《Perfect Blood》So Close Yet So Far
“So you are basically saying, the person who just attacked me is you, but is not you…..” Erhart speaks unsurely. He sounds confused.
“Yes, my [Second] awakened, THANKS to that needle of yours.” The child says angrily. Especially emphasising the irony inside the word ‘Thanks’.
“Hurrrr. Hmmm, Errr what is you [Second]?” Erhart asks.
The child sighs, and answers,” How could someone be so clueless, like is it a thing being a [Human].”
Erhart ignored that comment, the child continues,” [Second] is the name used for, when the host of a certain bloodlines loses control over their body’s action. And Like, it usually occurs in [Mix Bloods]. As [Mix Bloods]’ bloodline is more unstable and the bloodlines inside the host’s body often conflicts with one and another. So, when a host is unconscious, like sleeping, like knocked out or apparently hit by a needle or something. The host can easily lose control over their bloodlines, entering their [Second] mode.”
“Oh, similar sleep walking. But with magic and things.” Erhart says, still do not fully understand.
“like what? What is “sleepwalking” and what is “magic””
“Never mind.”
“Err, Hey ’Fruit knife’”
As that phrase comes out of the child’s mouth, Erhart whole body froze for a second or two. His mind goes blank; all his previous thoughts disappears in an instant, leaving behind only that phrase playing forwards and backwards again and again. Soon the image of a girl smiling appears inside of his head. ‘Such Familiar phrase, NO IT CAN’T BE I KILLED HER! I KILLED HER.’ Erhart’s face darkens, tears formulate around the corners of his eye. He turns around and moves his sleeves up to swipe the tears off, but pretend to the child as if he is having sore eyes.
“Who is ‘Fruit Knife’?” Erhart ask, his voice shakes slightly but mostly in control.
“You of cause, like, I don’t know your name and like, you cut up fruits and plants really quickly. So I think I will just call you ’Fruit Knife’ From now. never mind that can you untie me. Like, Please.” The child cannot endure the fact of not only unable to move freely and also being tied onto a tree like a rice dumpling.
“No, Mario.”
“MY NAME IS YADINA.” The child shouts furiously.
“Of cause it is, Mario.” Erhart says jokingly.
“Who are~ You!” Arnold asks, on the surface his voice is calm. But from the slight crack in the middle of his phrase, it is clear that Arnold is somewhat scared. Once there was a time, before he enters the [Legend Tier] he is not afraid of anything or anyone. He perceive himself to be the strongest in the world. But soon he realised that how foolish he was, once he enteres The Realm Of The Legends. he feels as if he is no more a merely insect. He sees beings so much powerful than him is from other worlds and universes, that can easily vaporise him with a flick of their finger.
“Nice to meet you, my name is Zotoady! By the way is this {Cuood}?” The black hair young man says, rubbing the back of his head.
“Yees, by any chance that emm Zotoady, well you are from The Realm of Legends.” Arnold asks the question nervously, but in a straight forward fasion. He did not attempt to beat about the brush.
“Nah. Not really.” Zotoady replies casually.
“Then, How did you get here.” Arnold’s tone changes into somewhat more arrogant after hearing that answer. ‘He’s probably just a foolish [Human] [Alchemist] that got here by an accident’
“I don’t know? How did I get here? Who knows?”
“Then remove yourself from our meeting, FOOLISH [HUMAN]” As Twava roars, the ground trembles.
“Sorry can’t do, unless you tell me where is Alinakin’s apprentice.” Zotoady says cheerfully, not intimidated by the Emperor of the [Beasts] in the slightest way possible.
“Then you shall meet with our force.” [The Bloodline Thief] says while looking at the others, seeing they all nodded. He is quite confident that if they are to have physical conflict with Zotoady, this black haired [Human] will meet his end here.
“Please, don’t. I hate violence. Please just tell me where is Alinakin’s apprentice, you know the boy with a sword, the one used Sword style~*Rain*~. You must know him!” Zotoady says with a bit annoyance in his voice after seeing his one simple question keeps on getting unanswered or ignored.
“I do know him, an interesting human that I reincarnated into {Cuood}, you know things god do.” Arnold answers proudly, somewhat trying to show off to Zotoady and others.
“Hurrrr, I see so, where is he?” Zotoady says, asking his question for the third time ‘WHY THE HELL CAN’T ANYONE HERE ANSWER MY QUESTION WITH A STRAIGHT ANSWER.’
“[Five Finger Mountain].” Arnold finally replies.
“Got it! Thank you very much, Arnold is it? Thank you!” Zotoady says, while puts his left hand in front of his chest and bows slightly to Arnold’s white image.
