《243 Wanderers》Chapter 1


I awoke with a start. Blinking the twinkling, swirling pattern of stars and colours out of my eyelids and took a deep breath.

“ What happened. . . ” I muttered.

Hearing my own voice confirmed that I was indeed awake. But I couldn’t relax until I knew for sure. “ Is this a dream? ”

I looked around the room, just a few moments ago I was sure I was sitting in the gym, attending the school entrance ceremony.

But. . . right now, the wooden podium had been turned into a giant glass mural. The mural was about twenty meter in width, depicting six androgynous people. The background portrayed the grassy plains, lakes and mountains. It was a beautiful mural, an amazing mural.

The wooden floor. . . had turned into a cold and hard and white floor. I assumed the whole room was made out of marble. The whole room was emitting a beautiful luster. The room was constructed by laying glossy white stones on top of one another, supported by huge pillars with delicate designs, and the ceiling was in a dome shape. The whole place naturally looked like a cathedral and had a very solemn atmosphere.

I looked around and could only see my future classmates with the same dumbfounded expression as me. Apparently, all the people that were attending the entrance ceremony at that time were caught in this situation.

And rather than the teacher, I found there were at least thirty figure with a white robe, that was embroidered with gold, and they had a staff right next to them. The tip of the staves spread out like a fan, and several pieces of rings and feathers hung on top of it; they were kneeling with both hands crossed in front of their chest as if they were praying.

From among the white-robed group, a fragile looking old man around the age of 70 with an attire more luxurious compared to the rest of his friend stepped forward. He wore a 30 cm tall pointy wizard hat, that looked silly if I must comment. However, unlike the silly looking hat, that old man had a domineering aura around him, looking at the wrinkles on his face, as well as his sophisticated eyes.

" Welcome to Exceed, the chosen one and his companion. We were expecting your arrival. I am the currently appointed archpriest of the Six, you may address me as Lambda. No need to exchange conventional greetings with me and let's head to the banquet for now. " The old man spoke to us with a clear and calming voice that was fitting of his appearance.

Maybe it was because our minds were still unable to keep up with reality or comprehend what was going on. But no one caused much disturbance as all the 243 first-year students were guided by the white-robed people to the banquet hall.

We had passed several great halls that, if I had to say was bigger than your usual house. After walking through the endless corridor, we arrived.at the huge, oak door. Lambda raised his thin fist and knocked three times on the pair of an oaken door.


The door swung open at once and this hall was just as gorgeous as the rest, no. . . this hall was better, even an amateur like me could understand. The marble walls were well decorated by the furniture, the murals, the decorative paintings, and the windows that reached high to the ceiling and the ceiling itself was too high to make out. Sure enough, everything here was the artisan’s supreme masterpiece.

Six long tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets. Dozen variety of dishes were piled with food. I had never seen so many things to eat on one table: roasted, grilled, fried and boiled beef, chicken, pork chops, lamb chops and potatoes, sausages, bacon and steak, peas, vegetables, gravy, ketchup, blocks of ice cream in every flavor you could think of, apple pies, fruit tarts, chocolate eclairs and jam doughnuts, trifle, strawberries, puddings and, the most fascinating of them all, the cartoon meat and rainbow coloured mushrooms.

At the front of the hall was another long table where several adults were sitting. The dozen of faces staring at us as if we were the newly arrived exotic animals at the zoo.

And with amazing timing, Lambda started his explanation after confirming that everyone had taken their sit.

“Ah. . . I’m sure you are all confused. Then, let me explain the situation first, I ask everyone to listen to everything I had to say until the end. ”

The words that came out of Lambda after that almost felt like he was some kind of actor rehearsing for his role in fantasy play. But to put it briefly, first, this world was called Exceed. After that, Exceed was more or less divided into two major power. Humans and Demons. The Humans ruled over the central continent and the Demons ruled over the southern and northern continent. While several other races lived quietly in the wilderness or assimilated with Humans and Demons.

And the two major had been gone through a war for several centuries. The Demons were superior in powers compared to the Humans, but what Humans lack in power they made up with their numbers to match the power of each individual Demons possessed. Both sides had been engaged in a large-scale war over the past few decades, but something abnormal had been taking place recently. It was the coordinated attack of the Demons and the Magic Beasts.

Magic Beasts were believed to be existences that transformed from wild animals after absorbing magic substance into their body. It was unknown whether they could be classified as a living creature or not. However, each and every one of them could use powerful unique magic, these creatures are strong and ferocious.

