《The Unorthodox Tale of Sky》Chapter 13 A Mash Potatoe, Chicken, Peanut Butter Jelly, Sandwich


Enjoy the chapter!! Sorry it took so long, I had to rewrite this one because it felt rushed and just super freakin bad. I also added more to the original chapter that was less than 1000 words. Seriously, you could just look at it and be finished. Well without further dilly dallying, here ya go!!!

Chapter 13

-Me (yum!)-

Three or four days?!?! Seriously? That short?! Is she super human or something? Oh. Wait. She's not human. I forgot that for a second there. Dammit stop looking like a human and go back to the pretty form more often.

"It's inconvenient in the house." she destroyed all hopes and dreams in one sentence. INCONVENIENCE!!! I WILL DESTROY YOU!!! Well... you know... I'll just find somewhere less inconvenient. Can't physically destroy a conception of thought. If I could I'd deck it in the face right now. "You're a strange one." She giggled. It's so cute!!!!!!

"Yeah~, it's whatever." I shrugged my shoulders. "Right let's get to work on this arm!!! I really want to see how this turns out. Also how can you make it so fast?" I finally asked.

"That's because not only can I read your thoughts, I can also see them. That and I also have four arms instead of two. By the way, the occasional pink field of flowers you imagine me in is... different but thanks." she revealed. WHAT?!?! YOU CAN SEE THAT????!? That was supposed to be my own personal secret fantasy of sorts!! Not the worse of things that could be imagined but no less embarrassing! Seriously, you're way to op. Someone, anyone, this broken character needs nerfed. Actually, no, scratch that. Keep her op. Op characters are freakin awesome, and she's lovely so yay.

"Sooo by seeing them I'm guessing you can see the blueprints and all that science shit in my head ya? Cool. Makes explaining things awesomely simple. Wait. Do I even need to tell you about the change of plans?" I brought up a relevant topic.


"Not necessarily. If you want, you still can though. From what I understand, humans love to voice their thoughts so if it makes you feel better go ahead." seriously, can she get any more amazing? Well since I don't have too I won't. Time saved there can be used on the arm and the sooner it's completed the better.

"Right, then I guess we should get started now huh?" I asked.


Right, I'm not going to bother explaining the whole process of the arm creation. Quite frankly, it's boring, and it has no importance at all. Well, you know, aside from me having an arm. According to Crysea, though, it seems that incorporating a plasma core is possible and not only increases fire power but also endurance. How convenient. Also, how do you know this? It's not like you work with plasma and cybernetics for a living so do explain... Please...

"It's because from seeing your thoughts I can understand their concepts and your intentions from them allowing me to catch up and understand what we are working with." she explained like it was nothing. SERIOUSLY? So from just reading my thoughts you can understand something that would generally take a human ten to twenty years to understand? IN A MINUTE?!?!?! You.... You're way to op. Can anyone from your race do that? "No, it's just me. So I am told." apparently not even she knows.

How odd. Meh, doesn't matter. This seriously makes things easier. Ex Machina? Don't care. Cliché? Who gives a shit? Some of you? Too bad, I can make an exception for her. For her, not much I wouldn't do. Getting to sappy, moving on. So in the six hours of working it is now 1832. Don't know the time? Hmmm sooo the clock is a 24-hour system. The average person goes to bed at 2100 or 2200 and wakes up at anywhere from 0530 to 0730. There was a time where someone tried to incorporate a 12-hour system. They were met with extreme prejudice. According to my parents, it was quite the funny occurrence, though it happened a hundred years ago so I wouldn't know.


Moving on point is I'm hungry and have decided to make a sandwich. What kind of sandwich do you ask? Well, BEHOLD!!!!! THE ULTIMATE SANDWICH!!!! A peanut butter jelly and mash potato chicken sandwich!!! I call it the joshen sandwich. It's revolutionary!!! MUAHAHAHAhahaaaa.... Not really. Bad name huh? Oh well.

"It looks... odd." Crysea commented. Hey, don't knock it till ya try it is what I always say. Can’t be to awfully bad... What? What's with the look? Alright fine, I'll go first.

Chomp... Not bad actually. The chicken and potatoes naturally go well with each other and the peanut butter doesn't overtake the previous two nor get oppressed. The jelly acts as a spice that sweetens the deal but doesn't make it awkward nor abundant. To tell ya the truth it's quite good. I shall put this in the approved book. Right, so I have two books, labeled as "approved" and "shit inducing vomit that must be killed with fire". Naturally the latter has more pages. Four to be exact. The former? Not even a page... Insert sad face here.

What caused me to name it such? Apparently my body doesn't like it when I ingest grapes, sausage, vinegar, and chocolate at the same time. I rushed to the pot only to shit and vomit, mind you, at the EXACT same time! It was the kind of moment when your body reacts before your brain does. I seriously just stood there because I had no idea what happened and wanted to escape reality. Heh, windmill, heh heh. Went to the doc because I thought I broke something but turns out that the combination of all that stuff just didn't have good chemistry with my body so nothing life threatening. Never learned my lesson though, hence the 4-page-long-kill-it-with-fire book.

"It doesn't taste to bad." Crysea evaluated. Really? Sweet! First experiment was a success!! I feel enough inspiration and creativity to make more!!! "Please don't." shut down before I could even begin.

"Well when we finish, should we work on the arm for a few more hours and call it a day?" I suggested to which she nodded. Hmmm I think I have figured out my prank for these guys. Hehehehehahahaaa...


"Sir, your report." the secretary handed him a folder.

The man received it and began to look through the papers. "What's this? They've returned?" he asked the secretary.

"Yes sir. It seems they have returned after three weeks. It's unusual but each one seems to have various reasons for their unusual disappearance." the secretary explained.

"Explain." the man gestured for him to elaborate.

"It seems some took a leave of absence, others went on vacation, as well as familial matters, and also some just didn't feel like showing up." the secretary explained.

"Really? So, over four hundred people decided to, at the same time, go away? For the exact same amount of time of three weeks?" the man inquired.

"It would seem so sir. Ah, sorry sir, it seems only a little over three hundred returned." the secretary corrected.

"Really? What about the others?"

"Unaccounted for sir. They're still missing." the secretary announced.

"Thank you. You may leave." the man gestured towards the door.

"Yes sir." the secretary obeyed and left.

"How odd indeed. First they disappear then reappear, only, in fewer numbers. Such small numbers normally are inconsequential, however, this is different. Some unnatural happenings are occurring, and it's not going to end pretty. My instincts are screaming at me saying so. Hmm, is it the forest? It's been unnaturally silent these past ten years, so that would normally make sense, but that doesn't feel quite right. So what exactly is going on here...."


Breathing... We are... Alive......


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