《Real Fake World》16 Despicable Elves


Christopher woke up in the most absurd of ways, as moans of pleasure came from above him and he could feel two soft pieces of flesh touching his body.

He felt strangely comfortable with it, but at the same time weirdly disturbed, while opening his eyes wide he saw Tris' naked breasts jumping up and down as she moved her hips wildly making erotic moans.

Christopher at the time was both disoriented and lost in thought, on one side he was a man, but on the other he was already in love with another woman, this act felt like an act of betrayal in his heart, even if it's was not in his desire to have intercourse with the woman before, or better above him.

"Why's it shrinking?"

Tris asked suddenly, but with her pretty eyes she noticed that Christopher was now awake.

"Master, you are finaly awake, let your slave Tris help you grow bigger"

She said as she dismounted, of course for a 16 years old conservative person, Christopher had zero experience with love and even porn at the time, after all he came from a rather conservative family with 4 brothers and sisters, and there was no internet search browsers at the time, as for the TV, pornographic material was only aired around 4am after midnight, do you expect someone whom woke up at 8am to stay till 4am to look at something that he didn't even care about at the time.

Christopher felt a strange tender touch on his member, he wanted to stand up and stop Tris, but his body was weak from not eating enough and not moving around, he had stayed in bed for a whole month now.

"Tris please, just stop"

He said, his mind running on sad thoughts of betrayal even the touch of her tongue on his tip couldn't invigorate the dying flame inside.

"Master, I know about Alexxa, how about you imagine that I am her, I don't care if you love me or not, I also know that at some point you will leave this world, so please let it be that in this world you will only be mine"

Tris said, not giving him a single step back, he didn't even know what to say to her anymore.

"Then lets take it easy, first of all, how much do you know about me?"

Christopher asked, his words making Tris to drop her hold on his member and beginning to speak, of course she knew everything that Vadima had told her, but in general it was a rather small amount of information, since all she knew was that he was stuborn, willful and had some strange fetish of threating women as a weaker species than men, that's all she had on him.

"Well lets delay this for some time and sit at quietly and talk"

He said as he with difficulty rose from his bed, without Tris riding him it was somewhat possible.

"If master tries to abandons me, I will kill myself!"

She said as she stood up, her breasts jiggling as she moved around.

Christopher looked around, but couldn't recognize his surroundings, his original room was rather plain and empty, since he liked simplicity, but the room he was in now had a huge soft bed, luxurious furniture and multiple pillows, making him believe he was in Tris' room.

Of course he had a few problems with that, since he was not exactly comfortable with nudity like Tris whom didn't really shy as she sat next to him by the bed.

"Tris, how long have I been asleep?"


Christopher asked somewhat curious and somewhat regretful for his prior action of ingesting the altelixirs.

"Around a month"

She answered plainly and shortly.

"And how long has this intercourse been going on while I was sleeping?"

Christopher asked, this time somewhat irritated.

"Around a month?"

This time her answer was somewhat hectic, but to her reply Christopher's jaw dropped wide, did this mean that for an entire month he had already been violated, it would also be a surprise if this woman was not already pregnant with his child.

In truth he wanted to stand up and shout at her, but both his weakened state and the fact that pregnant women shouldn't undergo stressful situations held him back.

"You shouldn't worry, about me, but we better see a doctor and check if you are pregnant or not"

Christopher of course had no idea about pregnancy tests in the real world and the sorts, but seeing a doctor wouldn't be a bad thing.

Of course his thinking was flawed, since because of stress he had omited that he was in a different world.

"What's pregnancy?"

Tris asked rather curiously, 'was it some sort of decease?', she thought as she tried to figure it out.

"Well how do women birth children?"

Christopher asked, since he had already remembered that he was in another world and some words couldn't be translated.

"Well we wait till we fall asleep and then are asked if we want to have a baby, we select its sex and the next day a baby appears next to the couple"

Tris said, making Christopher shocked beyond belief.

Of course it wasn't bad that there was no labors and pain involved, but it still felt somewhat fake, as if the child wasn't even theirs sort of feeling.

"Then how many babies, till now..."

Christopher was rather shy to ask this question, since he might already have a whole family in his one month of being out of it.

