《The Replacement》Chapter One: Ten Years Later
Ten years had passed since Amon returned to the beginning of his life, and in those ten years, he had time to recall memories from his previous life. In doing so, he came to a startling realization. Perhaps starting from the moment they met, Vine had groomed him to be his successor. In hindsight, it was strange that the Prince of the Weyer Kingdom had specifically chosen Amon when he was ten years old to be raised as his bodyguard. Knowing what he knew now, Amon found it made sense. As Vine’s chosen bodyguard he received a comprehensive education, the best martial arts, and weapons training. More importantly, he was at Vine’s side almost constantly, so he was witness to the events that led to the ruin of the Weyer Kingdom and the known world.
Vine always had me memorize, and study things I thought pointless, but now I can see that he was preparing me for this. Still... there's something that's bothering me. With such a blessing, if events always played out the same, then Vine would have found a way to stop the Goetites and their Acolytes eventually, so why couldn’t he? Vine may not have been the genius I believed him to be, but he was no fool, and despite failing in the end we were close… so close.
A chill went through Amon’s spine. Whatever or whoever it was that prevented Vine from succeeding despite having tried who knows how many times, Amon would have to deal with it. Vine believed he could do it, and that’s all the reassurance he needed.
Vine, I won’t let you down.
“Am I boring you, Amon?”
Amon blinked. The sound of his name being called brought him back to the present. The orphanage in Mefleiad the capital city of the Weyer Kingdom. The kids were snickering and watching Amon, their eyes bright with mischievous, but all his attention was on Sister Haze.
“Not at all, Sister Haze. You know this is just how I am when I'm thinking.”
Sister Haze regarded him with her soft violet eyes for a moment then nodded. “Very well. Tell us what you know about blessings.” She said gesturing to the kids in the room.
So that’s what she was teaching today.
Amon cleared his throat and tried to make his voice deeper since he hated sounding like a child. “Weyer's blessing or just blessing for short are powers that some humans, mostly the nobility are born with. It is believed that they originated from Zagam Weyer the founder of the Weyer Kingdom who is said to have had a limitless amount of blessings. He sowed his seed in countless human women to ensure that everyone in his newly founded Kingdom had the opportunity to be born with a blessing of their own.” He paused for a moment and decided to say more when he noticed Sister Haze’s annoyed expression. “Human’s manifest their blessing at ten years old at the earliest and fifteen years old at the latest. Blessings are unique to the individual, but there are cases where the same blessing or a similar blessing manifests itself again in someone else. They are called inherited blessings and they are most common among noble houses who have a history of incest.”
“Why would someone sow a seed in a woman?”
“Do I have a blessing?”
“What’s incest?”
The kids erupted in a flurry of questions directed at Amon and Sister Haze. She tried to quiet them by raising her hand, but the kids were too engrossed in their curiosity to notice. With an irritated glance directed at Amon, Sister Haze cleared her throat.
“Quiet Brats!” She said sharply.
The kids did just that with a speed only achievable with prior experience, some even covered their mouths with their hands to make sure they didn’t let out a sound.
Sorry kids. I’ll\make it up to you someday.
Sister Haze sighed and pointed towards the door. “Your lessons are over for the day. Go get dinner, play outside, or better yet, study.”
The kids nodded and immediately stood up from their stools to leave. Amon did so as well but was quickly stopped.
“Amon, not you.” Said Sister Haze. “I want to talk to you.”
Amon smiled and sat back down. His underlings, Caim and Amy shot hit curious glances, but he waved them off. He often stayed after Sister Haze’s lectures were over to speak with her.
Hopefully, she was able to fulfill the request I made of her.
As soon as Amon was left alone with Sister Haze, he stood up and dragged a stool to sit across from her. She sat down on her cushioned chair and kicked her feet up on a stool making herself comfortable. She sighed blissfully as she sunk into her chair and closed her eyes. Amon was used to this routine of hers, so he waited patiently for her trying to avoid staring at her for too long. Seeing Sister Haze up close reminded him of his crush on her when he was younger in his previous life.
Her white and turquoise wool robe, the common outfit for the Sisters of Leporah wasn’t exactly revealing since it covered her entire body, but the way it clung to her curves didn’t leave much to the imagination especially since she was fairly robust and in amazing shape. She was an attractive woman with her long black hair, violet almond eyes, pink full lips, soft caramel skin, and beautiful serene face. She was a woman that any man could fall for, and indeed in his previous life, Amon thought her the most beautiful woman in the world. Until he learned how old she truly was, and how horrible her personality was. After that, Amon’s crush on her was instantly snuffed out like a candle in the wind.
