《Chronicles of Leofric [Dropped]》Chapter 001
Chapter 001
‘ ‘ for thoughts.
“ “ for speech.
* * for actions.
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Chronicles of Leofric (and all its chapters) by fidelc123 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Leofric Mah Wayne was three years old. He was a pudgy little boy with golden-yellow eyes and dust brown hair which ended in curls. He was currently stuffing his face with pastries, seated in the Dining Hall of the Wayne Clan mansion in the city of Dawndenn in the Country of Athien. Behind him a couple of attendants were standing alert.
Three people entered the dining hall, and immediately the attendants bowed deeply. A tall handsome man, who looked to be in his early thirties with flaming red hair was accompanied by a petite woman with dust brown hair. They were Ealric Mah Wayne and Goldyna Turner Wayne, Leofric’s parents.
A short wizened old man with pure-white hair falling to his shoulders and olive-skin followed them. He had a French-cut beard and was somewhat hunchbacked and dressed like scholars in an ocher yellow robe. He had beady little eyes and had a stern look on his face. While Leofric was busy eating, the attendants waiting on him bowed deeply and greeted his parents.
Both attendants: (simultaneously) “Welcome Master”
Both attendants: (simultaneously) “Welcome Mistress.”
This caught Leofric’s attention. He had almost finished eating his pastry and he wiped his hands on the tablecloth, jumped from his chair and rushed towards his parents with speed astonishing for a human three year old! He hugged his mother’s leg with one hand and his father’s leg with the other. He gave an excited shout, while his mother ruffled his hair. His father had a stern gaze, but a twinkle in his eyes could be seen.
Leofric: “Mommy! Daddy!”
Goldyna: *smiling* “Did you enjoy your meal, my little Angel?”
Leofric: *excited grin* “Yes Mommy.”
Ealric: “Well Leofric, it is time for your studies to begin.”
Leofric: “Studies? Why do I need to study?”
Goldyna: “Your evaluation will be held in five years when you are eight. Before that, you should know the knowledge and etiquette expected of a noble of Clan Wayne!”
Ealric: “The eminent scholar with me is Labasi the Learned. He will be your personal tutor for the next five years. You are to obey his instructions and respect him as your teacher.”
Leofric: “Yes Daddy.”
Leofric: *does a cute little bow at Labasi the Learned* “I will be in your care, Teacher.”
Labasi the Learned smiled and it looked as if the wrinkles on his face multiplied.
Labasi the Learned: “My tutelage is strict, young master. I will teach you a variety of topics from arithmetic to noble etiquette and also exercises to strengthen your body and soul. We will begin tomorrow sharp before breakfast at sunrise.”
Leofric shrinks visibly at the mention of his syllabus and nods weakly. Labasi the learned gives a throaty chuckle and addressed Leofric’s parents.
Labasi the Learned: “Master; Mistress; I shall take your leave and retire to my quarters to prepare for Young Master’s lessons tomorrow.”
Ealric: “Of course, Labasi. If you require anything, don’t hesitate to inform your attendants.”
Labasi gave a curt nod and left the Dining Hall. After Labasi learned, Leofric inquired his parents about his new curriculum.
Leofric: *whining tone* “Why do I have to get up at sunrise and exercise too?”
Ealric: “To grow stronger of course!”
Leofric: “Why do I need to grow stronger? I am a noble, and people listen to me!”
Ealric: *amused laugh* “Being a noble means nothing, if you do not have the strength to back it up. Without the power to protect what is yours, it can be snatched easily. Even the king has to give our clan face, because of our strength! Facing our martial and magical experts in battle is something very few in the kingdom dare!”
Leofric: ‘Even the King and his Imperial authority have to make concessions of our clan because of personal strength of our clan members? No wonder my parents want me to be strong. Strength is important, even if it is to just deter others from bullying us!’
Ealric: “Labasi is one of the most eminent scholars in your kingdom, in is a retainer of your mother’s family for almost a century. You must listen to him diligently, especially for your training! Do you understand? ”
Leofric: “Yes father!”
