《The Unorthodox Tale of Sky》Chapter 11 Training aaaand I Visit the Forest (Great)
Hi guys! This is going to be a good length chapter. I hope you enjoy it though. Well I won't take any more of your time so enjoy!!!
Chapter 11
-Me(Well hi there)-
So today's the day that I go to the forest to renew my contract. OH JOY!!! Not, really... Anyway, during the five days that passed I taught each person how to properly handle a gun. The 'don't point at anything you don't intend to shoot' or 'keep safety on until you're ready to fire' etcetera. Honestly I didn't expect them to catch on so quickly. It actually kinda makes me a bit depressed. What I learned in a couple years took them FIVE days... Well they're an alien race so their mental capacity to learn is much higher. I'll just give myself that excuse. Yeah that sounds good, it's just because they're a different race. That's all.
Alright, now that I'm done with my mild case of escapism, I was saying they learned quite well but some of them don't have the nature to kill. Actually, not surprising, only the ones that I've named so far could. How convenient huh? Anyway Damien seems to be an ace with both DIe and the sniper, of which, by the way, is a plasma railbolt. What is that you say? That would be the combination of railgun tech and plasma but with plasma as a condensed solid. Upon impact it, well, just kills shit. Like, it kills EVERYTHING. Seriously, if DIe was any weaker this thing would be evil. Drawback? HAHAHAHAHA THERE IS NO DRAWBACK!!!!! I made it so well that there are no issues! AND it runs on a time recharged core for ammo! You literally have unlimited ammo with it. DIe trumps it? Yes only for the fact of the shots per second and combined power. The sniper has more penetration than DIe! I love it so much. I really don't want to give it to anyone but Damien can definitely make the most out of it so I'll reluctantly concede... DAMMIT I WANT TO BE BADASS TOO YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!! I'll cry later in my room... alone..... in a corner....... in the dark.........
Moooving on then. Lower G is apt with the dual sub plasma guns. They're pretty much similar to a one handed sub machine gun only, you know, it shoots plasma instead of bullets. You might be wondering how I can make so much plasma, well that would be because of the cores. They take a lot, however, once made they don't require anything to maintain other than time to regenerate. Back on topic, Lower G is ridiculous on the speed. The guy moves around like a freakin thing that moves a lot. Shut up, I'm not good with creatures. Fine, a freakin humming bird. Happy now? Go home.
Gramps was good with the shotty. Older guy with a shotty. Heh, go figure. THE HELL'S UP WITH THESE DAMN CLICHED ALIENS!!!!!! I seriously got a headache when I learned this. Too... many....... clicheees.. gasp. Fall. Silence. Ugh, life is a cliche and yet here I am. I should probably stop getting so worked up over these but, dammit, they're so freakin obvious!!! Just stop. Please. I beg youuuu! Sigh, the shotty shot a pulse of plasma instead of pellets so its range was shorter but the damage is greater than the sniper. Range you ask? Mmmmm five meters? Give or take one.
The queen? I gave her an automated mounted railgun and plasma turret for when she takes her true form. Honestly her wielding a weapon would be more of a hindrance rather than a benefit. Despite how large her body is, she moves much faster than what I can keep track of. That's fast you know. I have good eyes you know. Moving on. Her combat ability, from what I saw in these five days, is on par to an army. Not a small army, a legit full scale army. How can someone so strong be in this state? Where the pirates that powerful? Ah. Right. The kids. Makes sense. She honestly needs no training whatsoever. Ahhhh. Oops, stop staring, it's rude... and creepy. Don't be creepy. It's bad. Very bad. Igetdistractedsoeasily.
"Well it's about time I headed towards the forest now. I'll work it out to where these guys can revert and I'll assume that you three will be the ones afterwards yeah? Good, well I'll probably see you guys tomorrow so take care and please don't destroy my house. Please. Let me emphasize, pleeeaaaassssse do not destroy the house, or anything in it." I begged them as I left the testing facility.