Still, she did help raise me and was always supportive of me even when I left. Though I suspect that had more to do with the money I sent the orphanage. Even in this life, she’s been supportive of me, perhaps even more so than in my previous life.
“Damn, kid. Why do you even attend my classes.” Sister Haze said, finally opening her eyes. “I don’t teach you anything you haven’t already learned of your own.”
“Sister Haze,” Amon smiled as sweetly as he could manage. “there's a difference between reading about something and having it be explained by someone who knows what they’re talking about. Your lectures help me understand the things I read about it.”
She snorted and nudged Amon with her foot. “Don’t act cute with me. I know you don’t need these lectures to understand shit.”
“Perhaps I just enjoy seeing and spending time with the most beautiful Sister in the orphanage.” He flattered, though he wasn’t lying either.
She raised her eyebrows taken aback and chuckled. “You might make something of yourselves in ten or twenty years, come back to me then.”
“What do you mean?” Amon asked, playing dumb.
“You'll understand one day. Now, I have a question for you.” She narrowed her eyes, watching Amon carefully.“ Why did you say it’s believed that blessings originated from Zagam Weyer. It’s commonly accepted that blessings originated from him.”
Amon wanted to slap himself in the face for making such a mistake, but he remained outwardly composed and answered. “Well.” He hesitated. “Has nobody asked where Zagam Weyer got his blessings? Why did he have countless blessings when people now can only manifest one?”
Sister Haze’s violet eyes sparkled with amusement and she broke into a delighted grin. “Ha! A skeptic, I like that. To answer your questions, yes it was questioned where Zagam Weyer got his blessings from, and it was concluded that he was a unique case who was simply born with all his blessings. As for why we can only manifest one blessing when Zagam Weyer was able to manifest more is up to debate. The strongest theory is that our body and soul can only handle the strain of manifesting one, while Zagam Weyer was just unique.” After her explanation, her grin morphed into a frown, and she sank further into her cushioned chair. “I have my own theories about blessings and Zagam Weyer, but I’m just a Sister of Leporah, who gives a shit about what I think.”
“The kids and I care about what you think. I’m sure the other kids you’ve helped raise over the years also care.” Amon said symptomatically.
Besides, one of your theories did prove to be true, though I can’t tell you that yet.
She reached over silently and pinched Amon’s cheek between her thumb and forefinger. “You’re a kid too, why are you saying that like you’re not one.”
It was a struggle, but Amon managed a smile that seemed to annoy Sister Haze further. She let him go with a flick to his cheek and reached into her robe pulling out an iron necklace with a pendant in the shape of a hammer. “I didn’t tell you to stay just because I wanted to play with you. I also have what you asked me for.”
She tossed the necklace at Amon, and he caught it and pocketed it gratefully. “Thank you, Sister Haze. I can't express just how much I appreciate this.”
“Express it with your efforts. I went through a lot of trouble to get Rickert to accept you as an apprentice. I talked you up as a genius that only comes around once every hundred years, and even then he wouldn’t budge. I had to imply that he would be doing me a favor and that I would return the favor in any way he liked.” She scowled in disgust. “I’m not following through with that favor by the way so work hard to prove you’re worth it. You start tomorrow morning”
Amon chuckled and stood up from his stool to give Sister Haze a peck on the cheek. “Do Sisters of Leporah make a habit of breaking promises?”
She chuckled and ruffled Amon’s dark locks. “I didn’t promise anything. Besides, Leporah’s a bitch, she doesn’t care if I break a promise or two.”
Amon moved his head away from Sister Haze’s grasp and turned towards the door. “A pleasure talking to you as always, Sister Haze. I’ll take my leave now. I have to prepare for the start of my blacksmith apprenticeship tomorrow.”
As Amon was walking out of the room, he stopped mid-step when he heard Sister Haze call out to him.
“You’re a smart kid, Amon, so I don’t worry about you too much, but there's something strange about Rickert. If you feel like something is off don’t hesitate to just leave and return to the orphanage. I’ll deal with Rickert if he has any complaints.”
“I’ll be sure to do so,” Amon said with genuine appreciation before leaving.