Goldyna: “In fact, he was my tutor. If you pay special attention to the exercises he teaches you and practice diligently, you will have the potential to be one of the most powerful magus and/or warrior when you grow up! He himself is a powerful dual-expert of Master (Rank 6) Earth/Fire Magus and Master (rank 6) Warrior.”
Leofric: *eyes shining* “Someone can be a magus and warrior both?”
Ealric: “Yes, but the efforts are double! Although, why a prestigious magus needs to undergo the barbarian-like training I never know. But, your mother insisted on him.”
Goldyna: “Don’t listen to your father. Although your father is an Expert (Rank 5), I can beat him in a duel in spite of being only a Journeyman (Rank 4). This is because while your father is only an Expert Fire Magus, whereas I am both a Journeyman Warrior and Journeyman Earth Magus!”
Leofric: “Mommy is stronger than Daddy... but how? Isn’t daddy a higher rank than you mommy?”
Goldyna: “Rank isn’t everything. While given time to prepare magi are dangerous, but they are weak in close combat and slower. Also, not everyone is suitable to be a magus. So it is better to lay a strong foundation from early on.”
Leofric: *cute determined tone* “I will become a magus-warrior like mommy! Even if I can’t become a magus I will become the strongest!”
Goldyna smiled and ruffled her son’s hair affectionately.
Goldyna: “That you will my little angel. Mommy and Daddy have to leave now. Work hard under Labasi OK.”
Leofric: “Yes Mommy!”
His parents left the Dining Hall and soon Leofric finished his pastry and quickly ran to his room. While his parents were walking in a passage, Ealric asked his wife.
Ealric: “Is it so necessary to start his tutelage now? He is just three years old. It could have waited a couple of years…”
Goldyna: “Our child is exceptionally smart and strong at this age. He is ready for my teacher’s tutelage. You have seen his speech and actions. Physically, he seems at least a couple of years older than his real age and his conversations are much more coherent than some children twice his age!”
Ealric: “Hmm that is true. In the cruel world outside, strength is essential to demand respect.”
Early next morning, a little before dawn, young Leofric was woken by Labasi. He looked grumpy and was groaning at having his sleep interrupted. But seeing Labasi, he quickly dispelled the last remnants of sleep from his eyes.
Labasi: “Let us go to a private courtyard to begin your exercises.”
Leofric: “Yes teacher.”
They walked a while through the mansion towards an enclosed courtyard within the mansion. On the way, Labasi was maintaining silence, but Leofric was puzzled.
Leofric: “Teacher, what are you going to teach me today?”
Labasi: “I will teach you how to meditate till breakfast. After breakfast I will begin with some general information, till lunch. After lunch, we will start your education on history. After tea, rest of the day is yours.”
Labasi: “Having a firm grasp on meditation and practicing it regularly is very important for both warriors and magi. Do you know why?”
Leofric: “No Teacher.”
Labasi: “Meditation does three things. Primarily, it refines and stores elemental energy in a person’s central Dantian as mage-force, that is a greater meridian near the heart by the way, according to his affinity. This is essential for a magus! For example; when I meditate in the style I am going to teach you, mostly earth and fire elemental power gets refined and stored in my central Dantian.”
Labasi: “The second main benefit of Meditation is primarily of concern to warriors. It increases the amount of Qi a warrior can store in his lower Dantian! A warrior of the same rank who diligently meditates, can last longer in fights as he will have more Qi!”
Labasi: “The third benefit of meditation is that it strengthens your soul and improves your spiritual force! Although the second and third benefits are relatively minor in a single session of meditation; over time warriors do benefit greatly from those!”
Leofric: “Teacher what is Qi and spiritual force?”
Labasi: “We have arrived at the courtyard. I will explain those terms later.”
As they conversed, they arrived at the courtyard. It was quite spacious and was enclosed by stone walls almost 6 meters (20 feet) high. There was a small patch of sunflowers nearby and a few trees. Rest of the courtyard was covered with lush green grass.
