《The Tree of Life's Step Child》Learning The Ropes


Chaotic zone

A faint golden glow was surrounding a Arbors dormant soul. That golden light seemed to be his guiding towards the divine realm. His soul looks like a fish that had been caught and was being reeled in by the caster. The line that was pulling him in was zig zagging across space, seamlessly avoiding all dangers.

The distance between Earth and the Deity Realm was unfathomable, due to them being on the opposite ends of the universe. In the space that filled the gaps between the different realms, time flowed differently. In some places it would flow at a millionth of the normal pace, and other places it will be at a rate of a million times faster. Typically, if one wanted to survive in the chaotic zone, they would have to be an existence at the top of the universe and extend an enormous amount of effort to protect themselves. Unfortunately, due to the high dangers these people would not be able to stay for too long. Rifts of extremely massive and dense amounts of energy wonder around aimlessly. This was a place everyone avoided at all costs.

"I have finally found you my child"

After connecting to all the plant life in the universe, Haoshe had found Arbor. He was already at his limit and had less than 30% energy. Thus, Haoshe had drawn upon the essence from the plant life in the surrounding forest for added help.

Every living being in the forest had noticed that the grass, flowers, fruit, trees, and shrubbery were shrinking and starting to lose their color. If someone was extremely meticulous, they would notice that the forest was shrinking at a rate of half a percent every ten seconds.

Thalli, Vulcan, Telum, Pona, and Sol, all noticed the changes in the surroundings and suddenly appeared around the same table that they had just left. Silence filled the air as they looked at each other with deeply concerned looks. Neither of them had any idea to what Haoshe was doing at the moment.


A couple of hours later a meter-tall tear in space appeared above the golden tree for a fraction of a second. During the small fraction of a second it was open a golden light descended from the tear diving straight into the tree.

"What was that?" Sol asked.

"I don't think we have to worry about it. I am sure its related to master. Get back to what you were doing. We can't afford to waste time." Telum answered.

"No need to worry about me. I have over used my powers and will need a few years to recuperate. Oh, don't worry, a friend will be joining you soon. Teach him everything you know." Haoshe's voice sounded next to everyone's ears.

All five people furrowed their brows before carrying on with their own business.

On a peaceful afternoon nine months later, a small infant was wrapped up in the emerald leaves in the middle of the tree.

Starting from the middle of the tree, the little one was getting carried by the tree toward the outskirts of the tree. The tree is using extreme caution while transporting the small child. After being transported to the ends of the branches, the infant was slowly being lowered to the ground.

This newborn is Arbor.

Pona noticed the first movements of the tree she made her way back to the trunk of the tree as she was still in the forest. She noticed the nest of leaves slowly being lowered by the branches and decide to wait patiently.

Once the touched the ground, Pona walked up to the nest and noticed a tiny baby wrapped up in leaves. Immediately she noticed that his eyes were wide open and staring at her. "Hey there little guy, aren't you just the most adorable little thing?" Pona asked with a childlike voice.

"Those vibrant green eyes…Master Haoshe?"

The green eyes were bouncing around in complete disorder.

"Where the hell am I? What language is she speaking?" Arbor was completely puzzled. His vocal cords had not developed yet. Even if they had what would he say? He had no choice but to accept is current situation and let fate play its role.


Pona fell into a deep though as she hesitantly picked up Arbor. She took out a small jade slip from her pocket and sent a sliver of essence into it. The slip gave off a purple glimmer for a brief second before going back to normal. This was the easiest way to communicate across vast distances.

Across the Deity realm Sol, Thalli, Vulcan and Telum individually noticed their own jade slip light up. After receiving the message each of them made haste back towards the forest.

Two days later Vulcan was the last one to return.

"What the hell Pona? You never give me a chance, but you off go and get knocked up. Who is the lucky man?" Vulcan gibed.

"You little dwarf you think you have a chance with me? Not in a million years." Pona sniffed.

"That means I still have a chance." Vulcan chuckled.

"Enough," Telum interjected. "You all should know what to do."


Four years later Thalli was sitting down in front of a small boy. This boy was sitting cross legged on the dirt in a green robe. On the left side of the chest was a golden tree. The neck lining and belt were white. To any normal person this robe was an artifact worth fighting over. But to Arbor this was his everyday outfit.

Thalli was currently lecturing Arbor about the different cultivation realms and soul items. Every person is born with a soul spirit. These items include elements, animals, weapons, musical items, or anything that pertains to the world. If someone is lucky, they can be born with a fusion between them.

For example, a flaming sword would give someone a stronger affinity towards fire and sword qi. There are also those who posses two different soul spirits. Thalli has a book and a musical note. Thus, she easily can play any type of musical instrument to a superior degree and is more academically inclined that others.

"Currently, you are unable to asses your own soul spirit. Since you are still in the mortal realm it has not been awakened yet. There is no need to get ahead of yourself, so once you break through, Ill teach you about the next stage. Luckily, your elder sister Sol has been feeding you some of the highest-grade pills since your birth to strengthen your body and foundation. In a couple more years you will break through to the second stage. After that you can finally be considered a cultivator. Find Sol for your meal before getting a night's rest." Thalli told Arbor.

"What level are all of you at?"

"You do not need to worry about that right now little one. Worrying about others gives you less time to focus on yourself."

"I know I know, one step at a time. Thank you for the lesson elder sister." Arbor replied as left.

After visiting Sol Arbor went to bed. The next day he visited Vulcan to learn about forging, artifacts, and materials used. On the second day, Sol taught him about alchemy and the diverse kinds of ingredients. After Sol, Arbor spent the day with Pona to learn about runes and formations. On the last day of the rotation Arbor would learn how to use different weapons and combat strategy from Telum. Then it would be back to Thalli to start the five-day cycle all over again.

Each of his teachers would progress at a pace that Arbor was able to grasp. Learning these skills from the ones who are the some of the best in the universe was an opportunity no one else would have. He already had a higher starting point than others his age.

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