You don't need to worry, Sister Haze. I’m not interested in becoming a blacksmith, getting close to Rickert is just a means to an end.
“Amon, you’re going to be a blacksmith!” Caim exclaimed when Amon showed him the iron necklace.
Amon shrugged nonchalantly and laid down on his straw bed in the room he shared with Caim. Caim was the first underling he chose when he saw potential in him two years ago. The brown-haired boy was tall for his age, nimble, and had good instincts. He was a bit timid, but that was because he was young and he would grow out of it. He didn’t know Caim in his previous life nor did he know of him, so it was unlikely that Caim was going to manifest a blessing, but that didn’t matter, Amon was going to raise him to be a fine soldier regardless. He was going to need strong and loyal companions when he entered the Solomon Tactics Academy.
“Are you going to leave the orphanage?” Amy asked as she sat atop Amon’s bed.
Amon didn't choose Amy as his underling, rather she forced herself onto him leaving him no choice but to accept her. Amy was a pudgy short-haired blonde with a cute face that didn’t suit her since she had a mean streak which often led to her getting into fights with the other kids. She could hold her own, but boys even as kids were just made stronger than girls. She got into a tougher fight than she was probably used to when she fought an older boy named Linus. Amon thought she had it coming since she provoked him, but Linus was taking it too far and could have seriously hurt her, so Amon stepped in to stop him. Linus was bigger, but a kid who didn’t know how to fight stood no chance against someone who trained with the best warriors in the Weyer Kingdom for a lifetime. Since then, Amy had latched on to Amon like a duckling to her mother. He would have been able to brush her off if she simply developed a childish crush on him, but she didn’t latch on to him because she had a crush, no she wanted Amon to teach her how to fight, and no matter how much he refused her, she kept on stubbornly persisting until she wore him down and he conceded. Fortunately, she was a natural at fighting and an easy student to teach since she always listened to him, at least when it came to fighting, but she had the opposite problem that Caim had. Where Caim was timid and hesitant to hurt others, Amy was more than willing to resort to violence.
Where was this stubborn, vicious girl in my previous life I wonder? With her attitude and aggressiveness, she could have made it into the Solomon Tactics Academy even without manifesting a blessing, but I never heard of her. Regardless, I’ll make sure she gets in with me and Caim, though I’ll have to handle her with an iron fist to make sure she doesn’t cause too much trouble.
“Amon, you’re blanking out again,” Amy said waving her hand in front of his face.
Amon pushed her hand aside and sat up. “Just thinking about tomorrow, and no, I’m not going to leave the orphanage, Amy. I’ll just be apprenticing at the Anvil and Hammer a few hours a day.”
She nodded then pointed at Caim who was sitting cross-legged on the straw bed next to Amon. “What are we going to do if you’re not here to teach us to fight then?”
“You two can practice with each other. I think you both know enough to do your exercises and training without me around.”
Amy’s blue eyes gleamed and she grinned as she made a fist. “Caim you pansy, you better not hold back!”
“I-I can’t hit a girl!” Caim said flabbergasted.
“Why not?"
“Because boys shouldn’t hit girls!” Came exclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Amy rolled her eyes and Amon chuckled. “I won’t tell you that you should make a habit of hitting girls, but if you don’t fight back then Amy’s going to make you cry.”
“I can hold her back without hitting her,” Caim said stubbornly.
“No way! I’m better at fighting than you are!” Amy exclaimed.
Before Amy became too aggressive Amon grabbed her shoulder. “Amy, don’t be too hard on him,” He said sternly, then turned to look at Caim. “Caim, if you think you can fight Amy without hitting her, then go ahead.”
Amy frowned, but she nodded reluctantly, and Caim let out a relieved sigh. It was getting late, and Amon wanted to get some rest for tomorrow, so it was time to send Amy away.
“Amy, we’re going to sleep now. Go back to your room.” Amon said trying to push her off his bed gently.
Amy didn’t budge.“Why can’t I sleep here?” She asked petulantly.
Amon groaned. They’ve had the same conversation a few times, but Amy was persistent if nothing else. “Because there is only enough space in the room for two. Me and Caim. You have your own bigger room with the other girls, so you’ll be more comfortable there than here with us.”
“I don’t like the other girls, they’re bitches.” She pouted.
Amon nearly choked as a laugh escaped his throat. “Bitches!” He exclaimed. “Do you even know what that word means?”
