《Just Luck》Book 1 - Chapter 10 - Circus


"Sorry I'm late."

Celica had just arrived home after her preparations and barged through the door looking at a her dad wearing quite an expensive suit, which was very unusual for him since he hated formal occasions, and her mom finishing up her makeup looking absolutely stunning for a women in her mid-forties that spent her days in a busy restaurant.

"No time to talk, hurry upstairs and changed into the dress I prepared."

"But mom I..."

"No buts, Let's go."

Celica was pushed up the stairs by her mom while her dad sat on one of the stool near the front of the restaurant.

"Dad, I'm home."


Jake Lain, Celica's oldest brother who lived near the palace who worked as a baker who sometimes had the opportunity to serve the king his works of art which served to increase his popularity and satisfy his goal of creating delicious food just like his parents. Celica would see him on occasions as she left work and went into his shop for some baked goods to bring to her room in the palace. The siblings in the Lain family were always close but Jake always had to watch out for his young siblings, thinking it was his responsibility to watch over them.

Jake and his dad met for a hug and sat down.

"Dad you're in a suit... pffft"

Jake was trying to hold in his laughter.

"Hey don't laugh. Your mother wanted me to put one on since today is a special occasion."

"Luther is tonight's star right? It's going to be great, but he might start laughing after seeing you."

"You little.."

His dad put him in a headlock as they started to play around.

"You guys never grow up..."


Elena had just finished up with Celica and went downstairs to let her finish up.

"Hey mom."

Jake went to hug his mom.

"It's good to see you, Jake. You and Luther barely come by nowadays. I know your busy, but not seeing you guys break my heart."

"I know. Sorry, mom."

"It's okay."

"Oh, Since I'm here, what time are we going to gather next week for Kyle?"

"Sometime after the lunch, can you come by then?"

"Of course Mom."

"Hey, Jake."

Celica had just walked down with an amazing get up. Her tight dress ran down the length of her body glittering in a bright sky blue. A light amount of makeup was put on to accentuate her already pretty face while her hair was completely let down and brushed since they did not have time to do anything else, but nonetheless, it suited her perfectly.

"Wow Celli, you trying to impress Luther tonight?"

"Shut up Jake."

Celica went up and put Jake in a headlock, just like her father.

"Celica you're gonna ruin your dress, now let's go and do you really have to bring a sword..."

"The king will be in attendance and I have to be ready for anything."

*sigh* "Anyways, Luther actually gave us front row seats tonight so don't be so embarrassing."

"Front row?!"

The siblings said in unison. They knew that Luther was the star but usually only the royalty and kings would be able to get those tickets. They finally realized why their dad was in a suit because they might be seated close to the king.

Jake started, "I should have worn something a bit more extravagant..."

"Come on let's go!"

Jack closed the shop and the Lains were on their way to Luther's show.



"My king. My queen."

"Celica! You look absolutely marvellous this evening. Did you manage to get front row seat tickets as well?"

Celica made a small curtsy as she appeared before the king.

"Yes sir, Luther gave them to our family as a present and we happily accepted it."

"Well then, it reassuring that you are here, I am counting on you."

"Yes, my king"

"Now return to your seat, let's all enjoy tonight's events. You are dismissed."

"By your leave."

Celica made a bow and went to sit down next to her brother two rows above where the king sat.

"Hurry up Celli, the show is about to start."

"I'm coming, jeez. You try walking in this dress..."

When she sat down, Celica looked across the giant room where they were sitting. There were thousands of people that were attending this event. The attendees were sitting in a circle around the edge on a raised platform of the circular room while the stage, being a huge dusty area that had many apparatuses set up for the performances, was placed in the dugout centre. The room must have spanned the area of the entire castle. There was also a symphony gathered near the stage to accompany the performance.

Being in the front row, Celica and her family were saved the trouble of being seated in the overcrowded areas in the back. There were dividers that separate them from the huge crowd and Celica was thankful since she could attend to her duties and enjoy the show more easily because of them.

Moments later the arena went completely dark as the lamps were all turned off while the crowd roared in anticipation for the show.

After the cheering died down, three giant lamps shone a concentrated light to three different spots on the stage where three men that looked exactly the same stood. In unison, they started to speak.


Tonight, we will be showing you events that will shatter your concepts of what performance really is.

We will make you laugh, we will make you cry, and we promise, to make sure everybody in this audience leave here today in complete amazement!"

The crowd kept cheered every time the men finished their sentence.

"I am Harry"

"I am Hanz"

"I am Hawk"

"We are the headmasters of this show."

"And now please."

"Get ready."


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