《A Gamer But I Also A Realist That Do Not Believe Anything That Not Disprove》Chapter 11 Should not summon



Chapter 11 Should not summon him


The one that I want to summon has been decide just now. It the anime that I watch for a long time. Not only for a long time if you say that I grew tired of it is something that hard to say cause I like that anime. Especially after the two year time and they group back.

Okay what I am gonna summon is the character that I really like.

“Summon: Luffy from One Piece”

The moment that I recite the word to summon the character a blue circle appear at my front on the floor. The size of it circle that be said that taken three of this desk can fit in the circle. In the circle contain a strange symbol and language that I never saw before. It must be the language of the creator for this system use.

As the summoning proceed and more and more of the picture and word appear on the circle, the wind in the room begin to pick up creating a gentle breeze across the room. Then the circle from the color of white begin to change its color to red. This making the light that come out from the circle also change from the white color to red in color.

After the increasing of the intensity of the red light emit from the stop from the center of the circle something coming out of it. It started by the emergence of a hat made of straw coming out first and then a head was seen coming out after that with the rest follow.

Due to the intensity of the light shine the whole room my eye cannot stand the light making me going blind for a while. The only thing that I am aware of was someone coming out from the center of the circle. The only thing that I saw in this state was only the outline of that person.

After sometime that the red light blazing with intensity it begin to dim down little by little and now my vision begin to take on the sight of the room. Looking at the room that I am right now there was nothing changing except for a person at the front of the classroom close to the blackboard the place that I made the summoning.

The person is Luffy. The summoning, the summoning succeed. Yahoo is the word that I want to scream but I manage to swallow it back. Do not want uninvited guest coming here. Oh look like waking up right now.


“Hmn… that really a good sleep”

Luffy wake up while showing a posture of just wake up from deep sleep. Then Luffy feel something not right he look to the left and right.

“Arerere, where am I right now? I think I just go to sleep on the bed after eating Sanji food just now”

“Hello, are you luffy?”

“Who are you? Hahaha. Your cloth look really funny”

“Hahaha, sorry to say this but this is the kind of cloth that the people of my place wear. So, I want to explain to you right now the situation. With my abilities I call you to this place to help me survive here in another world. This world right now changing into a place that threaten many life and without the help of someone strong like you, I might die early. So, because of this I need your help to survive day by day”


After I explain what I need his help with that moment the realization hit me. Luffy is asleep right now. I wonder how much he heard what I said.

“Luffy, wake up. Wake up Luffy”

The moment I see luffy asleep I goes to wake him up by side to side.

“Huh… it is morning already?”

“Of course not, Luffy, I need your help to life in this place. Can you help me?”

“Hmn… In other world this is that place is it. Mysterious place that on the Grand Line that have many weird thing in it”

Hearing the answer that Luffy give me, I felt a bad premonition. Like the premonition that I feel, Luffy move to the window that broke completely maybe cause by the pushing of the people it broke and adding with someone might fall from it. Luffy climb the window and jump from there to the side of the gate. This action become a series of action when Luffy jump straight outside of the school seeing the surrounding.

Ah… forgot that Luffy was someone that curious with everything. It must be the word of another world that I said making him want to see everything. This… is… really making me feel great regret. How can I forgot he was someone like moving around the entire place. Now I lost a powerful ally from the get go.

Seeing Luffy jumping away from here while saying “Yahooo”. I begin to feel a bit depressing on my side. Luffy, like I thought he must be a very strong person to perform that move without any level up and with the help of the Gomu Gomu no Mi abilities.


Hmn… I wonder whether I will be able to see Luffy status. Oh, now that I think about it I should be able to see Luffy status as I am the summoner of Luffy. Okay.

“Let go. What the word for it usually, a… that one Summon status”

!.... !.... !... !....

“Ok, so the summon status is not the one that for the summon character”

“Hmn… So what is it the command to summon the status for Luffy”

Argh… what is it the one that for review the status of the summon character. Wrecking my head on the kind of command with the possibilities of the word for seeing the status for the character that I had summon make me feel irritated by the second. This is no longer about the possibilities of making my life easier in this world that not really the same as the one that I know off but it became a burden when something like this happening.

Why in the world that I cannot view Luffy status???

“No way, does it that one word. Character summon status window”

!.... !.... !.... !....

Even though I wait for a few second for it to appear it look like non happening at the moment.

“Not again, why? Why? Why? Why is this happening to me? Sigh… Monkey D. Luffy status window”

Status WindowNameMonkey D. LuffyRaceHumanAge17 (cursed)Level1GenderMaleSpecial AbilitiesGomu Gomu no Mi

Health300Health Regen.0.001/SecMana-Mana Regen.-


The moment that the window panel appear in front, I feel it. The jaw of mine feel it slacked off and if possible my eyes might pop out seeing this kind of situation right now.

The word that I said in the moment of carelessness was the one that brought up this window panel. So it like this. The character that I summon into this world will be treat like me. Like the human that live in this world.

It no longer be able to show that this is not a simple or a brainless type of survival. The summon character been treat the same as this world humanities, well if it based on me that is, it no longer became some simple program or action. If this was true then it no longer be something that I capable treating the same as normal summoning. This because of the law of causation will dictate that all the action taken will have a consequence when it is done whether in good faith or not.

What I meant from all of this is that summon character. Unlike the normal summoning that will not have any impact without the action of their master command, the one that I summon will react according to its own belief and its own judgment.

The conjecture from all of this mean that the summon character will act the same as the human. It can be said that they are not different from the human because of their action resemble to human. Not only that their action resemble a human, their genetic code should also be the same as the one that depict in the story and it should be a human.

This means that they already a human and that the reason the system treat them the same as me. They can level up. All of this must be attribute to what I put into the description. This make the coincidence of making the character to become a real human when I summon them here. The system only allow me a little control over them as to make show that I am still a person that have bond with them the highest between everyone. Does that means as their venture out they will leave me?

That is the question that I never be able to answer for a long time. All of this attribute to me that like the other human what I can have to depend on only on insight. No human be able to determine the future. Even if that type of person exist it must be removed because the only thing that someone like that can done only bring harm to other that not in their circle and they might be used to slander most of the innocent and may able to shift the blame as they can see the future to make it like that.

Stretching myself upward I thought to myself.

“Hmn… kimochi na (that feel really good if you know what I means). If I aware that this will happen should not summon him before I am stronger than now. So what should I do after this?”

(^0^)http://animetaken.blogspot.my/2016/01/chapter-3-different-language.html/TOC/ (/^0^)/

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