When I approached the forest I took in a deep breath. "Well let's get this over with." I said unpleasantly. You know, every time I enter this forest I always get a creepy chill to crawl down my back. I know who resides here, well... kinda, but I've never actually seen them.
Despite it's appearance it's actually pitch black in here so it's name is a bit contradictory. Funny huh? Even though it's pitch black somehow I'm always able to navigate my way to the designated meeting spot. An empty spot with a single small purple light. Why purple? What? The hell you asking me that shit? I don't know. The freakin forest people decided purple. I'd have chosen green. It screws with your mind more... or is them making me complain about this already having me lose to them. If so, well shit, I already lost. Sigh. Oh well moving on.
"You're a bit early." a whispery multi voice reached me. This shit gives me the shivers every time I hear it. It's like the souls of many people fused into one voice and each on is talking at once. Some are sad, some mad, some glad, and others apathetic. Creepy right? Yeah, creepy.
"Surprisingly it was easier to find my way here today and you know, could you please just use one voice? That multi voice crap is creepy and honestly annoying." I asked them in a flat tone.
"Ah, sorry about that, is this better?" an average toned voice responded.
"Yup thank you."
"You're welcome. Now as per the contract you wish for a renewal correct?" it asked.
"Ah, yes well there's something that I'd like to add, if I have to I'll remove one of my benefits for it." I decided to bring this up and finish it first hand. Get the elephant in the room, so to speak, out of the way.
"Oh? And what would your request entail?" It's curious. How odd. I haven't seen it this curious since I first made the contract.
"I would like you to protect a group of individuals that will be coming here. I do not know the duration of their stay however I need them protected, and this is the best place for them." I shouldn't give them to much information, the more they know the easier it is to weasel their way out of tight situations. I have to be merciless for the sake of the Syrlyns.
"Oh really? This is your request?" The voice asked me. It sounded kinda haughty if I heard correctly.
"Aye, I fully intend to have this on the contract and I'm willing to pay a reasonable price for it." I informed them.
"..." it seemed to be in deep thought for the usual noisy background and the voice was eerily silent. "Answer us a question."
I wonder where this will go, "Sure?"
"Why is a human offering such a precious piece of the contract for others? In history the few who have made one has never done so for others."
HOLY SHIT!!! I thought for sure these guys wouldn't go the cliche route. They totally went the cliche route! 'Those in the past' blah blah blah SERIOUSLY?!?! Ugh, now's not the time. Answer them coherently and honestly. "Because they are in a situation in which I cannot guarantee their safety I have sought to have them receive your protection. I know yall can do it so that's why."
They chuckled/giggled a bit. "Your refusal to give information is admirable but we know already your situation."
"Syrlyns correct? They are such a kind and gentle race. How are they doing?" the voice asked with a hint of nostalgia.
"You just said you knew the situation, so why are you asking me how they are? You're being inconsistent here." I retorted agitatedly.
It chuckled again, "So we are. No matter, just answer us."
Ugh. These guys are so difficult. I can't do anything for so many damn reasons. I hate you guys you know. I hate you!!! No... Not really. We're cool. You're just bloody annoying. "Well they're practically in a situation where they're going extinct and I'm going to make this planet their new home. They need a place to stay while they revert to their original forms. This is the optimal location for such." I explained. Might as well, these turds love to dance in circles. I almost forgot, you have to be direct with them... regretfully.
"Oh, that's not good." Waaaay to go. Thank you, Captain Obvious. You are, a dick.
"No, it's not. That's why I'm requesting their protection from you." I repeated.
"Well it's doable. Yup it's definitely doable, however, this will null all benefits of your side of the contract for the duration of their stay in this forest. When they leave will your benefits return. Should they reenter the forest you benefits will be removed. If something were to happen during their stay our side will be implemented however yours will not. Is this agreeable?" Whoa. This is totally unexpected. I seriously thought their terms were going to be much harsher. This is seriously the best! Like, THE BEST outcome.
"Yup. I agree." I quickly answer preventing them from changing anything.
"As per the terms of the contract, We, the Keepers of the Forest, state our will on this contract. We pledge to uphold our deal till flesh and bone decayed. Sky of the Broken, do you uphold?"