“Bye guys, sorry for the intrusion.” Zotoady waves his hand to other four and prepares to take his leave.
“Wait a minute, we cannot just let you come and leave like this.” [Bloodline Thief] threatens coldly. Killing intentions can be seen emitting out of his body along with [Ewa] being assembled around his hands.
“Oh Emmm, so Err, Right, Sorry, I forgot to pay for the information. HERE” Zotoady says, throwing one white gems each to all other beings here, including Arnold.
In fear of those gems might be a trap, both the [Blood Thief] and the [Guardian] launches themselves backwards, creating a shield with their [Ewa] between them and the gems. The shields they created are less transparent and much thicker than the one Yadina’s [Second] used against Erhart. Comprehensibly, making them much stronger and protective. But to those two’s surprise as the gems land on the gtound, the white gems did not just go EXPLISION, instead they are just lying there like two normal gem stones would. On the other hand, Arnold and Tawva catches the white gems directly. One with his hand and the other with its claw, unthreatened by the fact the gems maybe traps.
“Level 1 Mana stone. Have fun with them,”
“YOU THINK WE ARE BEGGERS.” The Emperor of [Beasts] shouts angrily, thinking that Zotoady is trying to humiliate them, while shattering the gem instantly with its claw.
“Emmm, sorry but I don’t really have anything on me that is more valuable than those, I am poor” Zotoady apologises, looking all innocent. Before further can be said, a gigantic energy beam is already directed toward Zotoady. “No, No, nononono, where is it, crap, crap, crap.” Zotoady looks all over his pockets, finally finds the thing he is looking for-------a bottle of purple fluid.
He throws the glass of fluid onto the ground, as the fluid gradually comes out of the bottle, it expands out and forms a vortex. Without any hesitant Zotoady jumps straight into it. A second or two after he made his escape, the energy passes above his head changing all the nearby landscape along the way. Gradually as the beam disappears, it leaves nothing behind other than a huge cylinder shaped crater and a layer of scorched earth above it.
“ALINKAKIN’S APPRENTICE? WHERE ARE YOU? HELLO?! ANYONE HERE?” Zotoady walks alone, in who knows where inside of the [Five Finger Mountain]. The day is already dark and the forest is much creepier than it already is, trees seems to be moving and the whole forest looks alive. Wind bellows over the leaves and the branches, making a chilling sound that is similar to the cry of a hundred of strangling infants.
Soon with Zotoady’s arrival, [Beasts] also emerges out of their hiding, following Zotoady as he walks deeper and deeper into the forest looking for the best opportunity to take down their prey. Occasionally in the corner of his eye, Zotoady can see the glimmers those blood thirsty eyes. Suddenly Zotoady stops.
“Come out, guys,”
Wolf like [Beasts] of different shapes and sizes gradually walks out from their hidings, begins to circle around their newly found prey. Zotoady does not shown any signs of fear on his face, oppositely he put on a huge smile after seeing the [Beasts]. He takes out a few rainbow coloured crystals from the pockets around his belt. And throw them down onto the ground in front of him. In both surprise and confusion, the [Beasts] move closer and closer to those crystals, just like a puppy sees a bone. Soon one of the bigger [Beast] fall out of from the formation, picking up one of the crystals with its mouth and swallows it. Zotoady walks forward, petting the [Beast] lightly on the head, the [beast] did not seem in any way to be in any way angered by his action. Oppositely it lowers its upper body, closes its eyes, shaking its tail continuously and seemingly to be enjoying it.
“Good, Doggy.”
“Come on, other doggies there are still more here.” Waving his hand causally, signalling other [Beasts] to come to the crystals. ‘Why can’t people in this world be more like Tavellians and live peacefully with non-humanoid creatures. Such a shame, blessed with Magical Beasts, yet do not know how to use them’
“So, by any chance have any of you you seen a black-haired boy?”
“Emmm, what is your blood line.” Erhart asks bluntly.
“Human, Beast-ling, Demon.”
“I see, you have three [Bloodlines], that’s why your transformation looks wired.” Erhart says.
“Elf, Dwarf, Dragon, Sky walker.”
‘Wait, What? Six? Why not give me undead and fairy too then?’
‘Undead and Fairy.”
“Emmm, ten bloodlines, no wonder your [Ewa] is rainbow coloured.” Erhart comments.
“like, What’s [Ewa]?”
“Nothing, that’s what we [Human] uses to call the things that give you [Blood Awakening Abilities].”
