《The Unorthodox Tale of Sky》Chapter 3 She's Really Beautiful


Yoooooooo! So I’m trying to get the first few chapters out so you guys can get a good feel as to where this story is going. I literally spent half a day just thinking up this chapter. Maybe I’m a little too much a perfectionist but I really wanted this chapter to go over smoothly. This is after all going to be a bit longer than the other two so far. Well not just this one but the next few as well, but I need a good foundation. Ah rambling, well here’s the story.

Chapter 3

- Me (I’m totally screwed aren’t I?) –

When I faced the sounds of the crunching and gulping I found myself to be in a strange state. Am I supposed to be scared or awed? I don’t even know. This creature is beautiful but I just witnessed it finishing off the dean from swallowing him. Well anyway imagine a snake about 10 meters long then about four tenths of it is standing up then curves to the rest which is supported by four legs that are colored deep ocean blue. The body itself is roughly a meter diameter but when it curves to the lower it enlarges to about a meter and a half towards the middle then back down to a meter by the time it hits the tail. The upper part had four arms however the upper two were, at my guess, two meters in length total then extended into what looked like the blade of a scythe. These arms are also the same color, though for the blade it fades to white the closer it gets to the edge. The two arms under it, which were separated by about a half foot looked like human arms but the hands had four fingers instead of five. The head, well this is kinda cool, super cool, the head kinda looks like a snake, however, the jaw splits into 3 with webbing in-between the segments. I could just barely make out what looked like sharp teeth, small though, all along the spin of each segment. Its eyes are a deep crimson red that had a strange subtleness to it. They weren’t aggressive but more like they were gentle from someone who had a big heart, so to speak. The rest of the body was pale white, seriously, it was to the point to where just a shade lighter and it would literally be white. To top it all off there was a pinky’s length thick semitransparent membrane that encased its entire body. Its legs had about half that thickness but the scythes had no membrane. Maybe it was because it was meant for cutting and the membrane would be probably useless.

When we locked eyes we just stared at each other. I don’t know about the other guys but I felt like this stare down lasted for an eternity… or, you know, like half a minute before the creature decided to approach me. Heh well then, seems like I’m a bit on the screwed side huh? Oh well, with the choice between the beautiful creature in front of me or the blue tails behind me, Iiii’ma just gonna choose option A. I’ll just enjoy this sight as my last. Hopefully it won’t eat me whole. Chop off my head so to make it quick please! Insert smile here.


Or so I thought, but when it approached me it just lowered its head to about my eye level, mind you I’m roughly 5’10, so it had to bend down quite a bit, and stared even more into my eyes. I felt like it was reading my existence as if it was a book. What's next, telepathy?

‘If that is what you wish’ it said. Apparently.

Wait… I just said that as a joke but you can actually do telepathy? Anyone else find this cool? I find this cool. This is definitely cool!

‘heh heh heh’ it laughed. LAUGHED!!! I’m not even kidding ya. Surprisingly it was kinda cute. Wait what? Did I seriously just say that it was cute? Weellll the voice is rather pleasing. It was like a nice gentle breeze in the middle of a cloudless, spring day. The pitch was not to high but it was definitely high enough to say that this is definitely a female.

‘Thank you.’

It thanked me? Huh? Aren’t I supposed to be on my way to stomach town right about now? This is definitely an odd turn of events but hey, I’m alive so I’m not gonna complain.

‘I don’t see why I should’

Ah, right, it… she… can hear me.

“Soooo uh might I ask why YOU won’t eat me, but those blue tails out there that I’m guessing are under your command are?” I simply asked.


Silence. Must have asked an odd question? Oh well.

‘Would you like me to call them to stop?’ and she went full left field. I heard that right? She did say call them off right? Right? ‘Yes’ ah. So she did.

“Sure. I mean if that’s cool with you then it’s definitely cool with me but, again, why?”

She just looked at me for a moment then stepped back a few steps. I was about to ask why but that was soon answered. Her body shrunk quickly to the size of about 5’9, she was almost eye level but I was a smidge taller. Why she took a humanoid form I do not know, but she did. The current her retained the color of skin and eyes, however the membrane was significantly thinner, unnoticeable to the untrained eye. Her hair went down to I’d say the middle of her back and looked oddly alive. If hair could be alive? Well she definitely had five fingers this time, also she’s naked. Another beautiful sight I might add. Beauty is beauty after all, but isn’t she freezing? I mean sure it’s not winter yet but fall definitely doesn’t pull any punches and the dean is retarded and likes this place a little chilly. Seriously, the dean is an idiot. Was. He WAS an idiot.

