《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 0 : The Ordinary Me


--- xx IT Company ---

“Takahiro, I’m gonna eat, you coming?”

“ah, senpai. Sorry I can’t, there is still some bugs I need to fix.”

“another one? .... Well then, see you next monday.”

“be careful on your way home, senpai.”

That was my senior in the company, he is a good senior and also a mentor for me.

My name is Takahashi Takahiro, a 28 years single man, working as a programmer. Being single is hard, sometimes the company asked me to have overtime in weekend because of it.

--- the next morning ---

“*yawn... morning already?”

I ended finish fixing the bugs at dawn, which make me still sleepy. I’m looking at the clock and it’s showing 9 O’clock.

“I might as well go back home right now”

I’m working in Osaka, but living in Asuka which is about 45 minutes by train.

--- Osaka Train Station ---

According to the schedule, the train will come about 7 minutes from now, better find a seat first.

After finding an empty seat, I quickly sit.


Seems like, I’m still drowsy, looks like I will be sleeping all day once I reach home.

--- dream ---

“Taka, have you decided what will you do in the future?”

“Grandpa, I’m actually haven’t thought that far.”

This is my grandpa, he took care of me since I am 13 years old. Now, I'm already 16, which is why I need to decide what I want to do for my future.

“Well. if we are talking about future... Then, can I take over your farm here?”

Since I am living here, might as well continue this kind of life, that was what I'm thinking at that time.

“hohoh~ you want to take over this farm?"


Grandpa looks at me for a bit, then he looks a bit sentimental.

"I’m sorry, but you can’t. I already promised to share this farm to all my children.. When the time come, your aunt and uncle will be the one who take over the farm.”

Aunt and uncle... huh... Welp, seems like I really need to find my own life when I finish high school.

“then, grandpa.. do you have any suggestions of what I should do?”

“no, that won't do. You should decide of what you want to do by yourself, Taka.”

He pause for a bit and continue...

“if you really don’t know what to do, why don’t you search for some information to what you might be interested in?”

After listening to my grandpa, I muttered..

“searching for information, huh?”

“what? You don’t want to?”

huh? Did I say it out loud?

“ah, no.. but, it sounds troublesome.”

but then, grandpa expression become serious.

“Taka, never underestimate information! When we were at war.. those with more information have advantage in battlefield.”

My grandpa is old, and of course he joined the war in his old day, so when he talks about something like this. It’s not only some empty words, but these words are coming from his experience.

--- Osaka Train Station ---


Seems like I fall asleep!? What time is it?

Looking at the clock, it seems I slept for about 1 hour. I missed the train. But, what about the next one?

The next one will be in . . . 4 minutes.

Well, I have a short nap, this time I better stand in line then.

But, what a nostalgic dream. Grandpa already dead 5 years ago, but his words is the one pushing me to work in IT company.


“those with more information have advantage in battlefield, huh.”

Now I take a look arround me, there are more people here.


Just right beside me, there is an oldman walking nonchalantly to the railway.

“hey, oldman!”

Is this oldman having a bad hearing? But, it will be dangerous if he fall from the train platform.

“oldman! Do you hear me!?”

Eh? The oldman . . . Is he falling to the railway?


The train is coming!? And this happen when I just dreamed about my late grandpa.

“damn it.”

Just then, my body moved by itself running closer to the oldman. Once I reach him, I hold one of his shoulder and pull him over. It's going great, the oldman got pulled away from his fall. Sadly, I lost control of my own body.. The sudden force from running and pulling him is pushing my body to the railway.

Then, suddenly the train come into my sight..

For the first time ever, I can see a running train so close to me... yeah, right in front of me.

I can’t progress everything at once, and the moment the train hit me..

Everything become black and I lose consciousness.

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