“like, isn’t [Blood Awakening Abilities] just there? Like, what do you mean isn’t [Blood Awakening Abilities] once you tier up, you can just do?” immediately after the sentence, she says, “Like this? First Tier Blood Awakening Ability---Death Bolt.“
Normally in heat of a battle or any critical moments, any sane [Blood Awakening Ability] users will never say “xxx Tier Blood Awakening Ability --- blal bla balaaa.” To cast their abilities, not only most before they can even finish their sentence, they will have already been stabbed or shot by their opponent. And additionally, on a battle field shouting such fancy words is just like saying wearing orange jump suit may make you a stealthier ninja. Making one an immediate target for all the enemy fire powers. And if a [Blood Awakening Ability] user is to be skilled enough. They do not even have to say or do anything in order to activate their abilities.
[Ewa] begins to formulate around Yadina’s right hand, and soon with a light “pop” sound. A purple coloured energy bolt appears. The bolt is roughly in a ball shape, and most likely due to Yadina’s poor control over the ability and low [Ewa] capacity. The bolt only appeared for few seconds before vanishing.
“Normally [Death Bolt] can only be used by [Tier three] demons. But I have been using it ever since my [Demon Bloodline] [Awakened]” Yadina says proudly.
“How do you [Awaken]?”
“Easy way is to drink pure [Human]s’ blood.” Yadina pauses, she puts up a menacing face and licks her lips while looking at Erhart with a greedy look. Seeing Erhart once again reaches for his sword, she giggles.
“You really do remind me of someone. Why [Human] blood, isn’t it supposed to be weakest.”
“like, yes, but like it is also the most stable.”
“A really personal question.”
“Are you a boy or a girl!” Erhart blushes slightly, he asks, closing his eye and turns around.
“Wait? Did you just realise it now? WHAT ARE YOU DOING FRUIT KNIFE! YOU PERVERT!” Erhart pushes Yadina onto the ground, and rolls both of them into the nearest bush, lowering his head to the left side of Yadina’s neck. So close Yadina can even feel Erhart’s hot breath.
“Shssssss.” Erhart says, covering Yadina’s mouth and signalling her to be quiet. Slowly he rises his upper body, making as less movement in one time as possible. While unsheathing his sword.
“HELLO?” a black haired young man greets, while stepping out of from the trees, into Erhart’s campsite. Follows by a group of Wolf like [Beasts] that looks similar to the ones Erhart fought when he first enters the [Five Finger Mountain].
The young man’s long jet black hair covers most of his face including his eyes. Erhart cannot sense any presence coming from him at all. No Qi, no [Ewa], nothing at all. But it did not make Erhart in anyway less scared of the man as to Erhart this black-haired man is basically not there.
When he sensed something is coming, he only senses the [Beasts]’s Qi, as for the man he is invisible to Erhart’s sensing abilities. Erhart remembers his master telling him, ‘All Living beings have Qi.’ ‘How can this man do not? Is he an [Undead] or something.”
“Oh, why are you hiding in the bushes?” Zotoady asks curiously.
“How did you see us?”
“Because I am not blind?” Zotoady replies.
Erhart climbs up, and moves out of the bush where he is hiding in. He directs the sharp point of his blade toward Zotoady and prepares to use “Sword Aura”, if time comes to push.
“Do you know Durandal Alinakin?” Zotoady did not bother with any small talks, he asks the question he have been wishing to ask for a long time.
“You are lying, please answer it.” Zotoady begs. Erhart opens his mouth and closes it again, intentionally gazes upwards and looks back at Yadina. Corner of Zotoady’s mouth rises slightly upwards, he grins lightly. From his belt Zotoady pulls out a flask that is seemingly empty. But once looks closer, one can see inside the flask contain a molten glass like, see through liquid. Zotoady smashes the flask onto the ground. The liquid begins to expand; A cubic room is created, covering the nearby areas including Zotoady and Erhart. Inside the room Erhart feels wired, he feels that the Qi inside of his body and the Qi around him are put into a pause, no matter how hard he tries to move it, his Qi is just not moving.
“So can we talk now.” Zotoady says, lowering himself onto the ground. “in this domain not even members of the Realm of Legend can spy on us. Not to say your lady friend out there, aren’t you a bit too young for those kinds of things. Actually, I take back what I said, your soul’s age is already 25 Earth year’s old. So you are just into little girls. I see…..” putting up an awkward face, slightly disgusted.
“It was an accident. Who are you anyway? How do you know about my true age?” Erhart is too far surprised to be embarrassed by Zotoady’s comment. He did not bother to argue with this mysterious black haired young man too much, inside of his head, there are so many questions unanswered.
