《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 18 : The Ordinary Way to Treasure(?) #1


--- Morning in Rest Area in Kaine Plain ---

I arrived at the rest area faster than I thought, if I can walk as fast as yesterday, I should be able to reach rest area in Meridien Forest.

"Alright, time to go."

After having another fruit for breakfast, I start walking toward the forest.

--- Noon in another Rest Area in Kaine Plain ---

As I thought, my walking pace is faster than what I remember. I might get used to walk for a long distance. Traveling like this is nice, but . . . While traveling by myself, I feel kind of lonely... That I start naming my knives. I named the knife I got from Cress and Minna; "FG Knife", yeah, it's actually the first gift I got since I come here, and I named the other one; "LF Knife", since it's a lost knife which I found by chance.

I kind of afraid something might appear out of nowhere and attack me... It's really quiet since I depart from Kain City. But, they did say it's safe in rest area. So I should be safe here, and, just like this morning, I'm having another fruit as my lunch. Yeah, from what I know, fruit will go bad faster than bread, which is why, I planned to finish the fruit first.

After having my lunch, I start moving again.

--- Afternoon at the entrance to Meridien Forest ---

"Finally, I am here."

*Hmm, I did arrive a lot faster than I thought. Then, should I go straight to the rest area? Or . . .

*Open Map

If I'm not wrong, this mark over here should be their village, which means, that goblin village I saw from before, right? And this other mark is to mark the place I should be going to, which means, the treasure is here. If I go to the rest area tonight, I will need about 2-3 days to reach the treasure... With the food supply I have, I should be able to manage, but, if I add days to reach Daren Village, it might be not enough.


"*hmm, what should I do . . ."

Should I go to Daren Village first, to get more food? . . . Wait, I might lose my interest to get the treasure once I reach Daren Village. Not only that, I already promised Thocked to take care of his treasure... That's right, if it's like this, I should go and get the treasure as fast as I can. Then, right now, rather than going to the rest area, I better go straight to the . . Goblin Village.

"I'll be going straight to Goblin Village."

--- in Meridien Forest ---

". . . Back to this forest, huh."

According to the map I got . . I should go this way.. I just hope nothing bad happen on my way, yeah, I can never forget about that random Serpent from before, but well, I got a feeling that if that goblin was here, it should be fine.

--- After walking for a while ---

*whoosh *whoosh

"Eh? What was that?"

I somehow can feel some wind passing by, followed with the sound of leaves. It seems something just get pass me, but, I can't see anything. Well, it might just my imagination... Right now, I should make sure to reach Goblin Village before night.

Yeah, another problem I realize is, I don't have any source of light. Last night I tried to make a fire, but it's harder than I thought. In the end, I gave up... It's still fine when I'm at the plain, the stars were able to become the source of light, but, here, in the middle of the forest... It's going to be really dark when night fall.

*Hmm? After walking for a while, I finally able to see the Goblin Village. Yup, this is the village I saw before. But, even though its the right place, I stop and hide behind a tree, when I notice there are some other creature out there. If I'm not wrong, they are called ogre.


They are huge, they looks similar with us human, but they are much bigger than human. They are bald, about 4-5 m tall, having a pale yet dark brown skin, and each of them only wearing a simple pants which might be created using leather or animal skin. There are 3 of them, 2 of them don't have any weapon with them, but the other one wielding a tree trunk.

The main reason why I'm hiding right now is . . . Because I saw that goblin, Thocked, lying down in the village with blood everywhere. I don't think they are in a friendly term with each other.

Still, is this what he meant? When he told me he doesn't have long . . .

--- After waiting until night fall ---

Those ogres finally leave. I thought they will destroy the house and gate, but, they actually did nothing. They only circled around the village, then leave. I don't know why they are doing that, but, at last, I finally able to come out.

Once I come out, I realize that it's already night. It's getting dark and I need to find a place to sleep. Since I can't move far in the dark, I steeled myself and get into the village.

I check each house which still intact, but, I can't find anything in all the house in the village. Were those ogres taking all the stuff in the village while circling the village? . . . It's getting really dark, the trees are covering the light from the stars... Well, I can't do much in the dark, I need to sleep for now, I will think about the next thing to do tomorrow.

Before I go to sleep, I take out a shirt and cover Thocked's face. It's impossible for me to carry his body and give him a proper burial right now. I should give him a proper burial tomorrow.

After that, I come into an empty house, and sleep inside the house.

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