To his answer Tris begun laughing to tears, to her it was as if she was seeing a small child asking if the world was round or something.

Of course Christopher didn't feel good about being laughed at, but what could he do, he was already bound to marry her, since they had intercourse and all.

"Sorry for that, It's just, that I, I was really taken by surprise, I didn't know you wanted to have kids so badly, after all we aren't even married yet"

She said while trying to calm herself down. Well that was one worry down for Christopher, but it also gave him a rather strange headache, after all where the heck would they find a church to marry in this strange world, although he didn't even know if there was a thing like marriage in the first place.

"Well since we have already had sex together I have to take responsibility, although I don't know about the laws of this world, but from where I come from, people whom have intercourse marry one another, although technicaly that is done to ensure that their children will have parents"

Christopher said, but his words didn't get the response he waited for.

"No, master cannot marry me, I'm not worth it, I'm impure in the eyes of god..."

Tris became nervous for some reason and panicked as if he had said something wrong, 'was marriage in this world really something dangerous?'

"Master I know that you probably don't know but marriage in this world is something seen very seriously by the Ecclesia country, after all they are the only people able to bless such a happening, even the elves would ask for an Ecclesian priest for a marriage"


Tris begun explaining.

"Unless master is a devoted believer of Ecclesis or nobility there's no reason to involve ourselves with the inquisition"

She said, sweat vissible on her face, making her feel more afraid than happy at hearing the word marriage.

Of course most of what she said was bullshit, the inquisition wouldn't really care about some rural wedding, but to begin with in order to marry at the temple the woman has to be chaste and pure, unless of course it was some noble wedding, the thing however that she feared most was humilliated Christopher in the wedding, since she had been a prostitude for years, a man marrying prostitude was either stupid or didn't know her her profession, in her situation both weren't out of the question.

Of course Christopher wasn't a believer of Ecclesis and hearing the word inquisition brought a nasty taste in his mouth, how could he not have expected that in this medieval world there wouldn't be an inquisition.

Of course the inquisition in his mind and the true one existing were very different from one another, but Tris was more than happy to see him agree with her, thus she didn't pursue the misunderstanding.

"By the way is this your room?"

Christopher asked somewhat curiously, as he tried to change the topic.

"Nope this is master's room, I think that I did a fine job decorating it"

She said with a smile on her face.

"Wait, I can understand that walls can be painted and furniture can be placed, but isn't the room double of what my room was?"

Christopher had some valid points, after all their small shop couldn't have just grown.

"Oh, master doesn't know but business is going really well at the moment, we are making hundreds of deliveries and in this one month the price of the Altelixirs have risen from 10,000DP to 1,000,000DP , of course that's the price of the skill mutation potion, you might not know but once a skill reaches it's tenth evolution there's no further evolution, but with the mutation they can experience a step further into that field, even I was surprised by its effects she said as she lifted a piece of gold, master would you believe that this used to be a simple stone?"

She said and the next moment the stone in her hand turned into a diamond.

"Of course without that dwarf's potions I would only have had a 30% chance of casting the skill successfuly, I can now understand why master holds that untrustworthy dwarf in high regard"

She had already gobbled down enough altelixirs in the month that passed to buy a castle, reaching a wooping 100 points in magicality, meaning 180 altelixirs, around 6 altelixirs a day.

Of course there were many people whom wanted the formula for the altelixirs, but problem was that even with the formula they still could not concote the strange elixirs, the truth behind it was the three mutated skills the dwarf used for ingredient preparation, ingredient mixing and the final preparation, which made it impossible to replicate him even if someone did mutate the same three skills, since the results of a skill mutation were completely random skills that should normaly be of either higher or lower evolution.

Of course they were no longer living in the small shop in the back alley, they now owned a large alchemy store in the main street and Kurlidandr would at most make a single portion a day, most of his time he spent on experimentations.

He had at last achieved glory and fame, he even had a dozen of wives waiting for him to get tired of his new concotions.

"The master is up!"

A message sounded through the shop as if it was some great crisis or something.

Kurlidandr hearing the message instantly begun rounding up his experiments, there were of course three reasons for that, first being that he had already begun to overstep his authority and used the shop's earning's for his experiments as a sort of investment in himself.

