《Real Fake World》05 What's a Level?


Brigs was a short plumpy guy, but his features made him look more like a fat mouse than a human being.

"Did you call for me Madam?"

Brig's said while bowing, he looked nothing like a military man at all.

"I want you to ensure that non of the Heroes present suffered serious damage in the training sessions, as a healer you should understand my meaning"

Vadima said and then went and gave each person a weapon that went according to their class, only warriors had a selection of three different weapons, scouts and rogues were given a bow and a sword.

"Shouldn't rogues have daggers?"

Stelio asked based on his gaming experience.

"will you even be able to kill a monster double your size with a dagger? think before you ask"

The one reprimenting him was the newcomer Brigs, whom looked at Stelio with a rather disdainfull glare, making him feel bad for even asking.

"Now all those whom were given bows go do target practice first, those with staffs go hit a dummy or something, since you don't even need to learn close combat, lastly the people with weapons in hand arrange yourselves based on teams, monks go punch the wall over there and who gave you weapons in the first place!"

There was a rather chaotic situation on the training field, in general the practice was more like a game for the warrior classes, while everyone else were completely ignored.

The mages at some point simply made an audience for the warriors' training session chatting while sitting on the ground.

Christopher spent most of his time hiting the dummy with his staff, he was rather surprised by the durability of both the staff and the dummy, of course at some point he had changed weapons and even went unarmed for some time, next to him were his three friends Alexi, Nicko and Kris.

Alexi was a short plumpy guy wearing glasses and the first to crawl under his wings for protection, he was rather weak and his class was that of a scout.

Nicko was also plumpy and short, but he wasn't as much as a coward as Alexi, he had plenty of times tried to stand for himself but always took the long end of the stick, his class was also that of a mage.

Kris was originaly Nicko's friend, but since he and Christopher were sort of martial arts enthusiasts, they found quickly a common tongue, Kris' class was that of a monk and because of bullying he begun learning karate, although in general he wasn't kickass or anything, he even lost to Christopher whom didn't even know any martial arts.

Christopher of course liked mimicking martial arts from movies, games and even wrestling games, the most however favourite of Christopher's move was the police takedown armlock, where you hold your oponent's arm, then walk underneath it and bend it behind his back, making it imposible for him to retaliate, unless of course he's some martial master or something or incredibly strong.

In truth at some point Vadima had become somewhat interested in what she saw him doing to the doll.

They were some kung fu and muai thai moves he likes, for kung fu it was simply an elbow to the chest and then he would move his arm to give the dummy a blow to the face, using the same arm that had already lodged into the dummy's chest, the follow up was of course a punch with his other arm with a rather simply karate punch.

For muai thai he like the one that you put your hands on your oponent's shoulders and then knee him in the face while using him for elevation, you could also go for his stomach if he was too tall.


Vadima was rather surprised as she didn't know what sort of skill he was using, he shouldn't have a skill like that to begin with.

But the most surprising fact was that the mage was later sparring unarmed with the monk and even winning, of course their stat growth would change entirely in the future, since one would put most of his points to physique and the other to Magicality, but what surprised her was that the mage was winning.

Of course she later found out that the reason was mostly because of Christopher's stats, he was simply a monster of gluttony, he could eat thrice as much as a regular person and she heard that that night after the others had left he simply cleaned the table of all leftovers.

Of course Christopher's principle was "always eating all your food".

Of course she wouldn't care about stat food of so low a quality, in truth she had already her own fill of such food and once in a while she would simply buy some for the long run, meaning that she would steadily increase her stats over a long time, since increasing your stats in one great boost was unwellcome to warriors, especialy those whom specialized in duels or warfare between humans.

Only adventurers would allow themselves such boosts, since monsters weren't exactly skilled in tactics and fought mostly on instinct.

In a way after seeing Christopher's moves and footwork, she understood what he meant about martial arts, but in Axis they had a different name, Gladiator arts. The reason was because in the Runia empire, where slavery was something common, they decided to create a form of entertainment called the arena, they would have slaves with no skills at all fight amongst themselves and of course to survive, the slaves came up with the Gladiator arts skill, which was much akin to martial arts skill, but it was composed of move sets meant to maim or kill ones oponent when fightin unarmed.

You could say that they are much like the Monk's skills, only more cruel and sadistic, in theory monks should be able to learn gladiator arts, but in truth they could not, since the system disallowed them to learn it, thus making it the domain of Warriors.

Of course warriors could combine it with the martial arts skill and in theory it wasn't a bad thing, but in practice compared to the more useful Quick attack, dodge roll, crippling attack and tons of other active skills, passive skills simply lost too badly in comparison.

In the training session those that had martial arts instead of quick attack were easily beaten, by the quick attack skill, since they weren't fast enough in dodging.

Quick attack raised the attack speed of the person whom uses the skill, meaning that at the expense of their stamina, they could at some point do multiple attacks in a single second, now let me ask you what would you do if you do have the reflexes, but cannot see the attack itself, the aswer is simple, you suffer or die.

Reflexes of course up both attack speed, movement speed and even kinetic vision, but it's an allrounder skill.

It's once more the jack of all trades versus the professional, you can understand whom wins in a duel inside the professional's field.

Of course Vadima wasn't stupid, she matched them to fight against equal opponents, thus making those with higher physique suffer a little more than others, since their attacks on one another hurt like hell, Stelio whom was a blacksmith even got his arm dislocated by a blow from Theodore.


If you ask why would she put the blacksmith to fight against a warrior, well there were two reasons, first was that Blacksmiths could use any equipment they liked, but the main was that they have to know how to use a sword to make one, meaning that you cannot make a quality sword if you don't understand the principle behind its usage. It's like making a dull kitchen knife or a hollow club.