Labasi: “Leofric, now select a spot where you are comfortable and we shall begin.”
He nodded and stood near the patch of flowers. He faced his teacher and addressed him.
Leofric: “I am ready teacher.”
Labasi nodded and sat in the lotus position near him (a/n sitting cross-legged with a straight back). He then formed a circle with the thumb and forefinger of each hand keeping rest of the fingers straight, in line with his palm.
Labasi: “Sit like this and make this seal with your hand. Then close your eyes and start breathing deeply, yet gently through your nose. Clear your mind of all thoughts and let your awareness float.”
Leofric nodded and imitated his teacher. Once in position, he closed his eyes and started breathing deeply, matching his breathing rhythm with his teacher. He tried to clear his mind, but stray thoughts would arise and cloud him. He tried for almost half an hour, but he was unable to clear his mind.
He opened his eyes and noticed that his teacher Labasi was observing him keenly. He then asked his teacher.
Leofric: “Teacher, I can’t seem to clear my mind. Stray thoughts seem to be popping up.”
Labasi: “That is expected. Maintain your breathing rhythm and focus on your breaths. With each breath in, imagine and feel the energy of the world revitalizing you. With every breath out, imagine and feel the impurities in your body dissipating.”
With this new piece of advice, he started his attempt at meditation. After focusing on his breathing for a few minutes, he imagined each inhalation revitalizing him with energy and each exhalation removing impurities from his body. With every breath, a part of the natural ambient elemental energy was drawn into his body. It made its way through the meridian channels towards the greater meridian near his heart.
Usually, when mages meditated in this manner, a part of the elemental energy would be refined and stored in this greater meridian near the heart as mageforce. This was the basic way in which most mages built up the maximum capacity of energy to cast spells. Recovering used elemental energy was far easier, and a good night’s sleep was sufficient.
This greater meridian was called the central Dantian, with the upper Dantian being in the head and the lower Dantian being near the navel. Mortals couldn’t directly channel the power of the upper Dantian, whereas warriors stored their Qi in the lower Dantian. When the ambient elemental energy reached Leofric’s central Dantian, something strange happened to the elemental energy.
Instead of being refined and stored according to elemental affinity, there was a faint pulse as it dissipated through the meridian channels. On its way through the meridian channels, a tiny part of it was absorbed by the various muscles, bones and internal organs of his body. It felt very comfortable and refreshing to Leofric, as if his whole body was revitalized.
Finally a sliver of energy reached his lower Dantian. When the miniscule stream of energy reached his lower Dantian, most of it pulsed and dissipated through the meridian channels being absorbed by the surrounding muscles, internal organs and bones. However, a tiny bit of that energy remained in the form of a gaseous vapor in his lower Dantian.
While meditating as a warrior, a part of the elemental energy reaching the lower Dantian would be refined into Qi. This process of increasing maximum Qi reserves via meditation was far too slow compared to any Qi training procedures utilized. However, most of these Qi training procedures available relied on the excitation and circulation of the body’s Qi. Thus it was advisable to not train in them until the body reached its peak through physical training only.
However, meditation passively increased the base amount of Qi without these drawbacks as the Qi present wasn’t agitated or circulated. This meant that, a warrior who diligently meditated while training his body would have higher amount of Qi compared to experts who neglected building a strong foundation.
Similarly, a small sliver of energy reached his upper Dantian. Unlike the elemental energy in his central or lower Dantian, almost half of the energy reaching his upper Dantian was absorbed! The upper Dantian was primarily related to spiritual force and strength of the soul. While meditation did reinforce the soul and increased spiritual force, usually only 10% to 20% of the energy reaching a mortal’s (Rank 7 and below) upper Dantian could be effectively absorbed.
Leofric had managed to absorb more than 40% of the elemental energy reaching his upper Dantian while he was a three year old child who was not even a Novice (Rank 1) Warrior or Magus! Furthermore, as Leofric’s central Dantian didn’t refine any elemental energy into mageforce, a larger part of the elemental energy was reaching his upper Dantian!