The second reason was because Tris was too into Christopher to care about what was going on in the store, thus he had the free reins to employ whomever he liked, he had of course employed many relatives of his and friends.

Lastly he felt somewhat guilty in giving Christopher those dangerous elixirs at that moment.

Of course the store's assets were enormous at the moment so if a few thousands get lost there wouldn't be much of a problem, but he still had to apologize or something along those line.

He immediately went ot a shelf and took out a small case with a dozen of potions and begun walking towards the higher floor where Christopher's quarters were.

Christopher at the time was using Tris' shoulder to walk as he explored the huge quarters that were supposed to be his own. It's not like he didn't enjoy being rich or something, it was simply strange how in the end everything went so well, last thing he knew he was at death's door as he wanted to become stronger real quick and go challenge the pillar dungeon, he didn't exactly try to commit suicide, he simply underestimated the altelixir's might.

"Master! your pitiful servants feels glad that you are awake, I can only hope to clean my disgraceful act by offering these newly finished elixirs to master, each having the power of ten altelixirs, but no sideffects whatsoever"

The dwarf said, his face making a pitiful puppy face as if he was looking at his own execution, of course truth was that he was still bound by oath to be Christopher's partner, thus half of what he earned through the potions belonged to Christopher, if it was before, he wouldn't have cared, since even he himself wasn't too satisfied with his own creations, but now it was different, each potion was sold for a million and they sold at least twelve a day, that's 6millions belonging to Christopher and 6millions to the store, you should of course understand that the store was now registered in Kurlidandr's name, due to someone's sceme, thus making it a rather unequal distribution, but non the less Kurlidandr still made it off with a few thousands being taken as investment from Christopher's funds, of course the reason why he needed to do so was because he was now experimenting with even more expensive and rare materials, wasting millions in failed potions that wouldn't be sold for even 1% of the materials' price.

"Did you come to try murdering your partner once more? last time you hired an assassin, did you decide to do it yourself once more?"

Tris said as she glared with disdain towards the dwarf.

"Of course not, mistress Tris, I just ended perfected some of the elixirs and came to boast a little, these twelve are the only finished product to date, of course they only give 1stat at most but there are two finished skillpoint potions and the dragon elixir"

The dwarf said with a smile on his face, as some months ago Christopher was somewhat enthusiastic about the monster evolution potion, meaning potions that give you the trait of a monster, of course at the moment he didn't have enough to even get a single drop of dragon blood, but now it was different, of course the blood of a Land Wyrm wasn't exactly the stuff of legend, but it was non the less a dragonkin.

"Is the dragon you speak of from the land wyrms killed by the holy hero of Ecclesia that were sold all around the place, they must have been rather weak if you ask me if a single hero could kill around a hundred of them"

Tris said making Kurlidandr's face wrap as if in pain, truth was the Land wyrms weren't even considred as real dragons, they were lesser dragons, but dragons non the less, they had many similarties to dragons like their ability to breath fire, but they were the feral and stupid like any wild beast.

Of course they were unable to use magic, unlike the real dragons whom were adept in magic and were even said to be completely immune to magical attacks, even more noteworthy was that they were intelligent and could even communicate with their pray before of course eating them, kinda like playing with your food.

"By the way isn't it also widely known that your dwarven race hate the dragonkin due to some old grudge?"

Tris said, making Kurlidandr not know how to explain himself, of course that wasn't his intention, but due to Tris' dislike of him, he couldn't even find words to explain himself.

"Well I did ask him about the dragon elixir, but if it's the only one how do we know if it works?"

Christopher asked rather curiously.

"Master, you should know that there's a skill called identification, you simply have to identify the item and see its effects, thus it's not strange that the dwarf knows that it works, master should consider learning the skill, I took the liberty to purchase some skills for master, of course we will have to raise a few of masters stats before he can learn some of them"

Tris said while glaring at the dwarf canditely.

"Master and mistress, I will be leaving the potions on the table by the exit, I will be awaiting for master's orders on elixirs, I hope we can retain a healthy partnership"

The dwarf said as he left.

Christopher could see non of the old enthousiastic dwarf he knew, 'what could happen in a single month that could have changed a person so much?', he thought but all he could see as answer were the luxurious furniture around him and the still half naked Tris.

