《Nephilim: Beyond Good and Evil》Chapter 14: Akari


So I decided that visiting the Vhaal's dojo this late would be a good idea. Of course a lot of things could go wrong, but I was desperate to learn more about what I was and the power that I possessed. I know our family were hostile toward another with good reason it's just that this was bigger then some petty feud.

It was nearly pitch black outside, the moon grazed the world with its sudden glare and fireflies embellished the skies flashing their warm glow. The sane people were all strapped in bed and preparing for a busy morning, but then there were people like Terios who ventured through the city to where the Vhaals stayed.

Their home wasn't out of the ordinary, infact it was a simple dojo believe it or not. It appeared cozy and well kept. The building material was made from wood and it stood at a great height. The path he took to it was freshly done it was like someone had just mowed the grass. As he neared the entrance he balled his hand up into a fist and bashed it against the door.

It took awhile but soon a gust of purple mist sprayed out from the top and got in Terios' face. He coughed a few times and gripped at his throat. He didn't know what he had inhaled but it was starting to burn and make him feel weak at the same time. His legs slowly gave out on him and he slid down to his knees while keeping his arm against the entrance door. Soon he would pass out from the results of the mist.

When he awoke he was tied to a pole with strong strands of rope. The person who made this must have been an expert at tying because it was severely tight against him yet it didn't cut off any of his oxygen.

"H-hey what's going on here?" Terios asked as he looked around.

Sitting infront of him was none other than the leader of the infamous assassin family who had racked up on thousands of kills and scored millions in blood money; Haruki Vhaal. He wore a simple black gi. His hair was gray and his eyes were a brown color. He was starting to get up there in the age department.

"What the hell are you doing here, Kiyomizu?" Haruki asked while bringing a warm tea cup towards his lips as he gently sipped from it.

"I-I came here to see your daughter...!"

"Well now isn't this an interesting love story. You understand we're trained to instantly set aside our emotions when it revolves a mission, right?"


"If you're asking my daughter to choose love over killing then you're going to be disappointed."

"I didn't come here... for love.."

"Oh? Then were you spying on us? You know I enjoy my privacy."

"I just want to speak to your daughter! It has nothing to do with our families!"


"So be it." Haruki finished his tea and rested the cup beside him before he stood up and approached Terios. His hand reached out for the thick ropes that bound him, hands latching onto them before untying it.

"That's much better."

"Isn't it a little late for a friendly visit?"

"It's urgent.."

"And it isn't about love?"


"Hmmm." Haruki mumbled before walking off.

Terios brushed a hand through his hair obviously confused about things. When the confusion wore off he wandered upstairs the dojo. Which strangely lacked any pictures, he expected some family portraits atleast. He knew assassins had a different code when it came to stuff like that it was just so hard to see the difference.

He arrived at multiple doors which were closed for the night. Thankfully, he could feel Akari's aura which radiated off from her. Following the trace he opened the door to the left and saw her sleeping with the covers wrapped tightly against her.

His hand reached out to lightly tap her and her eyes flung open and instinctively she reached out and grabbed Terios' wrist firmly before she realized it was him and gasped, looking up at him with delight.

"Terios...? What are you doing here so late?"

"Akari, please help me."


"Be honest with me."

"What do you mean?" She sat up, rubbing her eyes gently. She was wearing cute pajamas with teddy bear faces surrounding them.

"The aura you give off, it's just like an Angel's Akari.."

"Like an Angel's? What are you talking about? Is this a dream?"

"No, it's not."

"Well it's a nice surprise. How did you get past the trap?"

"I didn't really. Your dad didn't kill me thankfully."

"That's good to hear. I'd be sad if you died."

"Good to know."

"If you came here this late it must be important."

"It is, which is why I want you to be completely truthful to me, Akari."

Akari looked away briefly, nodding slightly as she released a deep sigh. "Alright, it's time I came clean. I hate lying to you."


"It's true. I'm just like you. I'm a Nephilim."

"I still can't believe I'd meet another.."

Akari tilted her head to face him before clearing her throat. "I guess you and I aren't so different. We both wanted to feel the love of a family. It's what nearly every adopted child wants. I was glad that the Vhaals adopted me. They treated me like the family I never had. So I'll always be grateful."

"I see. We're lucky to have been adopted into caring families. It's funny how we ran into one another without knowing just how deeply connected we are."

"You don't know the half of it, Teri-kun. Now that that's out in the air was there anything else that you needed?"

Terios nodded slowly and took on a serious expression. "I'm going to kill Isamu and in order to that I need to know everything about what we can do. Teach me, Akari! Teach me everything you know!"


