《The Tree of Life's Step Child》Creating a spell


In a spacious forest full of life and death a young boy in a warm orange and white robe is panting heavily during the current stare down against three monkeys. These aren't just any regular monkeys. These are three lower leveled mutated monkeys. Each of them has a diluted bloodline of the monkey king. The strength of these three monkeys individually is half of Arbors. As a team they are only slightly stronger than him due to their lack of battle experience together. Unfortunately for Arbor, he could feel the strength, technique, and fighting abilities of the monkeys growing with each passing second.

"I need to end this quickly before their strength exceeds mine and I'm no longer a match for them." Arbor mumbled to himself.

Arbor scanned the three monkeys before dashing towards one of them. I swinging attack got blocked with difficulty as his physical strength I'll match the monkeys. His battle instincts told him that he needed to make a block of his own against the other two monkeys.

Noticing the direction of the monkeys strikes Arbor is both hands on the staff and placed it diagonally to block the two separate attacks. Quickly Arbor crouch spun and struck one of the monkeys in the knee cuz you have to fall to the ground with an agonizing yelp.

A few more rounds of unsuccessful fatal attacks and successful blocks occurred. Arbor had become bruised and multiple parts of his body from the dull swords that the monkeys are wielding. A handful of lacerations also opened on his skin.

Arbor landed in up sweeping strike between the legs of one of the monkeys. Albert quickly turned his head around it's all a small opening on one of the monkeys. Next Arbor stabbed his staff backwards where it landed square in the middle of another monkey's chest. The monkey got sent flying and hit The trunk of a tree. The impact caused the tree to shake which made hundreds of thousands of leaves fall from its branches.

Arbor’s visibility decreased to fifty percent. The monkeys viciously made their way back to attack Arbor with the intent to kill. The two sides traded blows with the monkeys on the losing end. Each time Arbor made contact he would send one of the monkeys flying in the air. After a few exchanges Arbor started to expand his senses periodically to watch the other two monkeys.


Eventually, Arbor gained the upper hand and finished off the trio. Three bloody and bruised unconscious monkeys lay sprawled out on the ground. Sitting on the ground, with his back against a tree, is Arbor gasping for breath.

As Arbor sat in a full lotus position and focused on healing himself, and odd sensation started to overcome him. He began to feel the trees, plants, brush, grass, and leaves in a five foot radius of himself. This was a feeling that each individual plant life are an extension of his body. As he familiarized himself with this new feeling, Arbors body slowly recovered. He came to realize that he is unable to manipulate the botanic life. Unfortunately, he is only able to have a clear picture of what is around him in the immediate vicinity. Arbor decided that this ability is useless at his current level do to its limited range.

As the sun is a little bit past its peak Arbor stood up and placed his right palm up. After witnessing the scene of all the leaves falling during his fight with the trio of monkeys, Arbor got the idea to create his first battle skill. He began picturing a very simple leaf in his mind with the idea of it being created by essence. In his dantain he pictured the essence coming together and forming the structure. With his palm already out he tried again and again to form a leaf. Failure after failure overcame Arbor. Sometime past until he finally created his first leaf. Gradually, leaves started to form in his palm one at a time. The time it took for another leaf to appear decreased from one minute to fifty five seconds. Then down to forty five seconds, thirty seconds. Eventually, a fountain of leaves sprang up from Arbors palm as thousands upon thousands of leaves appeared. The enormous smile on his face was followed by an elated laughter.

The leaves started to swim through the air akin to that of a dragon under Arbor’s control. The form of the leaves changed between geometric shapes, animals, and some pitiful attempts at attacking.


Arbors playtime got brought to a halt by the shaking of a nearby tree. The leaves circulated around Arbor, leaving only the top third of his body in view. An overbearing presence came sweeping over Arbor. This presence told him that its owner is a couple of stages above Arbor in terms of cultivation.

Arbor tightened the straps to the sack on his back. He gripped his staff firmly and increased the distance between him and his shield of leaves. To Arbors surprise, no creature or person appeared from the direction of the sound after a minute had passed. The extension of his essence in the direction yielded the same results. Nothing.

After some thought Arbor created more leaves. Thousands of green leaves separated by about six inches formed a three dimensional wall started to move in the direction of the unforeseen adversary. As the leaves moved through the air, some of them brushed passed the bark of trees while others would move around obstacles such as bushes and flowers.

Soon enough the leaves stopped in midair and started to form the outline of an animal.

“Is that a chameleon? One, two, twelve. Six feet. I hope it's not...” Arbors train of thought got interrupted by a tongue lashing out towards him.

A defensive sweeping motion deflected the tongue. Regrettably, the tongue twisted around the staff and yanked it out of Arbors hand.

Arbor sneered as he launched himself towards the chameleon. Soon the leaves that were on its body disappeared. Arbor landed on a tree and searched the surrounding with his leaves again. Quickly he found the chameleon just a free branches away and made his move.

The chase continued on for some time. During this chase, Arbor eventually began to keep his leaves searching the area for when the chameleon would disappear again. Not only was Arbor searching, he would have to dodge the tongue attack. A sudden tug at his back horrified Arbor. He never guessed that this chameleon would be after his egg. Arbor felt the tension of the tongue increase as he moved forward until it finally snapped. The egg is still secure in the holder, but the straps have been stretched out. Arbor mused that a few more near successful attempts at the egg would snap the straps. Thus, making it unwearable.

After almost losing his egg, Arbor began to go on the offensive as he conjured up thousands of more leaves. This second batch of leaves started to rotate at an extremely fast speed inside the wall of leaves Arbor is using to detect the chameleon. As soon as he would locate the foe, the attacking set of leaves would funnel towards the chameleon.

Unseen to Arbor, the chameleon was unharmed superficially. The sheer quantity combined with the torrential onslaught of leaves had bruised the insides of the chameleon.

The fight with the chameleon went on for a quarter of an hour before Arbor was unable to find the chameleon. He assumed that it realized it would be unable to eat him or the egg.

Arbor retrieved supplies from his space ring and repaired the backpack. Afterwards, he sat down and recovered his strength to its peak before setting out again.

Some time later Arbor broke through in his cultivation and stepped into the second layer of Body Fortification. In order to keep the body together while using essence in various ways, cultivators need to fortify the body with essence.

When Arbor opened his eyes from cultivating a curious, yet terrifying creature sat in front of him. The black fur, claws, and tusks make the creature obscure in the shadow it's standing in. Haphazardly blinking red eyes caught Arbors attention. Only after focusing his attention did he realize how massive and powerful the unusual beast is.

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