Greed can corrupt even the best of people, not that Kurlidandr was some saint or something, but he used to be a dwarf that cared somehow about oaths and traditions, hearing that he had sent an assassin didn't sit very well with him, but seeing that Kurlidandr didn't deny it made it even more probable to have happened.

Of course Christopher didn't dare to touch the elixirs and an hour later Tris had an expert to come identify them.

In general most of them were safe to drink all, but two of them were dreadful, one gave a devestating 10skill points, but causes deadly damage akin to drinking poison and the other was the dragon mutation elixir, as it had a horrifying effect of turning the person whom drunk it into a full dragon or rather a land wyrm, in simple words into a wild monster, losing all sanity.

Of course Christopher now understood that Kurlidandr was blinded by greed.

Christopher ordered Tris to sell all of this and begin storring his own money in a bank, distancing themselves from the store and all this insanity.

It was funny when he heard that Vadima had returned to the Nivava country, she bribed some noble and asked for petition from the new queen and was given her own post back, she managed to change the fate of her men, whom were now marching under the queen's flag.

Diwit, was a complete idiot, but he found himself a dwarven woman, two days later he was found dead in his own bed, the cause being the woman having killed him in the act of love, something that wasn't considered a crime in the dwarven country, of course if they try doing something like that in another country they will no doubt be judged guilty of murder, funny thing was that neither Tris nor Kurlidandr cared to pay his resurrection fee, but even to Christopher Diwit was nothing more than a stranger, a somewhat dangerous retarded stranger.

Of course they would never learn that Diwit's class was that of the "Legendary Noble".

That's exactly how those one in million individual Legendary classes are never found, going to waste in mines and villages before they die of old age while wasting their 8 skills with useless common skills and neven reaching their true potential level, since they weren't groomed by the states to prosper.

Christopher had many options but two were the most evident ones, one stay and negotiate, second leave and wait for the dwarf to self destruct.


At that moment At a strange foreign land four breathtaking elven beauties were admiring themselves in huge mirror like domes, they of course were the four Heroes whom decided to go to the High Elven country of Eolia.

The high elves had two great advantages, one being their incredible speed and kinetic vision and the other their powerful magic might, of course their strength was far behind that of dwarves but they made up for it with their fine craftmanship and enchanted equipment.

The first day they arrived they were forced to evolve into high elves, a Fey-Elf hibrid, the fey were fairies, while Elves were the classic ageless elves we all know from middle earth.

"Now let me explain what your titles signify and their importance, first of all, you are all rank 1 nobility, there are ten ranks of nobility, the final two ranks being royalty"

The Handsome yet arrogant elf explained to them whom had the Bottom nobility title.

"First of all let me tell you two facts, first of all your title will rise as you level up, once you reache level 100 you will automaticaly be promoted into the 2nd highness of nobility"

The elf said, but the four women/girls were rather lost not understanding what it meant at all.

"Now Please let the candidates assemble"

The elf said and at least a hundred of elves assembled in the once empty room, making it rather crowded.

"There are all the available Bottom nobility youths, whom are not engaged to another, once you rise in nobility, you will have the right to change your husband or wife for a higher nobility one or keep him as a pet, since having a mate of lower rank is degrading to begin with, you should however note that if your mate rises in rank he/she has the right to leave you and find a mate of the same class since I highly doubt that you would want to live as a pet wife"

The Elf said while smirking at them, making them however shiver a little.

In truth high elves had a strange trait called Elven Pride which allowed them to percieve if the person they see is higher level than themselves or not, of course they had to detect him first or come in visual contact.

Now imagine that every last of the candidates was of higher level than themselves, meaning that sooner or later they would have to change mate.

Even so however they still could not escape the allure of those handsome faces.

The four heroes were Elen,Viki,Giota and Dina. Eleve and the first two were close friends, while Dina, Alexxa's friend, was so into the elven envoy that she decided to join the elves and she wasn't wrong in a way since every one of the candidates was as handsome or even more than the envoy.

Of course deciding on a mate was a rather difficult decision so they were given time to chose from ten from the group as candidates and then chose the one they feel the most connected to.

