《The Unorthodox Tale of Sky》Chapter 23 My Other Self Is Annoying, but in the End, He's Right


Chapter 23


When I woke up finally I was alone, heh can’t always expect her to be here. “Sigh, I should get up.” When I tried to stand my legs began to give way almost immediately. I had to sit back down before I fell. Heh, so this is how fucked up I am right now. I can’t even stand properly. Heh heh… “Well take some deep breaths Sky, you gotta do this.” I said to myself and began to control my breath. After a few moments of regulated breathing I decided to stand again. This time I didn’t fall, but my legs are still a bit weak. Let’s just make it downstairs before I decide to do anything else.

That was an adventure. I fell three times but luckily my arm strength isn’t taken out as much because I was able to catch myself each time. Is this what it feels like…? The burden of all the lives I’ve taken? But why now? Why now, of all times, does it start to affect me? Was… it my sister…? Probably what started it, then everything cascaded from then on huh. I don’t really… Anyway I don’t think I can cook right now so I’ll just throw together a peanut butter banana sandwich. Most simplistic food I can concoct right now.

The silence during my meal was deafening and disheartening, it made me feel... alone again. Just like it was when everything had begun. I've asked so many questions and received no answers, but you know what, right now it doesn't matter. I need to stop wallowing in self pity and despair and actually start workin on defending this place as well as, unfortunately, takin over the world... kinda.

At this time during my thoughts there was a knock at the door... is what you expected right? Haha~ no... Instead I made my way down to the lab and started maintenance on the equipment and... tinkering with some new gadgets. You want some info on one? Well I got an idea from watching the clouds... surprisingly enough. A CLOUD GUN!!! AHAHAHA!!! .....Didn't think you'd fall for that. What it is a teleportation device, of sorts. I'm not going into the theory because, quite frankly, it's long, boring, and I just don't want to, but what it does is teleport you from any location to any other location within a short distance. Why a short distance? Well simply because it is implemented for combat use, not for convenience.


Now, you may be wondering, as well, how on earth was I able to get anything done under such stress? Well I'm the type who works their hands when under stress. That or Crysea's been coming down here and making the stuff according to my thoughts and if she has, damn... I need to step up my game. Well I say I work well but if I break down not much use comin from that huh? Meh, oh well.

Continuing from where I left off, I began wiring some engines and other miscellaneous items into a plasma core I recently created. When you make one, it gets easier to make more, and bigger ones too to boot. Anyway these are something I made to set up a defense barrier around the city. Now, you're probably wondering how I got all this stuff set up in a span of three months while also including a mental breakdown, right? Simple, I didn't do a thing aside from makin em. Yes it was Crysea doin the work and Rita and his gang helped as well. They set up Pylons, yes, capitol P, around the city in designated areas for maximum defense. Trust me, when these babies fire up ain't nothin comin in. I don't think even Crysea could break em regardless of how long she went at it. As for the soldiers defending, I left their battle plan to them. Obviously I let them know about the Pylons and their positions and what they do etcetera etcetera, but the rest is all them.

Now that all the wiring is hooked up time to flip the switch... so to speak. Actually, it's quite literal. I made it a switch, heh I wanted to 'switch' things up a bit from the usual activation. Heh... I shouldn't make puns... Anyway, when I flipped the switch, a whirring sound emitted from the generators 'sparking' the signs of life... seriously should stop. When I finished punning around... someone shoot me please... I went over to a terminal I set up for the Pylons and watched as they activated one by one eventually completing the circle and forming the barrier.

You know... I've always wondered... The hell is up with people and circles? Nah scratch that. Gruh, this story is just me overwhelming my enemies with hyper advanced tech causing no real progression with the only thing effecting me is either mother nature being an absolute bitch, or... well, mother nature being an absolute bitch. There's really no challenge anymore. I honestly expected more but, well, humans can only do so much when distracted by petty differences and controlled by emotions. Emotions are good and should be acted on from time to time but should not CONTROL you. Neither should logic. At this point I'm only minimalizing damage. Kinda wished a challenge would spring forth or somethin.


Be careful of what you wish for cause it might come true, is what the sayin goes right? Heh, what could possibly go wro... I totally just set myself up for a shitfest huh?


Ugh, you're here again... Go away.

'Heh I'm back and this time I'm here to stay. Hehehehaha.'

Great. Just. Great. I had hoped you'd never return but you sure are persistent.

'Aw you missed me that much? If I had a body I'd totally marry you right now.'

I already have someone I love, so no.

'Right. That alien. I'm warning you, I feel something wrong coming from her. Can't quite place my finger on it yet. You should be careful where you place your heart.'

Like I need to hear that from YOU.

'Don't you mean us? I am, after all, still you.'

Not even close. Just get out of my head.

'Our head. YOU created me remember? You couldn't sta~nd to take their lives. So you made me. Someone who could, someone who did. Now that I've started to grow my own conscience you want me out. Hate to break it to ya pal, but I'm here to stay. Besides, sitting in here is far more entertaining then a real body in a boring world. Can't say I don't envy you for having one, but all in all, this is better.'


'Oh~ the silent treatment huh? So~ immature. You never did get the chance to grow up did you? No matter, you'll talk... sooner or later...'

After a few moments of silence I decided that it grew tired and disappeared into the darkest recesses of my mind. Bloody little shit. Ugh, alright I'll tell ya. I may have formed a split personality about seven years ago and it may have, some how, formed a consciousness and is now 'living' inside my head. It's the type that consists of the darker sides of myself. How cliche can you get? Right? Yeah, I'm sorry for that. Look, when you've been through enough shit and you're breakin down, stuff happens.

Anyway, I should go meet up with Rita. Battle should be startin soon, and I don't wanna miss that.


Now a lot of you are probably wondering why I gave him split personality on top of the other stuff he's going through. The answer is simple, what human do you know can go through what he went through and be perfectly fine with no trauma at all in the end? Answer, no one sane. You'll see its use in the future though. Also I know I said I'd release more than one however I really can't. It took me 3 and a half weeks just to FINALLY finish this chapter. Some family stuff then some tests happened, I also couldn't decide which direction I wanted to take it from here. Anyway, Life is a real jerk sometimes. Now that most of that is over with I should be able to start posting to my original schedule again. Again I apologize for being so dagum late. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Nice day to ya!! Also, I update the thread/post thingy titled Comments kinda regularly, so if you have questions or wondering whats goin on visit that. It should be the post right after chapter 4.

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