"As per the terms of the contract, I, Sky of the Broken, state my will on this contract. I pledge to uphold my deal until flesh and bone decayed." I answered for the terms of the contract.
We then say at the same time "As of this day, The 13th day of Hollow, we renew our contract for one more year. The penalty for breach of contract is death for each party. Our soul binds"
The purple light rapidly expanded and engulfed me leaving me blind. After a few seconds my vision returned however the darkness returned and I was alone. "I wonder how they do that. A contract that could kill a person instantly upon the breach. Weird right?" I said out loud for no reason, but think about it, how does that work? I mean we do have some tech that could, if used correctly, kill a person upon breaking the contract, however, that requires some of their blood. This only takes the voice. How strange. Weeelll no matter. Their safety is secured.
Honestly this went so much smoother than I had predicted, I seriously thought it'd take longer and there would be more sacrifices and shit. How lenient. Truly, I thank you guys. Though this rises some questions. How do they know the Syrlyns? This is their first time on this planet so there shouldn't be any way for them to be known. Well it's odd and I do want to find out more but right now I need to focus on these guys. Hmm but now that I think about it, since they are reverting some of what I planned is no longer necessary. Though I'll still need some parasites, looks like I need to change up my tactics a bit. A minor discrepancy that can be easily corrected. Actually this kinda makes thing easier. Well depending on the time that is.
As I was thinking to myself I reached the edge of the forest and...
An explosion happened maybe 4 feet away from me. Shit... shit shit shit SHIT!!! The hell is this?! I didn't want to but I checked myself. Oh. This isn't good. Ever wonder what it feels like to lose part of your body? No? IT FUCKING SUCKS!! MY ENTIRE FUCKING ARM IS GONE!!! OOOwwwww. It hurts. I mean look at all this blood gushing out. Heh, method of attack, BLOOD FOUNTAIN!!! MUAHAHAHA!!! Fuck, not the time for this shit, wrap it up. I took off my shirt and used the whole thing to cover the wound. Overkill? Doesn't give a shit.
Ah, now that that's wrapped who's the asshole who shot that at me? I looked around and found nothing. Good, now I know I can leave without another. Hm? Why aren't I shouting in pain? Naturally because there is none. The nerves were all singed so I feel nothing. Most people freak out mainly because of the panic caused by the loss of a limb not the actual pain. I said it hurts? Internal. Not the arm. Good thing too because I don't need the excessive pain clouding my judgement. "Hugh blahagha" I coughed up some blood. Son of a... Seriously? Internal bleeding as well?! I knew there was some pain but this is some bull shit right here. Good grief can't I get a break? No? Well, no pain no gain I guess. If I live through this, heh who am I kidding, I need one.
Oh. Look. Stars... No no no no. I can't pass out yet. I've only moved twenty feet. This is the moment a cliche happens right? Damien or the queen shows up and saves me right? Speaking of which I really need to think of a name for her if she doesn't have one already, though I don't know why she wouldn't. Side tracked there. Dammit why is my house so far away? I can just barely make out the top of the chimney. I think a half mile? Wow. So far. Very discouraging, but I will not... I stumbled a bit the gripped my head with my right hand. Whoa That was close. Shit. More stars. Not good. I'm not going to make it at this point. Well you know, when you lose 80% of the allowable amount of blood you kinda start doing shit like this.
Oh, if I make it through this I get to experiment on cybernetic enhancement!!! I always wanted to try that out. I might also incorporate a plasma core for some extra umph. Hmm, what color should it be... Blue? If so I'm going azure. Black? Or maybe crimson. Oooo how about black and azure? That sounds cool. Lets do that. Heh made it to the mailbox. Yup that's it. Well I mean when you can't see anything ya can't really do much more right?
Oh please, God should you exist, for the first time in my life I pray that when I die, make sure these guys are able to find peace. I chuckled. Death by random explosion. I can dig it. Hey it's an explosion, they're cool. Ah, yup, consciousness is at its end. Maybe I can sleep peacefully this time....
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