《Greatest Gamer (Dropped)》Chapter 9 - Neighbour



Greatest Gamer

Once I was sure nobody from Team Flow followed me I entered the house and said hi to my mother.

"Jacob. Finally back I see. You are 8 minuets late so something must be wrong" My mother said instinctual worried. I guess it was out of the norm for me to be late however... Today was slightly different then normal in general.

"Yea sorry about that mom. I had to deal with some of my peers and it took a while" I said while putting on my best 'Annoyed at having to deal with said peers' face. Mother bought it as she always does.

"Ok then. Oh and the house next to ours finally has some people living in it. I thought when you scared the last pair off we wouldn't get any more but a nice family moved in. Could you show some manners and stay as far away from them as possible" My mother said with a sincere smile.

"Wow. I feel so welcomed" I said while walking back to the door so I could 'Greet' the neighbours and my mother tried to stop me but knew that no mater the argument I can win it so she just decided to bang her head off the wall for ten minuets and see if she wakes up into a world where I am normal.

So we finally have neighbours? Well I guess I should let them know exactly what they are in for if they hang around this house for to long. I mean 8 murders and 31 suicides occoured in this house. Or so any search on the web will have you think. I just personally like the peace and quiet that neighbours never respect so I inform them on all the facts I can find that make their life in this home slightly harder.



I knocked on the door eagerly anticipating the chance to scare the living hell out of a gullible adult however it was not an adult who answered the door.

"Hi?" I saw someone who I never thought I would see again.

"Fred?" I said confused and Fred just looked at me with the same confusion.

"Wait... Do I know you?" Fred asked slightly confused and I felt like banging my head against the wall.

"Yes you do. I played against you on the game World Bridge Online" I said with a smile and preparing to avoid his guns at any moment and counter with my own.

"... Oh, Did I play a game like that?" Fred asked himself while putting in some thought. He was nothing like the guy I met in the game.

"You don't even remember the guy who pulled the pin on your own grenade?" I asked and he just shook his head while remaining in deep thought...

"Do you have the game in your room somewhere. Maybe if you remembered actually owning it by seeing the box you would remember the game itself?" I asked and he nodded while walking into his house and to his stairs.

"Would you like to come in. If we played a game together I guess we are friends?" Fred said questioning his own logic. He is definitely not the same Fred that I saw in the game. Is this because he ran out of points?

I followed Fred upstairs and we entered his room. His room was full of heavy metal band posters and very untidy. However the Fred I am speaking to doesn't look like that kind of guy. He feels... Meek? Fred began by searching his room and sure enough we found the game box with the disk in it for World Bridge Online.


"Well I guess I owe you an apology. I guess I just forgot" Fred said while referring to a game that only recently came out... Wait. The date of release on Fred's copy of the game was... 8 years ago...

"Well I had my fun with games like this however I don't have any interest in them these days" Fred sounded slightly sad while saying that I felt an energy that was just like his own from another part of the room. However it was lost to him. I turned to his bed. Under it he had a lot of... Magnets?

"Did you like magnets?" I asked and he looked at me confused before following my eyes to his Magnet collection.

"Hmm.... I am unsure. I can't even remember where or who I got them off. I wonder if I am becoming forgetful?" Fred asked curious. He may not have felt it but those magnets were the most negative thing in the room. I couldn't see any more then that however I did try.

[Quest: Past Mistakes]

[Fred appears to have lost his memory. His memory is sealed from him inside of the Magnet collection. Find away to give him some peace of mind before he is never able to again]

[Time Limit: ???]

[Time Limit Quests: If you run over the time limit the quest may become unable to be completed or something terrible will happen. Probably both]

Wait... when did it become my responsibility? He tried to kill me right? He brought it upon himself so.....

[Reward: 38XP]

... On second thought I still don't know the worth of XP and I have not got any so far. I think it may be beneficial to at least try right? I noticed Fred had the same school uniform as me in the corner of his room so I will be able to see him around if I need to speak with him. But I never thought the penalty of losing all your points would be so bad. Completely forgetting everything?

"Oh well. See you around school Fred" I said while standing up.

"Going already? Oh I guess it is late. Have a good day. Anyway why did you come over?" Fred asked curiously and that reminded me.

"Just to introduce myself is all" I said with a smile before leaving the room.

"Ok. By Jacob" Fred said with a smile that you would normally show a friend... wait. Discrepancy detected... Something inconsistent... yet obvious?... My name! He was supposed to forget it right? Or does some small traces still survive loosing all of your points? I wonder if that means what was lost can be regained? So many questions so few answers. I guess I should speak with Zora now. As we have a lot of catching up to do.

"#####" For a second. An instance I felt something. I could hear a noise coming from Fred's room that wasn't his own and I could feel something move... Wait... No it couldn't be. Ghosts are not real right?...


So many questions and so few answers. to get the answers continue reading. If something is not explained assume I will get around to it but I am using the cliffhanger in all its glory and I am building out to set in stone a better plot later on. Apart from that feel free to comment and discuss anything below besides 'first'. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also I really need to get a proof reader. I will give it some thought later. I have a hard enough time translating into English as it is.

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