Elen was of course first to decide ten of the most handsome males making the others somewhat sad, but since she could only hold one of them, Viki and Dina simply chose the same elves as her, while Giota chose some elves she found rather breathtaking.

"You know that three out of the four you chose are women right?"

Elen asked her seeing the feminine plainchested elf females.

In truth it was rather difficult to distinguish male from female elves, but the three were wearing dresses.

"But they are so pretty, even if I don't marry them, we can at least become friends"

Giota said, making the other three want to shout 'Why did we not think of that?'. Of course it was a naive thought, since at the moment they had no idea of the High elven society's aristocratic struggles, there was no friendship in the world of the High elves only alliances and profit, the strong ruled supreme and those beneath could only struggle to rise.

Each of the Candidates selected has ten days to appease the heroes, those that weren't selected have three days to try doing the same, the first candidate of each hero will be selected at random and sent to meet them in a week.

Those that were not selected were somewhat dejected, since three days were not enough to unveil all their talents and charm.

Those that were selected had rather proud faces as if they had already won this selection, of course there was a reason why this selection was so important to them.

As explained far above, nobility titles were only promoted by levels, meaning that those of common talent could only rise to the second highness of nobility at most the third if they spend years of struggling and risk to their own life while fighting monsters.

Most of the bottom nobles were those common classes, of course they knew that they could not rise above a hero, whom had ten times their leveling speed, but being a pet of the hero was as good as being above even those 5th highness nobles, some heroes even rose into royalty in the high Elven history, thus taking their pets with them into their palaces and estates, enjoying wealth and authority.

Of course to further your understanding let me explain what a pet husband or wife were. Unlike the perverted stuff some might imagine, pet was more like a protege, meaning that they were under the protection of someone and if they did something wrong it was their master aka protector whom had to take responsibility.

Now imagine a bottom noble being a pet of a royalty and a 5th rank noble trying to bully him, it's like the higher noble is asking for a good beating or something, if he doesn't know that the person is a pet of a famous individual then it's even more of a shame on his reputation.

Of course some of the perverted stuff you might think have been recorded from time to time, but the pet individual has the right to leave the person's protection if he/she thinks that the order given is too humilliating or unacceptable.

Of course being someone's pet is humilliating as it is, since it signifies that you have given up on climbing the ladder of nobility by your own strength, non the less however there have been many people whom after being the pet of a hero had gained more than others with hundreds of years of struggles under their belt.

The four hero girls were given a single but rather luxurious bedroom, there was always a plate of fruits and wine on their room's table, brought in by servants.

The High elves hadn't exactly Cities, towns and villages like other races.

They had huge Palaces for Cities, Large Estates for towns and Smaller Estates for villages, meaning that there was no farming and mining done at all in the High elven society.

The reason for that was because they had servants, people from different races, whom simply gathered the fruits from their forests, servants to gather fallen branches,leaves,stones and junk from the roads which where later transmutated by the high elven alchemists into gold, meaning that they had no reason to care about ore and gemstones.

Of course the coinage of the high elves was rather special as well.

High elves had strange crystals called the aela crystals or power crystals.

Of course these crystals had also worth to other countries, but not many would dare buy one since even the smallest aela crystal had considerable value, not like the elves even needed them to trade with outside countries, they could simply transmute some gold and it was enough for them to buy anything they might like.

Now lets return back to the four heroes first date.

Of course to Elen's surprise the first to come into her room was a rather amorous elf, he didn't even try to chat with her simply throwing her into the bed behind her and begun working on her body and soul.

Of course she wasn't some shy girl whom would be scared of something like that but she wasn't ready for it either.

Her moans echoed to the rooms nearby where the others had similar experiences.

Viki's date was a little less willful, as he did a rather stupid mistake of accepting a no as a no, when most men know that a no mean a yes, unless she shouts at you saying no, where then it means yes but not now. Of course elves had no sexual urges, thus he simply stayed put and begun chatting with her about her life, hobbies and experiences in their world, it was all about her and nothing about himself.

Giota's first date was a Woman, whom the moment she entered begun taking her clothes off and stripping the shocked Giota buttnanked.

Her fingers wouldn't stop teasing her private parts, making the unprepared Giota submit completely to the pleasures of handplay.

