《243 Wanderers》Chapter 8


On the next morning, for the first time after we arrived at Exceed, we had our day off. Some of us were spending their time lamenting on the dead, more precisely 4 dead students, some were feeling sorry for themselves. Others were in a high motivation to keep their mind busy, either by strolling at the town or searching for the other 3 missing students: Tadano, Kaiba and Haru.

After hearing the details, although varied from one person to the another but it seemed after they almost arrived at the safe room, more precisely, on the sector 15-J, the area with a huge bridge made of stone. It was about a hundred metres in length. The width of the bridge was about ten meter, it didn't have handrails and the edge was rounded. The ceiling on that area was higher than the others, about twenty meters tall. And supposedly, there was another floor below them, but there was no sign of life underneath the bridge, there was only a bottomless abyss, almost felt like everything under the bridge got cut off into another dimension. If one fell, there would be nothing to grab on to, and one would probably feel like falling into the hell.

Three groups were accidentally meeting right in the middle of the bridge. On both sides of the bridge, they could see a door that led to the safe room. After confirming it, they walked toward the said room with a happy expression.

However, everything changed when in the blink of an eye, several magic circles spread throughout the whole room, and it gradually became brighter and merrier. Magic Beasts emerged from the numerous magic circles that appeared on both sides of the bridge.

On their front, a large amount of armoured skeleton stood in a battle-ready pose, their weapon held high as cold blue light shone in their eye sockets.

On the other side, two Magic Beast appeared on one side of the passage, what at first appeared to be a simple huge uninteresting skeleton suddenly turned out to be a Lich, a gaunt and ghoulish figure with skin inscribed with faintly glowing runes. The other one was Banshee, a beautiful, ghostly woman glided through the air, her long hair flowing around a face knotted into a mask of rage.

And the rest was they were trying to save themselves, and somehow, Shishio and Tadano were playing a big part in their escape plan.

Then again, I wasn't interested in their escape stories.

But to tell the truth... there was a high chance for one of the missing person to be the spy.

Starting from Tadano, I believed he there was a high chance he wasn't the spy. First of all, we were spending most of our time in the library, not to mention the bullies knew him from before we got teleported. Then again, maybe because of the bully itself he decided to betray us.

As for Kaiba, a boy with brown hair, sharp gaze and foul mouth. I didn't know much about him, in fact, I never heard of his name until now. But from the gathered data, it seemed he had some friends back on earth, so it unlikely for him to be the spy from Exceed. Though, his affinity was Space and Soul, the perfect combination for using summoning magic.

Last was Haru. She had chin-length curly light auburn hair and brown eyes. She had a height around 160cm or less. Others said she was generally very shy and reserved. Almost viewed as eccentric due to her tendency to keep to herself and avoided contact with others as much as possible. Her affinity was Power and Mind.


With a deep long sigh, after spreading it this way, the three of them had the equal chance to be the spy. Either it was revenge, circumstantial power, and lack of alibi. But if I had to say, the most suspicious one would be Haru.

Or this was all just a simple accident, either way, once I saw the crime scene, I should've gathered more information.

In the end, I and several other students, knights and some help from the adventurers, were heading to the crime scene.


Cracks appeared on the bridge, almost felt like this bridge would crumble anytime soon. Near the entrance of the safe room, a big hole was created on the bridge and several holes on the wall. The soil near the hole was soft, but the hole itself was rough, almost felt like it was crumbling because it couldn't sustain the weight. Meanwhile, the holes on the wall were a perfect, smooth and clean circle.

...I guessed I knew what was happening.

Most likely, the only one who had enough talent and firepower to create that many perfect holes were Shishio. In the meantime, Tadano affinity was Power, and his skill was Mineral Refining, either by increasing the density of mineral or decreasing the density.

And most likely, he created a hole to trap one of the Magic Beasts away, but somehow he and maybe with the other two were getting stuck in the aftermath.

"A bad luck? No..." I muttered all by myself.

I was curious about the small black spot near the corner of the hole, quite ordinary and small, not even bigger than my thumb. With a smaller below the section and a larger one on the side, almost making a cone shape.

If there was enough fire to leave a permanent mark on the stone, most likely it would be a strong spell. But why wouldn't such a strong spell only leave a small burn mark?

I took some steps near the hole just to observe the direction of the burn mark and look another black spot. I couldn't find something similar.

"I see..."

Despite his efforts, there was no way Tadano could create a hole this big, he just simply didn't have enough firepower to do that.

The most likely scenario: he was using Mineral Refining to weaken the bridge, planning to make it weak enough so that the Lich couldn't chase after them. But apparently, someone was misfiring their attack in panic. And the attack itself had enough firepower to destroy the bridge.

Considering the angle and the holes on the wall, Shishio most likely fought on the air. So he was out of the question.