Until now, they were always relying on their instinct, and the people that can actually tame them are almost nonexistent. Even if they could be tamed, the tamer could only control one or two at most and it took a long process of time and training.

But this rule was no longer valid. Now the Humans didn't have the advantage in numbers or in other words, the Human race was now facing a crisis.


Perhaps 'The Six' had already noticed if this continued, the Humans would face extinction. And they summoned us to prevent this outcome. And they wanted us to defeat the Demons with the special skills only bestowed upon the people from Earth so that we could save this world.

And following what Lambda said, a girl with glossy black hair that reached her waist, white, unblemished skin, almond-shaped eyes, and a face that was so perfect that it would make anyone gulp. Stood from her chair and spoke with intense tone.

"This is nonsense. In the end, you just want us to participate in a war. And what you are doing now is merely kidnapping! Just let us go back immediately!"

However, the reply from Lambda instantly froze her.

“I understand your feeling. However. . . It is impossible for you to return now.”

Silence filled the halls. It was as if we ourselves had forgotten how to move our tongue. Everyone only stared at Lambda with a questioning expression.

"What did you just say? If you can 'summon' us, you should be able to send us back!?” Said the girl.

“As I said earlier, we, humans do not have the ability to use magic that interferes with another world. But, with the help and permission from 'The Six' we could do that. moreover, each and every one of you are the chosen ones, with the special skills only bestowed upon the people of your world. And once you have vanquished the demons, the path to your original world will be revealed.”

“T-that is. . .”

Perhaps it was because of the girl action or because she spoke as if she didn't believe at Lambda's words. I could feel there was a hint of contempt behind that calm expression. Lambda himself was probably thinking how dare she questioned 'The Six' words. . . or if I must say, his words.

And like a domino, soon after, the students in the surrounding also started to make a ruckus.

“No way!? Is that the only way!?”

"T-this must be a TV show prank, right!?"

“No! let me return!”

“Don’t even joke about the war! What the hell!”

“What, what, what's going on. . .”

The students started to panic. Lambda and the others on the other side didn't even have the slightest intention to open his mouth to calm them down.

When everyone was still panicking, one guy stood up and slammed the table. At the same time, the students were astonished by the sound, and fixed their gaze on the said guy. When he confirmed that he had everyone’s attention, he started to talk.

“Everyone, it is meaningless to make so much ruckus right now. I-I think it is a better decision to listen to them. It is a fact that the humans of this world are facing a crisis. Ignoring their pleas for help after listening to all of this, can you still call yourself a human? Moreover, as Lambda said, our best chance to go back is helping them to defeat the demon, isn't that right? W-what I mean is I’ll fight. We will save the people, and then we can all go home. Regardless of the world or everyone here, it just wrong to ignore another human!” He clenched his fist tightly as he made his declaration while pointlessly exposing his shiny teeth.

At first, I thought there was no way a bunch of random students, who barely knew each other personality would listen to his words. But, his charismatic leadership finally took effect. The students who had given up all hope earlier gradually regained their calmness and vigour. They were looking at him with sparkling eyes, that was the expression one would reveal when they found hope in despair.

“Man, if you put it that way, I feel bad to ignore them."

"And we all have special powers right? There's no way I'm going to miss this opportunity!"

“You are not the only one here. . . I’ll fight too.”

“U-um, I’ll also try my best!”

After that, the rest of the classmates also expressed their approval and went with the flow.

But as the result, "What do you mean by fighting?!" Shouted the girl from before.

The entire student body had been splitting in half, one that wanted to participate in the war and one who didn't want. Perhaps the one who wanted did not truly understand what it meant to go to war. Perhaps it was a sudden impulse, the means to escape from reality or perhaps it was due to their strong sense of justice.

And while thinking these kind of things, I accidentally looking at Lambda and saw him expose a very satisfied grin on his face.

I realized how Lambda and the others were secretly observing both of the charismatic boy and the protesting girl while explaining further circumstances. He prognosticated what kind of action he should take. When he talked about the tragedy and the cruelty, he specifically emphasized the cruelty of the Demons. Perhaps Lambda could already tell who had the most influence in this group.

But, if there were the people I should be careful with. I would add everyone in the front podium as someone to be careful of in his head.

I never experienced a war nor did I have the knowledge about it. . . but just how powerful was each individual demon? What was the war potential on the human side? How much was the enemy numbers? Would we get a prize? What about our insurance and safety? Wasn't this building looking too good for a country in war? What was the deal with their glorious clothes and magnificent jewellery on the fingers? Was this world really at war?

Such a thought kept resonated inside of my head and by the time I realized it, the meeting was over.

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