《A Gamer But I Also A Realist That Do Not Believe Anything That Not Disprove》Chapter 2 My Name


When i open my eye there is a girl in front of me. What the heck a girl are you kidding me.

The girl characteristics, is well..I can consider it as cute. She has a blue straight hair that the length past her shoulder, with blue eyes that when you look closely its shining that it feel that you cannot see her straight to the eye because you will feel really embarrassed.The clothes that she wear look really like the princess that you see in the movie that was shown about the princess in the castle with england theme. Her presence, that i can say is that its like the princess in that story of 'Game of Thrane' i watch last week. When i remember back i never past episode 1 because i forgot about it completely.

The breast of the girl from here i can say that it will fit into my hand but i do not think so because if i not wrong the princess of the ancient kingdom, of course with english theme, wear something that make their body seem fit. It show the shape of all the right curve that can enchanted the man. Ah...that story the pirate of carribion. Wahh...that story i really like it. When that man fight the pirate and acting like stupid. It really make me laugh. If you ask me what color of the skin? sorry to the people who like tan skin because this princess in front of me has white skin. The skin of the people born from a western people and eastern people couple.

Well for the face i can say that its really cute, it like you see a girl that came out of anime. From this i can deduced this girl is at 15 to 16 years old based on the height. When i think again i cannot used that notion because based on the local of that place the height represent differently. Like one of that time i see western children, heck 12 year old already close to my chest.

Well, you can say she really cute with her eye that look at me with.....scared?

What looked scared? When i see looked at that girl, well she really look scared with a little bit of shock. Why would she look at me like that?

Hmnn.....did i say something wrong just now because she really look scared.

Ahh...did i not that word just now. She must be really shock when someone say that suddenly.Well i am a grow up man, i should show my manner to her. I should apologies or it gonna bring trouble to me in the future.

"Hello, kid i am sorry for scaring you just now, it just that i have a weird nightmare. So, i am sorry" i said while with posture like the japanese that i see in the anime. Not the dogeza, it the one you put you head to the front and lower your chest performing a perfect 90 degree. It look like i transcend to a new height. Well if i do not do this i will feel really embarrassed the next time i need to apologize to someone. Once you stop the habit of thanking someone you will have a hard time to do it again.

"Ah, do not worry. It just that i was shock that our hero yelling when you wake up" (The mysterious girl)


The girl thing like that to me while her eyes darting to the surrounding with a tint of red on her cheek. Did she blushing, did she fall in love with me. Yeah that right, like hell it is something like that. I can think of the thing that caused her to be embarrassed must be what i said when i wake up.

While i am thinking about that, my darting to the surrounding. I do not realised before that i am in a small room. From what i see this room was made from a brick that has the resembalance of the brick that come from the dark age. This because nowadays the brick has hole in them after much trial that the physicist made to make it more sturdy.

I also now realised that in this room, the source of the light comes from the torch that was lodge at the wall. This really, i think something wrong. I cannot shake the feeling that i in a bad situation and troublesome.

Other than the torch i also now realised that there are other people around us. The people that wear cloth like a nun from the church. Yeah right....i am not that stupid that cloth is the cloth that mage wear in the mmorpg that i played that was called mage robe. What did you think because i am adult i cannot play it. Did you think the money to maintain the game from mere money kid have. Pssstt....of course not it most come from the adult that has work and spending money to get good weapon so that they can blast other to smithereens to released the streess from work.

So, there are eight people that wear the mage robe, one princess like and two people that wear a school uniform. Then, i can only categories that there are two group the mage robe with the princess like and the school uniform was like me.

When i inspect the floor, yeah typical summoning event in the novel that i read. It has a drawing with circle that contain the letter that i never see it. Calm down me, let ask the person in front of me.

"Hello cutie, can you tell me where is this place?" I ask with the most polite tone i can muster. Well

this style i just copy from my friend that has good relationship with the girl.

"Awawawawawa.....cutie.....blush.....blush" (mysterious girl)

This suck, i really do not get it is there any reason to be angry like that. The princess face look really red. This really make me regret saying that, its never good to copy someone. I thought she maybe a princess or something.

"Ahem....welcome hero, this is princess Alice the second daughter of the king Esvobus" (Unknown robe 1)

It look like one of the people that wear the mage robe introduce the girl that princess look alike. But it really shock me, i though that they maybe cosplaying or something and at the end of it there will say gotcha. With the atmosphere here of course that not a joke.This unknown robe 1 hand hold a staff on right hand and left hand hold the robe. Okay, from now on it will call him or her that i do not know gender of by roberobe.