The training session of the warriors went on with multiple breaks in between as Vadima explained to them some noob mistakes they did, like overswinging their weapon, not holding their swords in front of their bodies, not using their shields right and why most of them were unable to dodge even the most simple of attacks, of course the reason being that they lacked a sense of deadly crisis.

"Now how do you think common people gain experience?"

Vadima asked the young "heroes" whom were at the time resting.

"Isn't it by killing monsters?"

The one asking was Theodore, whom at the time was in a rather good mood since he was the one giving a thrushing to his training partner.

"Do you seriously think that little children would be sent outside the city to kill monsters?"

"Typical Oxen, hahaha"

Oxen was Theodore's nickname but in truth is was his surname.

Theodore Oxen, a rather jolly guy, he had a rather average appearance and he liked to act like a clown in times and enter any group just so that he's not alone, of course in general he was friendly with everyone but friend of none.

"Lets ask the Pope!"

Someone else said jockingly, it was rather amusing how names are interpretted. Chris Pope was another person whose surname was sort of embarassing, but he was more popular and had a lot of friends.

"Experience could be interpreted as life experience, by simply living their lives they will experience lots of things, thus level up naturaly"

The one speaking was "Pope", they called him so since there were simply too many people named "Chris" in the school.

It's common logic to call people you don't know too well by their surnames to begin with.

"That's Right, but there is another way to gain experience and that's from gaining experience in one's class, meaning if a warrior or monk fights even sparring they will still gain some experience, of course that only applies in the early levels, since later it will take too much time to accumulate experience by training, it's a lot faster to simply kill monsters or people"

Vadima said, but the goship from her audience was more preocupied with another matter, she could faintly hear "See the Pope is always right" and candid laughter.

Vadima at the moment wanted to have them suffer a little, but when thinking their backer, the king's orders it made her give up any thoughts of punishing them.

There was no further training and they were sent to eat and rest, while mages were given one spell tome each called basic magic spells, containing the chants for the five basic missile spells, earth, water, fire, wind and magic missile.

Learning spells had only one requirement, which was having the art of magic skill, but for mages there was no such requirement due to their class.

Of course having a spell as a skill was more beneficial, since they could simply use it without chanting, and they could make it stronger through skillpoint, of course the most intelligent of mages had long decided that only the final two spots should be left for spell skills, the reason being that by that time they are able to make their strongest of spells into skills, thus making them even stronger than normaly possible.

In general you could also learn martial arts without having the skill, mastering swordmanship without a sword mastery skill, the difference however is that you will never in your lifetime will be able to rival a person whose skill is sword mastery or martial arts, especialy after their skill undergoes the first evolution which gives some magical attributes to the skill even to passive ones, making them worthwhile, of course active skills will always be a tad higher since they are focused on a single task, while most passive skills are allrounders and those focused passives simply cannot overcome the power of an active skill, it's like the balance of the world.

While passive have no cost, meaning in stamina, they can never be stronger than an active skill that consumes either stamina or mental power or magic.

In a dark room somewhere in the city, twelve people were having a secret meeting.

"So is the information accurate, did they succeed?"

One person spoke with an old man's voice.

"Not only did they succeed, they even managed to summon fourty of them, asking for one will be no problem at all, even two wouldn't pose much of a trouble"

Another spoke with a womanly voice.

"Then we should go and ask for them right now!"

Another spoke in a brutish harsh tone.

"Pull your reins, how about we let them train them a little, observe the good seeds and the spoiled ones and then take the best ones away, after all would you like to be given the wastes instead of the real heroes?"

The one speaking was the same elderly man and everyone nodded to his words.

"Then how long will it take to distinguish the good eggs from the bad one?s"

The one asking had a rather melodious and enchanting female voice.

"I already have the Anuals that they recorded, most of them look like wastes and only ten are somewhat promising, but you know as well as myself that stats aren't everything, if they freeze in front of a monster even the most powerfull warrior will simply croak and die"

The one speaking was the woman from before, while at the same time she took out of her backpack a book that looked just like the one that was on the pedestral that day.

"Why are they so weak?"

The brutish man asked with disdain.

"Because they are only level 1 heroes, when they level up to reach level 900 even you will not be able to handle them"

Another one of the twelve spoke, his voice similarly brutish, but had a hint of an intillectual.

"Didn't the king learn his lesson the last time he summoned a hero?"

Another person with a melodious voice but an arrogant tone spoke.

"You speak of the Rogue hero? the one they didn't sent back because he slept with a princess?"

The one speaking was the original womanly voice.

"You are just jealous of him because you hadn't thought of doing so right?"

A person whom the students knew suddenly entered the room. He was the Great Archmage Menaces.

"Who's jealous, if not for your stupid idea your country would never have been in such a grave state, that you even had to summon heroes from another world once more"

The one speaking was the elder from earlier.

"How could I've known that that youngster would find a way to extend his life for another century, he outlived both the old king and even his idiot of a son is about to croak soon"

The archmage stated, his hands shaking from anger as he spoke of the hero and the current king. In truth if the old king was still on the throne the situation wouldn't have escalated to such a state that would have had to ask those people for help.

"So is the deal still standing?"

The arrogant male asked.

"As long as you help dethrone the king and convince the Rogue Hero to trade with us once more, I have no objections, but you should act smartly make those idiots think that it's by their own choice that they are joining your kingdoms, you must lure then with gifts, they are young thus give them a little honey and they will belong to your countries"

The Archmage spoke making most of them nod.

"Me has no honey, my kingdom need buy honey, where do me buy honey?"

The one speaking was a dwarf like person whom till then hadn't spoken at all and only nodded to anything they said.

Seeing however the disdain in everyones eyes about his words, he shut up and sat back down, not understanding what he had said wrongly.

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