Dina of course was a little different, she already had a rather unsteady relationship on earth and was somewhat experienced in what modern people call sex, experiencing the elf's touch she felt rather unsatisfied, there were so many stances and he only knew three, it was rather disappointing, of course she couldn't have known that all elves only knew those three, how sexualy illiterate.

Ten days passed by and all but Viki didn't even know the names of their date until their time was over and they left behind their names as they left. Of course Dina didn't care since she was rather disappointed in her date, while Elen and Giota would never forget those ten days of endless sexual harashment.

The second date was even more extreme, all four rooms were now emitting moans, especialy Dina's whom encounters Mr.Big, the opressive feeling of being torn appart from his big hard tool. Even if he only knew three poses, his was simply too big, of course he did have a shortcomming, he was shorter than her by at least a head.

Of course not all four were happy about it, since Viki experienced firsthand what it was to be raped, by the idiot that came inside not even caring if she wanted it or not, in truth he was the same person whom had accompanied Elen the ten days before.

He was a handsome devil, but a little to agressive for her tastes, for any woman's tastes.

After ten days of aditional torture, they could barely walk strait as their next date came into their room.

At that moment they finaly understood why the ten people were so happy to be selected first, there would probably be only bones remaining of them after all ten candidates come to their room.

Elen was Sqeeling like a pig at the slaughterhouse as healing magic and and Mr.Big were rampaging her insides.

Viki was shouting for help and mercy as she experienced a second round of raping. Giota experienced a rather strange situation where an elven woman begun casting her magic on her, she felt as if her mind was turned into mush, a single touch would make her cum or experience the most violent orgasm of her life.

Dina however wasn't so satisfied, of course after being healed she could somehow feel her lower limps, but this one was simply average.

I don't think that I have to describe further their log of violations that followed, all you need to know was that Both Elen and Viki after the third round had already decided on their mates. The other two went on, even surpasing the ten candidates, Giota was rather surprised with her new experiences, of course in the end she ended up selected a Woman as a partner, She was of course a beauty and she was the most timid of the elves that had come, the moment she came she was raped by Giota, whom made her moan to tears, with the tricks she had learned from the people whom entered before.

Dina passed through all the candidates and in the end decided that non was to her liking, making all the candidates whom thought that they had done great curse her inside.

Of course under the Instructors or whatever elf's words, she finaly gave up and took a rather large bulky for an elf male. He was an idiot whom when they met didn't even know what to do, thus she did whatever she liked with him in bed.

It was funny how they didn't even know their partner's profession and even their names were rather hazy in their memory, but they had enough time to learn them till they reached level 100 and were to take a new one.

Of course not all partners were satisfied with their selection, in particular one blue haired elven girl whom stood next to Giota wanted to cry. She was forced by her parents to participate in the selection and she could only curse her good fortune or rather misfortune. Of course for others she was a target of envy, even her parents would envy her if they weren't so proud of her, of course.

Of course the last two things they were given were equipment and spellbooks. It was rather funny how most equipment they weren't even able to use, but there were still a few enchanted wooden swords and some basic enchanted clothing.

Of course as High elves they were free to take any gear they could use, of course the gear they could take also depended on their rank of nobility, the same went with spellbooks they could learn and use.

In the end they still had to find ways of earning experience since they weren't exactly willing to go kill monsters, they were more of a moral support for others rather than the main force.

"Just go to the academy, jeez"

Elen's mister big said to her, as he continued to suck on her nipple.

That's how her serious discussion about her future ended.

"There are multiple ways of increasing one's level, the fastest of course is killing monsters, the second fastest is using class specific skills, the third fastest is learning from a higher level class master through a master-disciple..."

Viki's talkative husband begun numbering all the different ways she could swiftly level up, preferably of course using all of them together.

"Em, You say you are also an alchemist, well I could become your teacher if you like, under the condition you will stop harashing me"

Giota's pet elf said, she was so cute that Giota couldn't hold herself but try biting softly at her nape.

Giota was a rather typical airhead, she didn't really care about the future, she had friends whom were clever, all she had to do was ask them later.

"Do you want me to teach you how to shoot a bow?"

Dina's husband said, making her rather horny at the moment, they simply were too compatible.

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