And compared to the one at my back, there wasn't any other burn spot, chipped stone, or any sign of other attacks near the hole.

"Ah, I think I get it." I spoke to myself.

After he weakening the ground, most likely just before he wanted to escape, a big strong spell was landed on his location. With the already cracked bridge, and the point of attack as the epicentre, terrifying cracks began to spread further, and finally... the bridge collapsed.

The Lich must have desperately used anything to get away from that spot, however, its action was worsening the bridge. And in the end, the Lich fell into the bottomless abyss, along with Tadano and most likely bringing the other two with it.

As I thought before, there was a high chance this happened because someone accidentally firing their spells toward this place. But this didn't close the possibility of someone intentionally did this either.


(Ah... if that is the case, so someone in the student's group or the knight's group is the culprit? most likely, he/she thinks the plan won't work and decided to use the slightest opportunity to end this battle, including sacrificing the others.)

I wouldn't say the culprit did the wrong thing. In my honest opinion, if I was in their position, I would've done the same thing.

After spending some time, the investigation was finished and the feeling of anxiousness arose. One of the adventurers, whom well known as the most famous treasure hunter, couldn't find any trace of trap or someone was setting the traps.

Either way, in my conclusion: The culprit who launched the spell, and the one who summoned the magic beasts were two different people.

In the end, we left the Catacomb after reinforcing the bridge with magic and another foundation.

When we returned back to the inn, I discovered an old man with glamorous robe, sitting at a desk and drinking the tea.

"Archbishop Lambda!" Shouted the knights as they gave him a salute.

"What makes milord coming to this city?" Asked the 2nd person in command.

Lambda's face moved a little too slowly. "Ah... I've heard about the news. It is such a shame, losing 4 chosen ones and the other great knights. I thought I must be the one who prepared their funeral prayer and ceremony."

A grin spread over Lambda's face, wide and open, showing his over-whitened teeth. At that moment his motives were laid bare; he wasn't doing this out of concern or regret. As he continued to speak, I could feel the room temperature fell with each cold words coming out from his mouth.

(Watch this, only Archbishop could give the funeral for the fallen chosen ones. I will make this the greatest funeral ever.) If this was a manga, I bet such a dialogue box would appear on the top of his head.

"We will gladly accept that. But, forgive me, Milord, rather than a funeral. But for now, I believe we need to search for the other missing person."

"Don't worry, this wouldn't take long." Said Lambda. "And just take a look at them. What they need right now is a way to let their grief off, the assurance that the fallen ones would be accepted by Them."

On the very next day.

Everything should be as grey and foggy as my emotions, it should be cold and damp with silent air. But today wasn't the day. The sun shone brilliantly and the virescent colour of the spring day under its glare was offensively bright and cheerful. It was as if the gods conspired to show how the world would go on without them.

Even though the official mourning hadn't yet begun and already I was tired of it.

The funeral service was slower than a country bus, taking just as many detours.

If this was the way they did a funeral in Exceed, I rather had my body getting eaten by a rat. This funeral was the very definitive of thing for the blue blood. The singer and choir sang an unfamiliar hymn to sing, they might be good, but the song clearly wasn't for us. Whoever arranged this funeral just wanted this to be grandiose. The nobles didn't care, sentimentality was a luxury they knew to ignore. They sipped the wine and lost in thoughts of how splendid the flowers and casket would be.

"Indeed... this is sad, how many lives would've gone because of the demons?..." Lamda's speech was almost as long as 10 headmaster doing the same speech over and over again.

"Is there someone who wanted to bid their last farewell?" Said Lambda as soon as he thought he already satisfying the guest.

"I do."

I'd always seen Shishio ruffled, but today was the exception. His voice had a husky drawl and every step he took was in slow motion compared to almost anyone else I knew, by halfway through he was swaying on his feet. But his face was as passive as it would be. That wasn't the way Shishio was, born full of spirit, now calm.

After some hesitation on the top of the podium, he took a deep breath and started to speak.

"I remember Rei's grin when she saw not just the furniture and kitchenware and pictures on the palace. I remember how Ishida made a smile when he was talking about the Doraemon-shaped stain on the inn's bathroom wall. I remember how Megumi's looked when she was eating the food for the first time, and no matter how many times she ate it, she always had the same satisfied expression. I remember Hanamichi's proud face when he, for the first time wore his black robe. His robe, still hanging behind a door because no one could bear to throw it out."

With each breeze of wind, he shouted the name of the fallen ones, the name whom his heart still ached for.

"And that's why... I couldn't imagine how we could continue in their absence."

Struggling to hold back the grief, tears flow steadily, silently down on his immobile face, his soul unwilling to acknowledge the finality of their death.

"But, I believe their spirit, their many ghosts, might stealthily helping us." He said.