Akari was surprised by his intention of trying to kill Isamu and gave a worried look. "Teri-kun, why would you want to kill him? Aren't we all apart of a treaty?"

"We are. But, I made a promise that I intend to keep. Are you going to help me with this or not?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure if I could teach you anything you don't already know."

"I don't know what I'm doing so I'm pretty sure you have more experience than me."

Akari giggled lightly. "Fine, fine. Just let me get some beauty sleep and we'll discuss this in the morning."

"Oh, alright then."

"You can sleep with me, Teri-kun."

Terios fidgeted at this option, looking away frantically. "T-that's ok, really."

"Don't be shy. It'll be like a sleepover."

"W-well, I never really had those before."

"This is the perfect time then. Get in!" She smiles and offers him some room.

Terios sighed softly before getting into the bed along with her, resting his head back against her soft pillow. When he did this she snuggled lightly against him.


"Yeah, very much so."


The bed was actually quite comfortable and before he knew it he drifted off into dream world. When he awoke the room was completely lit up and Akari was still sound asleep and was clinging to him. He blushed lightly and tried to pull away, but she mumbled softly in her sleep and woke up.

"Morning Teri-kun." She said sheepishly as she looked up at him with a light smile.

"Morning, Akari."

"We can have our talk now if you'd like. I'll tell you everything you need to know."

"That would be great."

Sneaking out the dojo the two returned to the café shop they had previously visited. It was a private place where the two could talk without any interruptions. There was hardly any people around with it being so early.

"You see, Teri-kun. There's a lot more Nephilims then just you and me. There's quite a few of us. But, they're better at hiding. I found out that I wasn't human from that chance encounter when I was just a little girl."

"Chance encounter?"

"Yes this encounter was when I met our father."


What is she talking about? What does she mean our father? Is she implying that...

"I'm your real sister, Teri-kun. I figured I should come clean..."

"You're my sister? But, what does this mean...?"

"It means we're related to another."

"I know that! I'm just... confused about a lot of things. Your father is..."



"He's told me that he wants you. He's pretty obsessed over you. It's frightening at times."

"He's a bad guy."

"You aren't wrong. He took advantage of human women to produce us. They never survived and he neglected us without a shred of guilt. When we talked he never showed any signs that he was sorry for leaving me in an adoption center. I hate him very much, but, he keeps on threatening me to train you."

"Train me...?"

"He wants you to reach your full potential. The guy has a lot of faith in you. I can teach you what we're all about, but are you really going to kill Isamu? It's what he wants you to become. An emotionless killing machine who carves destruction wherever he goes. That isn't what you want to become is it?"

"No, of course not. I don't want to kill anybody. I just won't be able to live my life until I do this for someone. Then I won't have to kill anybody anymore. I made a promise and I'm going to keep it."

"Be careful big brother. Our father scares me, truthfully.."

"Teaching me how to use my powers will provide us with a way to beat him. How powerful can he be?"

"I rather not answer that. I don't even know myself."

"Where should we start then? What the hell can a Nephilim do, Akari?"

"Loads of things. We're basically demigods. Our physical condition differs from a mere mortal. Well depending on our rank which is based on our fathers' rank. There's basic normal Angels, the ones with only two wings. Their offspring are the most human and have normal human limitations and conditions. The only quirk they have is supernatural abilities."

"What kind of abilities? Like controlling shadows?"

"It differs. We're all unique. Our racial abilities allows us to sense others energy signatures, or auras as you say it. We're all capable of healing on differing levels."

"What's the next rank?"

"The next rank is a Cherubim. They have four wings and are significantly more powerful than the classic Angel. Their offspring have enhanced physical condition which varies. When it comes to healing its greatly improved. They can heal most wounds in a matter of seconds."

"I see... that's pretty amazing."

"Then there's Seraphims the top of the food chain. They have six wings and are basically gods in their own rights. Our dad expects a lot from us due to his rank. We're supposed to be the most powerful, but, it takes time to achieve this great power. I don't know what we'd be able to do once we unlocked it. For some reason he feels like only you can unlock that power..."

"So our father's on the level of a god? I'm not thrilled about that.." Terios leaned back against his chair as he sighed softly. "Wish that power would rub off on me already. At my current level I doubt I'd do much to Isamu."

"Give it a few days.. I'll try to get you there, Teri-kun. We can train together! I swear I have some useful tips to teach you."

"Alright then. The earlier we get started the better."

If obtaining this power will help me fulfill my promise to Shiori then I'll gladly accept it. Then I'll use that power to stop my father. That way he won't meddle in my life again.

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