《The times and struggle of a orc cook in the Demon Lord's army. (On Hiatus due to reasons seen in summary)》Chapter 6
BANG! CRASH! * Incoherent screaming* BANG!BANG!BANG!
A lot of sounds suddenly stops as Malak puts his hands over my ears to try to block them, which makes me lean into him more from the fear that have been holding my heart in shackles for what feels likes hours. I look up to see that he as scared as I am but he's clearly is not willing to leave me alone in our little hiddy hole thats under a chest filled with some ores.
Which is barely big enough to fit me, him and the clay jar, thats called a urn, holding our parents ashes. Which I've have not let go of after aunt Yotul gave it to us and then went to hid Darak and Tarr as well inside her workshop.
Normaly neither of the four of us are allowed here, unless aunt Gharol asked either Darak, Tarr and Malak to go get aunt Yotul so we all can eat. Or it's either time for bed or aunt Yotul needs a break. She's a bit of a workaholic, though it only happens when she gets large orders to fill. Neither of our aunts wants us near the forges when their active or the vast amount of stuff that Yotul have made in here.
Aunt Yotul is not a Weapond Smith nor any of the other smiths that fouces on armors or other things that soilders or fighters need for their classes or everyday activity. Like warhammers, swords, shields, wrist protection, parctice knifes to throw or things like that. Or are one of the few Battlesmiths that are part of a team responsible for maintaining and make warmachines.
So none of us much smaller children need to worry about being near stuff thats pretty much desinged to kill. Or hurt us really bad.
No, she a normal Blacksmith whose specialty is making things like farmers tools, cook pots and pans and a carpenter's nails. Or the one that fix and sharpen your knifes needed to skin todays kill or make you a new tool thats going to fix your house. Or something else.
In other words, a everday blacksmith who provides everyones daily tools and keeps their maintenance up. And maybe make a speical order of craft tools or other wares about once or trice every few years or so. From what I understand.
That being said there are things in here that is almost just as dangerous. At least if your a kid or someone rediculuse stupid. Some of the farmer tools like the pitchforks are sharp and ponity. And I rather not be anywhere near the few heavy iron cauldron like things thats almost trice the size of either my triplet brothers. They are going to be used by other workshops to smelt large amounts of copper, tin, iron, bronze and other ores in as short as time as possible.
I don't like the idea of getting crushed very much.
Aunt Yotul also have one of these installed in her workshop as well, as she needs it when she get large orders and needs to smelt large quantities of ores into bars. Or mix several types to make a new metal into many bars as well that some other smith shop needs in a hurry. Which only happens maybe twice a year or so.
At least thats what I've overheard when Tarr had asked aunt Yotul over dinner one day what those things are. Or some of the things inside that room.
I also know most of what the room looks like from some of the few sneak peeks that I've gotten away with when the door is just a smidge too slow to close and I managed to sneak in. Or one of my brothers forgot to close it at all after they've finished talking to aunt Yotul. The only reason I've not gotten into too much trouble is thanks to my young age as Orc toddlers are notoriously know to get into too much trouble as soon as they are able to crawl.
So they have just been waiting for me to start to behave like that as well. Regadless with how well behaved I've been for almost a year.
After all aunt Gharol once said to all four of my brothers " Enjoy your sister's calm and mild temper while you can boys. Soon enough that little gremlin instinct will kick in. It always dose."
But yeah, other than that, our aunts have good reasons to keep us away from this room. But today is a exception.
Shortly after we returned and aunt Yotul had locked the door, she immediately told us to go in here and wait for her. And while we waited we could hear from the door, that is made to muffle a lot of the sounds thats made in here when Yotul is working, that our aunt was moving things. What those things where we had no idea but we did not need to wait long for aunt Yotul to come through the door.
When she walked in, holding in her arms the urn with our parents ashes, she began to take us to some of the hidding places she had in here. All of which are hard to reach and one needed to be careful to open up if you've want to get to us. Unless you can survive the traps aunt Yotul have put in. Me and Malak where the first to be hidden, as Malak is a bit skinnier and slightly smaller that his brothers. And me being a toddler, by Orc's standers, made it easier to hide us than it did with Darak and Tarr. Both who needed their own hidding place as they could not fit into one together like me and Malak did.
It also meant we got the urn as well as the other hidding spots did not have enough space or was to easy to guess to keep it safe from grandmother should that hag come inside the workshop.
At least that what aunt Yotul said before she left us and locked the door to the workshop, then moved something heavy infront of it. And this is where we've been for who knows how long.
Both me and Malak have been trying to stretch our limbs whenever we feel them going numb, with me having far better success on that than Malak have. Or moving just a bit better to avoid getting cramps. Though we'd not dared to do much of that once we started to hear screaming and other more violent sounds.
Which is have been going on for a while now. It's been hard to hear it all, thanks to the door and our little spot making it just a little harder to hear things. But I'm glad Malak had put his hands on my ears as they where starting to hurt and I could feel tears beginning to sting my eyes.
" It's going to be okay sister." Malak whispers softly, once he feels it's safe enough speak just a bit and that he can take he's hands of my ears.
The wimper I just lets out is all that Malak needs to start to pat my head and being to hum a rough lullaby I've not heard in months. It's painful to hear it, it really is, but I'm glad to hear the familiar song mother used to sing to me. Even if it is a little broken as Malak clearly have a bit of a hard time remember it. It somehow still managed to clam me, even if only a little.