Leofric was unaware of these subtle changes. All he felt was that with every breath, a sliver of invigorating energy passing through his body, leaving a slight tingling sensation. He simply had a comfortable feeling in the trance of meditation. It felt like having a warm relaxing bath as all his fatigue was washed away. Soon he lost track of time, and was immersed in meditating.
Labasi, who was observing Leofric, was surprised! He was a Master Magus (Rank 6) and could sense that Leofric was immersed in meditation. It took most people a few days to get a hang of meditation, let alone a three year old noble brat. Furthermore, he had an odd feeling about Leofric’s meditation, but he couldn’t quite place a finger on it.
Labasi: ‘This kid has potential, to grasp mediation within an hour! His innate spiritual force should be innately higher than most! His aura while meditating however is strange. Its subtle, and I can’t seem to quite put my finger on it.’
After a while of excitement for his student, he stilled his mind and started meditating himself. A couple of hours after sunrise, a maid was waiting outside the courtyard, and called them as breakfast was being served. Student and Teacher opened their eyes, exiting meditation, and went for breakfast. To leofric, meditation didn’t feel like a mentally taxing exercise. On the contrary, he enjoyed the warm refreshing feeling while meditating!
After breakfast, he followed Labasi into a small study. There were a few shelves full of books, a table with drawers. There were two chairs on the opposite end of the table, an inkpot, a couple of quills and rolls of parchment. Leofric and Labasi sat facing each other.
Labasi: “Before I begin to teach you how to read and write, is there anything you would like to know?”
Leofric: “Teacher, what are the ranks of Warriors and Magi?”
Labasi: “Warriors have seven ranks. From lowest to highest, they are: Novice or Rank 1, Apprentice or Rank 2, Intermediate or Rank 3, Journeyman or Rank 4, Expert or Rank 5, Master or Rank 6 and Grandmaster or Rank 7.”
Labasi: “Similarly, Magi also have seven ranks from Novice to Grandmaster. Furthermore, magi specialize in elements. Usually a magus has affinity for one element, very rarely two. In extremely rare cases a magus can have three elemental affinities and having four elemental affinities is almost impossible!”
Leofric: “Can anyone become a magus?”
Labasi: “In theory, yes. But without talent and reasonable elemental affinity, they are doomed to remain at the Journeyman stage all their Life. As a person’s rank increases, so does his life! While a rank 1 warrior can live up to 80 years, a rank 7 warrior can live around four centuries! Even though mages live quite a bit longer than warriors of the same rank, it is difficult for most to progress in rank as mages before their life gets over.”
Labasi: “Only one in a thousand has potential of being a Journeyman (rank 4) mage before a hundred years of age. But potential does not mean that they can achieve it without hard work and rigorous training!”
Leofric: “How many can become Grandmaster (Rank 7) Mages, Teacher?”
Labasi: “Only one in a million can hope to become a Grandmaster mage in their lifetime!”
Leofric: “How strong are Grandmaster Mages?”
Labasi: “A grandmaster mage can unleash spells which can devastate an entire army of lower ranked warriors!”
Leofric: “Does that mean warriors are weaker?”
Labasi: “Up to Grandmaster, yes. If a mage is sufficiently prepared and there is some distance, a warrior of same rank has no hope at range. However, in close combat a warrior can slaughter a mage before a mage can cast any sufficiently powerful spell!”
Leofric: *curious tone* “Up to Grandmaster? Teacher, does it mean that there is a level of power beyond Grandmaster?”
Labasi: “Yes, they are called sages. Only one in hundreds of millions can become a sage! Be it warrior or mage…”
While Labasi mentioned sages, his expression was filled with awe and reverence. Soon, he collected himself and said:
Labasi: “That’s enough for now; let us begin your letters. The sooner you learn, the more time I will have to answer your questions.”
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