《Perfect Blood》So It is not a Car accident?


“So how did you die?”

“Gas poisoning?” A young teen replies without giving further detail. He is average looking with black hair and dark brown eyes, He is taller than most people of the same age as him, but is also thinner than most. Many people’s first impression of him may well feel as if he is suffering malnutrition, but once they saw him on the dinner table every day. They may easily felt as if the world is unfair on the field of people gaining weight.

“So it is not a car accident?”


“Thank God! You are the first one here that did not die of a car accident.” The 3D image of a white coloured humanoid creature is projected in front of the boy. The creature is covered in white light and has no human like features other than its shape. With its sudden appearance, it did shock the teen a bit. But somehow the teen knows that the creature has been the person or thing talking to him.

“Name?” the image asks.

“Oh! Sorry, Erhart, Erhart Rain.” Erhart pulls himself out of his deep thoughts and recovers from the shock. While even after answering the question. He still looks at the image curiously. But he is not scared as he does not feel any harmful intentions coming to his way at all from the image. And even if there is any, He does not even care anymore as he knows he is already dead.

“I first wish to apologise for that I cannot tell you who I am, but what I can do is to give you a chance to live a new and how to put it, ‘interesting’ life.”

“Can I die?”


“So you are not giving me a chance, you are forcing a new life upon me. Is that it.”


“What is the difference?”

“Pretend you never heard that.”

“Ok, Just as I said before, I will give you a new life, Erhart! But, well, you see there is a problem. That I ran out of bodies with [Perfect Blood]”

“What is [Perfect Blood]?”

“Well you see, unlike the word where you came from your new life will start in a world called {Cuood}, a place where one’s blood line decides one’s status in life and the power they can wield.”


“So unlike the other three in which will be reborn into body with [Perfect Blood] the mix of the three of the strongest combat bloodlines of Dragon, Demon and Divine Warrior. You can only choose a body with one blood line to reborn into” without waiting for further replies, the image rumbles on.

“Dragon, if you want to have the power over flame and blood;

Demon, if you want to have the power over shadow and curse;

Divine warrior, if you want a mix bloodline of fairy and sky walker having power over light and wind;

So, which one would it be?”

“Err, well”

“I see so you are still not satisfied with those choices. How about some ancient bloodlines?

Spirit of Abyss has the blood that controls dimensions;

Citizen of the forest has the blood that controls plants;

Silver scaled serpent has the blood that controls ice;


“well what I wanted to say is that….” before Erhart can finish, he is interrupted again.

“you are still not satisfied with all those choices? What do you want!”

“First, I wish to thank you for the choices you are willing to give to me, a cocky idiot who killed himself in a science lab.” Erhart says while bowing to the image, showing his respect. Then he adds “but, despite that I have no idea what you have said for the past few minutes, but from my understanding compare to becoming something non-human. I still wish to be myself, so the blood line I choose will be [Human].”


“Poor Choice!!!!YOU IDIO..” before the white image can finish. Erhart experience a sudden and unexplainable feeling as if the time and space near him is collapsing, the dimension around him is shattering into pieces and merging into one single vortex. Before he knew it, he has already been sucked into the eternal darkness.

But to his surprise, despite that he cannot feel and sense anything anymore. He is still able to retain his consciousness. Deep inside his mind the white image is still able to communicate with him, ” YOU IDIOT! WHY! Why did you choose [Human]! Pure [Human] Blood! The weakest bloodline of all time! With no [Blood Awakening Abilities] What so ever? Do you know how much effort it takes to just drag your [Spirit] into this world? And YOU JUST WASTED IT!” from the image’s voice, Erhart can hear that unlike before the white image is now furious, as if that his long-term master plan has just been interrupted. “Why can I feel all these things?” Erhart thinks to himself, just like before he felt the white image had no killing intent towards him, now he felt the similar thing, as if he can actually read what others are thinkings and feeling from just their voices. He had never been so sensitive to others emotion in his past life, why can he feel it now?

“Change this World!” The white image says, “Despite that you are an idiot and will definitely not able to perform the same task of the same level as the other three form your world. But I will still give you this task as the price of your new life. Change and protect {Cuood} for me! Please!”

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