Amy grinned. “No, but I’ve heard Sister Haze call some of the other sisters bitches, and they didn’t seem to like it, so it must mean something bad.”
Sister Haze, please watch your language around the kids.
“If that’s how you feel, then I’ll ask Sister Haze and Sister Minerva if you can sleep here with us. But for now, go back to your room.” Amon pushed Amy not so gently off of his bed this time.
“Fine. You better not be lying.” Amy said as she landed with surprising grace, then stomped out.
A soon as Amy’s footsteps could no longer be heard, Caim turned to look at Amon. “You’re not really going to ask Sister Haze and Sister Minerva that are you? I don’t want to sleep in the same room as her, who knows what she’ll do.” Caim said hugging himself protectively.
Amon chuckled and laid down on his poor excuse of a bed. “I don’t know,” He answered truthfully.
“If she does end up sharing this room with us, then she’s sleeping in your bed. I can barely fit into mine.” Caim whined then turned his back to Amon in a show of dissatisfaction
It was true that Amy didn’t fit in with the other girls in the orphanage, and she had more in common with the boys, but Amon didn’t believe the sisters would allow a girl to share a room with two boys. They were a prudish bunch and were raising the girls to follow in their footsteps. Other than Sister Haze, the sisters would be abashed if he made such a request.
Amon pulled his blanket up to his chin and pushed those musing aside, then gave thought to what he was going to do next. He had already braced himself for the possibility that Vine wouldn’t come to the orphanage to choose him as his bodyguard, but when the day he turned ten came and Amon manifested his blessing, suffering through crushing pain as he bled from his nose and ears, Vine didn’t show up. It was the first time he felt lonely since the start of his new life.
What Vine told me is likely true. The Vine of this life is not the same Vine I knew as a brother.
Amon lightly slapped his cheek to stop feeling sorry for himself. With his blessing now manifested, he could move on to the first stage of his plan. Getting rid of Solas of House Owlking, the mastermind behind the drug trade in Mefleiad. For that, dealing with Rickert first was necessary.
As well as being a blacksmith, Rickert also cached delivered drugs, most notably nyghtmare. A purple powder that when inhaled induced euphoric and pleasant vivid dreams. The substance was highly addictive and when used too much those vivid dreams turned into vivid nightmares eventually driving the addicts mad. In his previous life, Vine had dealt with Rickert and Solas before he and Amon met. It was the talk of the city, only ten years old and Prince Vine had innocent citizens arrested and scheduled for execution. But when the Bastion Knights began investigating the Anvil and Hammer, Rickert's shop and smithy, they found the cache of drugs, and they announced to the citizens that Prince Vine had traced its distribution in the city to Rickert and the others that were arrested. Of course, how Vine was able to figure it out was never explained, but everyone in the city soon knew it to be true when Rickert and the others were quick to reveal that the one who was supplying the drugs for them to distribute was Solas, the heir to House Owlking one of the lesser houses stationed near Mefleiad.
Before the scheduled execution, Rickert, In a last act of desperation, tried to escape using his blessing that not many people knew about, he could turn parts of his body into steel. Rickert broke out of his dungeon but didn’t get very far and the Bastion Knights were easily able to find and subdue him. He was publicly hanged on the same day along with the others complicit in the drug trade. What followed was a short but bloody war between House Owlking and the royal family, where all those of House Owlking were either killed or imprisoned.
Amon knew he couldn’t accomplish the same outcome, he didn’t have the resources that Vine had, but at the very least he could handle someone on the level of Rickert. He’d alert the Bastion Knights of Rickert's death and when they come to investigate the Anvil and Hammer they’d find the cache of drugs, and Rickert's suicide letter detailing his involvement with Solas of House Owlking. The Bastion Knights or rather, Sir Orabas who led the Drug Breaking Unit, and the royal family would then take care of Solas. Amon would also take Rickert's blessing to turn parts of his body into steel which if used correctly could go unnoticed.
Having his true blessing hidden gave Amon an edge on others, but he also had to keep it hidden because if it was known that he could steal somebody's blessing by killing them, he’d find himself sharing Rickert and Solas’s fate.
Without Vine to protect me, I have to be more cautious than I was before to keep my true blessing hidden… at least until the final stages of my plan.
Amon yawned and tried to get comfortable in his straw bed as he closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.
It all begins tomorrow.
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