"This is the kingdom of Kriesvikki, you have been summon by us as a hero to save us" (roberobe)


"Is that true?" (schoolboy)

Oh...it look like when i try to understand what happened here both the school student already wake up. One was a boy with a black one and black hair, it is the same with the girl, she also has black eyes and black hair. Both of them has the characteristics of east people. What the heck it look like, only me was different with black hair and brown eyes as a typical asian. Look like both of them seem really anxious because of the sudden event that happen. Do not worry kid i know your feeling. It happen to me too.

"Cough...cough....sorry for my unsightly behavior, i will introduce my self again. My name is Alice Rasse the second princess of the kingdom Kriesvikki. This place is in the main castle of the main city that called Arcandia " (Princess Alice)

"Sorry because of the cramp space of this place because of the special circumstance we used this place for calling our hero. This place is the summoning place for calling the hero to come to our world using a special method. Because of the special method we can only used this place for the summoning, so once again. I am sorry" (Princess Alice)

Summoing?? are you kidding me. It means that this is another world. What can i do in this world that can elavate my boredom. From the look of this place of the stone on the wall and the type of weave pattern of the fiber on the cloth of the princess and the mage robe people i can say it really was like a medieval age.

Nothing can done about it. Calm down me lets gets more information by asking this princess on what happen. I need to have more information on the situation here. Depending on the situation i will take the necessary step to tackle the event that gonna happen.

"Is that so. If it that nothing can be done about it. How about you guys, you do not mind it aren't you"

"Do not worry we also do not mind it" (both student)

wow....they said at both time. What a good synchronizing abilities.

"Can you explain why we are call here?" (school boy)

"For that please follow me, the king will explain on the detail to what has transpire" (Princess Alice)

"Ok" (me and both school student)

Well our answer almost at the same time, not the same time. This is not soldier parade you know.

This princess really good to change the place of the conversation. If we still stay here for more time we will be really anxious. Especially the two school student, they look the surrounding dartingly around the room and also with the magician that look at them sharply, it add more pressure to the kid.

Then we follow Pricess Alice out of this room. The princess walk at the front that by us and roberobe also follow at the back. The rest of the mage robe people are tidying the place for the summoning. It look like this room was underground because after we move out from the room, we climb a flight of stair. The stair was spiralling around the wall with a small passage that allow only two people climb with side by side. The door to that room is a double that was push from the inside to the outside. Damn...why this place do not have any escalator that really tiring.

After we move out of the place we reach the garden. Its look like this is the outside and looking behind me stood a tall tower that can be said really tall. If you use our own modern standard this tower really short that it can only say it as high as eight story building. Well that only on the outside when you not involve any underground network.

We then cross the the garden and reach the most bigger building in the vicinity from my perspective. While crossing there, we saw a lot of man that use a wooden sword swinging it to the front. There is also an armor man at the front that give a command to the mass of people there. I can say that they are probably a knight that was training and this place is a practice field.

When the knight see the princess Alice they salute her and the princess say to continue practice. We really shocked and respect her a little. The two kid eye look like its almost fall off. You guys reaction, i think its to over the top, it is not. With this it really confirm us that she really is a princess.

The princess then said this is the place that a new knight was train to become a full pledge knight. Sometime in the future, they will be given a task to accomplished so that they can be evaluated whether to promote them to a full pledge knight. This field also one of the practice field in this castle.

When we passed through the practice field we entered the hall way. After we see this place it almost the same with the castle in the western country. The wall not like the castle in the western because the wall is really even. You can see that the wall really was smooth without uneven place from the top to the floor.

The architecture of this place is really good that you will not though that this place is in the medieval age. Well i said the medieval age is because of the window. The window is made from the wood not using glasses. They might not find out that by heating the sand at a really high temperature you can make a glasses. Well at that age where can you find the reason for creating that kind of flame with really hot temperature. Flame like that can harm the surrounding people if you cannot control it.

"Ano mister, i think we should introduce ourselves first. Because its look like we came from the same world. Oh, do not worry based on the conversation with the princess just then i can deduced that we are not in the same world that we live just now" (school boy)

It look like that is a good idea. The student girl also look like she want to know her companion name. I can see that her eyes was brimming with curiosity.

"Hmm....that true how about you guys introduce yourself first"

"Okay, my name Futatsugi Akihiko. So nice to meet you" (Akihiko)

"Ummnn.....my name is Chiba Erika. Nice to meet you two" (Erika)

"Then its my turn. For your guys information my name is ...........

(^0^)http://animetaken.blogspot.my/2015/12/chapter-1.html/TOC/ (/^0^)/

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