《Sky World》Chapter 10


After I beat the goblin guard patrol I rested myself for 10 minutes then continued on deeper inside the mine. Going in deeper in the mine I met some other goblin patrols and killed them easily since I got used to their movements I even met some goblin guard patrols but they weren’t as large as the one I faced before.

After an hour of walking killing and looting I finally got to what probably is the end of the mine. The end of the mine was a huge cave and when I looked inside I saw what looked like a ritual site, there was blood on the walls and strange symbols carved. In the middle of the cave was a stone table that had strange runes carved on it.

While looking around the room I hear a sound of someone approaching then I quickly hide myself behind some rocks. The sound that I heard were goblins coming to the cave through something like secret door. The goblins that came out weren’t ordinary goblins they were goblin guards and goblin mages. They were dragging some people to the center of the room, the people dragged in were probably the miners and one of them might be the smithy’s son.

Looking at the people that were being dragged they had strange runes painted around their body even their face.

Once the people were at the center of the room one of the goblin mages ordered the guards to do something. The guards cut the bindings of one of the prisoners and dragged him to the stone table and then the guards put him on the table and held him down the dwarf struggled but it was futile there were too many goblins holding him down.

After a few minutes of chanting the goblin mage that seemed to lead the ritual put his hand on the head of the dwarf then the dwarf screamed out and started struggling even more to no avail. Then the other mages surrounded the stone table and started chanting then the lead mage pulled out a dagger and started what looked like a prayer then after the prayer it stabbed the dwarf then the dwarf stopped struggling and just laid dead and after a few seconds the dwarfs body started convulsing and became red then exploded into a red mist that went straight to the door that the goblins used to enter.


You might ask why I didn’t stop the ritual I say to you if I did I would have died from the fireballs of the mages and besides the old man always taught me to find weak points before attacking.

I learned a lot from that ritual. I learned that the mages were most vulnerable when they are chanting before they surround the sacrifice and I even found a route where I can sneak up on them and kill them all before the guards get to me.

I also learned that there is something big going on behind that door.

So when the lead mage requested another prisoner I immediately went to the chanting mages and snuck up behind them

I pulled out my weapons then proceeded to back stab the little fuckers. It took me 3 hits which were all criticals to kill one mage and there was 5 of them so when I killed all of them I obviously caught the attention of the other goblins doing the ritual.

The lead mage screamed and then he pointed at me the mage then started chanting and then threw a fireball at me but I dodged it. I immediately ran to the unarmed guards then attacked them and used them as a cover so that the mage won’t fire its fireballs but no such luck the thing simply didn’t care about its allies and kept chucking up fireballs at me, but that made it easier for me to kill the guards I just had to stand where a guard was at then dodge when the mage threw a fireball at me.

It took me 10 minutes of dodging to kill all of the guards then when the last guard fell I faced the mage and ran at him.

When the mage saw this it started chanting again but this time I couldn’t let it because I was too close to dodge another fireball so I threw my sword at it and as the sword hit the right shoulder of the mage it interrupted its casting and the hit was even a critical I also learned a new skill after throwing the sword.

Weapon Throw

Beginner lvl 1

Effects: Increases weapon throw damage by 110% increases critical chance x2

As the mage was howling in pain I got close and ended its misery and it even dropped a uncommon wand that I could sell when I’m in the city. After looting everything that the goblins dropped I got a lot of potions.


After looting I went to the imprisoned dwarfs and freed them then I asked them if the smithy’s son was still alive and he was he looked a lot like his father only with a shorter beard. I then told them that I cleared the way and that it’s safe to go back up the mine and without a second thought they agreed that they should go on ahead.

After the dwarves finished resting and went ahead I also went into the secret door. When I asked the dwarves what was inside the secret room they told me that they were blindfolded and couldn’t see anything that the blindfolds were removed after they got out of the room.

Going in there was a spiral staircase going down and I slid on it like a child luckily it seems that there was no guard in the secret room. When I got to the bottom of the staircase there was a room up ahead peeking into the room I saw a blindfolded goblin this goblin was as tall as a regular human but its back was bent and it was holding a shaman staff the goblin was also wearing a blindfold and its face was full of runes just like the ones on the table up stairs. I then looked at the status of the goblin inside the room.

Goblin Shaman LVL 9 (Boss)A goblin who has spent its whole life practicing the dark arts of it raceHP: 8000/8000

Before I finished looking at its stats it suddenly spoke.

“I smell you. come where I can see you”

“hohoho I forgot I have no eyes hohoho”

Hearing the weird pun from the goblin I went inside the room then it started speaking

“You smell like the great ones but it the smell is strange. You are also weak unlike the great ones tell me what are you”

“I’m a draconian and I don’t know what a great one is”

“I see I see so you are one of them probably the last of its kind tell me before I kill you why has someone as rare as yourself come to my humble abode”

Seeing as its going to kill me anyway

“I was tasked by the chief to find out what is happening in the mines and stop it!”

“So you have come for this old ones head, but I know your kind you are weak to this old ones ways”

“We’ll see about that!”

“Indeed we shall”

After the exchange I run to the shaman I was at the advantage in terms of terrain since it can’t go too far out of my attack range. When I got close to it suddenly sprayed me with black powder then a message suddenly appeared it said that I was cursed then when I tried to move my left leg my right leg moved and when I moved my left hand my right moved seeing that I was having a hard time the shaman started laughing then it threw a fireball at me.

“hohoho how does my curse taste”

“Fuck you! You old shit!”

“Language boy it isn’t good to curse at your elders”

After saying that he threw another fireball at me which almost kills me. Then it started dancing and laughing and threw another one to kill me but I managed to dodge. After a few seconds of adjusting I could finally control my body a bit, being ambidextrous is really useful in situations like this though I’ve never been in a situation like this.

Getting control of my body I quickly took a health potion and drank it. It took 2 potions to fill my hp. seeing that I can slightly control my arms the shaman mocked me.

“hohoho you’re quite amazing boy you can actually control your hands now”

He then went closer and tried to impale me with the knife end of his staff unfortunately for him I had now control of all my limbs. I dodge his stab then stood up and proceeded to attack it with both my weapons it was shocked that I stood up and screamed when I began hitting it. After 10 seconds the shaman shouted and embedded his staff to the ground then I got hit by some kind of force field and got thrown 3 meters away.

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