And thats is what Malak dose for some time after. Stopping whenever we heard more screams, sounds and things breaking. Some of which happend to be aunt Gharol and Big brother Thai getting into the fight. Both had somehow arrived home sometime ago without us knowing it at all. Then Malak will start to hum again once he's sure theres noone who can hear us.
This went on repeat for a while.
Then things changed. And it all started when we heard grandmother scream "WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING HERE?!" in shock. And if I was willing to believe it, slight panic and fear.
From there on out, me and Malak only heard bits and pieces what was going on. Which was not a lot to be honest and from what little I could gather, whoever these three new people where, they seems to be really important in some ways. I just don't know why.
A short silence soon followed after we both heard the door slam shut with quite the force to it. After that it was not long before both aunt Yotul and Gharol came and got us all out.
And as soon I and my brothers came out of the workshop we meet what we would years later learn are mother's and aunt Gharol's great uncles and great aunt.
Oh and that my mother's side of the family are part of the Poison God clan.
Though I only learned that part after a certian 'incident' happend when I turned 10 years old.
Small Chests Are Fine Too
It is an undeniable fact that good things come in small packages. More often than not, it is necessary to trim the fat in order to bring what really matters to the forefront. Having extra bulk may seem like a good idea, but in reality it is merely a crutch that will one day become a hindrance, as it is no substitute for personality nor ability. Indeed, often times it is the small things in life that brighten up our daily lives and constantly remind us exactly why we do the things we do. However, it is important to keep an open mind, for while bigger is not always better, there are also times when it is. This holds especially true when it comes to hopes and dreams, which have been known to require a suitably large container from time to time. And while dreaming big could potentially lead to massive dissapointment, one will never truly reach fulfilment if they think too small. A truth that one small woman with meager aspirations is about to find out. DISCLAIMER: This is a spin-off/side story of my main series, Everybody Loves Large Chests, which is also mandatory reading to understand this one. It runs parallel to the main plot, branching off from the chapter titled Upheaval 2, so there will be spoilers for anyone who hasn't reached that point.
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“Welcome to Dungeonia!” Jack stared at the words, the true depth of their meaning impossible to know. Before him, in a book never opened, was a list of his attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. The instructions were simple: “You will have to choose a Race, Class, and Background before you can enter.” It was Dungeons & Dragons, and the character was him. What’s more, two of his friends were along for the ride. Unable to go home, they created a party of adventurers to see what’s in store for them in this world called Dungeonia. Will Jack and his friends make it back home? Can their friendship survive under the strains of living in a dangerous realm of fantasy? Will their knowledge of D&D save them from the threats and machinations of goblins, fey, cultists, and an ancient wizard? Are they the only people from the real world trapped in Dungeonia? If everything truly functions like D&D, then who is the Dungeon Master? Some may be answered, some may forever remain mysteries in… Nerds in Dungeonia!
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The man by the name Li Xin died in a era where the world went to hell. The Zombies had taken control of the world and other world invaders are looking at the world in great interest. Upon coming back to the past he will stop at nothing to stop the world from being lost to the hands of the Zombies and will Strive to beat the Other world invaders back to there own worlds before invading theirs. The man after coming back in time becomes one that just can't die... Literally
La începutul acestei lumi, când Primul Război dintre Bine și Rău a avut loc, Balanța Timpurilor s-a despărțit și multiplele ei părți s-au ascuns pe Pământ. Acei care au în puterea lor restabilirea Balanței sunt Rophionii, despre care profeția spune că v-or da naștere Unului, ființa cu sânge de om și lup curgându-i prin vene și singurul care v-a fi capabil să controleze timpul. Dar răul nu doarme. El spionează de pretutindeni, dar acolo unde este casa Rophionilor, în pădurea cu același nume, este și ascunzătoarea întunericului, care așteaptă doar momentul potrivit pentru a ataca Lumea și a o supune pe vecie. Cu toate acestea Lumea are propriile planuri și va fi cea care va decide cine va fi cel care o va conduce, în Ultima Bătălie, din Valea Tăcerii, acolo unde totul a început și unde totul se v-a sfârși, dând Rophionilor Putea Magică și darul Iubirii. Semințele Răului. Pădurea Rophion este prima carte din seria de 10 romane, care se v-or axa pe relatarea istoriilor interesante născute din Magie, Fraternitate, Iubire și Devotament, care sunt capabile să lupte împotriva răului, doar pentru a-și controla propriul suflet și pulsațiile vieții lor pe pământ. Pentru ce tip de cititor este această carte? Este posibil să-ți placă Semințele Răului. Pădurea Rophion, dacă… iubești să citești povești pline de secrete, trădări, lupte pentru supremație și o mulțime de secrete și Evenimente Epice relatate în Mitologia Internațională. **** Acest roman conține în sine Magie, Acțiune, Iubire și Suspans, incluzând în sine puterea cititorului care iubește să citească povești fantastice în care frăția prevalează asupra trădării, iar iubirea învinge Răul. (Traducere a originalului „Seeds of Evil. Rophion Forest”) (Translation into Romanian of the Original Novel "Seeds of Evil. Rophion Forest.")
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