《Enchanter》Chapter 07


"That's about 50 Black Magic Stones, huh?"

I muttered after counting the stones that was inside my pouch.

'It's still here.'

I looked over by my side and could see something was standing beside me.

《Hey, unsheathe me I wanna fight.》

I have no idea what is happening!

[Divine Spirit Possession]

- Upon usage acquires the skill of a divine spirit. In most cases, a divine spirit and a body can only be in sync 10-20% of technique, and skill.

This is the skill's description before I used it as an enchantment, nothing notable as is, however...

When I looked it over again, a new line of text appeared stating [However, if the divine spirit takes a liking to the user of the ability. The user is allowed to fully use the spirit's experience, technique and skill, doing so would allow the divine spirit to possess the user's body to a certain extent.]

As if it had just been acknowledged, this new line appeared after I used the enchanted item.

What do you mean by the spirit taking a liking to the user!?

"Does this mean..."

The one beside me is the Divine Spirit possessing this sword, right now?

《Unsheathe me already!》

"The possession will be active and honestly, the feeling of not being in control of my own body sucks."

《Well, I guess I was too excited I took over your body for a sec, sorry...》

The spirit sounded apologetic, it sounded neither a man nor a woman, it sounded distorted yet clear for me to understand the words it spoke.

《Anyway, your body was easy to move in so I decided to lend a hand, a full integration of my abilities.》

"I didn't say I needed help."

《But, you activated the ability of that sword, right?》


"Yeah, I did, but I didn't think that I'd actually get a spirit's favor."

《As I've said your body's quite suitable, so I did it.》

It's not because of my body though... I've been enhanced by the enchantment of my equipments.

《So, what'd you say? Wanna have another go at it?》

"I'd rather not."

《Heh? If so, how will you go back to the upper ground?》

To the spirit's snarky remark, I took a marble from one of my pockets and enchanted it.

[Rarity: Rare| Marble of Teleportation|Enchantment: Teleport Lv. MAX (Breaks upon use)]

"Like this."

The marble lights up and the scenery changes a bit, I was still inside the dungeon however, I was back at the first floor. Fulfilling its purpose, the marble began to crack and then shattered into tiny pieces.

"We're back."

《What the!?》

The distorted voice screamed in surprise.



"Are you here to report for your accepted requests?"


"Alright, hand over your card."


He puts the card inside the entry slot, and my identification appears by the screen.

[Name: June Carrel| ID No.: 04007782|Level: 05| Monsters Killed: 73]

It only has the most basic of information, huh?

Do they use the same system to monitor our kills?

"Your requests are slime hunting, about two of those requests you took?"


"Alright, I've checked your requests, the two of them had been checked out, please return to the HQ to recieve your rewards. We're glad to see you safe and sound."

The receptionist stood up and bows his body lightly.

I was a bit surprised but I guess, this must be a normal thing right?

"Alright then, until next time."

"Yes, see you again!"

With a light wave, I left the dungeon and headed to the Gate Station.


《I guess that man was relieved to see you alive, huh?》

"Huh? What gave you the idea?"

《I don't know just a feeling I guess? Anyway, Where we headed to?》

"Back to the HQ, I finished the request I only need to gather my reward then go home."

《Is that so?》

With a hint of disappointment, the distorted voice replied. Can't help that I'm not a battle-junkie, I won't go looking for battles that I don't need.

Oh... and, I didn't notice but I did level up, huh?

I guess I was too preoccupied in trying to stop the possession, huh?

It sounds and looks like a game, this awakening stuff...

I wonder what the first awakened felt when they learned of this.

Excitement's probably one of those, setting aside fear and confusion, maybe happiness?

Anyway, leveling.

When an awakened kills a monsters, the awakened absorb's the monster's essence and accumulates it, and once the awakened has accumulated enough essence, he/she is able to level up.

This however, rarely occurs to people who awakens, that is because luck plays out on what kind of ability they awaken to and if they somehow got a good ability, even with that they lack battle experience, most awakened die before even leveling up, I guess in a way I'm a bit of a special case!

[Name: June Carrell| Level: 05| Life: 200/200| Mana: 520/530| Ability: Enchant Items, Enhance Items, Eyes of Item Discernment]

|STR: 12 [+ 3] (+2.0)^|

|VIT: 20 [+ 4] [+ 5] (+2.5)^|

|MND:50.3 (+2.7)^|

|DEX: 11.4 [+ 2.28] [+ 2.85] (+2.1)^|

|AGI: 7.6 + [1.14] + [1.9] (+1.4)^|

My stats grew slowly, only my mind stat grew way out of the norm because of using my skills without reserve making it bloat up.

Anyway, I guess it's godsend, I didn't equip my unli mana shirt as it doesn't have much to offer defense wise.

It doesn't seem like the enchantment works, if I had something over that equipment, maybe because of the system's interference that's why such methods of stacking are null.

Though equipping ten rings in each fingers work, I don't really know how the system works but it is reminscent of a game. After all, keeping the game's balance is what the system is for.

Then, what am I? I can seriously tip the game's balance if I carelessly threw equipments here and there.

"Arrggh... thinking about this stuff is frying my brain."

《Then, don't think about it and unsheathe me already! I want to fight!》

I guess battle idiots have a more narrow view of the world, it must be nice having a one track mind.

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