people.

James: That's kind of you to say and thank you Shin.

Shin: Eheheh, master is embarassing me again. Well, about what I told you outside, about the proposition.

James: Yes, do tell, I will listen and decide when I hear the rest of it.

Shin: Yes, masters. Remember what I told you last night, about the job? When I remember James, having to face crisis just like the ones yesterday, I have thought that his guards were lacking.

James: Yes, you're right. Same kind of situation happened several times already and my bodyguards keep changing all the time. I'm not even sure if I can trust the others.

Master Hao: So Shin, you want us to work as Mr. James' bodyguard right?

James: Eh?? (was dumbstruck when he heard one of the master) I had an idea about the proposition but I thought Shin would be recommending someone else?

Master Tang: Are we not good enough for you Mr. James?

James: Oh no! Not at all! Please don't misunderstand my surprise is just that, I may not be good enough for your protection, masters. (James bowed in front of the masters)

Master Asuna: Don't think it like that Mr. James. We are also people who are trying to make a living. I'm sure, Shin had not told you about our circumstances but as you can see, our dojo is not the best right now.

Master Kenshin: She is right. You don't need to worry. If you hired us, we will protect you 100%.

James: Ah.. (James were speechless for the moment) I'm honored masters, I should be the one asking you instead. But please, be my protectors and I will promise you that I will treat you with care as well.

Master Hao: Bahahahah! All's well that end's well yeah! You fix the papers Mr. James. Each one of us will take turns to be your protector. If needed and you have some circumstances, two of us will go. (laughing while patting James' shoulder)

Shin: I guess that's settled then. Good for you James.

James: Yes, thanks again Shin, it was a blessing to have met you. The weight on my shoulders would decrease tremendously.

From then on, any attempt to James life was thwarted flawlessly even before it started.. but that's another story.

After finishing the transaction between James and the masters, James explained the details about the game to Shin, the twins and Ryu, who's present at the moment. James gave them another gift. Before the release of the game on January 2nd, the units given to them would be allow them to login a day before, meaning they would be able to get in before everyone else on the first day of the year 2023. Everyone was ecstatic as this would give them a big advantage even if it's only a day. James told them that the normal time of 1 hour in real life is equal to 7 hours in the game. Their state would be sleeping and the technology will be using the "dream state", thus making it a full dive. With the help of the superior machine James brought with him, this provides the user to be at ease and use 100% of their skill while in the game as the whole unit will be scanning their whole bodies every 1 hour to update any changes at the same time, it served as a massaging machine if the system detects cramps within the muscles of the user. The machine will also detect if the real body will need sustenance but with the special machine, it can be turned off unlike the inferior ones.

Having all this, Shin's group would be able to play ahead of everyone for one week within the game, that is if they go through 24 hours without rest which everyone is planning to do. Shin had asked for the master's permission for a day off. Since the unit will be in the dojo, it was still fine as everyone of Shin's group is a disciple of each masters, they sometimes spend nights or several days within the dojo to train so the place was a second home to them.

Once everything had been setup, James left for the company and Master Kenshin came along as the first guard for the first day of work. James promised to visit the dojo again in the future. Once everything was settled, the rest of Shin's friends came in one by one. Each of them considers each other as brothers, regardless of age and nationality. Each one is someone or another, an outcast, an orphan, but they deligently learn under their selected masters, regardless of their personality, during spars and session, they become serious student and disciples.

When Shin had explained to each one about what James had explained earlier, like himself, everyone was happy and surprised at this once in a life time chance.

Shin: So, does everyone understand about the game? Tell me if you have question.

Cray: Dude, I already bought one but if what this Mr. James gave us would allow to login earlier, I would definitely use it.

Ryu: Since you will not be using your miniature unit, why not give it to the masters? This way, they can experience the game as well ne?

Cray: Oh!? If you say it like that, that's no problem with me but I only bought one, what about the other masters?

Pale boy, Asher: I have one as well, you can give mine to the masters.

Cray: Oh good, thanks Ash. Now two left.

Shin: No, we only need two, the masters will be working in shifts from now on under James. I believe two of our master can login themselves but one should remain since someone should teach if were not all logged in, right.

Cray: You got a point there, good one Shin.

Huge kid, Adam: Ai! I would have bought one if you needed one though. What about you Ari, do you have work in the eve of new year?

Girl from orphanage, Arielle: The sisters in the orphanage is not forcing me to work so I could be with you all, no biggie.

Dark skinned boy, Gale: So everyone is in, even the masters, so what now Shin, even in game, you can decide for us, we'll follow you like always.

Shin: If you say so, does everyone agree?

All Shin's companion nod to his inquiry, they respect each other but more than that, they respect Shin since he was connected with each one of them deeper the anyone could think of. Shin was their brother, they consider him the eldest even though his age is not really the oldest of them all. They also considered him their savior, one that got them out of the mud, and showed them light.

Shin: Don't worry. Since we have been dreaming of having a fantasy like world where we can go all out, this is our chance, I do not want to hinder your growth even within the game. I would like us to go in the game separately.

Celena: Why Shin? Isn't it better for all of us be together, we can all work together in the game to compensate everyone's weakness.

Asher: I think what brother Shin intended for us is so we can become stronger, we won't depend too much with each other. This way, if we encounter an obstacle in game, we would overcome them with all we've got. Also, the experience gain would be diminished if all of us partied together.

Shin: Ash is right. I would like to have everyone become stronger as fast as you can before other people start coming in. Once we're strong enough to not loose to anyone within the game, we will all meet at a designated place in the future. I'll ask for you assistance in what place we would all meet, Ash, once we're familiar with the game.

Gale: Interesting! Are we forming a group then?

Shin: That's our goal. (Smirk) Each one of us would become strong, stronger than any other within the game. Each of us will be legendary. Once that's done, we will finally form our group, our guild. Every member must be powerful on their own right. Then..

Everyone while beaming yelled "WE'LL CONQUER EVERYTHING!!". Every single one of them have fire burning within them, in anticipation with the upcoming game and the time where they would come together to bring storm and chaos in the new world.


*When asleep, a dream would occur where several hours, a day or a lifetime would pass while in reality, only an hour or a moment would pass.

**After the announcement on December 24, 2022, the unit had start being on sale the next day, so most people would have gotten the unit and just waiting for the game to go online.

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