《The Unorthodox Tale of Sky》Chapter 1: Gotta Have an Intro Right???



"Uuuuuuugh, I don't wanna go to college today... Dangit, why the hell am I so lazy..." I say this practically every single day I have to get up for school. What I'm going for you ask? Some sciencey computer crap... uh computer engineering I think? Meh I don't even care. Well I do but, you know, I don't. Morning grumpiness now over and thus commence the morning routine. Ah, forgot to tell ya my name. It's Sky. Simple right? I think it's pretty sweet ya know? Well moving on.

I get up and proceed to brush my teeth and change my clothes, you know the boring stuff you do every single day, and now proceed out the door and on my walk to college... yes walk, I don't drive, weird right? Since I'm lazy and all. It's about a thirty minute long walk but I enjoy it. You get to see the azure blue cloudless sky along with the lush emerald green forest to my left and the blatantly obvious annoying city to my far right. I live on the in-between of the city and forest. It's nice and quiet and no one disturbs me. It's freakin heaven!! Aaah such sweet silence. Aaanyway as I was saying I enjoy this walk before I have to start up with dealing with human trash... Hmm? Yes. I am also included in the so called "human trash" however I'd like to think that I would react better to certain life or death situations than most, but I digress.

"Good morning" said some person as I passed them by on the campus sidewalk.

I simply nod my head to them. I believe that one should not say good morning to another unless you intend to have a conversation with them. I feel like you want to talk to me when you say good morning. If you don't then please, just simply nod acknowledging each others existence and continue with your day. (sigh) I let one such leak out. Today is going to be another long day. I can already tell...


Hm? did that guy just have a tail sticking out of his head?????? I ask myself as I was passing by a rather average built man. Why? Well when I passed for some reason I felt the urge to look back and when I did, at the base of his skull, a blue tail the color of lapis lazuli was sticking out. However, it only was visible for maybe .12 seconds so maybe I'm just seeing things...... I hope...

"For f to equal......" the professor droned. At this point I'm just ignoring him. Bad move since I'm doing calculus. Crazy smart stuff right here. I manage though. I have literally maintained an 80 Average. Exactly on the dot. That way I never have to worry about dropping my average or worry about all that top of the class bs that bookworms or snobs enjoy.

Huh?? Wait... Okay now I'm certain I'm not seeing things. Right now, the chick in front of me has a blue tail sticking out of her spine. Like it's just there. Does she not feel it? Isn't it irritating? I mean if that was on my back I'd definitely find it irritating. I... Kinda wanna touch it... Ehh... If one were to look from an outside perspective they would see me leaning forward (quite a lot mind you, these freakin desks are like a couple of feet apart dangit) apparently trying to touch the person's back that's in front of me with my tongue sticking out and making some strange sounds.

Right before I was able to touch the tail "Mr. Sky, I'm sure the back of Miss Caitlin doesn't need support to sit properly, wouldn't you agree?" damn professor ruined my chance. As soon as he shouted the tail disappeared.

"Damnit. Annoying old geezer...." I cursed.

"Excuse me?" the professor asked calmly.


"No you are right. It doesn't." I retorted.

He simply nodded and continued his lecture. Damn. So that blue tail this morning wasn't my imagination. I look around to see if anyone else has that odd tail. Hey guess what? What? 90% OF THE ENTIRE CLASS HAS THE FREAKIN TAIL!!!! THE SHIT IS THIS?!?!?!?!?! Like does no one else notice this shit?!?!!?! Am I the only sane one here? What's going on here?

Heh that question sure was answered with a few words from behind me. These words sent a chill down my back that could beat the ice age in cold. THE ICE AGE...

"So you've noticed us." I hear a feminine kinda melodic voice from behind. Her voice felt like it was carried by the wind and caressed my ear to slowly whisper those words in.

"By us, exactly what do you mean?" I ask with a complicated smile as I turn to face the person who whispered those words.


-10 years prior-

They were a once gentle race. Though their appearance wasn't the friendliest, it was for certain that they were a gentle race. Though like every race they too have their own downsides. For instance, when this race got pushed into an extreme state they left their rather large bodies and became a somewhat parasitic lifeform. It's said somewhat parasitic because they have yet to find another home willing to accept them for what they truly are. A kind and gentle race. They traveled the galaxy searching. Going from planet to planet. Wiping out all of the races they came in contact with. Of course not without sacrifices of their own. In fact, their number are so small, in comparison, it would be like 7.2 billion humans suddenly becoming only three thousand. To be precise their numbers are in the 300's.

They have found another planet. Maybe this will be the planet that can break these chains of theirs, or it could spell the very end of their entire species. They landed on this planet, in a forest, that had a house, a single house, that separated it from the city. Not so far away was a building that had quite a few of this planets inhabitants going to and from it. Their queen decided to send in a few to scout the area and find suitable hosts. The queen would then soon decide to join the building to see first-hand the inhabitants and how they work.

After several years the scouts returned bringing great news. The creatures of this planet are ignorant of their own bodies. They could invade without rhyme or reason and survive. They may even be able to prosper. This is what the queen thought, but she had a hunch. "let's not make a fierce control of the species yet. We still don't know our situation. For all we know it could have been a trap to get us to lower our guard. I will go with the scouts during the next expedition."

For their race, and, surprisingly, for the race they were to parasitize, this was the greatest decision the queen could have ever made.

The planet they inhabited: Earth

It's inhabitants: humanity

Status: undiscovered

To Be Continued….

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