“Aren’t you a bit cold?” of all the questions I could ask I ask this. Idiot me? Yes. But surprisingly it turned out well.


“Yes.” She said it as if it was the most natural thing in the world. And that voice! Seriously, I don’t know what it is but I just absolutely love that voice! Ah, she said she was cold. Hmm, did I bring… ah, yup.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small cube. You see this country is a bit more advanced than the rest of the world. You can get this cube that has some kind of weird science tech thingy that shrinks whatever you’re trying to put in. Though it really only works for items made of cloth and weighs less than fifteen pounds. Neat huh? Something about creating a super gravitational force similar to a black hole except it doesn’t suck anything in, just compresses whatever you put inside. The genius who made this is great! Anyway I pulled out a heavy jacket from it and handed it to her.

“Thank you.” She took it after being, at first, a little surprised and put it on. “The sentiment is appreciated but I doubt it’ll make too much a difference” so she said. After putting it on.

“Ah probably right. Kinda reflex though so, yeeeaaaahh just keep it.” I said somewhat awkwardly. “Sooo what now?”

She hesitated for a bit before asking “Aren’t you afraid?”

Ah. The big question. Am I afraid. Am I? No. why? Simple, when something is breath takingly beautiful you just stop being afraid and enjoy the time you get to be near it, or in this case, her.

“Beautiful…” she said “Well that’s not something I’ve been called before. I do like it. Yes, please call me it again.” She requested.

Is anyone else questioning these turn of events? Am I the only one? Screw it, I’m done thinking. I’ll just go with the flow. “Uhh you’re beautiful?” I said it as a question because I honestly didn’t know how to work the right words.

A pleasant and charming, yet subtle smile rose on her face “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Though I said it kinda awkwardly the situation just kinda went all over the place but I meant it. Well the next pressing matter should be, I guess, where to go from here. I mean my fate is entirely up to you, though I would appreciate it if I could live.”

She became silent for a while. And I mean a while, it was about maybe twenty minutes before she replied “You can’t leave.”

I let out the tiniest of a sigh “Yeah I figured. Wouldn’t want me talkin huh?” she made a complicated face “I mean if I was in your position I wouldn’t want me to leave without silencing me for good or putting me under some form of restriction.”


And we welcome Mr. silence back to the game! I started to sit down but she gave me a glare that if just looking at someone could kill them this definitely would. “Just going to take a seat. I’m rather lazy so if I can I’d rather not stand so much.”

“Oh” she… did she giggle a bit? Nah, just my imagination. I’ll stick with that for now. Seems like she gave me permission so I sat up against the wall in a position like a backwards N and wrapped my arms round my legs and leaned a bit forward. She sat in front of me with her legs to the side. An alluring pose I might say. Grrr why am I so hung up on superficial things such as looks. Meh whatever.

“So might I ask why I can’t leave?” I quickly asked.

“You’re a threat to us.” So she said.

Wait… I’m the threat???


What most don’t know about them is that they were originally a passive race. Parasites passive? Many asked this question, but those who did were the ones who were quick to jump to conclusions and deem them as evil, aggressive, beasts that only thirst for blood. Which is not true. The truth to their race is a rather amazing thing, however no one gave them the benefit of the doubt and instantly judged them. Thus resulted in turmoil and the annihilation of many races. You see some parasites are harmful at first, but there are those that, with the right situation, can be rather mutualistic instead.

The majority of they themselves didn’t even know about their own truth, and those who did, surely already perished. But, maybe it can be discovered. A new race brings new possibilities so they say. What will humanity bring out from these creatures who fate played with so gruesomely.


Whew that’s over. My brain hurts. Well that’s what happens when you stay up over 24 hours. Was this to clichéd? Or was it a bit different? Is the possible romance between two species something that would be enjoyable to read? You got a grasp on the MC’s personality but what about the lady? That was unexpected right? Well as usual I’d love for you to tell me in the comments. What you think, any grammatical mistakes, etc. well until the next chapter!!!

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