For the first time in a while, he raised his head and gritted his teeth. "And that's why... that's why I promise to get strong! I'll end this war, once and for all! And I'll bring everybody back! Even if I must drag your body with me!"

Amazement didn't quite cover it. The smile and the clap the nobles showed on the outside couldn't adequately hide what they feel inside; A hero, a perfect soldier had been born.


Azusa's hand cracked across Shishio's face, snapping it back with the force of her blow and causing his head to reel sickeningly as he staggered backwards until he slammed into the wall behind him. It had been an open-handed smack and it had left a red welt behind.

"...Are you a fool?" Said Azusa. "Do you know what you've just done?!"

Her words packed the real punch. It was Carefully spoken, without drama, her words had an air of finality to him.

"Yes, I do." But no matter how hard she railed against him, nothing would change Shishio's mind.

Indeed, what Shishio meant back then was a declaration of war. Rather than a duty, now the whole thing with the Demon race was a personal matter to him.

The real problem was... there were many of us who didn't want to do this anymore. But Shishio's words clearly blocked their way to get out of this war.

On the other side, there were many of us who believed Shishio did the right thing, and the only way to get back was by winning the war.

"Then, for those who don't want this, feel free to wait at this inn. I will not force you to join me. But, just trust me, once the war is over, I'll bring everyone back to the Earth." Said Shishio.

When Shishio opened his mouth, Azusa's eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. "That isn't the case you fool! Do you realize now people will put their hope on us?"

...I wondered how people said Azusa was an Ice Queen, if i had to say, she was the Flame Queen.

"Then you don't need to fulfil their hope, we alone are enough." Said Shishio.

The could stand with hard staring eyes that never blinked all night long. They could squabble over anything right now.

Exhaling a deep breath... to tell the truth, I didn't care about what they wanted, today was very tiring, the nobles, the whole ceremony, putting up with their emotion, cautiously looking for the spy, gathering the information.

Raising my hand. "...I think Shishio is right."

Some were looking at with questioning gaze, but some were looking at me with a serious look.

Hearing this, Azusa faced me with her reddening face. "There's no way killing is the right answer!" Said Azusa.

"I don't like that idea either, but we have to do this! And I have prepared myself for the consequence." Said Shishio.

"...But, if we don't listen to them, we will be homeless, you know?"

My comment was so wrong and so out of place, so far, they just stared at me with open mouth. Their brain formulated no thoughts other than to register that they were confused.

"What? Are you guys never thought about it? Who do you think pay for this inn? Your weapons? Your food? Duh, it was the kingdom. We have all of this because they think we will help them finish their war."

Azusa was raising her eyebrow. This was unexpected. This was way too unexpected. Such a thought clearly showed on her face. She gazed intently at my face without intending to. And just as she opened her mouth.

"For those who don't want to take a part in a war, how do you think you will live? Do you even know how money works in this world? Heck... in fact, do any of you have money?"

"And for those who want to do war, especially you, Shishio, how do you so sure the Demon race is the one who did that? Because of what Lambda said? Even if that's true, do you know just how powerful is the enemy? What’s the war potential on the human side? Don't tell me you're planning to join a war without knowing whether or not we can win?"

I never actually cared about what people thought of me, whether it was positive or negative. And this time I didn't care if they didn't listen at all... What I and we, needed right now was less shouting and more resting. "...Listen, I have a proposal. It might be not perfect, but I'll tell you after we get some rest."


I’d seen nothing but the empty darkness, heard nothing but the falling water. I stood in the pitch black, desperate to run away, run anywhere, but was frozen in place until I saw the light... and heard a song.

"Gaab uh pmehgehk aoac~ Ys E nasaspanat po fryd, po frus~?" (Keep on blinking eyes~ Am I remembered by what, by whom~?)

"Rss? Yr! Ed'c oui! Tet oui rayn so cehkehk?" (Hmm? Ah! It's you! Did you hear my singing?)

I never had a hard time to read someone expression, but the young-looking girl expression indicated that she was in an extreme happiness. Not because I saw or read her expression, but I'd just known her emotion... and she seemed to know me?

"E's cu aqledat dryd oui yna lusehk cu cuuh! Cu, tu oui fyhhy mecdah du so cuhk? Iss... Pid hud zicd oad! So vimm cuhk lyh pa raynt mydan! Pid Ev oui cdemm fyhd du mecdah... E femm cehk ouin vyjuineda cuhk!"

(I'm so excited that you are coming so soon! So, do you wanna listen to my song? Umm... But not just yet! My full song can be heard later! But If you still want to listen... I will sing your favourite song!)

The girl tenderly clung to me with a smile. I could feel her body temperature and the beat from her heartbeat seemed strangely realistic. No... the beat and warmth I felt from the girl in front of me telling me that this wasn't a dream.

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