“My name is Zotoady. As for why can I see your age, well ask Alinakin for the reason.”
“Who is my master to you anyway. How did you know him?”
“He is one of my student’s best friend.”
“Is that it?” Erhart says, he will not be that surprised if Zotoady are to tell him Alinakin comes from other planets or from another world, as many things he learned from his master is quite in some ways unhuman and unscientific, far beyond the normal people’s understanding of this world. Things that can be only seen in Fantasy Stories, Movies and TV shows.
“Do you know who your father and mother is?”
“No, I am an orphan.”
“LAUGH MY ASS OFF? YOU THINK YOU ARE AN ORPAN?! WHAT? HOW?” Zotoady shouts, soon Zotoady realises he is a bit overly excited. He coughs and forces himself back to his normal tone, “Who told you that.”
“Aunt Taissa?”
“HAHAHAAH! Taissa?! Aunt, at least you got that part right!? How is she?”
“Fine, well at least before I died, do you know her?”
“Yes, of cause, I know her.” Zotoady replies, laying onto the floor and looks up on to the ceiling.
“Then, are you also a person from my world?”
“No. I don’t even know which world you came from. So Alinakin is not in this world then…” Zotoady sounds a bit disappointed.
“Ohhhhhh, no wonder you are exact 25 Earth year old! {Cuood}’s one year is same as Earth’s one year if I remember clearly.” Zotoady sits up straight and makes a fist with his right hand, and a flat palm with his left, hammering them together.
“Can you sent me home!”
“Why should I?”
“What?! Aren’t you my master’s BEST friend’s master” Erhart says, especially emphasising the word “Best”.
“Yah but why should I help you even if you are my best friend’s student.”
“Wuuu~, is it because that you cannot do it! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE POWER TO SENT ME HOME!” Erhart says with a scornful tone, attempting to taunt Zotoady.
“Hee,” Zotoady lightly grins, takes out a flask of purple flux and throws it to the nearest wall, a familiar image of a city appears before Erhart’s eye, the roads, the sky-high buildings, the people, the cars, everything gradually all enters Erhart’s view, he is stunned. At first he thought it is just an image, but soon when the sound begins to echo out of the flux, when he smells the gasoline filled air of his old world his heart begins pounding, so close yet so far. Zotoady walks in into the flux and walks out, he walks in and walks out. Dancing around, sticking out his tongue. Inside Erhart’s heart hatred and anger begins to emerge, brewing stronger and stronger. Erhart really wish that he can go across and punch this bastard in the face, not before he realises that he cannot even move, due to some unknown reason.
Zotoady’s faint grain also begins to change into somewhat horrid. He crosses his legs and lower himself onto the floor, while Zotoady just like a puppet, unable to control his body also forces into doing the same.
“Let us talk about you.”
- In Serial63 Chapters
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Athshin, the Western Continent, is often called a dying land. it is a wasteland of rocks, dust, and ruins. The people there cling to the past as they tell stories of the old empire and fantasize of how it could be revived. But not all who seek to restore Athshin have the purest methods in mind. It is in this land that five travelers, strangers to eachother and Athshin itself, find themselves lost and stripped of their belongings. Although they initially unite under the common goal of survival, they slowly find themselves uncovering a tangled web of zealotry and deception that could endanger the soul of the Western Continent. This is a high fantasy story set in a land inspired by the folklore and cultures of Central and South America. There will be four POV characters that will be switched between as needed. Expect new chapters on the weekend. Thank you for your time.
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I was reincarnated into a yandere otome game as a side character
Synopsis: Shiki Morgan was a man that was known for having terrible luck his entire life, at the age of six he lost his mother to a horrible accident, then one year later his father abandoned him due to his depression, because of this he was forced to move in with his aunt and uncle, but his cousin didn't make his life any easier, if anything because of her he got in a freak accident that made him lost his legs, because of this he was forced to leash off his aunt and uncle, and since the freak accident he has completely given up on society as he spends the next 16 years lock-up in his room playing nothing but Otome games. One day he suddenly die in yet another freak accident, and because he was helpless, and no one bothered to save him he fell into despair, and in that depressive state he loath the fact that he couldn't live a normal life, for once all he wants was to be happy. Those were his last words during his death, but he knew he was foolish to wish for such an impossible future, but right after he died something miraculous happen, in his sinking misery he heard the voice of a woman play in his head. "The conditions have been met, darling, I now have say over your existence, now by the power and authority of the witch of guarantee I Bridget the first which among all other witches, shall now grant you three wishes with all the negative karma you have accumulated over your life, please state what you desire and I shall guarantee that it so." [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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